Two Guardians for Little May (20 page)

BOOK: Two Guardians for Little May
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"This girl has more energy
that a puppy. We will be there in ten minutes, Maybelle. Calm down,"
Layton said patiently.

"I can't! I've been locked
away in a prison for what feels like forever," she said dramatically.

"Would it help to have a sore
bottom?" Layton asked, eyeing her through the rear-view mirror. "It's
been a long time since I've gotten to turn your backside nice and red."

"Stop looking for reasons to
spank me, you big bully. I've been an angel."

"That is only because you
couldn't get into anything. I'm sure that, had your room been on the bottom
level of the house, you would have been escaping as often as you could."

"Nu uh, would not."

"Maybe not right away, but as
soon as your bottom stopped aching. Don't you go fibbing to me, now. I know you

"That's because he used to
slip out of the house every time Pop grounded him." Caine laughed.

"I had to! I would have lived
my entire life stuck in my bedroom with as much trouble I used to get

"You used to get into trouble,
Layton? You're such a goody two shoes," May commented.

"Don't let his law-abiding
nature fool you, Miss May. Layton was notorious for two things as a boy,"
Caine laughed, turning to look at her. "One, he was always getting himself
into fights with the local bullies. And the second was his obsessive need to
get in the last word."

"You used to fight?" May
asked, stunned.

"A bit. Caine makes it sound
worse than it was. I was the defender of the little man. You know, the guy who
kicked the shit out of the big guys for picking on the nerds."

"Watch your language,"
Caine scolded. "He came to my rescue constantly. I didn't hit my growing
spurt until I was a teenager and, prior to that, got constantly picked on. He
also defended the shy girls against the mean ones."

"That's how I got into
spanking. I was sort of dating this gal who tended to be a bit nasty to the
less fortunate young ladies. I had heard rumors about it, but never witnessed
her behavior. One day, while changing classes, I heard someone crying under the
school staircase."

"I remember that. Sally,
right?" Caine asked. "The railroader's daughter."

"Yep. She had orange soda
poured over her head and it had stained her new white cotton dress. She came
from a poor section of town, and had received a brand new dress for her fourteenth
birthday. Apparently, the mean girls took that as an invitation to harass her.
Becky led the pack."

"That poor girl was
devastated. Not only did they ruin her dress, but she was afraid she would get
a whipping when she got home because she was only supposed to wear it to
church," Caine clucked.

"Caine took Sally home to get
her cleaned up, and I went to find Becky. I was sixteen at the time,"
Layton mused, "and I remember feeling this holy anger at what she and her
friends had done to that girl. I found them on the bleachers, and heard them
making a joke about how hideous Sally's plain white dress was, and that it
looked better with orange stains. I was livid."

"I can imagine. How can anyone
be so horrid?"

"Spoiled, selfish people don't
care about anyone else. I marched myself straight up to those girls and yanked
Becky up by the wrist. It was a bit blurred right after that because I put her
directly across my knee in front of her friends, lifted her cheerleading skirt
and whacked away on her little ass until it turned the color of a fire

"Our fire engines were red
back in the old days," Caine added teasingly.

"She screamed, cried and
carried on like I was killing her. Her friends did not make a move to leave, or
stop me, either. When I was satisfied, I pulled her to her feet, warned
everyone standing there that they would be next if I ever caught wind of them
bullying another girl, and dragged Becky to my old truck."

"Oh, my! What happened?"

"I marched her straight to her
front door, pushed her inside when her daddy opened it, admitted that I had
thrashed her backend for what she had done, and then turned on my heels and

"Pop got a phone call right
after that," Caine added. "I was waiting on Mom to finish washing
Sally's dress out and he was loving up to the poor kid. He was madder than a
wet hen. He told Becky's father that if he had bothered to keep his daughter in
line and teach her some manners, then there would not be a child sitting there
on the couch, crying her eyes out."

"Lyle defended you?"

"He did more than that. He
contacted the old pastor of the church we all went to and told him everything
that happened. That Sunday, the sermon was about bullying and old Pastor Jones
said that he had no problem taking a good old strap to his boys if they ever
did such a thing." Layton laughed. "Becky's father apologized to Pop
right after and then dragged that brat out by the ear. The next day, she showed
up at school with a bag of brand new shoes and clothes, and gave them to Sally
with her apologies."

"Wow. You must have changed
her life."

"She grew up and married a
high school principal, had five kids of her own, and every one of them are
respectful, strong and loving. Together, they head the 'Say No to Bullying'

"We're here," Caine
announced, as they pulled through the gate of a tiny, private airport.

"What are we doing here?"

"Just taking a little trip,
baby girl. Daddy and I wanted to give you a special treat for being so
respectful during your restriction."

May's face brightened, and she
clapped her hands gleefully. "I like treats! Are we going up in an

"Yes, ma'am. Excited?"
Caine asked, helping her out of the truck.

She hugged him tightly. "I've
never been flying before, so yes!"

"Let's get moving then,"
Layton said, grabbing the picnic basket. He shook hands with the pilot and
talked quietly.

"What are they saying?"
May whispered to Caine.

"You're nosy. We are going to
have a May Play Day. No, leave the teddy bear in the car."

May's pout did not last long as she
was shuffled into the back bench of the small Cessna. Caine strapped her in and
then joined her, while Layton took over the co-pilot's seat.

"So, you've never been in the
air before?" the pilot asked, after checking all the instruments and
readying for take-off.

"No, sir, never," May
said into the microphone of her headset. "Is it going to be bumpy?"

"Not a bit. The air is as
smooth as glass today. Ordered specifically for a first timer." The pilot
grinned. "Ready to go?"


May held her breath as she watched
the ground shrink below them. The engine purred in a soothing rumble while they
rose higher over the land.

"Is that our lake?" she
asked, pressing her nose to the window pane.

"Yes, it is. Let's circle to
see the house," Layton suggested.

May pointed out landmarks, bouncing
with glee each time she recognized a familiar area. They then started south and
towards the secret destination. The humming of the engine and the floating of
the plane lulled May to sleep. She woke as the little aircraft made its

"What? Huh?" she
straighten up, disorientated. "Are we here?"

"Yes, we are. And it looks
like our car is waiting. Out you go, my little doll," Caine said, lifting
her easily out of the plane. He took her hand and led her to where Layton was
getting the keys and a map.

"Looks like we're ready and
have everything we need," Layton said, jiggling the keys in his hand after
thanking the pilot. "Do you need to go potty before we leave?"

"I'm fine," May said,
screwing up her face with distaste.

Layton laughed. "I was
actually asking Caine. Both of you go and then we will set out to the next

"He's in a mood, huh?"
May asked, as Caine escorted her to the facilities.

"I like it when he is like
this. He's been a bear to be around this last month."

"I'm sure he will say same
about you. All you did was scowl every time I saw you," May teased, making
a face at him.

"Scowl? I'll show you a
scowl," Caine growled, grabbing her in his arms and furiously starting to
tickle her. Loud shrieks brought Layton straight to them.

"Do I have to separate you
two? Hurry up, I'm getting hungry, and Clara's fried chicken is calling for

May sat in the back seat of the
small Honda, flicking Caine's ear and tugging on his hair. He reached behind
him to wag a finger and order her to behave. "Ow! She bit me!"

"Don't be such a drama
queen." Layton laughed.

"Pussy," May whispered
under a giggle.

"I heard that," both men
announced, making her giggle louder.

"Seems like she is missing
getting her butt roasted," Layton raised an eyebrow and looked into the
mirror. "Do I need to pull the car over and do that now?"

"Nooo," May responded in
a sing-song voice. "Not unless you wanna spank Daddy. He's being a big

"Daddy is going to make you
into a big cry-baby if you don't watch your 'Ps & Qs', little lady,"
Caine warned her.

"Nu uh," May answered
back, finding it easy to fall into that unique Little headspace. "Not my
fault you whine like a girl."

"Sounds like someone is
jonesing," Layton said, looking out the side mirrors before pulling off to
the side of the road. "Let's handle that right now."

"No! We are in the middle of
the highway!" May squawked, shaking her head wildly.

"There's not a single other
car in sight, plus the windows are tinted." Layton parked the car and
exited the driver's side. He opened May's door and slid in next to her.
"Over my knee."

"No," May snickered,
scooting to the other door. "Let go of my ear!"

"You wanna brat? Fine by
me," Layton said cheerfully, dragging her across his thighs and wrestling
her jeans down to her ankles. Her tiny pink lace panties followed, leaving her
pale, rounded globes accessible to his hand.

"Let's see… we called Daddy a
pussy. That was very naughty of you," Layton began, splatting his hand
against her jiggling flesh. May buried her face into the cloth seats and
giggled, yipping when he smacked a bit harder. He rested his hand on her bare
bottom and asked, "Do you think that was a nice thing to do?"

"It's a matter of
perspective." She giggled again.

He smacked her rear end sharply.
"That'll be 'yes, sir' to you, got it?"

"Even if that isn't my answer?
Owie! Yes, sir," May said, groaning.

His hand rested lightly on her
bottom again. She took in a deep breath, feeling it leave her flesh. In an
instant, it was raining down in staccato claps upon her backside. May could not
resist squirming to escape as she listened to the sound of his hand meeting her
flesh. The sting increased exponentially with each whack, until May started
kicking, and gripping Layton's jeans for dear life. Her giggles changed to
plaintive mews, and the mews dissolved into breathless pants. May stiffened as
her body exploded into a shockingly unexpected orgasm.

Layton began to rub her bottom,
making lazy circles on the warm flesh. "That was a lot of fun," he
whispered in her ear.

May twisted her head to look at
him. "Yeah, it was," she whispered back.

He reached down and pulled her
panties back in place, adjusted them neatly over her tender cheeks, and then
pulled up her pants. He gave her a slight pat on the rear before pulling her up
to zip her jeans closed. "We should do this every time we take a road
trip," he offered.

May giggled. "I might allow

He slipped out of the car and
kissed her cheek. "Think about me while you're sitting on that hot rear,"
he said with a wink.

May snickered. "Don't worry, I
will. Layton?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Think about me as you're
trying to get comfortable with that hard on."



Chapter 13


They drove another half-hour before
pulling into the long driveway of a rustic house built like an old, red barn.
Enormous cypress trees loomed over the lush grass, dripping with shawls of
Spanish moss. The cicadas chirped loudly, hidden in the dark foliage.

"Is that a river back
there?" May asked, pointing.

"That, my little love, is the
Guadalupe River. The folks used to take us here when we were kids, to go
tubing. This place belongs to a friend of ours. You know Sri."

"Dr. Adul?" May blinked.

"Yes. She is going to join us
for part of our trip." Caine announced, lifting the picnic basket out of
the car.

"She is? Why?" May
frowned. "I am not sharing you with her."

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