Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1) (31 page)

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Authors: Heather D'Agostino

BOOK: Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)
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“You are so gonna get it,” he mumbled under his breath. “Not fair at all.”

He stood and began carrying the board in the direction of the water, “See you in a bit.”

Once out in the ocean, Austin submerged himself and began making his way into the deeper water. It’d been several years since he’d attempted to surf, but he figured after a few tries he’d be back on top of things. He glanced up at the beach and noticed that Melanie had put her top back in place and had turned over onto her back. He snickered to himself thinking about her little game. He’d have her begging by the end of the night, he was sure of it.

As he climbed up on the board and began to paddle himself into position, he noticed a perfect set of waves coming in from the horizon. He turned quickly and got into position. As the first wave began to crest, Austin paddled fiercely. He pushed himself into a standing position just as the wave began to break. Before he knew it, he lost his balance and crashed down into the water.

Melanie was up on the beach watching through her sunglasses. She didn’t want him to know she was spying. Secretly she wondered how many things he knew how to do. Every time she thought she had him figured out, he’d show her something else that she’d been unaware of. His athletic abilities were beyond anything she’d ever known. It thrilled her to have such a manly man as her husband. Before she knew it, she saw him pop up on a wave, only to see him crash back down right away. At first she was worried, and she sat up on her towel scanning the water. Within minutes though, she saw his head pop up in the waves along with the yellow board.

Austin sputtered as he broke the surface of the water. He shook his head and ducked just in time to avoid being drug under by another wave. This was harder than he remembered. When the set had passed, he climbed back on the board and made his way back out in the water. He was determined to do this, now more than ever, with Melanie watching. He knew she thought she was being sly by not taking off the glasses, but she didn’t have him fooled in the least. She was watching, he was sure of it.

As another set loomed on the horizon, Austin got back into position. He began paddling and moved to push himself up as the wave was cresting. This time he was able to stay up as the wave unfurled under him. He crouched and rode it in until it died out causing him to leap off the board. Pride soared into his chest as he looked up to the beach and saw an open mouthed Melanie gawking at him.

“Just like riding a bike,” he shouted in her direction and then grinned.

She shook her head and threw it back as laughter bubbled out of her shouting back, “You’re like a big kid.”

Hearing this, Austin began to jog back up the beach to where she was sitting. When he reached her, he stood in front of her dripping wet with seawater. He grinned down at her and then smirked, “There’s nothing about me that’s a kid. I’m all grown up. I think I’ve proven that over the last several days.”

Melanie’s eyes bugged out as she glanced around. Then she mumbled, “I guess so.”

“Come on, try it with me,” he reached for her. “Please? I’ll teach ya.”

“I don’t know,” she looked around frantically trying to come up with an excuse.

“I promise you’ll have fun,” he winked.

“Fine, but I better not get hurt,” she groaned as he pulled her up to a standing position.

Hand in hand they made their way back down to the water.


The next morning was a cloudy and rainy day on the island. Melanie’s mood seemed to fit the weather. After so many beautiful days over the past week, they were bound to have some rainy ones. It seemed fitting that it would come on the day they had to leave.

“You about ready?” Austin walked into the room looking around one last time.

“Yeah,” Melanie sighed.

She grabbed her pull behind suitcase and made her way back out into the living area.

“I can’t believe that we have to leave today,” she mumbled. “I wish we could stay longer, but I guess it’s back to reality, huh?”

“Yeah it is, but we can always come back,” Austin moved to place a kiss to her temple.

He grabbed the bag from her hand and went to put it in the car. Melanie glanced around one last time at the tropical hideaway that had been a dream come true over the past five days. She would always remember it with fond memories. Memories of Austin and his love for her, all the new things he’d taught her, and all the new ways she’d learned to trust him. Her life seemed perfect in every since of the word. A once broken heart had been pieced back together in the most perfect way possible.

She sighed as she walked through the door one last time, pulling it closed behind herself. She climbed in the car and looked deep in his eyes. “Thank you. You’ve fixed me in ways I don’t even think you knew I was broken in.”

He smiled and patted her knee, “You too, baby. You too,” he leaned in and placed a light kiss to her lips.

He started the car and drove them to the airport to head home where their future was going to be anything but heartbreaking.


3 years later…

May 2016

Melanie stood at the counter by the stove and huffed. She was completely exhausted and covered in flour. She’d been tirelessly baking all afternoon. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so busy. As she pulled the last tray of cupcakes from the oven, she sighed to herself.
Never again!!!
She placed them on the counter and then picked up the list she put nearby.

“Cupcakes baked, check,” she mumbled.

She continued to scan the list and mark off other accomplishments that had been made. She still needed to cut up veggies for a vegetable tray, and cook the baked beans. Hotdogs and hamburgers would need to be grilled later, and the drinks needed to be iced.

“Where is he?” she shook her head and glanced at the clock on the wall.

Austin should have been back from the store by now. Melanie had sent him out for ice and charcoal. That should have been a quick trip, no longer than a half hour tops. She shook her head again as she rummaged through the fridge for a drink.

Just as she turned back around to start preparing the frosting for the cupcakes, she heard them.

“Melanie, we’re home,” Austin shouted as he came in the front door.

“In here,” she hollered back.

“Mommy,” he ran into the kitchen and attached himself to her leg.

“Did you have fun at the store with Daddy?” she leaned forward and ruffled his hair.

He nodded his head, “Up, mommy.”

“Hang on there, Joe, your momma’s busy,” Austin chuckled.

Melanie leaned over and picked him up. “It’s ok. Mommy needs a break anyway.”

She walked around the kitchen island carrying him and took a seat at the table. It had been a crazy day. The girls were graduating today and they had talked her into hosting a barbeque. Hannah and Katie had invited all their friends and Austin had offered to take Joey out to run errands with him. She loved her son, but she had forgotten just how much a toddler could get under foot when you were busy. Melanie rubbed her eyes.

“You, okay?” Austin leaned in and kissed her temple.

“Yes, just tired. It’s been a busy day,” she slumped back as Joey scrambled to get down.

“That one will wear you out doing nothing,” Austin chuckled.

She giggled and rose to embrace him. “Yep, I know”.

“Well the good news is, after this party is finished I bet he’ll crash for the night. Katie’s already asked me if she and Hannah can hang out with Patrick. That means we’ll have a quiet house to ourselves,” he smiled and placed a kiss on her neck.

“What could we do then?” she smirked.

“I can think of a few things,” he chuckled.

She rose on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss to his lips. He tightened his grip and pulled her to him pressing the entire length of her body into his. His hand slowly trailed down her back and rested just below her waist. As he began to deepen the kiss even further, the front door flew open.

“Mom, mom!” Katie screamed. “It came!”

Katie rushed into the kitchen flailing an envelope around in her hand. Hannah was hot on her heels. Austin groaned and pulled away from Melanie, resting his forehead on her shoulder.

“There’ll be more of that later, if you’re good,” she giggled.

She turned toward Katie, “Well, what does it say?”

Katie shrugged and held out the envelope with a shaky hand, “I can’t, you do it.”

She handed it to Melanie, but Melanie pushed it back to her. “You’ve waited too long for this, you do it.”

Katie glanced down and nodded, “Here goes nothing.”

She ripped the top off and dug out the piece of paper inside. She began trembling as she continued to read.

Suddenly she jumped and launched herself into Melanie’s arms.

“I got in!” she squealed. “I did it, I can’t believe it!!!”

“I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” Melanie kissed her cheek and tightened her embrace. “You deserve this.”

“Thanks Mom, I’m gonna go tell Patrick. I’ll see you later,” she ran to her room to toss the letter on her bed and dashed back out the door.

Hannah sat down beside Melanie at the table, “I’m going to give her a minute, and then I’ll go over there.”

Melanie smiled at her, “I’m so proud of both of you. You’ve both worked so hard.

“Thanks,” Hannah smiled. “I’m just glad that one of us knows our way around.”

“It’ll be nice having you both close by, too,” Melanie rubbed Hannah’s shoulders.

Hannah had been accepted to several good schools, but had decided in the end to stay near home and attend NYU. She wanted to major in veterinary science and the athletic department had all but offered her a soccer scholarship. Katie had been wait listed at Columbia, but had just received the letter letting her know she was in.

Hannah smiled at Melanie, “Well, I’m going to head next door. I think Katie’s had enough of a head start. We‘ll be back soon to help set up.”


So, where were we?” Austin grinned as he pulled Melanie down onto his lap on the couch.

She rolled her eyes at him, “Is this all you’re thinking about today? I have things to do.”

“Can’t you take a break…for me?” he leaned in and wiped some flour off her forehead.

“Well maybe a short one,” she brushed her lips across his lightly. “But only for a minute,” she mumbled as she pressed them more firmly to his.

“Mmmmm,” he groaned and deepened the kiss.

Just then Joey came scampering into the room disrupting the moment.

“Yucky Daddy,” he twisted his face in disgust.

Austin chuckled, “Well, I guess our time’s up. He’s got great timing, huh?”

“Yeah,” Melanie sighed as she stood up.

“Joe,” Austin turned towards his son, “Why don’t you go play in your room for a minute and then I’ll come in and join you?”

“K, Daddy,” Joey giggled and raced down the hallway.


He sure knows how to ruin the mood, huh?” Austin walked into the kitchen and observed Melanie frosting some of the cupcakes she had put on the counter earlier.

“Does that bother you?” she questioned without looking directly at him.

Austin shook his head and sighed, “No, but I’ll be remembering all these times when he’s older and has a girlfriend. I’ll make sure I make my presence known every chance I get.”

Melanie giggled, “I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.”

Right as Austin reached to grab a cupcake, Melanie swatted at his hand.

“You’re as bad as the kids, those are for the party,” she pinned him with her eyes.

“Sorry,” he shrugged and snuck one when she wasn’t looking.

When she turned around his was licking frosting off his fingers and smirking at her.

“What’s so funny?” she glared at him.

“Nothing,” he offered a sheepish smile.

“So, as I was saying…does it bother you that he interrupts us all the time?” she placed the frosting bag on the counter and moved to stand directly in front of him.

“What are you getting at?” Austin cocked his head to the side.

“Well…I’m asking because it’s about to get even more hectic around here,” she looked up at his face, searching for understanding.

“Yeah, I know…we’re about to have like fifty kids here in a few hours,” he sighed.

“That’s not what I meant,” she shook her head and looked down at the ground. Then in the smallest whisper she mumbled, “I’m pregnant.”

“What?” he gasped. “Did you just say what I thought you said?”

“That depends,” she looked up. “What do you think I said?”

“Are we having another baby?” he grinned even bigger and glanced at her stomach.

A smile slowly spread across her face, “Yeah, we are.”

“Oh baby,” he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. “When?”

“Next February,” she smiled as she reached up and ran her hand along his jaw. “I just found out yesterday. I wanted to wait until today to tell you.”

Austin squatted down in front of her and kissed her still flat belly.

“Hi,” he mumbled quietly. “I’m your daddy and I love you already.”

As Melanie watched him in this tender moment, a tear trickled down her cheek. Nothing could make this day any more perfect, nothing at all.

She was truly unbroken.

The End

Coming Soon Fall 2013

Katie and Patrick's story- The Boy Next Door


I would like to thank my husband first and foremost for all his work in taking care of the kids and the house when I was stuck at my laptop writing. Without his help, this book would have never made it to the point of publication.

To my children, Anna and Jimmy, who add humor and enjoyment to my life on a daily basis. Mommy loves you very much.

To my parents for making me believe I can do anything I put my mind to. Your encouragement through the years has made me what I am today.

To my incredible Beta reader, Linda Bullock, who kept me sain through this whole process. This book wouldn't have made it without you.

To all the indie authors out there that encouraged and supported me throughout the publishing process.

To Michelle at Indie Book Covers for the beautiful cover design.

And Finally... Thank you to all of you. Your support is what keeps us Indie Authors writing.

About the Author

Heather D'Agostino lives with her husband and two children in Central New York, where she spends most of her time reading, writing, and playing with her children. Originally from the South, she moved to Syracuse in 2006 to follow her husband.

Heather graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a degree in Elementary Education and a Minor in Mathematics. She taught for six years before leaving the profession to become a fulltime stay at home mom. She has always enjoyed creative writing. After publishing several short stories, she decided to try a full length novel and Unbreak Me was born.

You can follow Heather on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/H.DAgostino.Author?ref=hl

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