Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (32 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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He put me down and moved behind me to undo the blindfold. I blinked as my eyes focused on the surroundings. Everything looked clean and white, wicker furniture surrounded me and then I turned to see a small kitchen area, another door that obviously led to the bathroom and finally an open door to the bedroom. A cool breeze was blowing through the semi open doors and I could still hear the waves.

“It’s fantastic” I said, turning back into James’ open arms “You’re amazing”

“Just wait until the sun comes up, then it will be perfect” he murmured. He walked me to the bed and we settled back into its softness as he cocooned me into his arms.

“Try and stay awake for a tiny bit longer” he said, his lips brushing my forehead and sending shivers down my spine. This sort of thing was definitely going to keep me awake as we looked through the glass patio doors of the room.


Then slowly the darkness receded and light started to appear and I realised that the line of the horizon was between the sky and the sea. The waves started to lighten from midnight blue through all the shades until the brightness of the dawning sun showed us its true turquoise colour. The sea seemed so close and as I turned away from the view to look at James he motioned for me to open the patio doors. Travel tiredness forgotten I stood up and pushed open the doors to step onto the wooden boards outside; a huge smile creased my features. A couple of steps led down into the shimmering blue sea that surrounded us and our room.


Slipping my shoes off I quickly rolled up my linen trousers and took the couple of steps before I sat down and dangled my feet into the ocean. James did the same; his arms pulling me close as we watched the sun rise. A solitary tear ran down my cheek and hit the water beneath, a mere speck in the vastness. I felt his arms tighten around me slightly and then we turned to each other and our lips came together.


Chapter 43


Although the sights, sounds and smells were overpowering, exhaustion won in the end. James pulled me up and we got un-dressed and slipped beneath the cool sheets. Despite the sunlight sweeping into the room, dappling the wooden floor with its rays we fell asleep, wrapped in each other. Waking later I crawled out from his grasp and padded across to the kitchen area. A large bowl of fruit was on the side and I looked in the fridge and found some pineapple juice and filled two glasses. The warmth of mid-day touched my skin as I padded back through to the bedroom and my wonderful man, outstretched on the bed.


The sheet that I had pulled back left him exposed and I took a moment to drink in the sight of his firm buttocks that rose from the base of his spine. Setting the glasses down I knelt and ran my finger down his back and then replaced it with my tongue. I felt James stir beneath my touch and stretch and turn over. He quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me down atop of him. His lips sought mine as we kissed and let our tongues explore as our hands did the same. I paused for a second and looked down into his blue eyes that I drowned in every time. Moving I positioned myself and then sank down upon his waiting erection, marvelling in the way it filled me so completely.


We moved together, our lips constantly reassuring in each kiss we bestowed. Our bodies took us to the brink, a pinnacle of our passion before the waves beneath us, consumed us as our own crashed down. James held me close, unable to untangle our bodies as we lay sated, my head rested in the gap between his shoulder and cheek.

“I love you” James finally said, breaking the silence of just our breathing.

“I love you too, James. This place is stunning and so is the company” The doors framed the view outside and I reached for the glass of juice and passed the other to James.

“So what shall we do with the rest of today” he asked.

“Can we get some food first” I said, the juice only serving to highlight the long gap between the last meal on the plane.


Reaching for the phone on the bedside table James called the restaurant and ordered brunch. Fruit, yogurt and pancakes arrived along with hot coffee and wearing just our robes we flung open the doors and ate. Then stepping outside I took a much longer look at the surroundings. We were in the furthest cabin so beyond us was only sea and sky. Looking down into the clear water I could see the fish and the sea floor beneath and I yearned to dive in.

“Shall we go for a swim” James asked, reading my thoughts exactly.

“Yes, we’d better un-pack first though”

“No need for that” he replied, shrugging off his gown and stepping down into the warm water. “It’s a naturist resort. We can wear as little as we want, wherever we go on the complex”


James splashed some water onto the deck as I remembered telling myself that it was time to try anything once!

“Come on in, I’m waiting” he said, grinning. That look was all it took to convince me as I undid my robe and let it fall from my body. The warmth of the sun kissed it with heat as I paused and then dived into the water. I surfaced next to James and he reached for me. The sea surrounded and cushioned us as we kissed again, then he dragged me beneath the surface and our lips joined us once more. Swimming naked felt amazing as the currents swirled over my already sensitive nipples to keep my arousal from earlier ever present. I knew that it was having the same effect on James as he pulled me close once more.


I hooked my legs around his waist and he plunged inside of me once more. I looked into his face, I loved each little line and wrinkle around his blue eyes, his hair within my hands felt soft and silky as his ran down through mine, angling my face to perfectly align with his.

“See what you do to me” James murmured.

We floated together, joined as one but not really making any movements, I was just aware of the way that his body fitted to mine. The waves carried us in their rocking arms, like a mother cradling her child.


We pulled apart and headed back up the steps to just lie on the loungers and let the hot sun dry our skin. I closed my eyes and breathed in the magic of the whole situation. I must have dozed off again as next time I woke up the sun was just starting to sink lower in the sky, casting it’s golden glow over the gentle swell of the ocean.

“James, what time is it” I asked, turning onto my side on the lounger.

“It’s about six in the evening” he replied “Fancy finding some food or shall I order some to be delivered”

“Can we have delivered as I still feel a bit jet-lagged” I said, reaching out my hand to run a finger down his arm.

“Sure, this holiday is all about us just doing exactly what we want to do, when we want to do it” he replied, capturing my finger in his hand and pulling it up to plant a kiss on my palm.


Grabbing a menu James looked across at me

“Well, I know what you used to like when you were younger but I did notice you enjoy red wine now so you’ll have to help me order”

“Ok” I replied, smiling as I took the menu, letting our fingertips touch just for the feel of that little electric shock. It was full of tantalising food so I choose the seafood platter with salad and dips for the prawns. James nodded at my choice and decided upon the same and a bottle of champagne too. Heading into our room I headed for the shower and turned it on, my pale skin had caught the sun and was now a pink colour almost all over.

“The food will be fifteen minutes” James said, stepping under the large waterfall faucet of the shower. I didn’t need to say anything as I handed him the shower gel.

When we left the bathroom and dried off our food was already laid out on the table.

“It feels strange not having to put any clothes on” I said, feeling the chill of the champagne droplet on my hand as I grasped the stem.

“I’d say liberating and incredibly tantalising when I’m looking at you” he said. He watched the liquid run down my wrist and arm, leaving an icy trail that soothed my hot skin.

“I made a decision to try anything once so tomorrow will be trying out being naked in company other than yours” I smiled. The droplet landed on the wooden floor and slid between the boards to join the sea beneath us.

“I know you’ll love it, I felt nervous my first time but now it just seems natural”

I paused as I wondered who James had tried this with before, had it been with her or had there been others like Melissa from the engagement party. The jealous part of me wanted to know, to be angry, hurt and upset that it hadn’t been with me.


James must have noticed my silence and sudden preoccupation with my prawns.

“I can’t lie Steph or forget moments of my past that have shaped me into the person I am now and I feel the same when you talk about things in your history” he paused.

“I’m here with you now, in a place I have never been to before, making new memories for our future together” he said “And that’s all that matters”

Hearing the passion and tenderness combined in his voice broke through my green haze and I looked up into his clear blue eyes and his honest declaration.

“Clean sheet, right” I murmured. James nodded as his hand reached for mine across the table.


We finished our drinks and our first day in paradise sat on the deck, our toes in the cooling sea. His strong arm around my shoulders holding my body close into his side. The air was calm and the sea gently lapped against the stilts that held our little home above its reach. I felt safe and secure in the knowledge that all the love I was sending to James was being returned to me in much the same way. Then we stepped back into our haven and closed the doors on the outside world; all we needed in our world was each other.


When the first rays of weak sunlight pierced the horizon I gently un-wrapped James’ arms from their hold upon me and left the bed. The sea was calling to me and remembering that I didn’t need to find my bikini I quietly crept through the doors and slid into the pale golden waters. I swam steadily out towards the horizon, enjoying the feel of the water sliding over my skin, penetrating my pores and filling me with contentment. Lying on my back I drifted with the currents, my face turned to the ever brightening sky above. If only life could be as comforting as the water I was in now, or the music that filled my days at work?


I watched the changing shapes in the clouds and spotted a heart shaped one forming as wisps of white joined it, making the shape solid for a few moments before a breath of wind whipped it away again. I realised that the sky was like life and the fragility of those moments that make up the pattern. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice a shape approaching from beneath the waves until a hand grabbed my foot. It tugged and then pulled me down beneath the surface. His arms pulled me closer and we kissed hello for the first time that day. Breaking the surface together we drifted with the currents.


Then without words we broke apart and raced each other back to the jetty. “Shall we dry off and go for a walk on the beach before breakfast and you can test out meeting other people with no clothes on” James said, grinning at the deepening blush on my cheeks.

“I guess it’s now or never” I said, trying not to let the nerves tinge my voice. With his hand firmly held in mine we headed along the boardwalk. The wood was already starting to warm up beneath our bare feet. Then as we turned at the end and our toes sank into the white sand I took a deep breath.


James turned his face to glance at mine and I smiled back at him, squeezing his fingers. Ahead of us on the beach some couples had already set up their towels and parasols and were lying in the warming sun. At first it was hard to ignore the fact that they were naked so I tried to keep my eyes from focusing on them. I skipped in and out of the waves as they greeted the shoreline I soon realised that no one was really looking at us and I had not really looked at them much either. We found a quiet cove and settled down on the sand together and watched the sun rising in the sky. Other couples walked past and we exchanged hellos and small talk about the weather, no one seemed the slightest bit worried about the lack of clothing.


Then as my stomach started to growl I pulled James up off the sand.

“Can we get some food now” I asked “I saw a restaurant back up the beach”

“Sure, everything’s included on site so I guess you’re feeling ok about this now” he said.

“I guess so” I replied “It feels nice having the breeze on your bare skin to lessen the heat of the sun”

We found a table overlooking the beach and sat down, a waiter took our order and I couldn’t have felt any happier. The scent of strong coffee and freshly baked bread mingled with the salt of the sea in a heady mix that just made the short wait for our fruit and croissants tantalising. In a strange way I felt like everyone was looking at me and at the same time not really seeing me in any other way than as a person. I was starting to realise what James had meant with his comments of the previous night, it was intoxicating and refreshing to be like this.


Strolling back to our room I turned to James

“I’m enjoying this” I said, stopping in my tracks.

“So am I” he replied, turning to take me in his arms and plant a possessive kiss on my upturned lips. I grinned and let him lead me back to the cool covers of the bed so that we could get all hot and sweaty once more. Our first few days together took on a regular pattern of waking when the sun started to shine through the windows. We would swim and then walk down to the restaurant at the beach for lunch. Then as the sun went down we were generally already in bed together, sharing our bodies in more ways that we had ever tried the first time we were a couple.


On our fourth day James turned to me

“Fancy a bit of exploration this afternoon?”

“Sounds good, what did you have in mind” I asked, leaning up from my position on the lounger.

“Ever been on a moped”

I shook my head and laughed “I will give it a try as long as I can hold onto you”

After a quick call to reception we put some clothes on and went to pick up the bike. We tried a quick run round the car park area before venturing out onto the roads and lanes.


Parking up we walked along a path to discover a small cove that looked faintly familiar, but only from my memories of the film Cocktail. James smiled across at me and laid our towels down on the sand. It was deserted and wonderfully quiet, just the sound of the sea and the gentle breeze flowing through the palm trees. We stretched out for a while and drifted in our own world before he pulled me up and we wandered along another path to the waterfall, THE WATERFALL and all I could do was gasp. Pulling me into his arms James kissed the top of my head.

“The only thing missing is Tom Cruise” I joked. He laughed and then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“For that comment you get a spank and this” as the hot sting on my bare flesh was counteracted by the cool water when he dropped me into the pool.

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