Two Shades of Seduction (45 page)

Read Two Shades of Seduction Online

Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Two Shades of Seduction
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“She must have hated your father very much.” The sympathetic note in her voice offered him the same comfort as the warm hand pressed into his chest.

“There was a bitterness in her that ate away at her until she died.” He shrugged. “I grew up in the care of a nanny and later went to boarding school. I was happy there, and I rarely went home.”

“What did you do for the holidays?” she asked with a soft gasp.

“As a rule, I stayed with school mates or remained at school.”

“It must have been very difficult for you, not having a real home to go to.”

There was a quiet understanding in her words that made his jaw clench. The sudden longing for a place to put down roots swept through him with the force of a herd of stampeding cattle. It had been years since he’d experienced such a sensation. Morgan looked down at her and forced a smile.

“I survived,” he said with a firmness that indicated he was through with the conversation.

Julia eyed him for a long moment as if testing his willingness to continue baring his soul. When he remained silent, the assessment in her gaze said she knew there was more to his tale than what he’d shared, but she made no further effort to question him.

With a movement that reminded him of a sleek cat, Julia shifted her body until she was lying on her stomach. Every inch of her called out to him until his fingertips tingled with the urge to touch her again. He was looking forward to seeing what she looked like in the soft morning light. An image of waking up next to her for years to come flashed through his head.

Alarm streaked through him. It was a ridiculous thought influenced by their conversation. The futile wish would vanish the moment he rid himself of this lust he felt for her. She was a tempting creature, and all evening long, he’d been amazed by her response to their lovemaking. There would be many more evenings like this before they finally parted ways. Smiling at the thought, Morgan reached out to stroke her back. Her eyes were closed, and she smiled.

“That feels nice.”

Immediately setting the plate of fruit on the nightstand, he set about massaging her back. Soft sighs of pleasure echoed from her, and he enjoyed her response to his touch. Giving her pleasure filled him with quiet satisfaction. Something he’d not experienced with any woman from his past. His hands slid down to the rounded globes of her buttocks. She tensed as his finger traced the line of her cleft then skated down the inside of her thigh.

She lifted her head and glanced back over her shoulder at him. Trepidation glowed in her hazel eyes, and he leaned forward to kiss her lips. Retreating, he picked up the bowl of honey off the plate beside the bed. He grinned at the puzzled look on her face.

“Something to make you sweeter.” Brushing her hair off her back, he drizzled a thin stream of the natural sweetener over her back and across her round buttocks. Her gasp of surprise made him laugh. “Don’t move or you’ll make everything sticky.”

“St. Claire,
are you up too?” She inhaled another sharp breath as his tongue lapped up a small section of honey from her skin.

“I’m enjoying a rare delicacy. Honey-laced Julia. Delicious.”

Laughter rolled past her lips at the wicked amusement in his voice. The man was truly a rake, but a deliciously sinful one. The teasing play of his lovemaking simply reinforced the reason why so many women had fallen for him. What woman could resist such a man? She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his tongue licking the honey off her skin.

Massaging fingertips slowly forced her legs further apart as he continued to eat the honey off the small of her back. With the slightest touch, his finger skimmed the rim of her sex, and her body gave a twitch of pleasure at the caress. His teeth scraped across one buttock before he gently nipped at her flesh while his finger slid into her in a smooth stroke.

The pleasure of his caresses tugged a moan from her. God, but the man knew how to please a woman. His fingers slipped between her folds as he increased his attention to her bottom with gentle love bites and strokes of his tongue.

It was a seduction unlike anything she’d ever imagined. The need for more sent her rear arching upward as she pressed back against his strokes. Familiar desire skidded wildly through her veins. For a brief instant, she wondered how she was ever going to walk away from this pleasure—from him. Desire and need flung the thought aside. She started to roll over onto her back, but a firm hand held her in place.

“Not yet, my sweet.”

“Morgan, please. I want to feel you inside me,” she whimpered.

“And so you shall.”

His finger increased its thrusts into her core, while alternating each stroke with a quick caress to her swollen nub. Unable to help herself, her buttocks arched up higher, pushing against his hand in a silent cry for fulfillment. His hand caressed her belly then helped to ease her up onto her knees, all the while continuing to stroke her with his heated caress. Her insides ached with need and she whimpered.

“Shall I fill you now, my sweet?”

“Oh God, yes.” Was that hoarse cry really hers? Her body was on fire, and the torment of desire crashing through her made her cry out again. “Please, oh now, please.”

The suddenness of his possession pulled a cry of passion and surprise from her. He’d entered her from behind, and filled her completely. She wanted to weep from the intensity of pleasure cresting over her. Stretched and full with him, it was the most hedonistic and rapturous thing she’d ever experienced. He started to retreat and her muscles tried to clamp down on him, keep him inside of her. No, she wanted him to stay inside her like this for a little while longer.

She opened her mouth to protest, but when he pressed back into her hard and deep, her protest became a scream of delight. Once again, he retreated, but this time the delay was shorter. With each thrust, he increased the speed of his strokes until his body pounded against hers with a frenzy that matched her own decadent need for fulfillment. Hot lava rolled through her limbs toward her belly as she met his thrusts with heated passion. As the molten fire reached her belly, it erupted into a climax that rocked her entire body. Her body gripped his cock, tightening on it, squeezing it until he cried out then drove into her one last time and spilled his seed. The intensity of the moment blinded her to everything but the spasms of pleasure his possession had unleashed in her. Morgan’s hand caressed her bare bottom as he remained buried inside of her for a long moment. When he finally withdrew from her, a languid lethargy sped through her limbs and she slowly rolled onto her back to stare up at him.

“Thank you.” Her words seemed to please him, and he stretched out beside her. Morgan’s arm wrapped itself around her shoulders and pulled her close. She yawned.

“I think it’s time for you to take a nap.” He pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear as he issued his order.

“I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to make love all night.”

“Insatiable minx.” Chuckling, he kissed her brow. “I promise to wake you as soon as my body will allow.”

“I’ll hold you…” She yawned again, this time more widely and closed her eyes. “To that St. Claire.”

His answer was to pull her close into his chest, and she reveled in the sensation of her cheek burrowing into his chest. With his foot, he kicked the sheet up into the air and caught it with his hand. The way he gently tucked the silk covering around them struck her as a tender gesture, and when he stroked her cheek it made her sigh with contentment.

§  §  §

A warm body shifted against him as Morgan stared up at the ceiling. He glanced down at Julia’s sleeping form. The sight sent a wave of inexplicable emotion coursing through him. For the first time in years, he actually felt happy. It was a strange sensation.

Lightly he trailed one finger down her cheek causing her to murmur something unintelligible. With great care, he slipped from her arms and slid out of bed. Retrieving his robe, he crossed the floor to the window. Small pinpoints of light sprinkled the dark sky as if the dawn was hours away, but he knew better from the clock on the mantle.

Julia had given herself to him tonight with an exquisite abandon that had thrilled and delighted him. The woman in the portrait had finally come to his bed, and she had exceeded his wildest expectations.

When they’d fallen asleep the first time, he’d promised to awaken her. But she was the one to wake first, and she’d massaged his cock until he ached to be inside her. The instant she’d mounted him had been an unexpected delight, and she’d ridden him with passion and exuberance until they’d climaxed together.

Afterward, they’d relaxed amidst the tousled sheets finishing the remnants of the fruit plate. For the first time since they’d met, she had appeared at ease in his company. Her quick wit and sharp mind, combined with her voluptuous body, made her a temptation he had succumbed to over and over again.

The memory of their lovemaking made his cock swell. God he was hotter than hell for her just thinking about it. He swallowed hard as he struggled to keep from returning to bed and waking her. Bloody hell, he needed to control himself. This entire situation was spiraling out of control. If he wasn’t careful, he’d wind up married to her.

He froze.

Married. He had no desire to marry. Did he?

The fact that he was questioning himself made him swallow hard. He turned his head to look at the woman in his bed. He’d set out to bed her, only to discover he wanted something more. But marriage? Wouldn’t it just be simpler to keep her as his mistress? No. She deserved better than that.

His shoulder pressed into wood as he leaned against the window jamb. Crossing his arms, he studied her intently from where he stood. A long time ago, he’d learned that the words marriage and happiness were completely incompatible. And yet, she made him think he was wrong. Closing his eyes, he visualized his life before Julia.

Long days merging into night as he toiled away at the shipping offices. He was a wealthy, successful businessman. But it was of little use to him without someone to share it with him. It was a cold, lonely existence with the occasional heat of a mistress here and there. Seldom was there any true joy in his life. All of that had changed since first setting eyes on Julia.

How was it possible to have fallen in love with her so quickly? So easily? The moment the insight flashed through his head, he jerked upright to stand rigid at the window. Love. It wasn’t possible. Morgan St. Clair never fell in love with the women he bedded.

His gaze fell on Julia again as she stirred in her sleep. Closing his eyes, he could see every curve and sweet dimple of her body. And he loved her. The raw simplicity of it floored him. The portrait had merely intrigued him, but the woman had captured his heart. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined he would fall in love. That he would want to marry and have someone to come home to.

No doubt, the Set would find it amusing that he’d finally succumbed to the wiles of a woman. Then again, Julia wasn’t just any woman. She was his. Tonight she’d come to him willingly and of her own free will. Not only had she come to him without coercion, she’d offered herself to him with a sweetness and passion that convinced him she had feelings for him.

Quietly, he returned to the bed. Slipping beneath the covers, he kissed her forehead with tenderness. The touch made her stir, and her eyes fluttered open.


“Shh, go back to sleep,” he whispered.

“But I’m not sleepy, anymore.” Her mouth parted in a wide yawn. Chuckling, he flicked her nose with his forefinger.

“Well I am, and I want to wake up with you in my arms.”

With another sleepy nod, she closed her eyes and burrowed into him like a sleek cat. He relished the sensation. He closed his eyes and listened to the soft, steadiness of her breathing. Tonight was the beginning of a future he’d never imagined possible. A heaviness filled his limbs as sleep slowly conquered him. Just before he sank into the peaceful dream realm, he smiled. Tomorrow he’d propose to Julia.

Chapter 9

ink and orange trails of color glimmered outside the window as Julia quietly finished dressing. She would need to hurry or Morgan might wake. It would be disastrous if she were still here and that happened. He would no doubt try to stop her from leaving, and it would be difficult to resist him. He had a way of bending her to his will, and she couldn’t afford to let him change her mind about ending their affair.

Glancing back toward the bed where he slept, she studied him for a long moment. She could have stood there for hours just watching him sleep, the way his chest quietly rose and fell from his steady breathing. In sleep, the harsh planes of his face had softened.

The lean hardness of his body was tangled in the white bed sheet, which had fallen to his waist. Her gaze caressed the hard curves of his chest displayed so handsomely in the still muted light of the room. Last night she’d adorned that steely torso with loving kisses. It was a memory she would cherish forever.

He stirred in his slumber, and a long, muscular leg thrust its way out from under the sheet to reveal the limb from foot to hip. The line of his thigh was beautiful. No artist could have created a shape so perfectly male. And there was nothing more dangerous than Morgan St. Claire and the unbelievable maleness of him.

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