Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body (53 page)

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on eating disorders, 3233, 5355, 6066, 69.

See also
Culture; Feminism Feminist Mass Meeting (1914), 18 Fetuses:

fathers and, 83, 8893;

"fetal protection" policies, 81; injury claims, 87;

legal status changes, 87;

rights, 77, 78, 81, 8788, 93, 95, 31215;

as supersubjects, 8088, 316n.76 FibreThin, 99102, 103

Fiske, John, 26062, 263, 265, 268, 269

magazine, 152, 246 Fitness, 301n.2;

compulsive, 150, 15152;

Madonna and, 26972;

women's benefits, 15051.

See also
Bodybuilding; Dieting; Exercise; Muscles; Weight loss Flab, 18791.

See also

110, 11617, 19598, 198

Flax, Jane, 40, 27981, 283, 285, 287


culture and, 102;

flab, 18791;

Madonna and, 269;

and maternal power, 208.

See also
Breasts; Hourglass/''Fuller" figure; Overweight; Voluptuousness

Flesh Made Word
(Mitchie), 183 Fliess, Wilhelm, 16162, 327n.117

Fodor, I. G., 170

Fonda, Jane, 26 Food:

advertisements related to, 99134 passim, 199;

and class, 62; essential to health, 34;

free and easy relationship with, 99102, 103; and love, 12127;

men eating, 10810, 122, 134;

men eating and women preparing, 11727; men preparing, 11921, 13132;

rejection of, 62, 68, 130, 185, 308n.44; and sexuality, 11017, 317n.7; temptation and fall, 11214;

as transgression, 112, 12831;

women devouring, 117, 161, 163, 206, 318n.12;

women eating restricted quantities, 11016, 134, 183;

women serving, 11727, 12930, 171, 326n.109.

See also
Dieting; Eating disorders; Hunger


Ford, Miriam, 241

Foster, Jodie, 29

Foucault, Michel, 1617, 38, 278, 332n.40;

"biopower," 17;

Butler and, 290, 29192, 294;

and "direct grip" of culture, 16, 142; "discipline," 130, 254;

Discipline and Punish,
139, 143, 16566;

"docile bodies," 17, 18, 38, 16566;

on dominance, 2628; "everything is dangerous," 223; Flax and, 281;

and "gaze," 27;

"genealogical" works, 16566;
History of Sexuality,
16566; "intelligible body," 181;

"micropractises," 17, 18;

and "mirrorings" of nature, 218; "polyhedron of intelligibility," 32;

poststructuralism of, 17, 38, 40, 217, 332n.40, 336n.3;

and power, 2628, 29, 38, 14344, 167, 240, 26162, 288, 295;

and resistance, 262, 263, 295;

"useful body," 181;

Use of Pleasure,
198 Francis, Bev, 179

Frankfurt, Mike, 150, 152

Fraser, Nancy, 22122, 22324, 337n.18

Freud, Sigmund:

158, 175, 331n.28;

feminists and, 231;

Flax and, 280;

and Fliess, 16162, 327n.117;

and hysteria, 46, 67, 15758, 169, 175, 327n.117, 331n.28;

Studies in Hysteria,
158, 331n.28.

See also
Psychoanalysis Friedan, Betty, 159, 170

Frusen Glädjé, 126, 129



Garfinkel, Paul, 140

Garner, David, 48, 52, 140

Gay, Peter, 161, 163 Gaze:

Foucault and, 27;

Madonna and, 268, 270, 27374;

male, 268, 27374

Gender, 191, 21543, 336n.4;

active spirit / passive body, 1115, 90; and agoraphobia, 167, 329n.6;

and appearances, 166, 329n.4;

"axis of continuity," 142, 15464, 321n.14; "binary frame" of, 29394;

and body norms, 34;

and body rights, 7679, 85;

Butler on, 28992;

construction of, 61;

"difference," 3642, 63, 11819, 21920, 24041, 26568;

duality, 1115, 90, 11727, 21112, 23343;

and eating disorders, 4554, 12831, 320n.10, 329n.6; essentialism and, 17, 19, 37, 4041, 9495, 222, 225, 275, 292;

and food and love, 12227;

and food and sexuality, 11017; generalizations about, 40, 23739; Gilligan and, 219, 336n.5;

and hysteria, 5051, 167, 329n.6;

ideology, 11031, 183;

and "just being people," 242;

labor division by, 71, 11731, 171, 208;

nontraditional representations, 13134;

as "performance," 28994;

skepticism, 21543;

and slenderness, 187, 20412.

See also
Androgyny; Feminism; Men; Sexism; Women "Gender prescriptions," 243

Gender Trouble
(Butler), 279, 28995 Genealogy:

Butler and, 28991;

Foucauldian, 16566

General Food ad series, for African American consumers, 12425 Generalizations:

about class, 40, 23839;

and context, 23334, 238;

about gender, 40, 23739;

about race, 40, 23839;

social criticism and, 23839, 24243

Genesis story, 89

Genetic testing, 86

George Washington University Hospital, 77 Germans, and Jews, 237


"Ghost in the machine," 73 Giddens, Anthony, 3034n.34 Gilbert, Sara, 296

Gilligan, Carol, 47, 48, 219, 221, 233, 336n.5 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 15859

5556, 154, 334n.25

Godey's Lady's Book,
11214 Goffman, Erving, 170, 289, 290

Good Mother,
117 Greeks:

and anorexia, 149, 321n.14; bodily mastery, 185, 198; disdain for the body, 149;

and mindbody dualism, 34, 1112, 13, 16, 90, 14445, 147

Grimshaw, Jean, 40, 230, 231, 23738, 337n.11

Guest, Cornelia, 60, 334n.24 Gull, W. W., 319n.3

Guttmacher, Alan, 1213


HäagenDazs, 10810, 112, 126, 13334


African Americans and, 254, 255, 26364;

Bo Derek's corn rows, 253, 254, 255 Hall and Oates, 116

Hamilton, Linda, 297

Handbook of Eating Disorders,
Handmaid's Tale
(Atwood), 81 Hannah, Darryl, 163

Haraway, Donna, 221, 22530 passim, 338n.30

Harrison, Michael, 85
Hart to Hart,
261 Health care:

of pregnant women, 8283, 8485.

See also
Medical establishment

Heaven Can Wait,

"Heavy Bear" (Schwartz), 13, 4, 56, 11

Hegel, G. W. F., 12, 42

Hemingway, Margaux,. 163

Henry, Jules, 139

Heterogeneity, 39, 22829, 234, 237

"Heteroglossia," 228, 338n.30

Heterosexism, 289, 290, 294

Heyn, Dalma, 189

Hill, Anita, 89, 11, 71, 23439 passim

Hillman, James, 89

Hispanic women, 11

Historicism, 282

History of Sexuality
(Foucault), 16566 Hite, Molly, 26869

Hobbes, T., 96, 165 Hochschild, Arlie, 309n.48 Hollingworth, Leta, 241 Home.
Domestic arena

Homogenization, 2426, 62, 63;

"difference" and, 63, 259;

and eating disorders, 32021, 321n.14; of femininity, 16869;

plastic bodies and, 25051, 259;

by television, 26061

Homosexuality, 34, 1023, 294

Hooks, bell, 279, 28287, 299;

and black women's "homeplace," 124; on sexism, 339n.43;

on West's talk, 42, 284;

40, 279, 283, 28586, 287, 316n.72

Hormel ad, 131

"Hottentot Venus," 9

Hourglass/"Fuller" figure, 16364, 333n.7; Dior, 325n.103;

and domestic arena, 159, 208, 335n.31;

Monroe, 141, 208;

and reproductive sphere, 208, 335n.31; Victorian, 159, 208, 325n.103;

after World War II / 1950s, 159, 206, 208.

See also
Breasts; Voluptuousness


Hubbard, Ruth, 85

Hudson, James, 52

Human Genome Project, 28788 Humanism, liberal, 242, 260

Hunger, 4, 8, 14;

in advertisements, 10516;

bulimics vs. anorectics and, 323n.55, 324n.79; control of, 68, 130, 143, 146, 171;

as dangerous eruption, 143; as ideology, 99134;

as sexuality, 11017, 148, 161, 163, 183, 317n.7;

as woman, 117, 16061, 163.

See also
Eating disorders
Hunger Strike
(Orbach), 3233, 305n.4
Hungry Self
(Chernin), 3233

Hunter, Dianne, 175

Hurt, William, 154


"Hyperreal," 104

Hypothalamic function, eating disorders and, 52, 320n.9 Hysteria, 15759, 16784 passim, 331n.28;

and eating disorders, 46, 4951, 6667, 15759, 16784 passim, 306n.12, 319n.3, 325n.93;

and femininity, 50, 169, 17475, 17980;

feminism and, 50, 169, 177, 181, 331n.28;

and gender, 5051, 167, 329n.6;

male physicians and, 46, 5051, 67, 158, 169, 175, 180, 327n.117, 331n.28;

muteness with, 17677;

nineteenth century, 46, 4951, 6667, 15759, 16768, 169, 180,

Page 351

Page 352


327n.117, 331n.28;

and power, 17980;

as protest, 17577;

in twentieth century, 168, 306n.12


"I Believe" ads, 29697 Ice T, 275

Idealization of motherhood, feminist, 231, 232 Ideals:

beauty, 204;

domestic woman, 118;

media's woman, 16364, 182, 321n.12;

slenderness, 20412;

Victorian woman, 16263, 183, 321n.12, 330n.11.

See also
Norms Identities:

gender, 23637;

performative theory of, 28990 Ideology:

of femininity, 17071;

gender, 11031, 183;

hunger as, 99134;

racist, 911, 7980

"Incalculable choreographies," 267

"Indeterminacy," 39 Indulgence:

in food, 12930.

See also
Desire; Secrecy; Transgression Industrialization, 118, 157

Informed consent, doctrine of, 7380 "Insipid goody," 163


masculinism of, 42;

restraint over passions, 17980; transcendence and, 4041

International Journal of Eating Disorders,
307n.25 Interpretation, of symptoms, 67

Invalidism, female, 157

Irigaray, Luce, 17, 41, 165, 231


Jackson, Michael, 246 Jacobus, Mary, 335n.29 Jaggar, Alison, 336 Jameson, Frederick, 333n.7

JellO ads, 1058, 112, 121, 124

Jencks, Charles, 278 Jews:

and exclusion from philosophical canon, 337n.9; and eating disorders, 63;

Germans and, 237

Jezebel, African American, 235 Johnson, Dianne, 29

Johnson, Don Hanlon, 1617 Johnson, Jennifer, 8182

260, 262, 273, 274, 286

Journal of Eating Disorders,


Kahn, Coppélia, 23132

Kali, 116

Kaplan, E. Ann, 273 Kenya Doll, 263

Kessler, Suzanne, 293 Kid's Kitchen Meals, 131 King, Ynestra, 41, 336

Klein, Binnie, 137, 323n.48 Klein, Martin, 313n.31 Klein, Nancy, 313n.31 Kmart advertisement, 14

KrafftEbing, Richard von, 162, 169 Kramer
(Malleus Malificarum),
161 Krauch, Kathy, 15152

Kristeva, Julia, 17, 231, 290, 291

Kruger, Barbara, 263


Labor division, gendered, 208;

in domestic sphere, 71, 11731, 171;

foodrelated, 11727; in public domain, 71

Labor force.
Public domain; Working class

Lacan, Jacques / Lacanian psychoanalysis, 175, 181, 280, 281 Language.
Discourse; Metaphors

Lasch, Christopher, 141, 163 Law:

and bodily integrity, 7280, 94;

double standard, 72;

on forced treatment of pregnant women, 7782; informed consent, 7380.

See also
Courts; Rights Lawrence, D. H., 160


Lee, Edward, 341

Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 12, 90

Lesbians, 1023, 294 Lesegue, E. D., 319n.3

Levenkron, Steven, 48, 6061, 148, 15556 Lewis, C. S., 294

Liberal humanism, 242, 260

Life Extension
(Pearson & Shaw), 153 Liposuction, 25, 18991

Liu, Aimee, 15, 148, 149, 150, 159, 172, 178

Lizardi, Tina, 248

Locatedness, body, 4, 22743

Locke, John, 96

Locklear, Heather, 195
Look Who's Talking,
13 Lorde, Audre, 41

Loren, Sophia, 208 Love, food and, 12131

"Lucky Star" (Madonna), 273 Lugones, Maria, 239, 28687

Luhan, Mabel, 21516

Lyotard, J.F., 217, 221, 281


McCabe and Mrs. Miller,
110 McCarthy, Mary, 164

McClary, Susan, 38, 27274, 294

McDonald, Christie V., 226

McFall v. Shimp,
73, 74, 7778, 310n.4 Machine:

body as, 4, 245;

economy based on, 118, 157

McKenna, Wendy, 293 MacKinnon, Catherine, 332n.40 McLish, Rachel, 246

"Macrocosm"/"Microcosm," 186

Made in Heaven,
39 Madonna, 38, 26575, 294;

"wannabes," 268, 270

Madyun, Ayesha, 7879, 80 Magazines:

African American, 63, 100102, 103, 254, 255, 25758, 26364;

on bodysculpting, 152, 246;

on cosmetic changes, 24647, 254, 255, 25758;

fashion spreads, 171, 182;

on femininity, 171, 17273;

on fitness, 63, 182;

food and dieting images, 63, 199; on gender and art, 21516;

on Madonna, 268, 269, 272;

and muscles, 19395;

on overweight, 103.

See also
Advertisements "Maidenform woman," 57

Mainardi, Pat, 18

Malleus Malificarum
(Kramer & Sprenger), 116, 161 Maneater, 116, 117

Marginality, feminism and, 22425, 231 Marriage, agoraphobia after, 176 Martin, Emily, 36, 95

Marx, Karl, 16, 30, 3334, 38, 218

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