Twister (10 page)

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Authors: Chris Ryan

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #General

BOOK: Twister
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But Ben wasn't listening. He pushed himself up to his feet and rushed over to the counter, his shoes crunching on shards of broken glass as he went. On the counter there were perhaps fifteen different leaflets, all of them advertising something different to do in the Everglades. Ben grabbed them all and started leafing through them. He had skim-read six or seven before he found something that captured his attention.


'Look at this,' he called to the others. He waved the leaflet in the air and hurried back to them.


On the front of the leaflet was a picture of some kind of boat. It was gaudy yellow in colour with a canopy over the top. At the back there was what looked like an enormous circular fan and at the top of the leaflet were some words: '
Airboat Tours of the Everglades
.' Ben turned the leaflet over. There was a little map. 'Look,' he said, pointing at it. 'The airboats are moored not far from here. We just need to keep heading west and we'll be able to find one and get round the plane by going on the water.'


Angelo looked at him as if he was mad. 'Ben,' he said. 'Haven't you had enough excitement for one day? Have you seen what it's like out there? If the boats aren't capsized already, they soon will be.'


'Fine, Angelo,' Ben shouted, his frustration showing in his voice. 'You stay here if you want to. I'm going to warn the others.'

Chapter Nine

The two others looked at him in silence. Angelo glanced out into the howling winds outside. 'All right, Ben,' he said finally. 'You win.'


The minute he said that, Danny was on the move. Behind the counter there was a door. Danny hurried towards it, opened it up and disappeared into the room beyond. Angelo and Ben exchanged a look, then followed.


It looked like a changing room. There were pegs on the walls and a few metal cabinets. A few items of clothing were strewn all around. 'Wardens need somewhere to change,' Danny said curtly. 'But I bet, somewhere round here—' He stood in the centre of the room looking around until his eyes fell upon the metal cabinets. Striding towards them, he tried to open one, but it was locked. He searched around again. Standing up against one corner was an umbrella, which he swiftly grabbed.


'Er, Danny,' Ben said. 'It's a hurricane. I don't think a brolly's going to be much good.'


Danny just winked at him. He forced the edge of the umbrella into the small gap between one of the cabinet doors and the frame, then yanked it sharply. The flimsy metal door buckled and swung open. Danny rummaged inside but clearly found nothing of interest, so he turned his attention to the second door. Within seconds, it too was open; but again there was nothing much inside.


The third cabinet, though, was a bit different.


The minute Danny forced the door open, a brief smile played across his lips. 'Bingo,' he muttered. He stepped forward and pulled a double-barrelled shotgun from the cabinet. 'I knew they'd have some kind of firearm hidden away,' he said. Carefully he propped the gun up against the wall, then fished around inside the cabinet before pulling out a small cardboard box. 'Ammunition,' he said shortly. 'The shotgun will only take two rounds at a time, but it should be enough to get us out of a sticky situation.' He looked meaningfully at Ben. 'Who knows what your little plan holds in store, Ben?'


Ben felt himself blushing slightly, but he did his best to ignore the comment and they all left the changing room.


Back in the main area, Danny emptied one of the abandoned rucksacks, placed the box of ammo inside and then slung it over his back. He broke the shotgun into a V shape before resting it over his shoulder. He looked, Ben thought, like he knew what he was doing. It was quite comforting.


Danny looked at the two of them. 'Ready?' he asked.




'Let's go then.' He opened the main door. Instantly the howling of the wind increased in their ears, and a gust whooshed through into the room, so strong that it felt almost as if someone had hit Ben in the stomach. They pushed their way out and started forging west in the direction, they hoped, of the boats.


Even in the short time they had been inside, the sky had changed. It was darker now, and the clouds were scudding by as if someone was fast-forwarding a video. There was also a smell of burning in the air – a reminder that the blazing plane wasn't too far away, still polluting the area with its black, billowing clouds. Looking back, Ben could still see a glow in the distance. Just thinking about the plane and what had happened on it sent a shiver down his spine, so he turned his back on it and continued struggling through the wind.


The water had been choppy before, but it was much rougher now. Ben was aware of the other two eyeing it unenthusiastically as they approached the boat mooring. It was a small pier made of wood. As they got closer Ben saw that some of the slats that made up the floor of the pier had blown away in the wind. The boats themselves – there were three of them tied to the pier – were not that big. Maybe three metres in length. They were bashing against each other, knocked around by the force of the elements.


'Look!' Angelo shouted. He pointed out across the marshland.


Ben squinted his eyes. About fifty metres away there was a fourth boat. It had obviously broken away from the pier and had been hurled across the water by the hurricane. Now it was in trouble.


Big trouble.


Half of the small boat's hull was submerged. The canopy that had covered the top for shade had come loose on one corner and had filled with wind. It was billowing like a sail and pulling the boat further onto one side. The trio stood and stared at it, their hair blowing in the wind. No one said so, but Ben reckoned the other two were thinking the same as him: if anyone had been on that boat, they'd be going swimming. And a dip in those rough, muddy waters was the last thing any of them wanted in this weather.


'Maybe a bit of weight in the boat would steady it,' Angelo shouted uncertainly. The three of them edged further towards the pier. They were almost standing on it now, but neither Ben nor Danny replied to the Italian boy. Watching the boat, his suggestion seemed a bit too much to hope for. It was sinking fast. It reminded Ben of the pictures he'd seen of the
– smaller, obviously, but going down in just the same way, and just as fast. They stared at it silently for a good two minutes, by which time the vessel was completely underwater.


The writing was on the wall. There was no way they could take to the water.


It was Angelo who said so first. 'There's no point being stupid about it, Ben. We can't help the other passengers if we're on a sinking boat.'


Ben knew he was right. 'Come on,' he said. 'Let's go back to the wardens' station. I guess we'll just have to sit out the storm.'


As one, they turned to leave. And as one, they stopped in their tracks.


Ben felt his muscles freezing.


There were five of them. Five alligators. Ben didn't know if they were fully grown adults, but from the size of them he reckoned they couldn't be far off. They had obviously approached while the three of them had been looking out across the marshland and now they were only metres away. Ben knew nothing about alligator behaviour, but you didn't need to know anything to see that they seemed agitated. Their long, scaly tails lashed out like whips and occasionally they would snap aggressively at each other.


'Where . . . where did they come from?' Angelo stammered from behind gritted teeth.


'Marshland, I guess,' Ben replied, edging nervously backwards. 'If I was one of them I wouldn't want to stay in the water when it's like this.'


A sudden movement as one of the gators shuffled forwards. It was surprisingly fast, and Ben and Angelo both stumbled as they stepped backwards onto the pier. Behind them, Ben heard the sound of Danny fumbling in his rucksack for ammunition, but before the older man could load the gun the nervous animals had grown bolder. They were crowding round the end of the pier now, snarling and snapping at each other to get onto it.


'They're hungry!' Ben shouted. His voice sounded high-pitched and nervous. 'The wind's forced them out of the water and they haven't had anything to eat!'


One of the alligators made it onto the pier; the three of them ran to the end. Danny was still fumbling with his gun, but it was clear he wasn't going to get it loaded in time.


There was only one thing they could do.


' yelled Ben.


He was the first to leap into the boat that was moored at the end of the pier. He wobbled and rocked as his feet hit the hull, and he had to grab on firmly to the side of the unstable boat to stop himself from falling in.


Come on!
' he screamed. There were more gators on the pier, and the leader was halfway along by now. Angelo jumped; the boat rocked dangerously again. Now it was just Danny who needed to get off the pier. He threw the gun first, which clattered heavily onto the boat, followed by the rucksack full of ammo. Just as he was about to hurl himself off the pier, the lead alligator snapped at his heels.


Jump, Danny!
' the two of them shouted above the howling wind. '


He jumped.


And as he jumped, the alligator opened its gaping mouth. It tried to grab Danny's leg but missed. Instead, its jaws clamped around the rope that was tying the boat to the pier. Furiously the alligator started to shake the rope, so when Danny landed the vessel was wobbling more unevenly than before. Instantly he lost his footing and with a shout he splashed into the water.


It all happened so quickly. Ben reached his arm out to grab Danny, who stretched to take hold of Ben's hand. But before they could make contact, the alligator's sharp teeth tore through the mooring rope. Like a pebble released from a catapult, the boat shot away from the pier, driven by the roaring wind. Ben and Angelo were away from the danger of the alligator; but Danny was still flailing in the rough water.


Ben knew he must be shouting, but he couldn't hear the man's voice above the storm.


'We've got to get him!' Angelo roared, but Ben was already on it. Still holding on firmly to the side of the dangerously swaying boat, he edged towards the back end of it. There was an intricate-looking motor there. Ben struggled to find the starting cord; when he finally did, he gave it a good yank.


Nothing but an unimpressive-sounding splutter.


He looked over his shoulder – they were moving alarmingly quickly away from where Danny was struggling in the water. From that distance they couldn't see the alligators, but they couldn't have gone far.


He pulled the starting cord again. Still nothing. Only on the third time did the motor kick into life and start turning over.


'We've got power!' Ben shouted. His voice was hoarse now from all the screaming, but he only had to yell louder now that he had to make himself heard above the growling motor as well as the wind.


Angelo didn't reply. He was too busy holding grimly onto the side of the boat, his skin a sickly shade of white. Ben clambered to the front, his body clattering uncomfortably against the hard benches in the middle of the hull as he did so. He cursed as he felt his body bruising with the impact, but finally he grabbed hold of the boat's steering wheel and knocked the throttle stick forward.


All of a sudden, the boat surged ahead. In the split second it took for a huge wave to come crashing over the boat, Ben realized he had moved far too quickly and in the wrong direction. Now his eyes were full of water, his clothes soaked. He felt the boat tip dangerously to one side before it righted itself. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Angelo had been thrown into the centre of the boat, which had filled with a good few inches of water.


'Hold on!' he shouted. 'I'm heading for the shore.'


The second time he surged forward, he moved much more slowly. Even then it was difficult as the wind was squally and gusty. It kept coming at them from different directions, which made it incredibly hard to steer the vessel; and waves continued to splash over the side from different, unexpected directions.


They made painfully slow progress towards Danny, who kept disappearing below the random surges of the water. Ben didn't have the sensation that it was particularly deep where they were, but that didn't make it any less dangerous. For some reason he heard his mum's voice sounding in his head. '
A baby can drown in an inch of bath water, you know
.' Yeah, thought Ben grimly. And a fully grown man can drown in the Everglade marshes in the middle of a hurricane, no problem at all.


Ben couldn't have said how long it took to get near to the spluttering Danny, but by the time they did his muscles were in agony. He could see now why the older man had stayed in the water: the alligators had left the pier and were now at the water's edge. They seemed reluctant to enter the turbulent marshes, although a couple of them seemed to be becoming braver and had started to slide their bodies closer to Danny.


When the boat was only a few metres away, Ben killed their speed. He pointed to a safety ring that was tied to the side of the boat and shouted at Angelo. 'Throw him the ring! I'll try and keep the boat steady.'


It wasn't easy. Buffeted by the wind and the waves, the boat seemed to have taken on a life of its own. Ben struggled to stop it turning of its own accord and drifting away from Danny as Angelo untied the ring.

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