Twisted (20 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: Twisted
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“Am I known for my delightful sense of humor?”

When she gave in to the new human side of her, she really gave in. “Why are you holding a grudge?”

“Because I feel like it.”

And how did you argue with that kind of logic? “Fine.”


“I still need to eat.”

Flames lit up the blue in her eyes. “Do you want me to fetch you a slave?”

No. Yes. “No.” Only one name was etched into his menu of choice, and it was still hers. But he'd had Sorin's blood. And, hey, why wasn't he seeing the world through Sorin's eyes? He asked Victoria.

“The blood only works that way for a limited amount of time, and since you've spent an entire day dead to the world, your connection to Sorin, and his to you, has passed.

“Now,” she added. “Why don't you want a slave?”

“I'll find someone to chomp on in a minute.” He would force himself. “I need to clean up first.”

Crinkle, crinkle.

“What's in your pocket?” he asked

Her checks flashed bright red. “Nothing. Now go. Clean up.”

O-kay. He lumbered from the bed and hobbled to
the bathroom, certain he resembled an old man with a walker, and yes, he hated that Victoria was seeing him like this.

“Oh, and Aden? Thank you for not killing my brother,” she said just before he shut the door.

“You're welcome.”

He brushed his teeth, showered quickly, noticed Victoria had already stacked fresh clothes in the corner, and dressed in the plain gray T-shirt, jeans and his own boots. Everything was pressed and a perfect fit.

As Junior's roars came more frequently and Caleb's choking sobs finally faded, Aden studied himself in the mirror. It was still a jolt to see himself with blond hair. He'd been dying the mop for years. His eyes jolted him, too. Last time he'd seen them, they were gold. Now, they were a kaleidoscope of colors.

What stunned him most was his lack of bruises, swelling and punctures. He looked one hundred percent racer ready. His insides clearly had some catching up to do. Even after that steamy shower, he hurt. Considering he'd expected his lips to resemble something out of a horror flick and the fact that he'd lost a tooth—which, three cheers, had regrown during his healing sleep—he wasn't going to complain.

Could you please shut that beast up, Ad?
Julian asked,
pulling him from his thoughts.
All that roaring on top of everything else is annoying, and I'm not sure how much longer I can deal.

“If we want to quiet Junior—” at least for a little while “—we've got to eat.”

Pick a blood-slave, like Victoria suggested. Please.

The term
was really starting to bother him. Yeah, that could have been his fate, and could still be his fate since he was jonesing so badly for the princess and only the princess.

His ears twitched. Footsteps in Victoria's room. Frowning, he threw open the bathroom door. Before he saw who had entered, he
who had entered. Riley's brothers. Maxwell and Nathan. They reeked of the outdoors and fear.

Nathan was pale from head to toe. Pale hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin. Maxwell was gold. Both were handsome—he guessed—but both were cursed by witches. (Who wasn't, nowadays?) Anyone the pair desired would see a mask of ugliness when looking at them. Anyone they did
desire would see their true faces, their beauty.

Aden, of course, saw their true faces.

Both were scowling and taut with their worry and trying to comfort a crying Victoria.

“What's going on?” he demanded, stalking over, ready to grind them both into powder if they'd hurt her.

He was just about ready to throw a punch, anyway, when she held out a goblet to him. “Here. Drink this.”

He smelled the sweetness before he saw the blood. Junior went wild, his roars more of a yes, yes,
. Or maybe
give me
was more accurate. Aden's mouth watered uncontrollably, his gums doing a little dance of anticipation. He knew without asking exactly whose vein the blood had been tapped from. Victoria's.

His arm was lifting, the cup at his mouth, his throat gulping back the contents a second later, and only when he'd consumed every drop did he even realize he'd moved.

After he'd drunk Sorin's blood, he'd considered himself strong. He'd been a fool.
was strength. A warm cascade that shimmered through him, lighting him up like a house at Christmas. His eyes closed as he savored.

The fog that had seemed to attach itself to his mind disappeared completely. His cells fizzed as if they were dancing with champagne. All the remaining aches and pangs from the fight with Sorin vanished. His muscles plumped up, and he might even have shot up an inch or two.

Junior purred his satisfaction, and like a baby who'd just gotten a bottle at bedtime, he slipped back to sleep.

Aden, though, well, he just wanted more.

No more for you,
Julian said, conjuring the Soup Nazi.

How had the soul known what Aden was thinking? Had he said the words aloud? Was he staring at Victoria's neck? Wait. How could he be staring? His eyes were still closed.

He focused, realized he had dropped the cup and latched onto Victoria's arms. Was pulling her closer…closer…

Jolting out of his stupor, he released her. Backed away. Maxwell and Nathan were watching him with unease.

Later, he would see the world through Victoria's eyes. No healing sleep would stop it from happening. Would he also continue to want her blood, and only hers? If so, who cared?

Because—and here was the clincher—having her was worth the risk of addiction. He would endure
to be with her, to have her blood. Everything that had ever bothered him and more.

Victoria shifted from one foot to the other. He was still staring at her, he realized. He lowered his gaze, and that's when he caught sight of her wrist. Though she
wore a long-sleeved robe, the material had pulled back to reveal a wound stretching from one side to the other.

She'd cut herself, and recently, but she hadn't healed.

Why hadn't she healed? For that matter, her hand had been cold earlier. Her hand had never been cold before.

“Are you okay?” he asked her.

“No.” She held her phone in front of his face. “Look what came in.”

He read the screen. “Tulsa. St. Mary's. Dying. Hurry.”

“That's from Riley,” she said, chin trembling as she fought her tears.

That's not from Riley,
Elijah said.

“How do you know?” Aden asked.

“Because he's been—”

“Sorry.” He held up his hand. “Elijah knows something. Hang on.”

She nodded, both worried and hopeful.

the soul continued,
deductive reasoning. If Riley was dying, he would not have typed so perfectly. And do you see any misspellings? No. Second, I just had a vision of Tucker typing those words.

As the bottom of Aden's stomach fell out, he told the group what Elijah had said.

Then, he turned his attention inward again. “What else did you see? Show me. Please.”

You won't like it.

“Do it anyway.”

Silence. Such oppressive silence.

A sigh.
As you wish.

A moment later, Aden's knees nearly buckled. In his mind he saw Riley strapped to a gurney, his skin the color of death and a gaping wound in one of his calves.

Mary Ann was also strapped to a gurney and being wheeled into an ambulance. An ambulance clearly marked
St. Mary's
. She wore a pair of jeans and a bra, and she, too, had a gaping wound. Only, hers was in her shoulder. Someone had obviously tried to clean her up, because she was streaked with dried blood, patches of blue-tinted skin between the crimson.

Paramedics were pumping her chest, but she wasn't responding.

“Tucker might have typed those words, but he wasn't lying,” Aden croaked out. “They're hurt. Badly.” If his friends died… If they'd

“What's wrong with Riley?” Maxwell demanded.

Aden explained what he'd seen.

The brothers cursed, dropping so many F-bombs
Aden soon lost count. Victoria pressed her knuckles into her mouth, but a sob still managed to escape. “Could
have killed the witches, then turned his sights on Riley and Mary Ann?” Nathan asked. “He's part demon, and he can cast illusions. So, if anyone could defeat a coven of witches, it's him.”

Caleb dropped a few sobbing F-bombs of his own, each one directed at Tucker.

“Tucker wouldn't have been able to defeat Riley,” Maxwell said.

Aden had to concentrate to hear past the sounds in his head. “Whatever happened, we have to get to St. Mary's.” He didn't know a lot about the shifters, but what would happen if the paramedics discovered something different about Riley? “Can you teleport us, Victoria?”

To Tulsa? Yes,
Caleb said, rousing himself from his anger and grief.
We'll go to Tulsa. We'll investigate. We'll savage Tucker if he did this.

The thought of vengeance was like a shot of adrenaline, Aden supposed.

All the color drained from Victoria's cheeks. “N-no. I've been meaning to tell you…” Her gaze flicked to the shifters. “My, uh, brother…whatever he did to me must
still be affecting my ability. I can't. But maybe, I don't know, you can.”

“Me?” He'd never tried, had no idea how to begin and didn't want to waste time learning when he might not possess the ability anyway. “No, we'll drive.”

There was a knock at the door, then hinges were squeaking as the beautiful Maddie entered. She wore the same expression she'd worn the day she'd told him about Sorin's visit.

“I don't know why I've been chosen to be the bearer of bad news
” she began, licking her lips in agitation, “but your human friends have returned, majesty.”

“I don't have time to deal with them. Tell them to go home and I'll—”

You need to speak with them,
Elijah cut in with an urgent tone.

But the witches—

“Have to wait,” Aden said, cutting Caleb off with the same sense of urgency in
voice. “I'm sorry.” A muscle ticked below his eye as he motioned to Maddie to lead the way. “Take me to them.”

Down the stairs, around several corners and into the foyer they went. There stood Seth, Ryder and Shannon. All of whom were covered in soot, smoke practically rising from their shoulders.

“What happened?” he demanded.

“The ranch,” Seth began, then stopped to cough.

“B-burned down,” Shannon finished. “Every b-bit of it. N-nothing left.”

Aden stiffened. “Dan? Meg?”

“Alive, but injured, both of them,” Ryder said. “And they're only alive because Sophia got them out.”

Sophia, Dan's favorite dog.
Don't react. Not yet.
One reaction would lead to another, and he couldn't break down right now. He had to stay strong. But too much was going wrong all at once. Too many bad things piling up, weighing him down.

Looking so weary Aden wondered how he was even standing, Shannon massaged the back of his neck. Tears had dried on his cheeks, streaking through the soot. “S-Sophia didn't make it, though. Neither did Brian.”

Brian, another boy who'd lived at the ranch. He'd never been a close friend, but still, Aden would not have wished such a death on him.

“Terry and RJ are moving out ahead of schedule. State's gonna break the rest of us up,” Ryder said, and that's when the fatigue hit him. He hunched over, breath emerging heavily. “They're gonna send us to other homes. Maybe prison. Cops will think one of us set the fire.”

“Did you?” Nathan asked.

Seth erupted, getting in his face. “No, we sure as hell didn't. That ranch was our
. Dan was the only person who ever cared about any of us. We would not have hurt him. Ever.”

So, who did that leave? Tucker? But even a demon couldn't be in two places at once.

“My father,” Victoria whispered, horrified. “He's begun to strike at you, I think. Which means he's getting stronger.”

Yeah, Aden suddenly thought so, too. No longer were the boys safe. But if they ran, they'd look guilty of the crime. Plus, Vlad could clearly track them wherever they went.

There was only one place they'd be safe. Here.

Everyone was watching him, awaiting orders. Or answers. The burden of protecting them, all of them, was profound. He'd accepted the challenge, though, and won, so the burden
his to carry.

“Maddie,” he said, turning to the girl. “Bring Sorin to me.”

She nodded and was off, her black robe floating behind her.

As soon as Victoria's brother rounded the far corner, headed in his direction, Aden started throwing out more
orders. “You're in charge, Sorin. Just don't get used to the position. I've gotta take off for a bit. Spread the word,” he told Maddie. “Maxwell, Nathan, you're coming with me and Victoria to Tulsa. The humans are staying here. They aren't to be hurt.”

“I'm g-going with you,” Shannon said, the picture of stubbornness.

The vampires and shifters gasped at his daring. Seth and Ryder just looked confused by their reaction.

Wasn't worth arguing over. Besides, it might be nice to have a human by his side.

Wait. Had he really just referred to his friend as a human? He was even thinking like a vampire now. “He's coming with us,” Aden amended. “And I changed my mind. So are Seth and Ryder.” That way, he wouldn't have to worry about leaving them here. “Sorin, let everyone know the Draven/Victoria fight is on hold until I return. I want to watch it, and I can't do that if I'm gone. Anyone who says this is a ploy to save Victoria from a beating—”

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