Two Hitmen: A Double Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 1) (106 page)

BOOK: Two Hitmen: A Double Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 1)
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“Sweet,” he said, relishing the taste, and he gave his fingers back to her to taste again. “But not nearly enough.” He slapped her ass with a satisfying thwack. The shock made her suck harder on his fingers. The ripples in her ample, round flesh rolled against his thigh.

He slapped her again in exactly the same spot. She squeaked and sucked again and her ass pushed and rubbed on his cock. He took back his hand and leaned against her as he unbuckled his belt.

Her pussy rose and fell and got in the way as he tried to pull down the zipper. With one hand, he took her wet lips, her mound, her folds, and her clit. She sagged and her knees gave way. His hand was drenched immediately and he pushed his thumb all around the base of her hot little clit.

When he managed to haul his cock free from his boxers, he banged it on the cheeks of her ass, then beat the long pole upwards against her little mound. He sawed the length of it between her lips, between her cheeks, up, under her stomach, and he felt her thighs and her stomach tremble.

Her lips were red, dripping, and more than ready, and Pierce couldn’t wait any longer to fill her up. He opened her with his thumb, then with his fingers. Princess whimpered and mewled as he plunged one finger, then two, then three inside her. Then he slapped her ass again and roughly pulled her thighs wide.

Slowly, deliberately, he slid the head of his cock between her ass cheeks, down her folds, and then engaged himself at her entrance. She craned to look around at him, her eyes wide, her mouth slack. He reached beneath her and grabbed her breast then, and with his other hand took a grip of her hair.

Princess let out a long moan as he penetrated her. Her lips were tight around him and he squeezed on her tit, rolling to twist her nipple with his thumb and finger.

As he impaled her, Pierce stayed looking in her eyes. Her lips parted and she sank into the thick, soft black leather of the couch. The sight of her milky skin against the black couch with the glittering Manhattan nightscape behind her spurred him, and he rammed long and deep inside her.

At every inch he slid in, her walls were stretched tight around him and her moans ignited him. The soft, wet muscle within her suckled and held him tight enough to be almost sore. He knew it would burn soon enough. Especially if he rode her hard.

He tugged on her hair. His fat cock dove below her rippling ass. Faster and deeper he plowed and drilled her. He sped up and breathed hard as he watched the roll of her ass and the reflection of her beautifully contorted face. He rammed the full length of his weapon into her and pulled down to drag at the front her as he drew it back out.

“Fuck me,” she said. “Fuck me, you bastard.” He slapped her ass. “Harder,” she shouted. He obliged. She yelped as his hand beat on the same spot on her ass, time and time again. And each time she shouted, “Yes!” and she got wetter.

Her hands waved back behind him to reach his ass, but Pierce pulled out and flipped her over so she tipped with her head on the seat of the couch and her legs in the air. He watched her face redden as he spread her legs wide and relished the feeling of his hands on the flesh of her inner thighs.

He plunged his tongue into her pussy. The tip of his tongue reached to press inside her, into her front walls. His lips nuzzled and suckled her clit and the base of her ass, and she writhed and moaned as he rolled and flicked and pressed his tongue as far into her as it would go.

Her fingers ran through his hair and she tried to grip his head, but her arms were at full stretch. They squeezed her breasts beautifully, and they bounced as she shook.

He teased and fluttered and shoved her to a climax, and she gushed gloriously into his mouth. He sucked and licked and urged her on until she pulled her nipples and dragged her hands through her hair and along her throat. She gasped and yelled, and her juice slathered on his eager tongue as she came again.

Roughly, holding her by the hips, Pierce spun her over again. This time, he heaved her up and slung her thighs over his shoulders, hanging her body down his. The billowing cushions of Princess’ breasts and the scrape of her nipples against his skin made him wild. He snorted as he grabbed the back of her hair. He sucked delicately, expertly on her clit as he pulled her head to slide his cock into her mouth.

She made wet, wild gurgling sounds and her lips slid along his cock, taking him straight in. The top of his bulb was at the back of her tongue and she sucked hard, laying her tongue along his length. Then she pulled her head back against the grip of his hand in her hair and plunged hard along the length of him.

Princess rocked her body to slam his shaft into her mouth, and then she popped him over the ridge into her throat. Her neck and her body craned as she worked along his hard, pulsing flesh, until her chin was against his body and her wet lips met his balls.

His mouth and his tongue pulled and lapped and sucked on her red, swollen flower, her hot, peachy mound, and her eager, grasping inner walls. Occasionally, with the tip of his nose—and a couple of times with the tip of his tongue—he tickled her little star, loving the heat of her cheeks, rippling upside down, on either side of his face.

Pierce bent his knees and couldn’t stop his hand from dragging her head along the rail of his rod, nor his hips from sawing his fat cock deep into the softness of her hungry throat.

Her lips and her mouth were heaven for his cock to fill and fuck, but he wanted to finish deep in her pussy and to watch her eyes, her face, as he filled her.

“Oh, you fucker,” she growled. “Will you not let me finish anything?”

“Oh, yes,” he said, lifting her to face him, holding her thighs and lowering her onto he cock. “Yes, Princess.” He looked in her eager eyes as her arms fell across his shoulders. “You can finish this.” And he drove deep into her, pulled her thighs wider for better access, and he drilled her.

As he held her, rocked her, and had her ride him, her face flickered, furrowed, strained, and opened. Her little pussy swallowed and milked his pummeling shaft. When he reached all the way in, her mouth and her eyes opened and her eyebrows pleaded. The hot lips of her pussy sucked at the hilt of his cock.

He stroked her face and her mouth lunged. She caught his finger with her sharp teeth and wouldn’t let go.

“Come with me, Pierce.” Her voice rose and shook, and still she held his finger with her teeth. “Please. Come with me.”

Her hips rolled harder, faster. She bounced on him. He held her breast as she moved, felt the bounce and heft behind her hard, brown nipple. He saw that she was cresting as her head tilted, and he gave in to the fabulous suckle of her pussy.

Inside her, as far inside her as he could get—between her arms, between her legs, between the lips of her devouring need—he pumped and swelled. And as the charge came and he passed the point of no return, bolts of screaming orgasm blasted through his body, just as blasts of hot juice fountained and splashed into her.

Princess rode her hips along his cock and he slammed up into her, and as she shouted and clasped her arms around his head, she pulled him into her breasts.

Like the barely reachable last steps of a race, Pierce’s body spent and ready to give up, he thrust again, again and again, and they collapsed over the back of the couch and into a heap together.

Darkness crept into the loggia. Neither of them stirred. Pierce brushed her hair away from her wet face with his fingers, marveling at her. She clung to him.

They reached to hold each other in any way they could, panting so hard their breath growled. He stroked her, held her, pulled her close.

“Princess,” he told her, “you are so damned wonderful.” She looked up into his eyes and he said, “I really love you.”

She nuzzled closer, semi-conscious, and drifted toward oblivion with the lights of New York flashing to salute their heroic struggle.

He had never said that to a woman before. Never even thought of saying it. Not once. Now it seemed so obviously true that it was only right to say it. Besides, he needed Princess to know. Needed her to know that he needed her.

Utterly maddening though she was.

Just being next to her, drowsy and intoxicated by love and lust, raised him. Roused him. His cock was stretched along her thigh. It stretched a little longer. She said, “Mmm?” and he saw her eyes flutter. Then his cock stretched a lot longer.

She snuggled and said quietly, “What about your ‘one-time-only’ rule?”

He slowly moistened his lips. “That’s been revised now that I’ve met you.”

She buried her nose in his chest and drew a long breath in. “Oh? What’s the rule now?”

“No times. Ever. End of story.”

Lazily, she said, “What’s this I can feel snaking up to my pussy, then?”

He stroked her, marveling at the fabulous contours of her hips and her ass. “The rule is for every other girl or woman on the planet. There’s a special rule for you.”

“And what’s that?” She propped herself up on her elbow.

She surrendered to his long, deep and sensual kiss. Then he lifted her up onto her hands and knees. The plump lips of her delicious pussy got hotter and the honey-tang scent of her intensified.

“Everything,” he said. “All the time. Over and over.”

His fingers slipped between the cheeks of her ass. Relished her cleavage, massaged her soft little star. His cock jumped.

She said, “You’ll have to make me do that,” with a little growl that he found encouraging.

He said, “You sure?”

Her little grin inflamed him. “Mmhm.”

The next morning, Princess sat up front in the Bentley as Pierce drove to the hospital to see Dino. Calhoun and Callaghan were there already. Princess sat next to him in the front passenger seat. She asked him, “So, are you going to keep your word and give me my club back?”

“It was your father I took it from. If I give it back, I should give it to him.”

“Yeah, yeah. We had a deal, Mr. Gangster. I kept my end. How about delivering on yours?”

“I wish it were that simple. I really do.” She punched his arm. “Ow. You know your Daddy went out chasing the ace every moment he could. He stood the club as guarantee, and he lost. Big. Again.”

She glowered.

He said, “I can’t just hand Hotsteppa’s back to you. Fat Tony will be there straight away, and he’ll pick it so clean you won’t see anything but white bone.”

“How much is Daddy into Fat Tony for?”

“More than you can pay out of Hotsteppa’s accounts.”

“What are you going to do about it, Mr. Gangster?”

Her eyes hardened. He loved to see that passion in her. Even though it made it hard for him to concentrate on driving. Thoughts swirled around his head of the peachy soft curves of her ass. How it would bounce if he bent her over and yanked her silky panties down.

“I’ve got an idea.”

Her eyes flicked down to his rising cock and back up. “I just bet you have. Why don’t you concentrate for now on getting me my club back?”

“Then I won’t have to hold you captive anymore.”

“We’ll see about that.”

His cock ached, straining under his pants as he swung into the hospital parking lot.

“I’ve thought of something that might work,” he added.

“How about you cover the debt? That might work. I’m sure you’re going to make enough out of your consortium.”

“No,” he said. “That wouldn’t work.”

He parked as she said, “Why not?”

He pulled the parking brake and turned to face her. “Gamblers are like junkies and children, Princess. I bailed him out one time already. If I do it again, he’ll believe that I’ll just pick up after him every time.”

She didn’t look convinced. He didn’t really want to lay the next part out for her, but she had to get it one way or the other. “If I do that, he’ll go straight out again, run up more debt.” Looking in her eyes, he thought she still hadn’t seen it.

“That time, Princess, or the next time, he’ll wake up at the bottom of the Hudson and your club will turn into smoke.”

Agostini hated hospitals. Calhoun and Callaghan were in Dino’s white hospital room already. The room was a jungle of plants and cut flowers. The tubes and hospital clothes didn’t suit Dino, but he looked bright and he had a good color.

One shoulder was wrapped in a bandage and his face was bruised. His eyes twinkled as he slowly turned his head, but after some brief assurances that he was fine, he said, “It’s nice of you kids all to come see me.” He gave them a little nod and a smile with his lips closed. “Really, thanks.” And he squeezed Princess’ hand.

“Are you trying to hurry us away?”

“Mona’s on her way,” he told her, “and she said she was bringing Trixibelle with her.”


On the way down in the hospital elevator, Pierce told Princess, “Come with me to meet Fat Tony. That way, you’ll know I’m not doing a number on you.”



“Sure,” he said. “Why not?” She had balls, it was true.

Agostini called ahead and let Fat Tony know they were coming. “Don’t ask him any questions, okay? In fact, don’t say anything unless you really have to. Let me do the talking.”

Before they arrived, he told her, “Whatever you do, don’t call him ‘Fat Tony,’ all right? That’s very important. Don’t refer to it. He’s ‘Anthony.’ That’s all.”

Princess was disappointed when they entered what appeared to her to be a very ordinary-looking take-away pizza joint with a few tables and chairs in back.

A tall, lean man with black hair and a short beard came out to meet them. He was well-dressed in a blue cashmere sweater, a white shirt underneath, and black pants that looked expensive and Italian, like his black loafers.

He was not at all a bad-looking man. When he and Pierce exchanged an Italian, masculine embrace, she could see he was much larger than Pierce, but slim. Athletic, even. Princess struggled not to stare when he ushered them through a private door and he said, “You must be Princess. I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m Anthony.”

The private rooms looked like they were part of a different establishment altogether. A plush, paneled corridor led to a comfortable office where they sat with Anthony behind a large desk. He offered them drinks, something to eat. “Some pastries,” he said, with his hands spread and open.

BOOK: Two Hitmen: A Double Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 1)
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