Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series)
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“You have some big balls, doing that after I told you not

He smiles, loving the way she chews at her lips as she stares
at his.

She tightens her grip, finding her resolve.  “Do it
again, and this thing we have going on right here - it’s over. 

He ignores her and licks at the crotch of her hand; the one
that is trying really hard to chastise him.

She grabs onto his long, extended tongue with two
fingers.  “You have no idea how badly I want this tongue inside of
me.  But you’ve disobeyed my one and only rule.  Now nod your head
like a good boy and tell me that you won’t do it again.”

Her actions stump him.  Has he read her all
wrong?  He thought she liked it when he controlled her.  But then she
pulls out a sexy-ass move like that.  Maybe it could be fun if he let her
call the shots.  Just maybe.

She lets go of his tongue.  His silence isn’t a sign of
any disagreement on his part, but the look on her face in response to his
unsmiling expression is priceless.

“Well?” she urges him.

She still wants it.  And he wants to give it to
her.  But he refuses to nod
like a good boy

“I won’t kiss you,” he agrees.  “But know that it’s not
because I don’t want to.”

Her tongue darts out to moisten her ruby lips, and they’re
just begging for him to kiss them.  He can’t even tear his eyes
away.  Why won’t she just admit it?  Their chemistry is mystical;
dangerously so.  It has him acting out of character.  He’s acting
like a total pussy.

That’s about to change.

“You want me to fuck you?”  Though he means for it to
be hypothetical, she responds to him with parted, passionate lips.

“Yes,” she moans, as she strokes him through his pants.

He pulls away to keep the power out of her hands, and it
takes all that he has to do it.  Energy flows from his fingertips, as they
whisper over the dainty lace trimming the top of her black bra.  “How much
do you love this bra?”

“What?” she whimpers, too caught up in the moment to realize
what he’s asking.

He tightens his grip on the cups and shreds her bra in half,
with one swift rip.  She moans loudly, as her breasts bounce free, as if
it has turned her on so greatly that she nearly climaxes on the spot.  He
instantly replaces the lingerie with his hands, lifting and squeezing her like
a stress ball.

With her breasts pressed together, he can’t help but bury
his face in them, to kiss and lick the hollow between those two delicious
mounds.  Aliah wraps one of her short, little legs around his hip and digs
her heel into the small of his back to move herself against him.

After paying sufficient attention to each milky breast,
giving careful consideration to her fully aroused nipples, he grabs onto her
foot, unwinds it from his hip and lowers it to the floor.  Then he
unbuttons her skirt, pries it open and slowly eases it over her hips, one at a
time, licking his lips as he anticipates how pleasant this is going to be for
him.  He sees her tattoo, up close and personal.

His fingers disappear beneath the fabric and smooth over her
thighs as he lowers her skirt and panties to her ankles at once, exposing more
black flames.  He’s careful not to snag what’s left of her lacy lingerie,
as he pulls it past her heels, until he’s left her standing there before him
wearing nothing but those fuck-me-now shoes and a sassy smile.

He picks up one of her heels and presses a kiss to the swell
of her foot.  Harley was never one to obsess over a woman’s shoe, but
seeing Aliah like this puts a whole new spin on things.  He looks up at
her, but finds it difficult to look past her perfectly trimmed pussy.

Forgetting to restrain her arms while he divested her of her
clothes was his first mistake.  She reaches down to hurry him along and
help him with his shirt.  Not taking any of her cues, he continues with
his slow provocation.  His rough hands whisper over every inch of her
exposed flesh, focusing on those healthy thighs.  He just wants to dig
right into her, as he squeezes a supple ass cheek and presses a kiss just below
her belly button.

When she shivers, Harley decides it’s time to make good on
one of her expectations.  Their eyes connect briefly.

“Are you ready for this?” he growls, so excited himself he
can barely wait to have a taste.

She swallows and nods, intrigue flaring in her eyes as he
swiftly lifts each of her legs over his shirtless shoulders and regains his
stance.  He presses her into the door and seals his mouth onto her
precious pink pussy.  Her body shudders the second his tongue brushes
across her.

He smiles, satisfied that she’s enjoying herself.  With
a lick of his tongue, up and down, he splits her in two and has a taste,
growing more and more hungry to please her with every pleasant whimper she

Harley’s mouth moves against her soft lips, as his tongue
languidly swipes and stabs inside her to get a better taste.  She arches
her back, but again he presses against her to flatten her to the door. 
Aliah’s fingers claw into his hair and dig in, to hold herself onto something
stable, as he continues to lick and tease her.

With his arms flattened against the door on either side of
her, he curls his tongue a little lower, using the come hither motion,
eliciting the most appealing moan from her lips.  He does it again and
again, learning quickly how she likes it most, until she’s wound so tight
around his neck he knows she’s about ready to explode.

So is he.

His cock throbs against his pants, begging for him to stop
and sink himself into that sweet, sweet pussy.  He needs her to cum as
badly as she wants to.  Harley glances up at her and finds her eyes
squeezed closed, her chest heaving and her middle firm and flat.  When he
wiggles his tongue, her ruby lips part and a gasp escapes from her mouth.

He knows she’s close and he’s ready to take her there,
knowing just what to do to get the job done.  He slips his hands between
her and the door and grips onto her luscious ass cheeks, holding her firmly
against his soft, wet mouth.

She pants and gasps for air, but he wants more of a vocal
reaction from her.  He starts to move her lower body in sync with his
mouth, so she can feel the slow rhythm of his tongue entering and exiting her
body, as her pussy fucks his tongue.  He loves the way her insides tighten
around him, her thighs squeezing against his ears.  Then, when he knows
she is only seconds from orgasm, he slips a long finger in there and licks her
with a firm tongue.

Aliah is not afraid to express herself.  She screams,
as she comes apart, and it’s the most erotic thing Harley’s ever
witnessed.  He nearly loses it himself, the only thing saving him being
the sound of a knock at the unlocked door.  He isn’t even done with her,
as she remains tightly coiled around his face.

He greedily drinks up his prize and she ignores the
visitor.  She can’t seem to descend to reality, while propped up on his
shoulders, sitting on his mouth.  Shit.  Neither can he.  But
the visitor is relentless, and starts pounding on the door.

When Harley breaks his mouth away from her, Aliah shouts,
“No,” not wanting him to stop.  She doesn’t want it to be over and neither
does he.  He continues to suck on her, until her body stops
shuddering.  He kisses across her stomach, before licking his moist lips
and lowering her trembling legs to the floor.

She stands on wobbly limbs and quickly collects her
scattered clothes from the floor.  After pulling on those see-through
panties, she crouches to hide in the corner.  He grabs her around the
waist and hugs her mostly naked body so it’s pressed up against him.  She
gasps for air, a big smile on her face.

“They’ll see you!”  Her voice is but a harsh whisper.

The pounding ensues, after a barrage of rings from the
doorbell.  “I know you’re in there.  I can hear you breathing!” a man

They’re both smiling like school children and she’s on the
brink of a giggle attack.  They’re flattened against the wall, just barely
out of sight of the partially glazed side-light next to her door.

They can hear the beginnings of a conversation right through
the door, which suggests that Aliah’s earlier ramblings were vividly clear to
their visitors.

“I’m worried,” the man says, knowing Aliah’s on the other
side of that door.

Harley glances down at her for some indication of who it
might be.  He doesn’t even have to ask.

“It’s Mitchell,” Aliah mouths, clearing up any guess work.

Harley nods and smiles, a sardonic smile.  He wants
nothing more than to chew on those kissable lips.  He could care less who
is on the other side of that door.  He has a relentless lover, who’s happy
to accept what he has to offer her.  Everything except for kisses, that
is.  On the mouth.  He’s plenty happy to kiss the rest of that body,
knowing before long she’ll be longing for the touch of his lips on hers.

Right now though, with her naked little body wrapped up
against him, her lips have slipped to the back of his primitive mind.  His
fingers drift up the curve of her hip and smooth over the soft flesh next to a
pair of perfect tits.  He’s so very tempted to lay her out on that ceramic
floor and pummel into her with fast flicks of his pelvis until they’re both
swept up in a mindless release.

Then a woman adds her two cents to the conversation
happening on the other side of the door, and it tears him from his daydreams in
an instant.

“She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you.  She would
come to the door if she did.  Get the hint, Mitchell.”  Her voice is
snappy.  She isn’t happy to be there.

Mitchell puts his fist to the door one last time. 
“Come on, Ally.  I know you’re in there.  Open up.”

“Enough!” Brandee shouts.  “Leave

  Shit.  Brandee knows Aliah has
company.  How could she know that?  He doesn’t know Brandee Hawkins
very well, but anyone with such an unhealthy paranoia is guaranteed to lead
into a bad situation.  Does she know it’s him there with Aliah?

That woman is nuts.  Harley hopes Mitchell takes the
nut bag’s advice and gets her out of there.  He’s worried that Brandee’s
fixation on Cavanagh’s sex life has already become more of a fixation on Aliah.

“Let’s go!” Brandee shouts, and it sounds like they’re
finally leaving.

Forgetting about that, and living in the moment, Harley
lifts Aliah’s mostly-naked body into his arms and carries her up the stairs,
plunging them deeper into the darkness of her unlit house.

“Where am I going?” he asks her.

She slaps at him.  “Put me down.”

“I’m not putting you down.  So why don’t you point the

Aliah kicks and squirms, but soon realizes that she isn’t
going to break free from his grip of death.  She points a finger and he
takes a direct route to her room, lit only by the sliver of moon beaming
through her windows.  He brings her to the bedroom and lowers her body,
until she’s slumped at the foot of her bed.  Aliah just stares up at him,
not quite sure what’s going to happen between them.

“I’m not about to make you do anything you don’t want to

She grabs onto his waistband, her fingers dipping inside his
pants.  “Do you hear me complaining?”

“Every step of the way.”

Aliah scowls at him.  “Fine, then.  What do you
want to do?”

His chuckle is dark and seductive.  “I’ll give you two
options.  One: You tell me to get the hell out of here and I will leave
right this minute.  Or two: Get up on that bed and spread your pretty
little legs for me.”



When Harley asks for a silent invitation, her legs
involuntarily part for him.  That voice is a weapon.  Her body aches
for him before it even knows what it’s missing.  She hopes he’ll just
strip from his t-shirt and jeans and show her exactly what she’s working
with.  He doesn’t.

He loses his shirt in a matter of seconds.  For that
she is grateful.  She can’t take her eyes off those large sculpted arms,
loving the way wings of a predatory bird stretch across the expanse of his
strong upper back.  He turns toward her and puts his hands on his
hips.  Now it seems to be his turn to peruse over her body.

Harley stands there, stationary, but his muscles are doing
magnificent things under her warm scrutiny.  She hasn’t realized how a
simple glance can have her twitching with exhilaration.  She licks at her
lips and his own mouth parts, as he sucks in a breath.  The anticipation
has the room in flames, together with her panties.

When Harley climbs onto the bed, it dips under his
weight.  She wonders why he hasn’t stripped yet.  Then his mouth is
on her over-sensitized flesh, and suddenly she’s not so concerned about his
pants.  His palm slides up and down her body, leaving a trail of
goose-bumps in its wake, as his tongue works his magic on her.

BOOK: Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series)
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