TYCE (27 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“She was asking all kinds of fuckin’ questions about you, me, and Angelique.

She introduced me to Biz and told me she was seeing him. I didn’t tell her
I jus’ let her keep talkin’.”

“Did anybody follow you here?” Tyce asked; his voice seasoned with concern.

“No, I circled the block four times jus’ to be sure.”


Dallas relaxed a little but continued to talk, “I didn’t know she was seeing him Tyce. I haven’t seen her in a while. If I had known that I would have nev……..”

He cut her off, “You don’t even have say that. I trust you Dallas…I trust you with my life.” Tyce grabbed her hand and squeezed gently.

A long awaited feeling of relief and excitement filled up her insides. Dallas was overwhelmed with joy that transformed to an intense feeling of attraction. Ignoring her mind and listening closely to what her body was yelling; she grabbed Tyce’s head with both hands like she was catching a football pass and pulled his face into hers. She felt his neck tense up from the surprise attack but it slowly loosened up as she began to kiss him passionately. Dallas twirled and flicked her tongue aggressively; her kiss became more intense when she felt Tyce’s tongue begin to fight back. For a long moment, they were engaged in a passionate lip lock.

Dallas finally released her grip on Tyce’s head and stared at him breathlessly. “I would apologize but I’m not sorry. I meant to do that,” Dallas said defiantly.

Tyce stood up and adjusted his jeans keeping his back toward Dallas. “You mind sharing that cigarette?” Dallas asked seductively.

Tyce forgot about the cigarette he was holding and passed it to Dallas. He suddenly felt guilty; his mind was going in two different directions at the same time. He didn’t expect for Dallas to come at him like that. His conscience was already eating at him because he actually liked it. Ever since he met Dallas at the hotel, he’d had an intense attraction to her. Up until today, he was able to control it and keep it strictly on a business level. He wasn’t blind; he knew Dallas wanted more from him but that was something he just couldn’t give her. His feelings for Angelique were growing stronger by the day, he couldn’t deny that, but Dallas on the other hand stirred something deep inside of him

that he couldn’t explain.

Snapping Tyce out his daydream Dallas spoke, “Tyce, I’m not a shy girl, you know that about me…I know you’re attracted to me…and I know you love Angelique. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I value Angelique as a friend, and she’s an amazing woman.” Her eyes began to mist a little, “I’m not trying to come between you two…I jus’ don’t know what to do with all this shit inside of me. I think about you all the time, when I stop at red lights I fantasize about fuckin’ you, I wonder how you’re sleeping at night. This shit is driving me crazy! I’m trying to jus’ be your

friend but that shit
…Tyce, I love you.”




I Aint No Joke



      I walked into the showroom of the “
dealership and looked around slowly. My eyes stared at the luxury automobiles taking in every single detail. After about ten minutes, I finally settled on a black on black S500, that shit was sexy as hell. An overzealous sales man made his way over to me wearing a painted on smile,

“I see you have outstanding taste, I couldn’t help but notice you checking out the 500.”

“Yeah it’s a beautiful car.” I walked over to get a closer look with him following close behind.

“We have some great financing options available or maybe you’d be interested in a lease package.”

I opened the door and slid into the cockpit, “Now what makes you think I’d be interested in that?”

The 30 something sales man looked at my outfit and shrugged his round shoulders in an “I don’t know motion.” I was wearing a camel brown suede jump suit and white T-shirt. I guess to him,

my clothes didn’t match the car.

“No offense buddy…you just seem more like a

” man.” He offered.

“I bet you’re one of the top salesmen here…am I right?” I asked looking up at him.

“Well, I did beat my quota last month and it’s only three weeks into this month.” He bragged.

“Wow.” I nodded.

“Hey, I’m not complaining, if other people around here want to slack then that’s just more money for me! So what you step on a few toes, I’ll gladly be the bad guy to treat my customers right, you know?”

“I know that’s right.” I got out the car and faced him, “I’m in sales myself and I hate when I have a weak link on my team.” I leaned in closer to him, “If you don’t mind me asking, who’s the weakest link here?”

The man paused for a second, “Well…let’s just say that women should stick to selling “
not “
Mercedes Benz’s

As he said that, a young woman stepped out of a bathroom and walked by us. He looked over at her, then at me and rolled his eyes.

“That’s Jessica, just be glad I’m helping you and not her; she only sold one car this month, she probably was in the bathroom crying about

it. Sooo ahhh anyway enough about her, let’s discuss the financing options. This baby will run you about 1,200 a month with a down payment of about 20 percent, if the down payment is a problem we can stretch it out over four weeks with half due now and the other half due in 30 days.”

As he continued bumping his gums, my attention was still on the young lady. She appeared to be in her early twenties and looked like a schoolteacher with her hair neatly pulled back in ponytail. She wore a red pencil skirt and white blouse and sported an unconfident look in her blue eyes.

“Jessica!” I yelled interrupting the man’s speech.

She snatched her head up from some paperwork she was focused on with a look of surprise on her young face. I smiled and motioned for her to come over.

Jessica quickly walked over, “Yes…can I help you sir?” She asked shakily.

“Yes you can. I would like your opinion.”

“Ok, I’d be happy to assist you, what do you need my opinion on?” She smiled glancing nervously at her chauvinistic co-worker.

“Do you like this car?” I put my arm over the

top of the door.

“I love this car; I think it’s sexy and sleek.”

“What do you think is the best way to buy this car?” I asked looking at the frustrated salesman.

“Well you could make payments in a buy or lease program or you could just pay good ole’ fashion cash and save yourself tons of money in interest.”

“Ok last question…do you think I can afford to pay cash for this car?”

Jessica smiled at me, “I never make assumptions on anyone’s financial capabilities. I do however notice that you’re wearing a twenty seven hundred dollar jump suit, two hundred and fifty dollar sneakers, and I bet your earrings are at least a carat and a half each, and those diamonds run between eight and 17 thousand each. Sooo in my opinion, I would say that you can afford to pay cash for this car.” She concluded with a little smirk.

“Jessica, can you please tell Mr. Payment here to leave, so me and you can work a cash deal on this car…I don’t think we need him anymore.” I kept my gaze on her.

She blushed like a school girl, “Umm Brian, can

you excuse us please, I have some work to do. Two hours later, I was walking out the dealership and Jessica couldn’t stop thanking me. She handed me a stack or her cards and assured me that anybody I sent her way would be well taken care of. I was happy with her service and I liked the car; shit I already had one myself but this one was being delivered to Omar as a gift. I had the feeling he was a little salty with some of the decisions I’d made recently and I thought this would help repair the minor damage our friendship had suffered. Omar was just funny like that, he didn’t like not being included in the shot calling but there could only be one Chief; and that was me. I was still trying to put things together. What the hell was Simone asking Dallas about me and Angelique for? I was also tripping about her fucking with Biz; I didn’t know that shit either or else I never would have asked her to get the info on Diego Alverez. I only asked her ‘cuz she used to fuck with Diego and knew his whole operation inside and out. He’d dissed her for a younger version of herself and she never got over it…I guess she got up under Biz instead.

     Dallas through me for a loop with that kiss action. I didn’t expect that shit to jump off like that but I’ma stick to my motto no matter what happens. You never lose women chasing money but you most definitely lose money chasing women and the one thing I hated…was losing. I

needed to stay focused on this last job not to mention this muthafucka Biz; I still had plans for his fake ass! Just as I pulled into my driveway, I got a call from a new friend,

      “Wasup baby how you doin’?”

“I’m good…I need to see you tonight is that


      “Everything ok?” I asked frowning.

“I’m fine but everything is not ok, I have to see you tonight.”

“Yeah that’s cool jus’ give me a few hours, I’ll be in my regular room at the “

      “Ok, I’ll see you later.” She said.




Honey I’m Home



Angelique was lounging out by the pool trying to catch the last few rays of sunshine. She had her I Pod plugged into her ears and didn’t hear me coming up behind; I surprised her with a kiss on the top of her head.

“Hey baby.” She greeted me taking her earplugs out.

“Wasup…you workin’ on that tan huh?” I asked pulling a chair up to sit beside her.

It was like that scene in the movie “
” where “
” was sitting naked in a chair. The view was stunning and her body was making my eyes water and my dick jump at the same time. I loved how comfortable she was with her body; I was a sucker for a woman who wore her birthday suit as an outfit.

“Yeah, you know I can’t have any tan lines on this body. Oh, I went to the store and got what you needed; it’s on the kitchen counter.”

“Good, thank you.”

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