UFOs in Reality (22 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

BOOK: UFOs in Reality
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Still in trance, after telling us that this was not the first time they had been taken and that they felt they were falling behind in the learning process, the two women then described how they had been floated from their beds and, still horizontal, they had entered two small side-by-side tunnels. They could see light at the end of their respective tunnels and could hear a faint buzzing or burring sound. They were moving towards the light. The man they had been with previously was waiting for them as they emerged from the tunnels. They could smell disinfectant, like in hospitals. Throughout all this they were wearing their summer clothes. In response to questions about the nature of the tunnels, we were told the machine didn’t need a motor. They had to go through the tunnels so that they could “go on”. The process had been carried out “for them (meaning the perpetrators) to use us”.
They were unable to influence humans, who had to come to a realisation first. Lots of other people had gone through these experiences and they would know when the time was right.
Then, they emerged from their tunnels and were out, lying on two tables. They were given sweet, medicinal, liquid to drink (“about half a cupful”), “to counteract the effect of the machine”. Rosemary observed that there were now three people with them, but, when asked who they were, she said she would have to confer with Valerie before answering. She then placed her right hand on Valerie’s left arm and became silent. Soon after, Rosemary became very agitated and the hypnotherapist decided to close the No.2 session.

On being released from their trance, Rosemary and Valerie looked at each other and then burst out laughing in a rather embarrassed way. They were finding it hard to believe what they could remember describing and saying during the hypnosis.

Where had all that come from? After they had had time to recover from the ordeal, a full discussion with all present in the room developed, with Rosemary participating very actively. At some point, they were asked if they felt able to draw that map they had been shown. They turned to each other, as if hoping for inspiration. Rosemary became very exercised by the question. It was like a window in a wall with blackness beyond. In the blackness were white things, but they seemed to be represented three-dimensionally. It had been difficult to determine which of these collections of items had been in the distance and which ones were closest, because the scale had seemed to be variable. Valerie was making noises of assent during Rosemary’s attempts to describe a very complicated scenario. (All this was beginning to arouse great interest in the rest of us, especially me). “Was it like a hologram?”, someone asked. Yes, it was something like that.
Then, after a pause, Rosemary ‘made my day’. She said, leaning back, that the nearest thing she had seen, that was like it, was what you see in a planetarium.

Of course, we were all disappointed that the session had had to be wound up before it had revealed the sequence of events linking the emergence from those tunnels, being shown the map and being returned to the car. It was agreed we would have another session with the same hypnotherapist at a mutually convenient time in the near future. This turned out to be one month later, in April, 1991.


No. 3

We assembled again at the Harris home on the afternoon of April 24th, 1991. As before, the observers present, besides myself, were Harry Harris, Linda Taylor, Elaine (Rosemary’s sister) and the hypnotherapist. This session had been given the objective of trying to fill in the still unknown elements of the CE4. Each of the previous hypnosis sessions had lasted for just over an hour, after which time the two subjects had been deemed by the hypnotherapists to be too stressed to proceed further. For that reason, it was agreed that the questioning on this occasion should commence by asking Rosemary and Valerie to tell us of their arrival in those strange rooms and then proceed, as quickly as possible, to the time they were first aware of each other’s presence. It was our collective hope that they would recall passing through those ‘tunnels’ and then be able to move into the next stages of their forgotten experiences.

Elaine, Linda and Harry had all asked the hypnotist to open up the entranced women’s minds to receive questions from them. I was content, at outset, to continue in my role as an observer, but I had come equipped with an A4 drawing pad and a sharpened pencil, just in case an opportunity arose to request drawings of that intriguing map.

No problem was experienced in re-establishing the women’s minds within those strange rooms, remembering the awareness of their first meeting within one of them and bringing them to tell us about those tunnels. But, thereafter, with several questioners beginning to participate, things went very wrong. Both Valerie and Rosemary became confused and stopped answering the questions. In fact, they flatly refused to divulge any more information. As I had my transcript of the No.2 session on my knee, against which I was checking out their answers on this occasion, I knew that they were now withholding information they had given freely before. When all other attempts to break into the wall of silence they had created seemed to have failed, I asked the hypnotist if he would introduce me to them, as a questioner. This he was happy to do and, when I spoke to Valerie and Rosemary, they seemed to accept me. I began by pointing out that I had made a transcript of all they had said in the previous session and I was puzzled to know why they were now unprepared to tell us things they had told us previously. Rosemary’s quiet response was curt and to the point – “You haven’t asked the right questions”. Realising that perhaps the eagerness of the previous questioners to move to scenes beyond those tunnels had created their confusion by, effectively, putting their memory processes into closed loops, I decided to break them out of those loops by asking a different type of question. Did they remember telling us about a map they’d been shown? “Yes”, said Rosemary. I had brought with me a drawing pad and pencil. Would they try to draw what they could still remember of that map for me? Another affirmative answer was received from Rosemary. The hypnotist stepped forward and handed the pad and the pencil to Rosemary, instructing her to open her eyes and to draw what she could remember of that map.

We all held our breath in silence as, for the next three or four minutes, Rosemary struggled to draw her diagram on a pad which seemed too flexible, without a firm table beneath it, for any accurate drawing to be made on it. However, I dared not interrupt the precious process and allowed her to continue. After the hypnotist had been told she had finished, he thanked Rosemary and passed the pad and pencil back to me. I decided not to try to analyse it there and then and, in fact, hoped for an opportunity, later, to obtain a drawing from Valerie.

The questions from others became directed mainly towards Valerie, who had sat there unmoved for some time. It was all to no avail. We could not get Valerie out of that ‘loop’. Eventually, I asked if she thought she could draw me a picture of that map. She responded, in a quiet voice, with, “I’ll try”. Once again, the hypnotist introduced the pad and pencil to her, told her to open her eyes and to draw what she’d remembered most about that map. A suitable cardboard box was hurriedly inserted beneath the pad as Valerie began to draw. Once again, we held our breaths in silence as the entranced Valerie slowly and deliberately applied pencil to paper for several minutes. At one point, near the end of this demanding process, she stopped, saying she couldn’t remember, but, when the hypnotist encouraged her to try harder to remember, she added several additional markings. Then, it was finished. The pad and pencil were again handed to me. I was excited and amazed by what I saw, but I knew the drawing would need careful scrutiny and analysis, as would Rosemary’s very different impression.

Well, the session went on to fill the usual hour, but no further progress was able to be made. Neither woman was able to ‘break out’ of the memory loop centred on those tunnels. This seemed to be triggered by a memory of seeing three people in the room as they lay on their tables after leaving the tunnels. When they were asked, in different ways, “Who are these people? Have you seen them before”, they just ‘clammed up’ into silence. Further questioning about ‘people’ usually led back to the ‘man’ seen before and after travelling through the tunnels.

Clearly, the No.3 session had failed to realise its overall objective, but for me, it was a triumph. Now, at last, I had material to analyse. It was agreed to have a fourth session, but, as far as I know, that was never arranged.

Before going on to deal with my analysis of those maps, I want to first of all to state that the Shropshire CE4 date and time combinations turned out to have fitted the global AT patterns very well, even though the start and end times had to be necessarily approximated from the journey times given by the participants.

The women had estimated they had lost about half-an-hour during their journey from Shrewsbury to Telford. This was based on past experience of similar early morning trips, when traffic was light. According to Rosemary, she had looked at her watch and checked the time with the clock in the cloakroom before they had left the club. It was then 1:10 am. BST. The area of the encounter is situated about 4 miles to the south-east of Shrewsbury, at Atcham.

Numerical AT analysis of possible encounter times at that location had shown that there were two candidates, one being an SAC arrival on site at 1:43 am BST and the other, a possible departure time, of 2:14 am BST. The gap between these two consecutive possibilities (which might indicate the minimum mission time) was 31 minutes. The arrival timing was produced by a sunrise-orientated track over the area and the departure, by an escape route which was sunset-orientated. Once again, another major CE event seemed to have been modelled very well by the AT.

Drawings Analysis.

Figs.38 and 39 show the drawings produced by the two women whist still in hypnotic trance. It seemed that they had no idea of the nature of the 3-D hologram they were being shown during their time with their abductors, other than it had been intended to show where the creatures had come from. The ‘hole-in-a-wall’ picture had baffled them because it had had many features that seemed to be scaled differently and, perhaps, variably. It seems that Rosemary had tried to capture the overall scene during her entranced drawing session, whereas, in contrast, Valerie had concentrated on trying to represent some outstanding features of the display.


Fig. 38


Rosemary’s drawing (Fig.38), though perfectly consistent with her description of the presentation, did not clearly identify the features being presented. Several possible interpretations were able to be attempted, but I was not impressed by any of them. The lines linking features might have represented travel routes linking planets in various regions of space, but I have been unable to make any sense of them, to date.



Fig. 39


In contrast, Valerie’s drawing (Fig.39) seemed to offer more of a chance of interpretation, because she had produced a remarkable set of clustered points which looked like star constellations. Working along with that as a possible answer, I began to search the star map(s) for those shapes, but, try as I might, I could not find any matches. It was rather like searching for needles in a haystack! So, the problem was set aside awaiting further inspiration. Several months later that inspiration came in a surprising manner.

Our old home in north-east Cheshire backed, eastwards, onto open countryside which rose towards the Derbyshire Peak District. It provided a wonderful spot for star-gazing, without light pollution. One clear night I stood at our large patio window taking in the glory of the star-filled sky when I glimpsed in the corner of my left eye a cluster of faint stars just emerging over the treetops. It was the Pleiades cluster, looking brighter than I had ever seen it before. I rushed away from the window for my 20x8 binoculars and then returned to focus them on the Pleiades.
Suddenly it occurred to me that I was gazing at one of Valerie’s drawings!
Through those binoculars the brightest stars formed a tilted figure ‘2’, just as she had drawn them. I went for the drawing and examined it at the window (presumably with a torch) as I alternatively viewed the cluster in the sky. Even the number of stars was the same and they were spaced more or less correctly. This had to be another ‘Eureka’ moment!

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