UFOs in Reality (19 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

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This degree of accurate alignment applied to the majority of the cases considered by that Appendix, and this is demonstrated by the results for the other three cases shown by Fig. 34. I feel there has to be further research into this aspect of my studies, but until the astronomers take the rest of the work seriously, it is unlikely to be done. As far as Adamski’s credibility is concerned, he made even more incredible claims throughout his lifetime, many of which seemed to me to have been delusions, but I cannot now deny that his original claims seem to have had substance.

Eduard Meier and his Pleiadians/Plejarens.

A man who over the past thirty years has created even greater controversy than George Adamski is the Swiss backwoodsman,
Eduard (Billy) Meier
. I had largely discounted all I had heard about this man’s outlandish claims until 2004, when I began to receive information about him by mail from a promoter,
Mr. Lawrence (Larry) Driscoll
, an American. On April 30th I received a package of information from Mr. Driscoll with a request for comments on the material enclosed. I was intrigued on several counts. Why had this unsolicited material been sent to me? How did Larry Driscoll get my details? Anyway, putting those questions aside, I decided to look through the material. It contained far more information about Meier and his encounters than I had been aware of before, but it all seemed still to be OTT (over-the -top).

I responded by e-mail within a few days and received a response from a rather surprised Driscoll. He’d forgotten how he had come to send the material to me or, even, where he’d found my mailing address. However, he’d been pleasantly surprised that I had bothered to read the material and had replied to it. Having a mind that’s always open to new information, I consented to read through more of the material on offer. So began frequent e-mail dialogues between us, interspersed by more extracts through the post.

These are some of the things I discovered. Eduard Meier had been born in 1937, in Switzerland. He’d claimed to have been contacted throughout the period 1942 to 1953 by an extraterrestrial from the Pleiades with the name, Sfath. From 1953 to 1964 the contacts had continued, but, then, with another character from the DAL (?) universe, a female called Asket. But these contacts with extraterrestrials really ‘took-off’ on January 28th, 1975. Up to August 20th, 2004, it was being claimed that 664 personal contacts had occurred and that these had been supplemented by 854 telepathic contacts. Meier had obtained many daylight photographs of the
‘beamships’ allegedly carrying his contacts and also had captured some of them on 8 mm. cinefilm. (A few years ago I had watched through a video recording of a Japanese film crew trying, unsuccessfully, to fault Meier’s 8 mm. film records). Meier’s colour photographs and films were all the more remarkable because he has only one arm, having lost the other in an accident at work some years earlier. It was being claimed that he had met more than 70 different ET contacts and a list of some of their names was supplied to me.

But Larry Driscoll’s objective in sending all this material to me had been to obtain scientifically-informed comment on some of the ‘revelations’ Meier had received from his ETs. The first set of extracts were alleged dialogues between Meier and a young-looking Pleiadean woman, who gave her name as Semjase. The dialogues were presented as in the script of a play or a film. Semjase gave information about how the solar system had been transformed by a huge ‘Destroyer’ comet, allegedly responsible for, among other things, establishing our Moon and Venus in their respective orbits. This same comet had also been responsible for major cataclysms on the Earth in times past. She claimed that her people had succeeded in deflecting the comet into another orbit so that it was no longer a threat to Earth. The years and the nature of the cataclysms were given and even a value for the density of the ‘Destroyer’.

On consideration of all this impressive information, I had to conclude that very little of it could be checked out by me and that some of it seemed implausible. Given the length of the dialogues, I couldn’t help wondering how they were supposedly written down and asked Larry Driscoll for an explanation. The answer was that, after returning to his home, Meier had been able to recall them, verbatim. That, I just could not accept, in view of their complexity. But add to that the claim that Meier had been contacted frequently by telepathic means, the information put out by him just had to be suspect, in my view. Against this, Meier claimed that he had often been summoned to go out into the forest, by an inner impulse, when a rendezvous with a ‘beamship’ was in the offing and it seemed, from the amount of photographic evidence, he had usually gone to the right place at the right time. This thought prompted me to want to investigate such encounters using my AT techniques. I e-mailed Larry Driscoll and asked if he could supply me with a list of the contact events, together with the date and time of each, explaining my intentions. The initial response I received was that such an analysis might not be successful, because Meier had been informed that the Pleiadeans had created a number of Earth bases, one of which was alleged to be situated near Mont Blanc. Activity stemming from those bases would probably not be following the AT’s rules. Nevertheless, Larry promised to try to obtain the requested information from his main source of information, someone associated with
, the founders of the
‘Semjase-Silver-Star-Center’, Schmidruti, Switzerland.
Soon afterwards I received another package in the post with information that included a list of 219 dated and timed encounters for the periods 1975 to 1984, 1989 to 1995 and three events from 2004. I had previously been supplied with maps showing the locations of the landing sites.

During the processing of these data, one item had to be eliminated because the date given for it was stated to be uncertain, so the total number of events processed was 218. The numerical processing, which compared predicted time with actual time for an event to within 1 minute of discrepancy, showed that 131 encounters (60%) had occurred within 20 minutes of predictions for arrivals from, and departures into, space, 163 (75%) were within 40 minutes, and of the remaining 56 events, only 19 (8.7%) were shown to have occurred greater than one hour removed from the predictions. Of the 17 listed photographic sessions, 12 (70%) had occurred within 20 minutes of predictions, 2 were within 40 minutes and for the remaining 3 the discrepancies were greater than one hour. In view of my reservations about how accurately Meier had recorded the times of his encounters, whether they had corresponded to the beginning, end or middle of his prolonged sessions and whether they had been listed correctly, this was quite an impressive result. A marked-up timing graph, for the area in which the encounters were alleged to have occurred, confirmed these results visually. This is shown by Fig. 35.

Fig. 35


I was now faced with a dilemma similar to the one I’d encountered when considering the Adamski claims. I had found the ‘revelations’ of Meier to be generally without checkable valid substance, but then had discovered very strong links with the AT. How was I to explain this? One thing I could do was to check whether the AT indicated there might be a link between the Hinwil area of Switzerland and Mont Blanc. Sure enough, Track No. 3 serving the Meier sites also served Mont Blanc and, some 27 miles (44 km.) south-west of the mountain peak, formed one track of a four-tracks intersection. Could that intersection be the location of the alleged base? Perhaps someone ought to investigate that by surveying the land in that area? And, although I have received no UFO reports from that region, perhaps the local people know it to be a hot-spot?

Meier also alleged that Semjase had told him more about her home planet (Erra, some 80 light years beyond the Pleiades cluster) and the means by which she and her people travelled to Earth. The original technique, which had since been superseded, entailed accelerating to near light speed for seven Earth hours. At that point in the journey, they were then able to transfer instantly to any other chosen location. The ‘beamships’ witnessed by Meier were also able to transfer in the blink of an eye from one place to another. If Meier’s film records are genuine, this ability was demonstrated to him on several occasions. Semjase is also claimed to have told Meier that the seven hour acceleration phase on the outward and return trips from and to Erra were no longer necessary. In view of my earlier observations that we are dealing with technology far in advance of our own, all that may or may not be true.

Here is another mind-boggling claim. Semjase told Meier that they are
like ourselves and that the other contacts from the DAL universe (which seems to be portrayed as a parallel universe, co-existing with our own) are also of the same stock. It is alleged that we humans are the results of occupation of this planet by her people aeons ago. (Larry Driscoll accepts this as an unquestionable fact and will not allow the use of ‘humanoids’ or ‘human-like’ to describe Meier’s contacts to go unchallenged). So, now, readers of this book must judge for themselves whether there could be any truth in Eduard Meier’s CE3s. For me, despite the impressive AT results, the jury is still out.



[13] Pugh, R. Jones ‘The Dyfed Enigma’ (book) Holliday, F.W. Faber & Faber, 1979 / Coronet Books, London. 1981.


[14] Paget, Peter‘The Welsh Triangle’ (book) Panther Books, 1979. (Granada Publishing, Ltd), London


[15] Leslie, D Adamski, G. ‘Flying Saucers have Landed’ (book)Neville Spearman, Ltd., 1953, 1970 Futura Publications, Ltd., London. 1977, 1978.





Studies of Lost Time Events

In this phase of the study I took a special interest in alien abduction (CE4) stories I had not taken very seriously until the late 1980s. Why I regard them very seriously, now, will be revealed in the following chapter.


Until my BUFORA lecture in London during May 1987, I had paid little attention to stories of alleged abductions by ETs. Only the Barney and Betty Hill story had made any imprint on my mind, as far as I can recall. But my thinking came to be very much changed when the late Mr. Ken Phillips, the Chairman during my lecture and my overnight host, brought to my attention such an event in my area of the country. I was preparing to leave for my train back to Cheshire when Ken mentioned this to me. He asked how the date and time details might fit in with the AT’s predictions for East Didsbury, Manchester. As I happened to have a hand-produced graph for the Manchester area among my documents, I brought it out onto the table and we studied it. I told Ken that the time he had given me was about 1 hour earlier than the indicated nearest time on the graph. As I left him, Ken said he would check out the time with the witness and let me know if he’d got it wrong. On arriving back home several hours later, I was just in the process of removing my coat when the telephone rang. The caller gave her name as Mrs. Linda Jones and then, obviously excited, she asked, “How did you know the time Ken gave you was wrong? It was an hour later!” I tried to give a quick explanation over the ‘phone but Mrs. Jones wanted to know more and invited me to visit her and her family at home, so a time was arranged. When I arrived, I was met at the door by Mrs. Jones and three huge dogs. Following a cordial welcome, the dogs meekly backed off and then sat quietly as I sat down in the lounge. Mrs. Jones marvelled at the dogs’ acceptance of me, because they usually went mad at first when strangers called. The story then told to me by Mrs. Jones was impressive. The event had occurred on the evening of August 19th, 1979, and had involved herself, her young teenage daughter and her (nearly) five years’ old son. This is the story of the event that had left them traumatised and intrigued.

Encounter and Lost Time in East Didsbury, Manchester.

On that fine summer’s evening in 1979, Linda Jones and her children had gone on a nature walk, before sunset, alongside the newly canalised River Mersey behind their home. The disturbed river bank area had been in-filled and had become a flourishing natural grassland and meadow. The path they had walked is set below the meadow, so, it would have been separated from them by a high grassy embankment. Linda had met a friend on their walk and they had continued walking and talking. When the friend crossed a bridge to return home, the little party then, also, turned for home. But, by then, the sun had set and twilight had descended upon them. Suddenly, they looked up to see a large elliptical object, glowing flame orange-red, hurtling out of the sky towards them from across the river. They had all expected to be killed by this huge missile and threw themselves into the long grass on the embankment in the desperate hope of escaping it. Next, they were surprised by the fact they were still alive and by the lack of an explosion. Looking up the embankment they had discovered why. The object was by then hovering over the meadow above them. As they watched, it slowly descended out of sight. Gathering courage, they had scrambled up the embankment to view it and were met with a very strange sight. Hovering only a few feet from the ground was a shape that reminded Mrs. Jones of a gondola. It had a curved ‘basketwork’ underside, glowing red, which had an upward-mounted pole on the right-hand end. Surmounting the pole was a flashing amber light. The upper part of the craft they were unable to see because a brilliant white light obscured it. Linda’s curiosity caused her to want to get closer but the frightened children were keen only to go home. As they’d turned for home, some even stranger happenings had begun. The long grass was being blown about and they’d been confronted by a group of men in blue coveralls. These men had seemed to be floating over the ground. The next thing they recalled was that they were all running home in darkness. As they reached the gate of the meadow, some ten minutes later, they turned towards the encounter site and saw a brilliant light lift off skywards. After first tagging on behind an aircraft approaching Manchester Airport, the light hurtled off into the sky at high speed. When they arrived back home about two minutes later, they found that the time was by then 10:15 pm BST. A concerned Trevor (Linda’s husband), who had just arrived back home himself, asked them why they were home so late. After telling their incredible story, they realised that they had no recollection of where they had been for an hour or so. In fact, they had appeared to have suffered the kind of amnesia claimed by the Hills in America, though, at that time, UFO reports had made no impact on them and they’d had no knowledge of that kind.

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