Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body (51 page)

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Abortion, 7197;

and fathers' rights, 8893; rights, 90, 9394, 313n.313.

See also
Fetuses; Pregnant women Academics, 25960, 280, 285;

feminist, 23233, 24042, 28185;

postmodern, 240, 260, 263, 27883


Active spirit: vs. passive body, 1115, 90; and reproductive rights, 90

Acton, William, 162, 169

Addams, Jane, 158

Advertisements, 10010, 29698;

African Americans targeted by, 100102, 12425, 25758, 26364;

Crystal Light, 139;

dietingrelated, 99112 passim, 126, 129, 199;

DuraSoft contact lenses, 251, 25558, 340n.9;

foodrelated, 99134 passim, 199;

gender difference represented in, 118, 11921, 12829; gender duality in, 14;

gender represented nontraditionally in, 13134; ideal woman of, 164;

with muscles, 19395, 296;

and plastic bodies, 24750, 251;

and sex, 287;

Virginia Slims, 100102, 103; women's strengths in, 2079

Affirmative action, 28

African Americans, 911; and abortion rights, 95;

advertisements targeted for, 100103, 12425, 25758, 26364;

and beauty, 63, 25158, 26365;

bodydiscriminations, 254;

and body image, 63, 100102, 103;

children's view of black and white dolls, 26263; cosmetic changes, 253, 254, 25758, 264;

diet and exercise for, 63, 103;

and Hill/Thomas hearings, 9, 11, 23536, 237;

hooks and, 124, 28384, 285, 286, 316n.72, 339n.43;

Jezebel, 235;

men, 9, 11, 125, 23536, 237, 286;

models, 25;

postmodern deconstruction and, 28384; racist ideology and, 911, 7980;

sermon mode, 42, 284;

in servitude, 911, 22, 124; subjectivity, 316n.72;

women, 911, 22, 63, 100102, 103, 12425, 23536, 264

Age: of anorectics, 156;

of cosmetic surgery patients, 246 Aging, 45, 2526, 104, 153

Agoraphobia, 159, 16784 passim, 331n.28;

and femininity, 168, 170, 17475, 17980; and gender, 167, 329n.6;

and power, 17980;

as protest, 175, 176

AIDS, 287

Alterity: and critical imagination, 41 Amenorrhoea, anorectics and, 207, 320n.9 American Civil Liberties Union, 80 American Medical Association, 80 American Philosophical Association, 337n.9

American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 259

Anatomy of Melancholy
(Burton), 161 Andes Candies, 129, 130

Androgyny, 206;

eating disorders and, 141, 148, 174, 324n.83;

Madonna and, 269, 274 AngloAmericans.
Whites "Animalcules," 90, 315n.64

Animality: of body, 23, 4, 144;

and muscles, 193;

racism and, 911, 236 Annas, George, 80, 314n.48 Anorexia mirabilia, 6869

Anorexia nervosa, 8, 15, 35, 4547, 137, 13964, 16784 passim, 31928; ambivalent cultural attitudes toward, 2012;

"axes of continuity," 142, 14464, 321n.14;

and BIDS, 5, 5556, 57;

boyfriends influencing, 64, 15455, 334n.24;

and breasts / bodily bulges, 46, 141, 159, 178, 18889, 2079; vs. bulimia, 323n.55, 324n.79;

consumer culture and, 2012;

and control, 59, 14254 passim, 17172,

Anorexia nervosa


Sandra Dee and, 342n.31;

and domestic arena, 159, 160, 171, 2078;

female, 4552 passim, 12831, 140, 15461, 167, 17073, 320n.10, 329n.6;

and femininity, 47, 159, 17075, 179, 180, 2079, 33132;

feministcultural perspective on, 5355, 6063;

and hysteria, 46, 49, 50, 6667, 15759, 16784 passim, 306n.12, 319n.3;

Madonna and, 269;

malefemale self, 15557, 174, 178 79, 324n.79;

medical model and, 49, 50, 5152, 6465, 6667, 319n.3; and medieval saints, 6869;

multidimensional, 48, 52, 140;

nineteenth century, 50, 51, 62, 64, 168, 319n.3;

and norms, 203;

as overdetermined symptom, 14142; "paradox" of "epidemic" of, 201;

as pathology, 4961, 175;

physiological disorders with, 140, 207, 320n.9;

and power, 142, 14344, 15464, 17779, 180;

as protest, 6465, 175, 176, 177;

thinking, 5760

Anorexia Nervosa
(Garner), 48 Anxiety:

about bodily boundaries, 199; about female desire, 20412; and flab, 18791


and backlash against feminism, 16667; eating gluttonously and, 117, 318n.12; external coercion and, 303n.30;

gender gap in concern over, 166, 329n.4; politics of, 332n.40;

and reality, 104.

See also
Beauty; Cosmetic changes; Fashion Appetite.
Desire; Hunger

Architecture, modern/postmodern, 277 Aristocracy:

Greek, 185, 198;

Victorian, 117, 191

Aristotle, 1112, 13, 16, 90 Arnault, Lynne, 336, 339n.42 Arnold, Roseanne, 296

Atwood, Margaret, 81

Augustine, 4, 14445, 146, 147

Authority, 96;

of experience, 9597;

Flax and, 280, 285;

hooks and, 285.

See also
Patriarchy Autobiography, 33132 Autonomy, of women, 9597

"Axes of continuity," 142, 321n.14; control, 142, 14854, 321n.14;

dualist, 142, 14448, 321n.14;

gender/ power, 142, 143, 15464, 321n.14; historical connections, 142, 321n.14; synchronicity, 142


"Baby M," 94

Bally Fitness Center, 195, 301n.2 Banner, Lois, 159, 325n.103

Bar On, BatAmi, 337n.9 Barthes, Roland, 170 Bartky, Sandra, 332n.40 Bartlett, Katherine, 30910

Baudrillard, Jean, 104

Bazaar Book of Decorum,
114 Bear, body as, 23


anorexia and, 68;

gender and ideals of, 204; Madonna and, 269;

norms of, 2930, 63, 25155, 29798;

race and, 63, 25158, 26365.

See also
Cosmetic changes

Beauty Myth
(Wolf), 29 Beauvoir, Simone de, 5, 17, 235

BehuniakLong, Susan, 30910 Belief: practice vs., 16566.

See also
Religion Bell, Gary, 92

Bell, Rudolph, 68

Beneke, Timothy, 67

Berger, John, 11819 Bertinelli, Valerie, 334n.24

Best Little Girl in the World
(Levenkron), 48 Betty Crocker, 12223, 129

BIDS (Body Image Distortion Syndrome
Body Image Disturbance Syndrome), 5560, 307n.25


Binge behavior, private, 114, 126, 12931, 148

Binswanger, Ludwig, 140, 31920

Biologism, 33, 287;

Butler and, 29091;

feminist, 231, 232.

See also
Bodies Biology:

and culture, 3337;

and eating disorders, 5253; and sexual "difference," 36.

See also
Body; Nature; Reproduction "Biopower," 17

African Americans Bloomer, Amelia, 327n.118 Bloomers, 327n.118

Body, 13738, 28789;

vs. active spirit, 1115, 90;

animality of, 23, 4, 144;

archetypes, 22728;

as battleground, 26364, 268;

boundaries of, 16, 199;

Cartesianism and, 4, 39, 7273, 14445, 22728, 229, 322n.25;

collusion/ resistance and, 17780; as confinement, 14445;

as construction and resource, 3637; culture's grip on, 1623, 66, 142, 260;

deceit of, 3, 4;

desubjectified, 7280; discipline of,

Page 344

25, 16667, 17172, 179, 186;

"docile bodies," 17, 18, 38, 16566, 186;

in drag, 29293;

as enemy, 145, 18891, 301n.2;

epistemology, 34, 39, 22729;

eruptions, 18991; "essentialist" view of, 17; feminist discourse on, 16568; heaviness, 3, 4;

integrity, 7280, 94;

"intelligible," 18182;

invasions of, 7297, 31015;

as limitation, 14445;

"lived," 14243;

locatedness, 4, 22743;

as machine, 4, 245;

managed, 68, 166, 17174, 191212;

material, 16, 38, 24546;

"maternal," 291;

metaphors for, 28889;

"natural," 142, 26970, 288;

and natureculture divide, 3336; "new scholarship" on, 17;

objectification of female, 182, 26774; "old" feminism on, 2324;

paradigm shift re, 288; passive, 1215, 67, 90;

plastic, 38, 39, 24558;

politics of, 1523, 139, 288, 300;

postmodern, 40, 213, 22730, 277300;

praxis, 18084, 27071;

pregnant, 36, 9192, 96;

as property, 11;

"reading," 24, 185212;

and reproduction of femininity, 16584; rights over, 7280, 94;

self apart from, 5, 144, 14648, 152, 155; and selfrealization, 5, 301n.2;

site of sin, 4;

social, 187, 198202;

temperature, 34;

as text, 38, 165, 16874, 18084, 29193;

"useful," 18182;

women as, 511, 1215, 143.

See also
Body size; Eating disorders; Mindbody dualism Bodybuilding, 246, 301n.2;

and anorexia, 15152, 179;

and flab, 191;

maleness, 179, 211;

Travolta and, 246, 32324

Body Image Distortion
Disturbance) Syndrome (BIDS), 5560, 307n.25 Body Politic, 21, 34

Body size:

BIDS and, 5557;

social symbolism of, 19197.

See also
Fleshiness; Overweight; Slenderness; Voluptuousness "Body Vision" (Heyn), 189

Bonbrest v. Kotz,
87 Bopp, James, 88, 89, 91

Borges fable, 104

BoskindWhite, Marlene, 54

Boston University School of Medicine, 80 Bourdieu, Pierre, 165

Bowman, Patricia, 8, 234, 235

Boyfriends, and eating disorders, 64, 15455, 204, 334n.24

"Braburners," 1920

Brando, Marlon, 195 Breasts:

anorectics and, 46, 141, 178, 207;

cosmetic surgery on, 20, 25;

"disciplined," 20;

in fashion, 159, 208, 333n.7;

implants, 20, 25;

with thin bodies, 333n.7, 335n.33 Breuer, Josef, 158, 331n.28

Brownmiller, Susan, 2324, 180, 332n.40
Brown v. the Board of Education,
262 Bruch, Hilde, 6667, 140;

and BIDS, 55;

and control, 14950;

Eating Disorders,
45; and male "dictator," 155;

and mindbody dualism, 14647, 148; and parents of anorectics, 156

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 32, 6168 passim, 308n.44, 309n.45 Bulimia, 35, 137, 13940, 146, 168, 319n.2;

vs. anorexia, 323n.55, 324n.79; consumer culture and, 201;

and femininity, 335n.34;

feministcultural perspective on, 54, 6063;

male, 128;

and norms, 203;

as pathology, 4966 passim; and sexuality, 323n.55; thinking, 5760

Bunch, Charlotte, 17

Bush, Barbara, 122

Bush, George, 84

Butler, Charles, 118

Butler, Josephine, 158

Butler, Judith, 38, 279, 28995 Butterfly, in
M. Butterfly,
293 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 118


Canetti, Elias, 118

Capitalism, consumer, 25, 199202, 245, 27778, 333n.7

Carder, Angela, 77, 80, 85, 311n.22

Career woman, 170.

See also
Professionals; Public domain Cartesianism:

and body, 4, 39, 7273, 14445, 22728, 229, 322n.25;

epistemology, 4, 39, 22728, 229; and female disorders, 67;

and subjectivity, 96 Catholic church:

and pregnant women's treatment, 81.

See also
Christianity Cellulite, 191

Cerclage, 78, 311n.21

Cesareans, forced, 7680, 311n.19, 312nn. 26, 31 Chapkis, Wendy, 332n.40

Charleton, Walter, 161

Charley Girl, 163

Cher, 25, 26, 104, 246

Chernin, Kim, 153, 163, 332n.40;

feminist/cultural analysis, 3233, 54; on goal in dieting, 146;

Hungry Self,

3233, 45, 137, 320n.11;

and protest/retreat, 176;

"tyranny of slenderness," 33, 141, 185 Childbirth.
Pregnant women; Reproduction

Chodorow, Nancy, 219, 220, 221, 224, 23132, 233

Christian, Barbara, 221 Christianity:

and academics, 337n.9;

and anorexia, 14546, 149, 202, 321n.14;

disdain for the body, 14447, 149;

fasting, 185;

and pregnant women's treatment, 81; and "purity," 198;

and sexuality, 4, 6, 14546

Cixous, Hélène, 17, 41, 175, 231

Clark, Kenneth, 26263

Class, 103, 191, 222, 22930;

anorexia and, 62, 320n.10; and body rights, 7577; and femininity, 117;

generalizations about, 40, 23839;

medical establishment and, 7577, 8384;

and muscles, 19395;

slenderness and, 62, 19195.

See also
Aristocracy; Middle class Clément, Catherine, 175

Clinton, Hillary, 12122

Clothes, 162, 32728; Dior, 325n.103;

men'swear look, 171, 2089, 242;

Scurve, 162;

Victorian, 143, 162, 208, 212, 325n.103


Cognitive/perceptual models, of eating disorders, 4546, 5460 Collins, Amy, 20

Collusion, and resistance, 17780

Complete Woman,

Compulsion: fitness, 150, 15152.

See also

Conduct manuals, Victorian, 11214, 130, 183

Congress, U.S., 84, 240

Conn, Eric, 9192

Conolly, John, 17980

Construction: of African American behavior, 23536; of body apart from self, 5;

of female body, 3637;

of femininity, 4748, 117, 16875, 20911;

of gender, 61;

of ideal mother and wife, 118; of images, 1045;

of masculinity, 174, 219;

of personality, 199202;

of self, 5, 15, 170.

See also
Deconstruction; Reconstruction Consumer culture, 15;

and body as machine, 245;

capitalism, 25, 199202, 245, 27778, 333n.7;

female psyched out, 10310;

and management of desire, 15, 68, 187, 199202;

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