Two Guardians for Little May (22 page)

BOOK: Two Guardians for Little May
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"My pleasure," Caine answered, raising
his hand over his shoulder before plummeting it down over the wet, still red,
upturned cheeks that were propped over the edge of the tube.

"Mmm," May murmured, engulfing Layton's
cock in her mouth. She groaned as another smack, then two, sharply stung her backside.
Her murmurs changed to hums as she felt Caine's mouth licking and nibbling on
the backs of her thighs and between her firm round cheeks. His tongue probed
her rosebud, teasing her into spreading her thighs for more.

"What do you want, May?" Caine asked,
nipping her rump.

"Either fuck me or spank me, but do

"How about both?" Caine asked, his hand
popping her bottom again. The sound of flesh meeting flesh bounced off the
still water. May swayed her bottom, and all the while her mouth milked the
glorious column of hot flesh lodged between her lips. She pressed her tongue
against the underside of his throbbing manhood, tracing the ridges and veins
with the tip.

Layton groaned, twisting a handful of her hair in
his fist. "That is… fuck…"

"My turn," Caine announced, positioning
the head of his engorged cock at the dripping doorway of May's pussy. He
lunged, entering her in one, smooth movement, and filling her to the depths of
her womb.

"Ohhh." May's groan was muffled by the
pulsating pole that stroked slowly in her mouth. It struck the back of her
throat and pinned her tongue down, and she closed her cheeks firmly around it.
Thrilled to discover that she had no gag reflex, May concentrated on breathing
through her nose, and swallowed the silky skin of his shaft.

"Fuck!" Layton moaned, "She's deep
throating me!"

Caine did not answer. Digging his fingers into
May's hips, he plunged his cock into her sex. While each sweeping, forceful
stroke pounded the seeping head against her cervix, May swallowed again,
constricting her throat around Layton's massive organ. She placed her index,
middle finger and thumb on the soft area of her throat, squeezed gently and
began to massage the muscles grasping Layton's cock.

Caine freed another moan as May's vaginal muscles
repeatedly squeezed and released around his solid pillar. She milked him at the
same tempo as her throat massaged Layton, lost in a lust-filled, hypnotizing
rhythm of love making. She felt Layton swell, relaxed her throat and pressed
down around him. Hot spurts of his sweet nectar poured into her mouth as Layton
released his seed, and she swallowed him hungrily. Seconds later, Caine joined
his brother and flooded her inner sanctum with wave after wave of his thick,
fragrant seed.

"Dear Lord," Caine panted, burying his
shaft inside May's tight sheath. "You feel so perfect."

"Spank her," Layton croaked, his hand
still twisted in May's hair. "Make her come."

Caine let loose with a heavy smack across May's
pink buttocks. Once. Twice. Three times. Her body began to shudder and, on the
fourth stroke, she fell into a spastic void of enchantment. Layton's cock
slipped from her mouth, and her wail of pain and pleasure vibrated through the
trees as every nerve ending seized and sizzled.

"Holy fuck," she hissed, stiffening her
arms to support herself upon the inner tube. Layton slipped down into the water
and caught her as she tumbled off the float.

"Holy fuck is right, baby. Take a deep
breath," he coaxed, cradling her as Caine, too, slipped from her body.

"Let's just sit in the water and rest a
bit," Caine suggested, his own respirations still somewhat staggered.

May closed her eyes and burrowed happily between
her two men. She pushed aside the constant struggle that she knew still
existed, but had gone unsaid. They wanted her to marry one of them, but which
one? She thought of the words Layton had shared with her; the comment that she
could hurt them, even unintentionally. Her heart began to ache. To choose one
over the other would only cause pain for them all.

"I can't do it," she whispered.

"Can't do what, baby?" Layton asked,
his arm around her shoulders.

"I can't choose. I want you both. Equally.
You said I had to pick which one of you to marry because the law would only
allow me to have one of you." Her voice started to choke up. "I can't
make that choice. I would have neither before I chose one."

"Honey, we aren't pushing you to make that
decision, are we?" Caine asked, kissing her temple. "We only
mentioned it that one time to let you know how serious we are about our
commitment to you. Please, don't worry about any of it. Things will work out
for all of us. Trust me."

"You promise?" May asked in a tiny,
childlike tone.

"I promise. And Daddy always keeps his
promises to his best girl, doesn't he?" Caine responded. May relaxed in
his arms as he shifted the roles and immediately removed all her adult
responsibilities with a single sentence. She loved how he could do that.

"Yes, Daddy. Thank you."

"That's my good girl. Once we've rested up a
bit, we're going to go inside, give you a nice bubble bath and dress you pretty
for Auntie Sri. You are going to behave for her, aren't you?"

"I don't wanna get dressed pretty." May
frowned. "And I don't wanna play with anyone else."

"No pouting, young lady," Layton said.
"Auntie Sri made it so we could have you. She is a big reason why we are
together, and you need to show your appreciation."

"I didn't ask for her, did I?" May
grumbled crankily.

"Enough with the attitude. We just had a
wonderful time together, but now we need to focus on the reason we are visiting
here. She's our friend and we want her to see how well you are doing under
Daddy's and my care. Understood?"

"It's not fair."

"Life isn't fair sometimes, but we still
have to deal with it. Now stop that pouting or I will be forced to give you
something to pout about," Layton scolded.

"You're mean."

"Yes, I know." Layton chuckled as he
slowly stood up. "I'm turning into a shrinky-dink here. Coming?" he
asked his brother.

"Yep. FYI, dude, it's really scary you know
what shrinky-dinks are."

"I've been doing my Big homework."

"What he's saying," May chimed in,
"is that he bought me some things and ended up playing with them by himself.
He had fun."

"It was research," Layton
grunted. "It's time to get out of the water, Maybelle. Auntie Sri will be
here soon."

"I don't wanna." She sat on the sand,
arms crossed. "I don't wanna get out and I don't wanna be with Sri."

"Auntie Sri," Caine corrected. He put
his hand out for her to take. "Come on now, and show me that you are a big

"Are you going to let her have sex with
me?" May snapped, hiding her hand behind her back.

"What?" Caine blinked. "Is that
what this is about? No. She will only AP with you."

"Is she allowed to spank me?" May


"Yes, she is," Layton interrupted.
"If you give her cause to discipline you, we will not interfere."

"That's not fair. She's not my daddy or
my," May looked at Layton through narrowed eyes, "uncle."

Layton looked pleased with her address. "No,
but Daddy and I trust her to treat our little girl properly. Just like we trust
our little girl to be on her perfect behavior."

"I don't wanna be on perfect behavior."

"Maybelle Corrine," Layton reached down
and held her chin in his hand, "if Auntie Sri has to discipline you for
bad behavior, I'm afraid that you will find your little bottom perched right
over my knee for a second dose. And it will not be fun for you, by any

"It's not fair." May repeated sullenly.

"Yes, yes, we know," Caine sighed,
standing. He picked May up from behind, his hands under her armpits as he
forced her to stand up and made her turn to look at him. "I will be
joining Uncle Layton in your punishment if you act up. You don't want to have
both of us spanking you at once for real, do you?"

True fear registered on May's face. "You

"Yes, I would. I'm pretty sure that you
won't be able to find your happy place with that type of strapping, will

"Strapping?" May gulped.

"Yes, ma'am. A real double dose of the belt
if you misbehave to the point that Auntie Sri needs to spank you."

"But what if she spanks me for something
that isn't bad?" May asked nervously, looking back and forth between them.
"What if she thinks something is awful but it's not?"

"Have we always been fair with you?"
Layton asked.

"No. You're mean."

"Here we go again." Layton rolled his
eyes. "Just don't get into trouble and everything will be fine. Promise

"Okay, fine." May stuck out her lower
lip. "I promise."

Chapter 14


Don't they know
that it's easier to say things than to do them
? May grumbled to
herself, with her nose pressed firmly to the white-painted corner of the pretty
little bedroom. She had resisted putting on the frilly little girl dress after
her bath, already earning herself another scolding from Caine for being
obstinate. Layton found a compromise by pulling a pair of My Little Pony
pajamas from a drawer, and proceeding to wrestle her into them. Between multiple
threats and lot of tickling, May was finally dressed to properly receive Dr.
Sri Abdul, aka her new Auntie.

Sri fussed over how much better May looked since
she had last seen the girl months ago. May had gained some much-needed weight,
turning her angles to soft curves. The pinched look in her face had softened to
a youthful glow, and she had stopped gnawing on her fingernails out of anxiety.
Even her hair had regained a shiny luster.

"Such a beauty," Sri ran her hand over
May's scowling face. "Why do you look at me like this, my sweet

"I don't want an aunt. I have a daddy and an
uncle. That's enough."

"She is not keen on playing with anyone
else," Caine explained, shaking his head.

"She's not keen on eating her broccoli
either, but she is going to do it." Layton pointed to the plate of food.

"I don't like broccoli."

"I only gave you a little bit, and put extra
cheese sauce on it. Maybelle, you promised to behave yourself. Either do as I
told you, or you can go put your nose into the corner," Layton said
firmly. "You have until the count of three. One…"

"That's not fair!"


"I can't believe what a jerk you are!"
May slammed her hand on the table, pushed her chair back, and stomped to the

"I can't believe you would rather spend time
in a corner than eat three little bites of broccoli," Caine tsked.
"If it were lima beans, I would understand."

"Lemme alone."

"She needs a nap," Sri observed.

"She needs another spanking," Layton

"I need you to stop talking like I wasn't
here," May yelled into the wall, kicking it with her foot.

"I think you're right," Sri sighed.
"That behavior is certainly asking for a red bottom."

"Is that what you want, Maybelle?"
Caine asked, coming up behind her.


"This is your final chance, then. You may
come out of the corner and apologize for your behavior, and then sit your butt
down and finish your dinner. I am not playing games with you right now,"
Caine said with unusual sternness. "I will only allow this bratting to go
so far before I put an end to it."

May bit her lip, recognizing his tone. He meant
business. Layton was easy when it came to her more challenging side. He
actually enjoyed most of the willful interactions, and the bantering back and
forth, until she got rude. Then she received one warning and no more. Caine,
however, was more forceful about manners and proper behavior. His parental tone
sent the message, loud and clear.

"I will ask you one more time. Are you going
to join us for dinner, or are you going to be put across my knee for a spanking
in front of everyone?" he asked.

"I'll have dinner," May succumbed. She
did not like Caine's spankings in the least bit. She couldn't find her happy
place with him like she could with Layton.

"Thank you. Now apologize." Caine led
her firmly by the arm to where Layton and Sri sat.

"I'm sorry." May looked at the floor.

Sri patted the chair next to her. "Sit next
to me, honey. Are you afraid of me?"

May slowly slid into the chair next to the tall,
voluptuous woman with beautiful long, black hair, smooth caramel skin, and
large, brown eyes. "No, I'm not a'scared of you at all. I just don't want
anyone else bossing me around. They already do 'nuff." May gestured in the
direction of the two amused men.

"A'scared?" Sri looked confused. She
caught Caine's wink. "We've spent a lot of time together in the past. What
makes you think I would boss you around?"

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