Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover (33 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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It had been a long, weird day and, after eight hours slaving over a hot stove, his back stiff and generally exhausted, Alek pulled up to the Savage-Holt household. Taking his things from the truck, he headed to the front door.

Alek had a semblance of an idea of what the evening had been like for Evan, Luka and Brennan, since he was texted throughout the afternoon and night by both his brother and his boyfriend. It was still a surprise, though, when, standing in the foyer, bags and pillow in hand, he saw Evan, Luka, and Brennan seated on the couch in that order and looking quite cozy. Bitter envy froze Alek to the bones, giving him a much needed boost of energy but also causing him to hate his beloved brother a little for how comfortable he looked with Evan.

Evan had a number of empty beers lined up in front of him on the coffee table and Luka’s arms were slung behind both Brennan and Evan’s shoulders. Brennan also had a drink in hand, something dark amber and on the rocks. There was a pronounced scowl on Evan’s face but he was leaning into Luka, whose hand was resting on Evan’s chest, his thumb idly stroking over it. Luka’s other hand was fingering through strands of Brennan’s hair. An old B horror movie was playing on the television in front of them, but none of the trio appeared to be truly watching.

“Oh hey, Aleksy. How was work?” Luka said easily, catching sight of him.

“The usual. Lots of drunk people. A bunch of them were packing though. Always makes things more interesting. We’re thinking we might need to hire more security.”

“You should be careful.”

“Yeah, I know. Always am. How are you?”

“Can’t complain,” he smiled, his hands lifting for a second to punctuate the boast, gesturing to the gorgeous twins flanking him and cuddled up to him. There was something else there in his eyes, though, other than pride or contentment. Something darker, brittle, and well-enough camouflaged that Alek knew it was a message just for him.

Evan finally looked over at Alek, and happiness subtly washed over his previously gloomy expression. He was trying to be cool, Alek realized, but it was crystal clear how glad Evan was to see him.

“Hey. Welcome back,” Evan said quietly.

“Glad to be back. Luka, can I talk to you for a second in the kitchen?” Alek nodded toward the back of the house. Luka mumbled an assent and moved to join him, excusing himself.

“Hey, get me another one of these while you’re up?” Brennan asked quietly, swirling his glass.

Luka leaned in to answer him, lowering his voice discreetly. They all heard him anyway. “I think maybe you should cool it for a little while. Those are pretty strong.”

“Are you my daddy?” Brennan shot back. “You giving me orders now?”

“No,” Luka replied shortly, lips pursing with frustration.

Evan was looking at the TV screen, apparently tuning them out as he sipped his beer.

“Then please, would you be so kind as to get me another rum and coke. Thanks.”

He was hiding it better than Alek would have guessed, but he was clearly buzzed. His words were crisp enough, but there was a shine and fuzziness in his eyes. Though not yet full-on drunk, Brennan was getting there fast. Alek’s time as a bartender had made him proficient in picking up the telltale signs, and if Brennan was parked on a barstool as a customer, Alek would have been cutting him off for sure.

Luka straightened and quickly joined Alek. They walked back into the kitchen after Alek dumped his things inside Evan’s room.

“What’s going on?” Alek asked once they had slightly more privacy.

“Jesus Christ, man, you can cut the tension in there with a knife. They had an argument. I don’t know what about. And it’s just been getting more intense by the minute. I’ve been trying to cool them down, but they aren’t talking to each other, just to me. Evan’s pissed off that Brennan is drinking. I guess he’s never had alcohol before. And to be honest,
kind of pissed at him, too. I don’t know what he’s trying to prove, but he’s really determined to get bombed.”

“Maybe we should give them some time alone to work it out,” Alek sighed. He grabbed a seat at the kitchen table and slumped down in it. Luka joined him.

“How’re things with you?”

“Eh. Same. Work was too slow, then too busy. Kept one eye on the guys carrying weapons and still tried to keep up with everything. Katie was all in my face about shit. When I went home to grab my stuff, Presley’s room was empty again, and Carter’s door was shut.” Alek gave Luka a pointed look. “Guess they figured we’d both be safely out of the way tonight.”

Luka stared at his hands laced together on the tabletop, saying nothing.

“I wish they’d at least be honest with us. I mean, Pres talks to you. He knows you know. They know
know, why can’t they just fucking admit it?”

“Because they can’t,” Luka said softly. “And they shouldn’t have to. It’s their business. They aren’t like us. They care what people think and say about them.”

“Is it just screwing around? Because I get a vibe from them sometimes like maybe it’s not. Like they’re lying to themselves, too. Carter gets so fucking protective of him. That means there are emotions involved, right?”

“I don’t know, man. I don’t know how deep it goes.”

Alek fell quiet, looking off towards the living room, trying to pick out the sounds interspersed with those coming from the television.

“You ever seen ’em together?”

“Presley and Carter? Yeah, just once.”

Turning toward his brother, intrigued by his uncharacteristic silence, Alek waited for further explanation. “And?”

“I don’t know. It was hot. I was just going downstairs to get a midnight snack, couldn’t sleep. The usual. I was in the hallway and heard moaning, so yeah, I stopped to look. Carter was just, you know,
giving it to Presley, and Pres caught me watching. He looked
that I saw. But he didn’t say anything or tell Carter to stop, so I just kept on movin’ along. That’s why he talks to me about it sometimes. It wasn’t really something he chose to confide in me.”

“Hmm,” Alek hummed pensively, thinking it over. The whole thing made him sad. Knowing things were off between Brennan and Evan just added to it. His hand snaked over and overlaid Luka’s. Pivoting his wrist, Luka took Alek’s hand, holding it, stroking gently over his wrist with his thumb.

“You can’t fix everyone, you know. Can’t always help ‘em either. Sometimes they’ve gotta want to be helped first.”

Alek smiled, chuckling softly. The grin faded completely away. “How’d you get so damn smart?”

“Well, I do have this awesome brother to show me the way,” Luka winked.

Alek sighed, then groaned, “What do we do about them?” He nodded to the front of the house.

Luka shrugged helplessly. “Honestly? No idea.”

Chapter 25
Hard Choices Made Easy

When it was clear Luka and Alek weren’t going to be returning anytime soon, Brennan was the first to break the ice. Evan had been staring at the TV screen with glazed eyes, on edge from the built-up, frustrated sexual tension, paralyzed by the weight of what they’d done and what he knew still could happen.

Evan finished his beer and set it down next to the other empties. Brennan took another deep drink from his glass. Evan knew Brennan had to be buzzed out of his mind with all of the alcohol he’d had. He turned to Evan, sitting sideways on the couch with his left leg folded in front of him, and, made braver with the help of the booze, stopped holding back.

“Why are you pissed at me?”

“Why are you so dead set on getting shitfaced?” Evan retorted.

“Answer mine first,” Brennan dared.

Evan huffed, slouching down farther on the cushions and wishing secretly Luka would come back and be the warm, incredible-smelling, solid barrier of pure, chiseled muscle between them for a little longer. Then he remembered Alek was there too and felt instantly guilty for thinking of Luka first. He blamed it on the beer.

“Just answer the damn question, Evan. Why are you pissed at me?”

“I’m not mad at you, okay?” Evan hissed sharply. “I’m mad at myself!”


Their eyes met for the first time in hours.

Neither of them looked away.

Brennan added softly, “Is it because of what we did? Do you regret it that much? Because I don’t. Maybe I should, but....” He shrugged. “I still want you.”

“Bren,” Evan groaned, his expression falling. “Are you saying this stuff to make me feel better? Because if you are, don’t. Don’t sugarcoat this. I know I’m fucked up, okay? I do. The last thing I want is to bring you down with me.”

“God damn it, Evan! No, you know what? Fuck it!”

The outburst was sharp, determined, and got Evan’s attention. Startled, he tried to sit up straighter just as Brennan pivoted, swinging his right leg over Evan’s thighs and straddling him, sat on top of him. He rested his arms over Evan’s shoulders, his eyes growing darker, heavy-lidded. His fingers twisted up into the hair at the nape of Evan’s neck and his hips rolled forward once.

“What the hell are you doing? You’re drunk,” Evan argued, his own head swimming, his reflexes dulled. Intending to push Brennan off, his hands palmed Brennan’s ass instead, and when Brennan rocked forward, deliberately, into Evan’s crotch, Evan grunted softly. Sighing, Brennan dipped his head to catch Evan’s mouth, suckling lightly at his lower lip as the fingers of his right hand searched upward under Evan’s shirt, moving lightly over his stomach and chest. His thumb rolled over Evan’s hardened nipple right as he thrust forward again, with more force this time. Brennan’s tight, nimble body undulated, and Evan made a soft, needy sound, squeezing a double-handful of Brennan’s backside as Brennan started to pepper kisses back along Evan’s jaw and down his neck.

“We’ve gotta stop,” Evan panted. But Brennan was fiddling with the button of Evan’s fly and a hard shiver ripped through Evan, leaving him tingling, aching.

Is this happening? Is it really happening? And where’s Alek? Where’s Luka?

“No, we don’t,” Brennan shot him a dark look through fallen bangs. “
make the rules. Nobody else. Just us. Can I taste you? I just wanna taste you.”

Slowly, he tugged down Evan’s zipper. It was loud in the room, the small metal ticking of the teeth coming apart. Frozen, shocked, confused, and horny, Evan sat there as Brennan slid backward off his lap to the floor and guided Evan’s legs apart, making room for himself there. With the jeans now opened, Brennan held Evan’s stare and quickly, firmly, tugged on the sides of them, yanking them down a few inches—just enough. Evan’s mouth worked soundlessly for a moment as Brennan’s hand circled his dick, squeezing lightly, guiding it upright, and stroking him so very slowly and tenderly.

“You lose the underwear for Alek? That’s so fucking sexy.”

Evan’s head fell back against the couch as he chose not to watch. He ground his teeth together as Brennan lazily tugged him to full hardness. Fingers dragged along his shaft, flicking over the ridge of the head and across the tip as a few clear drops wept from the slit. Rubbing through the fluid, Brennan smeared it down over the throbbing, swelling flesh.

Breathy and helpless, Evan asked, “Why are you doing this?” “Because I want to,” Brennan answered, sounding wrecked, his voice rough and throaty. He leaned in and licked a long, wet stripe from root to tip, curling his tongue around the underside of the ridge, then placed a sucking, wet kiss to the tip of Evan’s cock. Evan gasped loudly, almost violently. His hands curled into fists at his sides. Desperately wanting to touch Brennan, he didn’t allow himself to give in to the urge. His dick was so hard it felt like he was dying. All he could make sense of was the smooth, soft texture of Brennan’s full lips, the wet heat of his tongue and the raw lust in his voice as Brennan said, “And because you’re letting me.”

Evan’s hips chased up reflexively as Brennan sucked him down, slow and deep, all the way to the root, taking him back into his throat, and, just as slowly, pulling completely off with a slurp.

,” Evan whined.

“Tell me to stop. You want me to? You want me to stop?” Brennan licked him again, and Evan noticed how Brennan was palming himself through his pants, kneading his erection, encased in his tented pants. Brennan was just as hard as Evan. The realization of that was like a lightning bolt frying Evan’s brain.

“No,” Evan moaned.

“Good,” Brennan sighed. He shifted higher, not sitting on his heels anymore, but kneeling upright so he could lean over Evan’s lap and suck him faster. One of Evan’s hands tangled in Brennan’s hair at the back of his head, guiding him and his speed. Shuddering and frantic, Evan’s felt the tight coiling way down low in his body, chasing toward a quick climax.

“Oh my god. Oh my
,” Evan gasped. Every ounce of sense and reason was gradually being sucked out through the tip of his cock as Brennan hollowed his cheeks and hummed with pleasure.

Nothing else existed.

That’s why he didn’t hear Alek and Luka enter the room or notice their presence until Alek was right there next to him on the couch, claiming Evan’s mouth in a deep, searching kiss, tongue-fucking him into delirium.

Evan moaned, shaken, but kissed Alek back fervently, grabbing tightly onto Alek’s shirtfront with his free hand to keep him there. Alek caressed through Evan’s short hair, over his flushed skin and hushed, “It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m right here, not going anywhere. Feels good?”

“Alek, oh
. I’m so sorry.”


Evan stroked over Brennan’s cheek, feeling the wetness of saliva running down his chin, and moaned into Alek’s mouth through their next kiss. Brennan’s mouth was sinful, hot, velvety perfection, better than Evan dreamed it would be.

“Bren, switch with me,” Alek rasped.

“Okay,” Brennan said hoarsely, letting Evan slip, sloppy wet, from between his reddened lips, taking one more greedy lick over the head before shifting up beside Evan on the couch as Alek sank down to the floor. Cradling Evan on his tongue, Alek closed his lips around him and slid Evan’s steely girth back along the muscle until his dick filled up Alek’s mouth, his lips stretched tight around the circumference. Then he sucked and fondled Evan’s balls, drawn up tight to his body.

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