Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Did Shag say what he planned to do with the statue?”

“I ordered him to give it back to Briggs. He said he wanted to talk to Colonel Reed about it, but he didn’t get the chance. That was the night of the ambush.”

Olivia frowned. “Wait a minute, something doesn’t make sense.”

Jake nodded grimly. “Yeah, I know.”

“What are you talking about?” Hudson asked.

Jake and Olivia shared a pained look. “Briggs died in the attack that night,” Jake said.

Hudson blinked. “Okay, and?”

“Why did Shag hold on to the statue for three years before doing anything about it?”

“Maybe he was doing something,” Jake said. “Maybe he’s been digging this entire time. He’s been flitting around the country on the back of his bike since he got out two years ago. What if he found out information that he shouldn’t have? Information that got him killed.”

“Oh my God,” Olivia said. “What if it wasn’t Briggs?”

Jake’s mouth tightened. “Then it was someone else in the unit and Shag found out.”

Hudson rose. His expression was closed. “I know you don’t want to do it, Jake, but it’s time.”

“For what?”

“We have to call in the Feds.”

His muscles contracted like he’d taken a hoof to the gut. “Not yet.”

“Why not?” Olivia said with exasperation. “If what you’re saying is accurate, this is a lot bigger than Tag and his deputies can handle. They’ll need extra assistance.”

“Let’s just wait a couple of days and see what develops.”

She shook her head. “No can do, Jake. I’m going to have to pull rank and call Captain Strong. He’s expecting my initial report anyway.”

“Damn it,” he grumbled.

“That means yes,” Hudson told Olivia.

She nodded. “Good.” She looked down. “I need to go into town, too. All my clothes were in my room. Probably nothing left.”

“It’s not safe. That guy is still out there.”

She nodded. “Yeah, he is. But we’ve never been ones to run from danger.” Her head tipped, and another swath of hair fell around her face. Her brown eyes were filled with concern and compassion. “We have the upper hand, Jake. We know what’s going on. And we sure as hell know how to take care of ourselves.”

“From a bullet?” he ground out. The image of her lying on the ground with a bullet hole to the forehead chewed at him. Cold sweat broke out between his shoulder blades, and he shivered.

“He’s not sure the job is done. Until he gets hold of the statue, we’re safe,” she said.

He squinted in surprise. “How the hell do you figure that?”

She shrugged and smiled. “It’s the most logical theory.”

Hudson grunted and stood. “I think your logic is a bit fuzzy, but I also think whoever blew up the Calico Queen is going to lie low for a day or so until the heat dies down. It’s probably the safest time to go into town. Plus, if we’re going to be holed up here, we’ll need food.”

“I don’t like this,” Jake said. “But you’re both right.” He rose and held out his hand to Olivia. “Call your captain and let him know what’s going on. I’ll talk to Tag and alert him we’re coming to town. Hud, make up a list of the things we’ll need to eat. Olivia, figure out what kind of clothes you want. Let’s go for the bare minimum.”

She chuckled. “Perv.”

He managed a smile. “Well, yeah. But I was thinking more along the lines of hit it hard and fast.”

She laughed again and punched him lightly in the arm. “Yeah, that clarifies things.”

Hudson wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I’d hit it.”

She rolled her eyes but didn’t move from between them. Heat unfurled in Jake, momentarily pushing aside the worry. He scooted closer and stroked the backs of his fingers up her arm. “Yeah, me, too.”

The air grew heavy and expectant. Olivia looked from one to the other. Her eyes went dark and considering. Her mouth opened as her breath came in small, sharp pants. Then she licked her lips and they both groaned.

“Livvie,” Jake rasped and cupped her breast.

She stiffened then pushed herself deeper into his grasp. Hudson slid to the side and wrapped his big palm around her other breast.

“Oh God,” she whispered. Her eyes half-closed, and her head tipped back. “What are you two doing to me?”

He shared a smoldering glance with Hudson, who nodded. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”

Her bottom lip trembled. Olivia covered their hands with her palms. “You just might be surprised.”

The whispery promise in her voice shot straight to his dick. Jake leaned down and kissed her hard and fast. As soon as he lifted his head, Hudson followed suit.

Olivia’s groan was stark in the hum of the kitchen.

“Actually, sweetheart,” Jake rasped. “I think you’re the one who’ll be surprised.”

Much as he wanted to continue to caress her and lead her down the hall to his room, Jake knew he couldn’t. They had only a few hours to get in to town and get back.

Hudson winked at her. “I agree, Livvie.”

“About…about what?” Her chocolate eyes were still heavy with need mixed with confusion.

Jake figured she was damned confused about both of them fondling her and her response to them. He wanted to comfort her and tell her everything would be all right. He wanted to let her know that she didn’t have to be torn between him and Hudson. Jake was almost convinced that right in the middle of them was exactly where she needed to be.

“About being surprised.” He tweaked her nipple then dropped his hand. “I know I am.”

With that he turned and walked across the kitchen to open the pantry. He was whistling a naughty little tune that made Jake chuckle.

He kissed her again and patted her butt. “Go make your call, Olivia.”

She straightened as the haze started to lift. “What just happened here?”

He winked. “We’ll explain later. Now, scoot.”

For a half minute she looked like she wanted to argue, but she held her tongue. Good thing, too, because he didn’t know how to explain that he and Hud sometimes shared. Or how she’d react to that bit of news.

It might make her run. But it also might turn her on.

He hoped it was the latter. He sure as hell didn’t want her taking off. He’d just had the chance to get her back into his life. But he wanted both Hudson and Olivia with him. The gamble was worth the risk.

She finally sighed then frowned at him. “For the record, I do not scoot. I march.”

He laughed. “Then get marching, marine.”

“I don’t know why you got out, Jake.
ou’re still as bossy as ever.”

Again he trapped a shudder deep inside. “Yeah,” he agreed. “But this time I’m making all the rules, not just obeying them. You should give it a try.”

“Someday, I will. But right now, I have too many damn cases on my desk.”

“You know that saying about all work, don’t you?”

“Regretfully playing doesn’t pay the bills.” She turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Jake admired the sway of her hips and the luscious roundness of her ass. Damn, she had a fine ass.

“That went well,” Hudson murmured.

He turned around. “Surprised?”

“Yeah. And relieved.”

Jake frowned. “Why relieved?”

Hud leaned against the pantry and fiddled with the pad of paper he held. He looked uncertain and a bit hesitant. That shocked the hell out of Jake. Despite his rough childhood, Hudson always appeared confident and breezy. It was his hallmark.


He looked up. “I like her, Jake. A lot.”

“Me, too. Always have.”

“Yeah, I get it now.” Hudson gave a mock salute and a smile tinged with sadness. “I’m saying I like her enough to consider settling down, Jake. But I know how you feel about her. And I’m getting the idea she returns your feelings.”

Jake’s heart clenched. “I want her,” he said.

Hud shook his head. “It’s more than that, but you’ll need to figure that out yourself.”

Jake cleared his throat. “Okay, whatever. Why are you relieved?”

He asked the question to get the subject off his feelings for Olivia. They were as confused and tangled as they’d been that night in Afghanistan.

His friend’s grin was suddenly blinding and happy. “Because now I don’t have to leave.”

“Leave? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I didn’t want to cause any problems for you, Jake. And I can see the writing on the wall regarding Olivia. She’s special. She’s already worming her way into my heart. I figured if it got any worse, I’d offer to sell you my half of the ranch and leave. I won’t come between the two of you.”

Jake collapsed into the chair. It felt like a two-ton bull was sitting on his chest. Hudson leave? Impossible.

He shook his head and gathered his thoughts. Finally he looked up and met Hudson’s bright green eyes with a grin of his own. “No, you won’t come between us. But maybe she will.”


* * * *


“That’s all the information I have right now, Cap.” Olivia paced her room and pressed the cell phone closer to her ear. Reception out here was pretty much shit. Some parts of the house were dead zones.

She stopped walking. “Repeat, sir?”

“I said I’ll have someone up there by five o’clock,” Captain Strong said.


The long silence made her think the call had dropped. She pulled the phone away, and the screen illuminated. It showed the call still in progress.

She returned it to her ear.

“…FBI with this one.”

She’d expected someone bigger than another JAG investigator, but his words still surprised her. “FBI? Is that necessary?”

“Hell yes, it’s necessary. It’s messing with protocol not to call the local office, but I’m going to send in Boone Shepherd. I think you’ll agree he has a special connection to this case.”

Olivia grinned. “Yes, sir. He certainly does.” Boone had been one of the few men in her squad who hadn’t felt threatened by her skill with a weapon. “Jake won’t like it though.”

“Tough shit.”

“Cap, we need to track down the rest of the squad, too. Have Boone bring me a new laptop. Mine was toasted in the attack.”

“What about clothes?”

“We’re going into town to get some.”

“Okay. I’ll call Colonel Reed and let him know what’s going on, too. Give him the heads up that he’s a potential target.”

She nodded. “That’s a good idea, Cap. Thank you.” She disconnected the call and tossed the phone onto the bed. Thankfully she had her purse with her wallet inside. This way she wouldn’t have to rely on Jake’s charity.

Olivia studied her reflection and sighed. The sweatpants were too big and the T-shirt hung way past her butt. She looked like a refugee from a circus except she was wearing the damn tent.

And she didn’t even have any deodorant. She lifted her arm and sniffed. Good, she didn’t stink. The day was supposed to be hot and humid though. Chances were good she’d be sweating like a beer glass before they even made it to town.

Olivia sank onto the bed and clasped her hands. She didn’t know why she was worrying about clothes and toiletries when she had other concerns—like who was trying to kill her. And trying to figure out what happened in the kitchen.

She closed her eyes and thought about being touched by both men. It had turned her on so quickly the feeling took her breath away. Olivia thought she ought to feel somewhat shocked and probably a little like a slut, but she didn’t.

She was intrigued.

And aroused.

A sharp knock sounded on her door. “You ready?” Hudson called.

“Uh, yeah, just a second.”

She slid off the bed and found her phone. Her pants dipped past her bare butt, and she cursed.

The door opened. “What was that?”

“Nothing. My pants just fell down. I’ll be glad to get some real clothes.”

Hudson winked. “I’d be glad if you didn’t have any.”

Just like that her pulse rocketed. She opened and closed her mouth several times then settled for shaking her head. The man was an incorrigible flirt.

She liked that about him.

“It’s too bad Miss Paula is four times your size,” Hudson said into the silence. He nodded at the closet. “Otherwise there’s lots in there you could wear.”

Olivia perked up. “She has clothes here? Why didn’t you say that before?” She darted to the closet and opened the door. A rainbow of garments littered the hangers inside. “Hot damn,” she said and pulled one out.

Hudson chuckled.

Olivia held it up and squinted then groaned. It really
four sizes too big. At least. She checked the label. “Well, hell.”

“I know women’s bodies, darlin’.”

She hung the dress back up. “Is that your way of saying I told you so?”

“Yep. Come on, much as I hate to do it, let’s go get you some clothes that fit.”

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