Tyler (28 page)

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Authors: C. H. Admirand

BOOK: Tyler
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Tyler started to reach for her but knew he’d end up kissing her instead of answering her. He looked over at his brothers. They both nodded, and he knew they had his back. “No difference, Emily,” he rasped holding out his hand to her. “I trust you and that should be enough.”

You could have heard a pin drop. He lifted his hands, but unless she acknowledged his words he wouldn’t touch her again. He turned on his heel and walked away. Walking down the long mirrored hall, he was amazed that he’d lasted this long in a job he hated.
All for the sake of the Garahan legacy, the Circle G, and the woman he loved.

“I never should have let her get under my skin.”

“Then why did you?”

He turned and nearly fell over. “Emily.” The way she was looking up at him had him swallowing against the lump of gratitude in his throat. She wasn’t going to let him walk away from her. “I already told you why the other day.”

She stepped closer. “Refresh my memory.”

The hell with his cracked ribs; he was desperate to hold her. He wrapped his arms around her and laid his cheek on the top of her head, breathing in her unique scent: the citrus of her shampoo and the softer, sweeter essence that was pure Emily.

“I already told you… I fell so hard the first time I saw you standing there with chocolate smeared across your breasts.”

“Did you?” she pressed her lips to his throat.

“You know I did.”

“And if I had to strip for money?” she urged.

He lifted his head and looked down at her. “I’d trust you the same way you trusted me when my ex showed up and you cleaned her clock.”

“I did,” Emily agreed. “And I still do. Punching her in the nose was definitely a bonus.”

“I’m sorry I let my being jealous get in the way of answering you quick enough.”

Emily nodded. “I’m sorry I let my temper get in the way of giving you the time you needed to sort it out in your head.”

“I’m done thinking, Em.” Tyler shifted and groaned, but moved so their lips were lined up. “I love you and need you in my life.”

“And?” Emily grinned touching her lips to his.

“If our roles were reversed, I’d still be jealous as hell of all of those guys getting a good look at what I’d want reserved just for me, but I know that’s all they’d be doing is looking.”

“I love you, Tyler Garahan.”

“Praise the Lord, Emily Langley.”

Lips locked, hearts linked, Tyler kissed her until her toes curled.

Emily laughed softly. “Do you think your ribs’ll stand up to that kind of physical activity?”

He traced her lips with the tip of his tongue then parted her lips to taste her sweet mouth again. “They might, but the stitches probably won’t.”

“Then we’ll just have to settle for a little mouth to mouth.” Her smile was slow and hot. “Think you can handle that, Tyler?”

“You’re killing me, Emily.”

“Give me a little time, and I promise to make your eyes cross and your head spin.” She kissed him back, tangling her tongue with his until he was so hot he thought he’d explode.

“Later,” he promised, “Right now I need—”

“To kiss me, cowboy.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter 25

“Ok, boys,” Jolene said, looking over her shoulder at Jake, then back at the dark-haired brothers. “Which one of you wants to be the first to take the test?”

Eyes narrowed, Dylan asked, “What kind of test?”

“The last one didn’t turn out too well for us,” Jesse admitted.

“Fire Marshal Turner promises not to interfere this time,” she flicked a glance in his direction. “Unless you’d like to be included.”

The men looked at one another, and she sensed they’d all take the bait. Their pride wouldn’t allow anything less.

“We’re in,” Dylan answered for himself and his brother.

Jake met the challenge in her gaze. “Why not?”

Excitement tingled all the way to the tips of her fingers. “Just let me make a phone call.” She pulled out her cell phone and flipped it open.

“Hey, Gwen.” Jolene smiled. “Tyler’s been injured… no, he’ll be all right. But he can’t go on stage for the next little while. Yeah,” she said, looking in the direction he’d disappeared, “I’ll tell him. I have a couple of good-looking men who are interested in taking the test,” she said. “Can you, Natalie, and Jennifer come in early? Great. Now’s fine.”

She flipped the phone closed. “While you boys are waiting,” Jolene said with a smile, “why don’t all y’all help me clean up this mess?”

By the time she’d swept up and the men had hauled the broken table outside, Gwen was walking in with Tyler and Emily, with Natalie and Jennifer just a few steps behind them.

Relieved to see them together, Jolene called out, “You two sort out what you needed to?”

Tyler nodded. “But I was wondering if you’d mind telling me why you chose to open a strip club for women instead of a bar.”

Jolene looked at Emily.

Emily walked over to stand beside her cousin. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Jo. Tyler would understand.”

Tyler knew the women drew strength from each other. Hell, he understood and always felt invincible when his brothers had his back.

This time his boss surprised him and didn’t hesitate. “I’ve always wanted my own place”—she looked over at Jake—“when I bought The Lucky Star, there were some code violations that I didn’t know about.” He nodded, and she continued. “Apparently the wiring was bad and the place was a firetrap. I had to come up with the money fast, or I’d lose everything we’d all invested.”

“It’s not just you and Emily?”

Jolene shook her head. “Gwen, Natalie, Jennifer, and I pooled our savings… all of it.” She smiled at Emily. “When Em heard that we bought the place, she packed up and flew on out here to add hers to the pot. Can we move on? I’ve got to settle who’s going to go out on stage tonight.”

That got everyone’s attention. Well, all least his brothers and Jake were hanging on her every word.

“That still doesn’t answer my question.”

“I didn’t realize you were such an impatient man, cowboy.”

“Jolene,” he warned.

She grinned at Tyler. “Natalie and Jennifer actually gave me the idea. They’d both worked in clubs before and wanted to be on the other side for a change.”

“Besides,” Jolene continued, “being the only ladies’ strip club in the county brings customers flocking to our place.”

“So it’s all about the money?” He didn’t want it to be, but hell, who was he to judge? Without it, he and his brothers would probably be living in a cardboard box in an alley next to a dumpster.

Jolene folded her hands beneath her breasts. “Partly. Without it, you don’t have a whole lot of control over your life.” She looked at Emily and her friends, then back at him. “We all needed to take the control back.”

“Tell him the other part,” Emily urged.

Jolene nodded. “We wanted to offer a place where women could come and enjoy themselves in a safe environment. The women are in control here, but no one ever has the right to abuse my employees or my dancers.” She looked at Tyler. “I’m still sorry that happened to you.”

“Not that I’m sold on taking my clothes off for a living,” he began, “but it helped keep our ranch afloat. I’m just sorry that I was caught off guard today when Widowmaker got the better of me.” He wasn’t going to be anything pretty to look at for a couple of weeks… if ever. “It might be awhile before anyone will want to look at me.”

“I’m just glad you still walking and talking,” Jolene said. “If a bull knocked me into a fence, it’d probably kill me.”

Tyler looked at her, sizing her up. “He would have done some serious damage. You don’t have enough muscle and meat on your bones to handle getting abused like that.”

Jolene nodded then turned toward the ladies. “Gwen’s going to give the guys here a little test while Natalie, Jennifer, and I judge.”

Tyler grinned. He knew exactly what kind of test that would be. “I hope you boys are up to it.”

His brothers looked like they wanted to change their mind, but Jolene was already ushering them over to the other side of the bar. “I’d like to give each one of you the chance. Who wants to go first?”

Jesse answered. “I will.”

Jolene grinned at him. “All right. Gwen, take him over to the stage. I want to have a word with Dylan and Jake in my office.”

“Shouldn’t we stay here with Jesse?” Dylan seemed unnerved.

“But that would be cheating,” Gwen quipped, “and you don’t look like the type who ever cheated on a test.”

Dylan clamped his mouth shut.

Tyler was tired, but he wasn’t going to miss this. “Emily and I will stay here with Jess,” he said. “You go on with Jolene.”

Dylan shrugged, let his gaze linger on first Natalie and then Jennifer, before following behind Jake.

When they were gone, Gwen grinned. “Stand on the stage.

Natalie and Jennifer watched Jesse like a hawk, making him uneasy as he walked over to the stage and turned to face them. “OK.”

Tyler couldn’t help asking, “How’s your back, Jess?”

Before his brother had a chance to answer, Gwen called out, “Catch me!” and launched herself at Jesse.

His mouth hung open in shock, but he braced himself and caught her against him.

“Ooooh baby,” Jennifer crowed, elbowing her sister.

Natalie nodded and chirped, “Jesse gets my vote.”

Tyler chuckled and Emily poked him. “You didn’t think it was funny when it was you doing the catching.”

“Yeah, but did you see his face?”

Gwen patted his brother on the shoulder. “You can put me down now,” she said. “You passed.”

Jesse set her down, shook his head, and walked over to Tyler. “Hell.”

“Yeah,” Tyler agreed. “It would have been easier to haul kegs.”

“Be right back.” Gwen disappeared only to return with his other brother.

From the look on Dylan’s face, his test could go either way. His brother could be a pain in the ass if he wanted to. Tyler just hoped he wouldn’t do anything stupid like refuse to catch the woman. She was sizeable enough to hurt herself if she hit the stage because his brother wouldn’t do his part.

Gwen told Dylan where to stand and his brother was already mumbling. Not a good sign.

“How’s your back?” Gwen asked, turning to face Dylan.

“Fine, why?”

Mindful of his ribs, Tyler leaned close to Emily and whispered, “I should have asked Gwen for a beer first.”

Emily giggled. “Are you sure you’re not the one with the mean streak?

Tyler shook his head. “This is my kind of entertainment. Brace yourself, bro,” he called out.

Gwen launched herself. Dylan absorbed the impact and swore. “Sonofabitch. You could have warned, me,” he bit out, awkwardly hanging on to Gwen.

Tyler shook his head. “Jolene wouldn’t have liked it if I did.”

Gwen leaned back and grinned. “Nice catch, cowboy.”

“Dylan gets my vote,” Jennifer crowed, doing a little boot-scootin’ boogie in front of the stage.

“Hell,” Dylan grumbled. “I need a beer.”

“I’m buying,” Gwen said, “just as soon as the big bad fire marshal takes the test.”

“If he’s so stuck on Jolene,” Dylan asked, “why would he?”

Emily and Gwen turned to stare at his brother, and Tyler wondered why the women didn’t answer. It was a logical question. Wasn’t it?

“It’s because he’s so stuck on Jolene that he’d take the test.” Emily paused, then asked, “Don’t tell me that doesn’t make perfect sense to you?”

Dylan shook his head at her. “Man, Tyler,” he said. “Redheads are nothing but trouble.”

“Just wait,” Gwen said with a grin. “I think I’ll go grab a couple of bottles of beer.” Before Tyler could say anything, she called out over her shoulder, “Soda for you, cowboy.”

She walked back over, expertly popping the tops off two brown bottles at once and one screw top as she carried them over… just in time… Jake and Jolene were heading toward them.

Jolene had a smug expression on her face that turned to one of intense interest as Gwen handed two of the Garahan brothers a beer and Tyler a soda.

His frown turned to a smile when she asked Jake, “How do you feel about being the entertainment?”

To give the man credit, he didn’t miss a beat. “Just part of the package.”

“What package?” Jolene grumbled.

Jake’s gaze met hers. “Of tangling with one stubborn, gorgeous redhead.”

Tyler and his brothers raised their bottles. “The winner gets the spoils.”

Jake stalked over to the stage. “I’m ready.”

“Are you ready, Gwen?” Jolene called out.


Taking pity on his friend, Tyler felt he ought to warn him. “Bend your knees and brace yourself.”

Jake looked at him and opened his mouth to speak as the tall blonde bartender called out. “I hope your back is as strong as it looks.”

His head whipped back around, and Tyler would later swear, the man looked like a Texas Ranger braced to meet an outlaw at high noon.

Jake caught Gwen easily; shifting to cup his hands under her backside, he bent his knees and dipped her down until her long blonde hair brushed the stage. Grinning first at her and then up at Jolene, he asked. “So did I pass?”

“Damn,” Dylan murmured, pointing at Jake with his bottle. “You see that?”

“Yeah. The guy’s got style,” Jesse drained the rest of his beer.

Jolene seemed to be at a loss for words. From the confused look on her face, Tyler figured she’d been expecting Jake to be as awkward as he and his brothers. But the man surprised them all.

“You can put Gwen down now,” she rasped.

Jake pulled her back up and set her on her feet. Instead of patting him on the back like she had the other men, Gwen grabbed a hold of his shoulders, yanked him close, and kissed him.

“Jeez, Gwen.” Emily sounded exasperated. “That’s poaching.”

Gwen let go and grinned. “Mr. Turner,” she said. “You seriously are the Big Bad Fire Marshal, and you get my vote.”

Jolene sounded as if she were choking. Tyler walked over to where she stood and spoke quietly. “Only a man who’s serious about a woman would go the extra mile to impress her with a move like that.”

She squeezed Tyler’s hand and let go, reaching for Jake. “I don’t think I want you working for us.”

Jake tilted his head to one side and grinned at her. “Why not? I passed the test.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know if I want to see you strutting your stuff in front of a group of women waving dollar bills.”

His grin broadened. “Is that a fact?”

“I don’t share,” she told him right before she grabbed him and kissed him.

“Your cousin has style,” Tyler said as Emily slipped her arm carefully around his back.

“They’re good for one another.” Emily smiled.

Tyler needed to know how she felt about him baring it all while she watched. “Do you share?”

Her look was a direct challenge. “What did you have in mind?”

He picked up her gauntlet. “Me.”

Emily placed her hands on either side of his face, got up on her toes, and lined up their lips. “Not in this lifetime.”

Tyler’s head felt light. “Good to know. I don’t either.”

Mindful of his injury, she wrapped herself around him, like ivy on a tree.

“The only one you’ll be dancing with on the bar is me.”

“Looks like you’ll be needing a permanent replacement for your headliner, Jo,” Gwen called out.

Tyler lifted his head and looked down at Emily. “Did it bother you that I stripped for your cousin?”

Emily smiled up at him, “Yeah,” she admitted, “but I only wanted to string up the big-busted bimbo who claimed to be your fiancée.”

“We like you much better than Linda Lee.” Dylan nodded at Emily.

“How do you feel about ranch life?” Jesse asked.

“Would you two shut up and let me be the one to ask?” Tyler ground out.

Emily’s smile deepened. “I had a great time working with y’all.” Her amber eyes darkened. “You thinking about inviting me out for a longer stay?”

“Yeah.” Tyler placed his knuckle beneath her chin and tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes. “Come home with me.”

“Are you asking or telling me?”

“Asking.” He needed this woman in his arms and in his life.

“Well, then,” Emily smiled. “I think I’d like to spend more time at the Circle G.”

Jesse asked, “How long can you stay?”

“’Til I wear out my welcome,” she answered.

“That’s fine,” Dylan chimed in. “You OK with that big brother?”

“Emily living out at the Circle G?” Tyler asked, looking down into the smiling face of the woman he loved. “I’m good with it.” He pressed his lips to hers.

“So what about my new headliner?” Jolene demanded interrupting them.

Jake grinned at her and opened his mouth to speak, but she elbowed at him. “Don’t even think about it.”

He was still grinning when he told her, “Gwen liked me best.”

Emily rubbed her hand up and down Tyler’s spine and smiled at his brothers. “I think Dylan ought to fill in for Tyler.”

Dylan blanched. “Why me?”

Emily shrugged. “You’re the middle brother. Makes sense to me that it’s your turn.”

Jolene walked over to stand in front of him, eyeing him up and down.

Emily saw a tiny bead of sweat break out at the man’s temple before trickling down the side of his face.

“What?” he finally asked.

Jolene grinned. “You’re hired.”

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