Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (32 page)

BOOK: Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Tag’s brow furrowed. “Not like Wallace,” he finished for her.

“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Sorry.”

The sheriff straightened. “We need to move her car so we can get up to the ranch. We’ll need to proceed with caution.”

She nodded. “We should be able to get close enough to see what’s going on. I wish I had keys,” she said. “The mudroom door on the side is probably open. They go in and out of there a lot.”

Tag shook his head. “I told them to lock up tight.”

Olivia managed a small grin. “They’re tough cowboys, remember? With all the police protection, I bet they felt invulnerable. They probably didn’t have one single damn lock thrown. Fischer got in somehow.”

He nodded. “Yep, you’ve got them pegged all right. Okay, let me move the car.”

He slid into the driver’s seat, and Olivia waited on the side of the drive. He started the engine then began backing up. Olivia heard a strange noise then a loud thump. She waved her hands frantically just as Tag let out a startled exclamation. He jammed the car into park and jumped out. He met her at the trunk where more thumps emanated.

Tag handed Olivia the keys and drew his service revolver. He pointed it at the trunk. “Open it up. Nice and easy. Keep your hand on the lid, but be ready to drop if I yell.”

She nodded and fitted the key into the lock. The lid swung up slowly, but she heard the muffled yells and thrashing from inside.

She let the hot metal slide all the way up. Deputy Sam Carson stared up at her with hazy eyes. The tall woman’s lean body scrunched nearly in half. Her wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape. Another two strips crossed her mouth.

“Sam!” Tag hollered as he holstered his weapon.

He shoved Olivia aside and reached in to pull the deputy out. He set her against the bumper and worked at the bindings on her hands.

Sam shook like a drenched terrier. Sweat matted her blonde hair to her forehead, and her face held an unhealthy shade of red. Olivia ran to the front of the car and grabbed the coffee.

She returned just as Tag bent to slice through the tape at the deputy’s feet.

“Want me to get that off your mouth?” she asked.

Sam’s eyes still held an unfocused look, so Olivia gently cupped her hand around the coffee then gently worked the duct tape off her face.

“Drink some of the coffee,” she ordered Sam. “You’re dehydrated from being in the trunk.”

Sam nodded and lifted the cup. Her eyes drifted closed as she downed it.

Tag wrapped his arm around her waist then gently pushed her hair back. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

The deputy shuddered. “No,” she said. Her voice shook as much as she did. “He could have killed me, though. I don’t know why he didn’t.” She closed her eyes around tears, but they fell anyway.

Tag wiped them away. “Don’t cry.”

She gave a watery laugh. “Too late. But if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.”

Olivia was relieved by the retort. That meant Sam was recovering. “I hate to break this up, but we still have to get to the ranch. Did he say anything to you about what he was going to do?”

“No. He was cold and to the point.” She grimaced and shame covered her face. “I’m sorry, Tag. He got the drop on me. Walked right up and shoved his gun against my temple.”

“It’s okay. You’re alive and that’s what matters.” Tag shoved away from the car. “I want you to stay here and wait for the ranger. Ryan should be here within the hour.”

Sam’s expression went mutinous. “I want to go with you. I owe that little bastard for sticking me in there.”

“Stay here, Sam,” Tag ordered. “I need you here.”

She looked like she wanted to argue but didn’t. Instead she squared her shoulders and downed the rest of the coffee. “God, that tastes awful. All right. Go on up.” She touched his arm but encompassed them both in her sweeping hazel glance. “Be careful. He might not have killed me, but I don’t think he would have hesitated to do so.”

Olivia nodded then trotted to the truck. She climbed inside and waited impatiently while Tag said something else to Sam. The deputy’s face softened for a moment then closed as she pushed away from the car.

“Ready?” he asked as he started the engine.

Olivia set her jaw. “Hell yeah.”

The gate swung open, and Tag eased the truck through the opening and up the dirt road. The engine rumbled loudly as they passed the corral. The cows stirred and tromped back and forth.

Hopefully they made enough noise to cover the sound of the truck.

“Stop here,” Olivia said when the edge of the house came into view.

They crept from the truck and left both doors open.

“I’m going to check the side door,” Tag whispered at her ear.

She nodded and pointed toward the front of the house. He jerked his head once in agreement.

Olivia used the large trees for cover as she darted from trunk to trunk. When she reached the final tree, she peered around and through the large picture window.

Terror washed over her.

Jake and Hudson were seated on the couch. She could tell by the stiff set of their shoulders they were furious. Fischer stood just to the right. He must have been out of striking distance because she was pretty damn sure one of the men would have taken him down if possible.

Fischer also held a gun. He swung it toward Hud and grinned with malevolence. Olivia’s heart stopped.


She had to do something. He was going to kill them both.

Busting in without a weapon was stupid and dangerous, but maybe it would distract Fischer enough for Jake and Hud to act. But what if the door was locked?

Fischer shifted backward and turned sideways, giving her an unobstructed view of his body. The gun’s aim moved to Jake, who leaned indolently against the couch.

Tag hadn’t yet returned, but she didn’t know if he’d made it inside either. She only had one chance and couldn’t risk it on the door. Olivia sprinted back to the truck and snatched the high-powered rifle from the gun rack.

She didn’t slow as she raced toward the house. Olivia stayed behind the tree line until she had a clear view of Fischer.

She blinked and focused on his head, but it wobbled left to right. Sweat dampened her palms as fear raced through her. She had only one shot, and if she missed, it could be disastrous.

Fischer’s shoulder bunched with lethal intent.

She was out of time.

Olivia peered through the scope and centered Fischer’s head in its magnified sight.

She eased her finger around the trigger and squeezed.

Chapter Sixteen


“I can’t believe you shot him,” Jake said to Olivia.

He hugged her tight. Mostly to reassure himself they were both still alive. He needed to feel her softness against him. Jake’s nerves were still as rattled as they’d been three hours earlier when her shot pierced the window and took down Fischer.

“Good going, Livvie,” Hudson murmured.

Jake looked down at his friend. He sat on the couch with his hands clasped loosely between his spread legs. He had a bemused expression on his face but didn’t seem overly upset.

Olivia hugged him back then sat down next to Hudson. She laced her arm through his and patted the sofa. “Come down here,” she ordered Jake. “I want to feel both of you next to me.”

Jake obediently sat.

“Tell me again what happened, Olivia,” Boone said. He sat in the chair on the left.

Jake stroked the inside of her wrist. Her pulsed raced beneath his fingertips. “Do we have to do this again?” he asked. “Right now?”

Boone stared back. “Yes, we do.” He lifted a brow at Olivia. “Again.”

“It’s okay,” she murmured. As Olivia recounted her tale from finding the deputy in the trunk to shooting Fischer, Jake continued to caress her. Gradually the rapid thrumming settled down.

“And you were aiming for his head?” Boone asked.

She sighed. “Yes.”

The Fed looked at Jake and smiled then turned to study the blood-spattered chair Fischer had once occupied. “I didn’t know shoulder wounds could bleed so much.”

Hudson laughed. It was the first sound he’d made in quite some time. “You’ve obviously never been sliced by the horns of a bull.”

“Ah, yeah, I can definitely say that hasn’t happened.” Boone lifted a brow. “I don’t plan on it either.” He flipped his notebook closed and stood.

“You did good, Martinez.”

She snorted. “Are you kidding? I was aiming for his head and barely nicked his shoulder.” Fear chased over her face. Her fingernails dug into Jake’s arm. “I could have just as easily shot Jake or Hud.”

Boone shrugged. “But you didn’t. I’ve got to get to the sheriff’s office. I don’t want to leave Tag alone with Fischer too long.” A fierce grin touched his lips. “Not that I would cry a whole lot should something happen to him.”

Jake stood and held out his hand. “Thanks for all your help here, Boone.”

Hudson and Olivia rose as well. “Yeah,” Hudson said. “Thanks.”

Olivia cocked her head. “What about the sheik?”

“What about him?”

“You said the Bureau had been tracking Kohli for a few years.”


“If you’re right and Fischer was just a pawn, then you’ve got to find out who was paying him.”

Boone nodded. “We’re on it.”

“What about the ambush? Is there enough evidence to prove he was behind it?” Jake asked.

The silence was answer enough, and impotent rage flared in Jake.

“Look,” Boone said, “we’ve got a lot going on behind the scenes right now. Some information we’ve dug up that doesn’t jibe with what we know Fischer was into. I want some answers from him, and then we’ll see what happens. For now, it’s in our hands. When I can tell you anything, I will.”

Jake didn’t believe him.

“Sure you will,” Olivia said. Her tone clearly implied her doubt, too. She headed to the front door. “Keep in touch, Boone.”

He chuckled as he strode forward. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. We’ve got a lot of old Hellfire members spread around this town like Doc Mayers and Tag. I think Freedom is as good a place as any to set up shop for a while.”

“Why?” Jake asked, startled. “I figured you’d depose Fischer and get back to DC.”

Boone frowned. “Something about this whole setup doesn’t make sense. I’d like it settled before I pack it in.” Boone stopped at the door and looked at Olivia. In the fading sunlight, Jake thought he saw regret cross Boone’s face, and his gut tightened.

The Fed lifted his gaze and nodded. “Treat her well, you two, or you’ll answer to me.” Then he pushed open the screen door and walked out.

Olivia waved and shut the door then leaned against it.

Shadows smudged the olive skin beneath her brown eyes. Her full mouth drooped at the edges.

Hudson edged around him and gathered her into his arms. He looked over his shoulder and jerked his head while he mouthed, “Come here.”

Jake didn’t need a second invitation. He crowded into the entry and wrapped them both in his arms.

Olivia relaxed against his chest. “Nice,” she murmured.

“I know what would be better,” Hud said and pulled away.

The smoldering look on his face told Jake exactly what he was thinking. He grinned and dropped his arms. “Good idea. If you’re not too tired,” he said.

Olivia looked from one to the other then a slow and wicked smile crossed her sweet mouth. “Why, gentlemen, I do believe you have something lustful in mind.”

“Only if you’re up for it. Otherwise we can just cuddle until you’re rested,” Hudson said.

“Are you kidding me?” She reached around and flicked the lock on the door. “I’m aching to be filled by the two of you. Come on.”

Jake cupped her cheek. “Are you really sure, Livvie?”

She tipped her head and cradled his hand. Her dark-chocolate eyes glimmered with life and love. He inhaled sharply. Even though she’d not said the words, her emotions were as clear as a Windexed window.

“Yes,” she whispered. She reached out to Hud.

He moved closer and caressed her shoulder. “Standing out there while he held you two at gunpoint damn near killed me. I was frozen. Scared. Didn’t know what the hell do to. The only thing I could think of was saving you so I could tell you how much—” She choked on her tears then took a deep breath. “The only thing I wanted to do was tell you both how very much I love you.”

Jake whooped and kissed her hard. She looked dazed when he lifted his head, but not nearly as surprised as Hud.

“Hey, you okay?” Jake asked him.

Hud’s green eyes glinted with unshed emotion. His throat worked, but no words emerged. He tightened his lips then blew out a shaky breath. His gaze enfolded them both. “I’ve never had anyone love me for real, Livvie.”

She frowned and turned to him. She pulled him into a hug. “But Jake,” she whispered.

“Ah, Jake doesn’t count. He’s as good as my brother. I know he loves me. But I forced that on him.”

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