Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (30 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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They were so absorbed in their conversation that they practically bumped into Zach, the owner of the club.

“Shelley, Charlie have I remembered your names correctly?” Zach asked.

“Yes” Shelley said, sticking out her hand so they could shake again, Charlie followed suit.

“Any plans for another visit to my club”

“Not at the moment, my boyfriend Mitchell is away i
America” Charlie said, feeling very aware of the way his eyes were appraising her.

“That’s a shame as I wanted to talk to the two of you about a dance opportunity, do you have time for a quick coffee, I’m buying” Zach said. Before Charlie could even glance across at Shelley she heard

“Yes that would be great”


Steering the two of them a short distance along the street they entered a small café and while Zach ordered Charlie took a moment to speak to Shelley.

“Do you think we should be doing this” Charlie asked, panic in her voice.

“Of course, If Kyle can go off and audition for things without even telling me then I think I should be able to do the same”

Now Charlie knew the reason behind Shelley and Kyle’s argument of the previous night she gave her hand a quick squeeze of support beneath the table. Over coffee Zach outlined what he was looking for from the two of them and what he would be paying them for a monthly Monday night slot. Then leaving them to think about it with another of his business cards he strolled calmly out of the café.


Charlie looked at Shelley and they both started to giggle.

“Well this would really show Kyle how serious I am about making money” Shelley said.

“Shelley I’m not sure Mitchell would be very keen on me doing this sort of thing, or my Mum for that matter” Charlie said, as they headed out through the door and then along to the take away. With pizza in hand and a bottle of white wine between them they headed back to the house. Charlie quickly let Jester out and ran down to the bungalow at the bottom of the garden. Pam saw her and let her in.

are you ok” Pam asked.

“Hi Pam, just came down to say that I have my friend Shelley staying tonight so we’ve got a pizza to share on the way home, hope you don’t mind” Charlie said, as Jester barged past her and jumped up on the sofa.

“That’s fine dear” Pam said “We’ll look after Jester tonight too, but if you need anything just pop down” Giving her a quick hug Charlie headed back to the house to find Shelley trying to find some glasses.


Settled in front of the television they soon got through the food and the wine.

“So do you think we should get back to Zach and say yes” Shelley said.

“I don’t know, I should probably talk to Mitchell but I think he’ll say no” Charlie replied, wishing she could have spent another evening playing on webcam.

“Well. He’s doing his own thing over i
so why don’t we both just give it a go” Shelley urged “It will be fun! Zach might even be able to give us some money in advance to buy a couple of costumes”

Clearing away the dishes Charlie wondered if she should just go for it and have some fun, after all how was she to really know if Mitchell wasn’t doing the same.


Returning with a tub of ice cream she realised that Shelley was on the phone and looking very animated. When she rang off she raced over and nearly floored Charlie with her hug.

“It’s sorted, we can call in and see Zach tomorrow afternoon and he will give us a budget for our costumes” she beamed.

“Fucking hell Shell, I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you go and say yes” Charlie laughed.

“Let’s look up Burlesque on the internet and see if we can start learning now” Shelley continued, as Charlie pushed her tablet across towards her. They found Dita von Tease and watched in admiration her classy routines, especially the large champagne glass one. In her min
was trying to tell herself that it wasn’t really stripping it was more dancing in very tiny outfits with lots of sequins and feathers.


“Hey do you want to see Mitchell’s dance studio” Charlie asked, the tub of ice cream now empty.

“Lead on” Shelley said, following her friend out of the lounge and through the kitchen into the studio. Shelley turned around in amazement taking it all in.

“Great, we can practice here without being disturbed” she said. Suddenly her phone rang and Charlie noticed her face fall but she answered it and headed back into the kitchen. Charlie gazed around at her reflection in the mirrors that surrounded the walls; she walked to the stereo and found her favourite Beyonce song. Turning up the volume of “Crazy in Love” she started to dance and tried to imagine that she was only wearing sequins and feathers.


When Shelley didn’t re appear Charlie cut the music and headed back through to find her friend slumped at the kitchen table.

“What’s up Shell” Charlie said, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“He says we need to talk about the future tomorrow, but what about seeing Zach” she wailed.

“Can’t you manage to fit both in” Charlie asked.

“I guess if I tell Kyle I have a late practise at college tomorrow I can come down to the club and then meet him after” she said.

“I hope you can sort something out with him” Charlie said “Breaking up is awful”


Glancing at the clock they realised how late it was so they headed upstairs and Charlie showed Shelley into the spare room and they said goodnight. Just before she drifted off the sleep she heard her phone bleep and opened a bleary eye.

“Miss you Baby, my bed feels empty without you curled up in my arms. Counting down the hours until I can talk to you again tomorrow, Mitch x”

              “Mitch, I feel just the same without you here, looking forward to chatting tomorrow, just know that I love you loads, Charlie x”

Then in her sleep she found him once more as they danced and danced beside the lake where it all started.


Chapter 42


As her alarm sounde
could hear Shelley in the bathroom so she climbed into her dressing gown and passing the bathroom door shouted.

“Tea or Coffee and is toast alright”

“Coffee and Toast sounds brill, I’ll be out in a minute” Shelley replied. In the kitchen Charlie found she was looking for Jester but then remembered he was with Pam and Peter. She switched the kettle on, followed by the radio which was tuned to Love Shack radio Herefordshire. Paul’s morning show was always a riot so she turned it up and went to find the bread.


When Shelley appeared, already dressed Charlie had produced two cups of coffee and a couple of rounds of toast.

“Hey, I could get used to this, you’d make a great flat mate” Shelley said, crunching down into the toast.

“You think it will come to that” Charlie said, concern flooded through her.

“I don’t think so, we fight every so often and normally if he misses me for the night he’s all over me the next” Shelley replied “Plus I’ve got the exciting news to tell him about the club”

“I think I might try it first and then if its ok I’ll tell Mitchell, he gets terrible possessive of me in public so I’m really not sure if he will like this” Charlie said, a cold worry spread through her for a few moments. Then Shelley grabbed her hand.

“Don’t worry I’ll look after you and I can understand why Mitchell feels like that you are so hot” she said, grinning as she stroked a finger casually up Charlie’s arm beneath the sleeve of the dressing gown.


Charlie didn’t pull away from the touch, even though she felt it vibrating through her whole body like a spider would when an insect lands on the web.

Charlie finished her last mouthful and stood up.

“I’d better jump in the shower otherwise we’ll be late”

“Ok I’ll tidy up then” Shelley said, starting to collect their plates. Under the warm spray of water, the droplets seemed to intensify the feelings that Shelley’s touch had ignited inside her
grabbed the shower head and ran it over her body; the blast tickled her nipples and made them stand proud. Then she angled it down to her pubic mound and gently swept it lower so that the occasional yet caught her clit. She had never tried this before and closing her eyes she did it again. Her breathing started to catch in her throat as the jet reminded her of the electronic pulses of the vibrator. Flicking the switch to cold she started a little but the pleasure intensified as her blood drained to the very point of arousal.


Biting her lip she moved the spray away to her nipples again and then turned back up the heat. Fuck this felt so horny that she immediately arched towards the shower head once more and let it run directly onto her until she felt her orgasm engulf and consume her body. Shuddering she pulled the shower head away and fastened it back into place as she heard Shelley’s footsteps on the stairs.

“Come on, there’s no time to waste in the shower” Shelley said, poking her head through the door with toothbrush in hand. Getting ou
grabbed her towel quickly aware of the flush that covered her body and feeling the slight roughness of the towel on her tender nipples.

“You too?” Shelley asked.

“Me too, what” Charlie replied, wrapping a separate towel over her hair.

“Shower head orgasms are such fun” Shelley replied, before sticking the toothbrush into her mouth.


How did Shelley know that’s what she had been doing? Had her cry been that loud? Or the colour of her skin that obvious? Charlie tried to appear nonchalant at the comment and replied

“That was my first one, but yes it was great” she said, exiting the bathroom to get dressed. It was a jeans and jumper day as the rain pelted the windows with a vengeance.  Then once her hair and make up was complete she joined Shelley.

“You should try it when Mitchell is around, Kyle finds it so hot watching me and he always joins in” she said, grabbing her bag. It was as if this sort of conversation was fine, yet Charlie had hardly ever been this frank with her best friend Julia in the past. Somehow with Shelley it felt alright to discuss these things together.


The day passed quickly, especially as Charlie was able to snatch a good half hour conversation with Mitchell. She was pleased to know that he was enjoying all the hard work and was making friends with the other male dancers. Feeling slightly guilty she didn’t mention the job offer at the club that would need to be a separate conversation once she knew more about it. Both of them were eager to head out and after the short bus drive they alighted and headed for the club. They found a side door with a bell, Shelley pressed it and they waited. Charlie was surprised when Zach answered the door, this time just dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. The attire made him look much younger that she had originally guessed he was.


“Hi girls, glad you could come over at such short notice” Zach said, ushering them in.

“We liked the offer” Shelley said, flashing a brilliant smile in his direction.

“Glad to hear it” Zach replied “Can I get you a drink”

“Iced water for me” Shelley replied.

“I’ll have the same” Charlie echoed, wishing for something stronger to calm her nerves.

“I’ve got Claire here to show you what I’m thinking about, she works at my other club” Zach said, showing them through into the bar area where an attractive brunette stood waiting.


They sat down at a table and with a click of his fingers the music started to fill the empty space of the club. Charlie watched as Claire, dressed like a schoolgirl, started to dance to the Britney Spears track “Baby one more time” Much of the routine was similar to the video except that at various points different bits of clothing came off until she was left in a bra top and g-string. Then using a very clever set of folders and exercise books the finale of the routine meant that whilst the audience saw the bra top come off, they never saw anything more than the odd curve. As the music died Zach stood up and slowly clapped, Charlie and Shelley joined in.

“That was great, Claire” he said, as she quickly shrugged her shirt and skirt back on and came over to the table.

“My new routine Zach, it’s going down a storm up in Fantasia” she said.


Her eyes ran over Charlie and Shelley

“So you’re both dancers”

“Yes, we’ve just been in the new Ne-Yo video with our boyfriends” Shelley said.

“So you think you could put together something similar, we’re going for a more modern take on the whole Burlesque scene…you know less of the feathers and fans something more up to the minute” Claire said. Charlie all the while was busy thinking about some of the new themes that they could cover. Zach startled her from her revere.

“So are you up for the challenge, Charlie” Zach said. His hand slid across to hers on the table.

“Yes I think so, but it will depend on how long we have to prepare” Charlie said.

“And how much money we have for costumes and props” Shelley butted in.


“Well Claire and Lisa are going to come down for the opening night and will each do a routine and then I would love the two of you to either do separate routines or together if you prefer…I liked what I saw on the stage the other week when you both seemed to be daring the other on to more difficult steps” he laughed and leant back in his chair. His eyes were closed as if he was remembering their whole routine.

“Lets see you both move” Claire said “I can perhaps give you a few hints and tips”

“Ok, we’ll pop and change as we have our practise clothes here” Shelley said, grabbing her bag.

“I’ve already had a couple of ideas” Charlie said, pulling on her leotard and fastening her hair.


Suddenly the nerves kicked in as Charlie realised that this was just like an audition. Rushing into a cubicle she threw up her lunch and then flushed before she swilled her mouth and face with cold water.

“Are you ok” Shelley asked.

“Yeah, I always do that before an audition” Charlie said, rummaging in her bag to find a stick of chewing gum.

“Let’s go then” Shelley said, grabbing her hand and pulling her through the door. They found Zach waiting near the dance floor and the DJ was waiting in the booth.

“Name your tune and Dexter will cue it up for you” Zach said, walking off the floor he settled back at the table with Claire.

“What shall we dance too” Shelley asked “My mind’s gone blank”

“What about Crazy in Love by Beyonce” Charlie suggested. Shelley nodded and they called it up to Dexter.

“Can you do the booty shake” Charlie whispered. Shelley nodded and grinned at her, she returned it and as the music took over Charlie closed her eyes and let the beat fill her body. They each took it in turns to dance and then by the end Shelley had worked out Charlie’s moves for the chorus and they danced together.


Zach stood up and applauded and was joined by Claire.

“I don’t think you’re going to need much help from me” Claire said “You’re both incredible”

“I knew it when I saw you both, you’ll be perfect and the crowd will go wild for you both” Zack said.

“So what’s the offer?” Shelley asked.

“Opening night is a week Monday, you’ve got two hundred pounds to spend on an outfit for your first dance and if it’s successful I will pay the same for subsequent outfits. I’ll also pay you one hundred pounds each for the night, two performances” Zach said. Charlie could hardly believe her ears, this was going to be great, and she could buy Mitchell something really special for his birthday.

“Deal” Shelley said, stretching out her hand to Zach.

“Deal” Charlie echoed and she did the same. Instead of shaking them he pulled them both in for a hug.


Whilst they changed Zach put their costume money into an envelope and smiled with happiness. They were both stunningly attractive bu
held a certain sway over him, he wanted to both protect her and fuck her at the same time.

“Just let me know what your first dance is going to be and if you want to have a run through in situ on the Sunday night before then that will be fine” Zach said, handing them the money.

“Sure, Zach we will do that and we won’t let you down” Shelley said. Charlie nodded and smiled too; suddenly aware of the gaze that was prickling her skin.


Back outside the club, Charlie turned to her friend.

“Do you have time for a coffee before you meet Kyle?”

Shelley nodded, the grin slightly fading for her features at the mention of Kyle.

“Yeah, I’ve got time” she said. Arm in arm they crossed the road to the café and ordered two cappuccinos and a doughnut.

“I’ve got an idea for our first dance” Charlie said. Once Shelley heard she smiled and nodded.

“Great thinking Charlie, so when do you want to practice” she said.

“I can do tomorrow night but then I have my friend Julia coming to stay on Saturday as my Mum and James are off on holiday on Friday night” Charlie said.

“Excellent, after college tomorrow then” Shelley confirmed, as she finished her coffee and stood up.


Outside on the street Shelley and Charlie shared a final hug.

“Good Luck with Kyle tonight”

“Thanks Charlie, if it goes badly I’ll be calling you later but if it goes well I’ll see you at College in the morning” Shelley said, as her usual bright smile faltered slightly. Then as the bus pulled up Shelley climbed on and waved through the window as Charlie wandered on down the street and caught the next bus back to her new home. In the kitchen Pam had left a note telling her tea would be at six, which gave her just enough time for a shower and a text to Mitchell telling him she would be online later.


Jester bounded out of the bungalow to meet her as she wandered through the garden and up to the door. Pam pulled it open and let her in.

“Hi Charlotte, I hope you’re hungry” she said. Charlie nodded and joined Peter who was already sat down at the table. It felt nice having them here looking out for her. She could hardly remember her own grandparents, although she saw images of them on photographs when she was a baby. She also chatted to them online now and again with her Mum and wondered what it would be like to travel and meet them in their home in New Zealand. Mum had promised they would visit at some point once she finished college and they had enough money for the flights.


After a cup of tea, Charlie excused herself and returned to the empty house. Undressing Charlie found her favourite white underwear and placed her vibrator nearby before she turned on the computer and then dialled Mitchell’s number. His image filled the screen immediately and she gasped at his glistening brown skin, speckled with droplets of water. He had a towel slung around his waist and she guessed he had just showered.

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