TYCE (26 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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dark eyes.

Omar nodded his head in agreement. He noticed

the wild look in Biz’s eyes; it was a lethal mix of hatred, jealousy, and pure evil. Omar didn’t hate Tyce, he just wouldn’t let him hold him back anymore. Fuck Tyce and his penny pinching no dope policy; that shit was history.

      “Consider it done.” Omar said.

He stood up to leave when Biz grabbed his attention, “One more thing young blood…don’t ever tell me how smart he is again.” He said coldly.




All The Single Ladies



Dallas needed to clear her head
what better way to do that then to spend a bunch of money. She maneuvered her new 745 “
into a parking spot at the “
Beverly Center”
and inspected her makeup in the rearview mirror. She rocked an extra clingy peach sundress; her eye shadow and lip-gloss was a shimmery tan and bronze color that matched the highlights in her dress perfectly. She had to give herself props…she looked
today.  She hadn’t been in her car five minutes before she had to dodge two scrub ass niggas trying to spit game. One dude tried to holla at a red light motioning for her to roll the window down and another one was crossing the street and offered “to make her toes tingle.” It was true what they said…money can’t buy happiness but she was damn sure gonna let the dollars try and cheer her up today. The mall wasn’t as crowded as she thought it would have been. That was just fine with her because it gave her more room to shop. For the first time she was shopping without thinking at all about the price tags. It wasn’t like she was broke before but this was a whole new level of wealth she was on now. The view looked spectacular from the top and she planned to stay there. Dallas walked to the food court. She enjoyed the free feeling that wearing no panties under your dress brings as she switched her hips from side to side. She spotted the person she was looking for standing in the corner. They noticed each other and did the “hey girl” wave from across the mall. The two friends made their way toward each other through the hungry crowd.

“I’m sorry I’m so late girl.” Dallas apologized opening her arms to give a hug.

“Please girl, I jus’ got here my damn self.”

“Well then I take that shit back…you got me rushing to get here in shit.” Dallas whined playfully.

The ladies ended the hug and stepped back to admire each other’s outfits and hairstyles; they exchanged compliments like Christmas gifts as male admirers slowed their pace as they walked by.

“Ok, we didn’t come here to chat, let’s tear this mall up!” Dallas said excitedly. “Girl I need a serious deep tissue money massage to work this stress out.”

“Shit you aint the only one Dallas, but put your cash in your cleavage for second ‘cuz mine aint her yet.”

“What are you talkin’ about girl?” Dallas

looked confused.

“Now you know I don’t shop with

“Oh excuse me Miss Simone…I forgot who I was talkin’ to.” Dallas laughed. “So who’s donating to the (get what you want foundation) today?”

Simone looked back toward the exit to see if he was coming in. She clapped her hands together when she saw him and dashed off to greet her generous sponsor. Moments later, she returned to Dallas and introduced the rich man as Biz. He took Dallas’s small hand politely in his and kissed it softly.

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Thank you…it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Dallas responded.

Simone rubbed his chest lovingly and leaned her titties seductively into him. She was telling him without words that she was ready to go shopping. He must have heard her loud and clear because after she did that he gave her a black credit card from his pants pocket. Simone did a little dance as

she tucked the shiny plastic card in her purse.

“I’ll be sure to buy all the sexy things you like to see me in baby.” She teased.

“You can be my top model tonight.” Biz flirted kissing her lightly on the cheek. “Well ladies, I won’t hold you up anymore. Simone, call me when you’re done and I’ll have Bruce pick you up.”

“Ok baby…it should be about three or four hours at least.”

“Take your time; I got some things I need to do anyway. It was a pleasure to meet you young lady you two have a good time.”

Biz said good-bye and strolled casually out the mall the same way he came in. The two ladies walked through the long hallways of the mall trying to decide where to start spending their money first. Simone was talking a mile a minute about what shoes she wanted or what kind of designer jeans she would get but Dallas’s mind was on other things. She was still in shock that the man Simone was seeing was none other than Biz.

She had come face to face with the man that was plotting to murder Tyce and her new friend Angelique! Dallas remembered the conversation she’d had with Simone a while back. That day on the phone, Simone mentioned a woman that came

too her house with Tyce. Dallas figured she was talking about Angelique but what concerned her more was the favor that Tyce needed Simone for.


Did Simone know that she was working with Tyce?

Did she know that she and Angelique were good

friends and partners in crime?


More importantly, did Biz know and was he using her to get to Tyce and Angelique?


Instantly she lost her appetite for new clothes; all she wanted to do now was escape the mall and get a hold of Tyce to tell him the news. Despite her anxiety she had to remain calm and not arouse Simone’s suspicions just in case she was playing her, it was better to let her believe she didn’t know anything. Simone stopped talking to herself and switched subjects to include Dallas in the conversation.

“Soooo Miss. Thang, what have you been up to lately? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you had a new man.” Simone teased.

“Why would you say that?”

“Well shit, I talked to Honey and she said you

quit about a month ago. I just assumed it was because you had a new man that didn’t approve of your job.”

“Naw girl, I quit because I wanted to…I can’t do that shit forever.”

“Is that right? I jus’ thought it was odd that Honey said you quit after your date with Tyce.” Simone said turning to look at Dallas. “There’s a whole lot of women that would stop what they’re doing in a heartbeat to be with that fine ass nigga!” She said playfully pushing

her shoulder.

Dallas chose her words carefully, “Girl I gotta admit…he is fine as hell but it was jus’ a date…
jus’ a date.”

They made a right turn into a store and Simone continued her inquiry into Dallas’s personal life.

      “Have you seen Tyce since then?”

Damn this bitch was being nosey Dallas thought.

“I only asked because
haven’t got a call from him in months. He used to dip his dick in my pussy at least once a week. He must be real busy or maybe he has a new bitch that’s taking care of him nowadays.” Simone popped a piece of juicy fruit gum into her mouth and chewed slowly staring at Dallas from across a rack of jeans.

“No I haven’t seen him around at all…I can’t say that I haven’t been looking tho.” Dallas lied with a straight face.

“Hmmm maybe he’s in a relationshit right now? I bet he’s fuckin’ that chick he brought to my house…what was her name again?” Simone tapped the side of her forehead trying to remember.

Dallas camouflaged her surprise and just looked at Simone with a blank stare.

“Why you so worried about Tyce; it seems like

Biz is taking good care of you. Dallas turned

the tables on her.

“Shit, he better, as much as I
for him. Trust me I earn every dollar he gives me.”

Dallas was tired of playing 20 questions and decided to leave Simone at the rack of clothes and shop on the other side to the store. She wanted so bad to run off and call Tyce but she decided leaving the mall in a hurry would only lead to more questions. Three hours and five thousand dollars later, Dallas finally left the mall. She trotted to her car, tossed the bags in the passenger seat, and immediately reached for the cell phone inside her purse. She backed out of the parking space and dialed Tyce’s number at the same time; the phone rang four times before he picked up.

“Wasup baby girl?” The sound of his smooth voice instantly brightened her shady mood.

“Not much jus’ leavin’ the mall, can you talk?” She asked as she exited the parking lot and jumped into traffic.

“Yeah wasup…you ok?” Tyce asked curiously.

“Yeah I’m fine; I jus’ need to talk to you…it’s important.”

“Where you at?”

“I’m leavin’ the “
” now.”

“Ok, meet me at my warehouse in 20 minutes;

I’m on my way there.”

Fifteen minutes later Dallas pulled up to the

warehouse not expecting to see Tyce because she was a little early but his Jeep was parked outside already. She got out of her car and walked in. Tyce was sitting on the old couch and stood up when she walked toward him. He greeted her with a warm hug and a hot smile.

“So what’s so important baby girl, somebody fuckin’ with you?” He unwrapped his arms from around her tiny waist and led her over to his favorite couch.

They sat down facing each other and Dallas took a moment to look at him. If she didn’t witness the murderous side of him she never would have guessed from his handsome face that he was capable of such bloody actions. Dallas didn’t realize she’d missed him so much until she saw him again. It had only been two days since the casino hit but it seemed like two months.

“No it’s nothin’ like that, I jus’ got finished shopping with Simone, and you’ll never guess who showed up.” She raised her perfectly arched eyebrows and rolled her neck slightly.

“Who?” Tyce asked lighting a cigarette.

!” Dallas slapped his knee to punctuate her word.

Tyce leaned back on the couch and looked straight

ahead. He took a drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke out lazily.

Before Tyce could comment Dallas interrupted,

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