Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here (29 page)

BOOK: Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here
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Paradox—Progeny Of Innocence. (Book Two)

Paradox—Bound By Blood (Book Three)

Paradox – Equilibrium (book Four) due for release late 2013

Chapters from Book One that were inspired by and based on actual events in history:


Chapter 3 Hallelujah—7.6 magnitude earthquake hits
El Salvador in 2001

Death Toll –944 Souls


Chapter 8 Kali & Bonga—Bengal Famine 1769

Death Toll –10 million Souls


Chapter 16 Boxing Day—Boxing Day Tsunami 2004

Death toll—230,210+ Souls


Chapter 17 Hells Bells Toll For Thee—Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755

Death toll—Between 10,000 and 100,000 Souls






To Rory Tacchi—for breaking my heart and shoving me back on the right track. Because of you, I wrote this book and I thank you—now—from the bottom of my heart! Every cloud has a silver lining.



I see ye visibly, and now believe
That he, the Supreme Good, to whom all things ill
Are but as slavish officers of vengeance,
Would send a glistering guardian, if need were
To keep my life and honor unassailed.
Was I deceived, or did a sable cloud
Turn forth her silver lining on the night?
John Milton

Special Friends

Unwavering gratitude to all my fabulous friends who have spent hours upon hours listening to me (whether they wanted to or not) tell endless stories about my fantasy family. Juliette, Grace and a world packed with an assortment of magical and mystical creatures. You all know who you all are, and I thank you: Trisha Dowling, Trish Thomson, Debstar Bassett, Alex Thomson, and John Oxton.

I would like to say a very special thanks to Tracey (Sister of the heart) and Michael (Mcgoo) who sat with me around the patio table discussing words, storylines, pizza, tequila shots and the dwindling number of bees on planet earth.

Angela for purchasing my very first eBook. I would love to meet you one day and personally say thank you.

My sister, Sue McGuinness (I owe you big-time) for all your re-reads. Your ongoing encouragement and for loving the story—and me!

My sister, Fay Maddison. Thank you for your words of support from across the vast ocean that separates.

To all my online Goodreads friends. Especially fellow YA Author Jayde Scott. I am grateful for your lovely words and support. Thank You.

Natalie Hillier—for loving the book.


Ella Medler for your wisdom and advice on the written word.


A particular thank you goes to those of you who have bought the book. I hope you enjoyed reading
Paradox—The Angels Are Here
as much as I have writing it.





PATTI ROBERTS was born in Brisbane Australia but soon moved to Darwin in the Northern Territory. Her son Luke was born in 1980. She currently lives in Cairns, Queensland where she is writing the Paradox Series of books.  Paradox – The Angels Are Here, is the first book in the Paradox Series and was first published as an eBook in 2010 and Amazon in 2011. Print versions are also available in the Paradox Series. Since then, Patti has written 2 more books in the Paradox Series. Book 2 Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence and Book 3 Paradox - Bound By Blood. She is currently working on a teen novel, Witchwood Estate, which was release early 2013 and the 4th book in the Paradox Series, Paradox - Equilibrium, which is due out late 2013.


In her spare time, Patti designs book covers, trailer and formatting for other authors.

It is Patti's wish to one day own and operate a writers retreat in FNQ - Australia.


To the reader.

Find your silver lining. I did!

Paradox—The Angels Are Here (Book One)

Paradox—Progeny Of Innocence (Book Two) 2011

Paradox—Bound By Blood (Book Three) 2012

Paradox – Equilibrium (book Four) 2013



This is so totally different from anything I’ve read recently and I have to say… WOW. Patti Roberts is a truly remarkable writer. The way she weaves her tales among the story is extraordinary. I can honestly say I was in awe of the way she managed to do it. I’d love to have that talent. My only criticism is that I NEED to know what happens next!! I can’t wait for book two!

Suzy Turner—Author


After reading dozens of Angel based books, I cannot recall a time when I said, hey—I like this. Well, surprisingly, I loved this. This book is up there on my list of favorites. First of all, the writing was excellent; I was literally flabbergasted and felt inferior in anything I’ve ever written.

–Natalie Valdes—


Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest and why?  Yes, Patti Roberts. Paradox is truly a work of art and I can’t wait to read more.

—Cypher Lx—Author


Patti Roberts is a born storyteller who knows how to throw in those great twists
 through the book—
Paradox—The Angels Are Here



Patti Roberts had introduced me to a fascinating world of angels



Roberts knows how to spin a good tale that appeals to our deepest emotions and makes us wonder what may be hidden behind the portal to our world.

—Miss Reviewer—


I am a sap for anything that brings me to tears...and this book did just that. Death of a loved one is always a difficult situation to address and Patti does it so beautifully.



Dear Patti, Thank you for writing such an amazing book. I can't wait to see what happens next with Grace!




To the reader.

Find your silver lining. I did!

Indie Authors To Read

Ella Medler

K. S Haigwood

Collette Scott

Lenore Wolfe

Jayde Scott

KaSonndra Leigh

Hope Welsh

Julia Crane

Suzy Turner

Starr West

Lana Davison

M.W. Russell

Tabitha Ormiston-Smith

Patricia Puddle





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