Unbroken Pleasures (5 page)

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Authors: Alisa Easton

BOOK: Unbroken Pleasures
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“Come on,” she
said taking my hand and leading me back to the bedroom indicating for me to sit
on the bed, “We need a few finishing touches.”

“It isn’t
necessary, really,” I protested but I sat as she instructed and waited as she
dug through her hand bag for the cosmetics she felt best suited our evening. I
closed my eyes as she applied eye shadow and mascara and painted my lips no
doubt a shade of red that I wouldn’t ordinarily be caught dead wearing. I was
never one for wearing a lot of make-up. Once she declared that she’d finished
her masterpiece, I avoided looking in the mirror. I didn’t like not recognizing
the person that stared back at me.

She stepped back
and looked at me.

“Oh yes, he’s
going to like you.”

“I’m not sure I
can go through with this,” I said watching her readjust her dress as she looked
in my full length mirror. I couldn’t stop myself from noticing the way her
skirt lifted as she bent over to fuss with her shoe. My face flushed and I
turned away as she brought her attention back to me.

“Don’t be
ridiculous,” she said, “You will thank me for this later. If he’s anything like
Ben, it is going to be one of the best nights of your life.”

“I very much
doubt that,” I said following her into the living room. It was time to go. I
could see the excitement in Sylvia’s eyes and I wondered if it was more because
of the fact that she’d been looking for a reason to see Ben again since the day
she’d broken up with him.

“We’re meeting the
men at the restaurant,” she said ignoring me, “so we should get going if we
want to make it on time.”

“Of course.” I
picked up my overnight bag since I’d planned to spend the night at Sylvia’s
house and followed her out the door into the unknown.

I locked the
door behind me and gave one last longing glance at my home. I looked to the
bushes at the side of the house and imagined that the stranger was there
watching me, his eyes roaming over the way I was dressed, wanting me more than
anyone else possibly could. I sighed again and let myself into the passenger
side of Sylvia’s car resigned to my fate.

Fifteen minutes
later we pulled into a semi crowded parking lot of Damon’s Steakhouse and Sylvia
tried to find a parking spot. I said a silent prayer that maybe we’d have to
turn around and leave and that would be the end of the evening but of course,
it would never work out that way. She parked and we made our way into the
lobby, pushing past all the others waiting for their tables. Sylvia said
something to the hostess which I couldn’t make out over the noise of the people
and music but the hostess smiled and caught the attention of one of the waiters
who led us to our table where Ben and Nick already waited. I looked around
nervously. Less than two hours ago I was lost in erotic oblivion being served
as the dessert to a beautiful waitress and my mystery lover. Dream or not, it
still felt real and the feelings still lingered deep in my belly. I still
desperately needed a release.

I’d only met Ben
once or twice during the brief time that he and Sylvia dated but he was still
every bit the charming man that I remembered. His cousin Nick stood to pull out
my chair for me and I noticed the resemblance between the two fair-haired men
immediately. Nick smiled at me and I immediately felt at ease. I slipped into
the chair and wondered if perhaps this evening might not be so bad after all. I
took a sip of the glass of water that waited for me at the table and once again
thanked my lucky stars that I’d had the foresight to choose the black lacy panties
and matching bra rather than the plain ones.

“It’s nice to
see you again,” Ben said to me after the introductions had finished. He smiled
warmly but it didn’t compare to the warmth in his eyes when he looked at Sylvia.
The two seemed to be locked in some silent communication as they stared at each
other. I shifted uneasily, realizing that I should probably say something to
Nick, but never being one that was very good at small talk. I almost wished we
could skip the pretense of dinner and an evening out and just get to the
business at hand. I did a mental head slap. What was I thinking? Where was the
girl that used to shy away from guys? I seemed to have abandoned her at the
doorstep the moment I invited the stranger into my home. Now I couldn’t get
enough. I picked up my water glass again and finished half of it as the
waitress appeared at our table to take our orders. I felt relief wash over me
since this saved me from making conversation with Nick.

Dinner went
about as smoothly as it could have considering the reason that we were all
sitting there in the first place. Despite my reluctance, Nick insisted on
paying for my dinner which left me with an uneasy feeling of obligation which I
quickly tried to drown with a strong rum and coke the moment we walked into the
night club. Sylvia ordered the same and we found a dark corner to sit and enjoy
our drinks and thankfully, be released from our obligation to talk over the
thundering of the music around us. I watched the people on the dance floor as I
sipped my drink. Nick sat beside me with his arm casually draped around me. He
was getting awfully comfortable at a quick rate, but when I went to pull away,
I reminded myself, that was the whole point. I didn’t know how long we’d hang
around at the club. Knowing Sylvia, it would only be long enough that she could
ensure I’d had too much to drink to say no, and then we’d all pile into Ben’s
car to go back to her place for the main event.

I shuddered.
Nick mistakenly assumed this meant I was cold and slid in closer to me until I
could feel the heat of his body against me. I nearly broke out into a sweat. He
was all lean muscle under the fabric of his dress shirt and Dockers. I felt my
breathing increase and I’m sure my face flushed. Sylvia gave me a knowing look.
She was obviously quite proud of herself for pulling this off so far. All she
had to do was make sure I followed through. I finished off the rest of my drink
and announced that I needed to use the restroom. I dragged Sylvia with me, to
which she did not object. It was the first chance I had to talk to her alone
all evening and I knew she was dying to hear what I thought of Nick.

She wrapped her
arm in mine and as soon as she was certain the men wouldn’t hear us, she leaned
in and whispered in my ear. I felt a tickle in my core as her breath caressed
my face and for a brief moment I wondered what it would feel like to kiss her.
In all the years I’d known Sylvia, it had never occurred to me before to have
such a thought. I pulled away slightly as we approached the ladies’ room,
ashamed of the strange thoughts filling me.

“What’s wrong?”
she asked as we waited in line for our turn in the crowded restroom.

Nothing at all.”

“He’s gorgeous,
isn’t he?” Her eyes sparkled as she said it and once again I wondered if she
actually thought of Ben when she spoke.

“He’s very
good-looking,” I agreed.

“Just wait until
you get him naked.”

“Right.” I
shuffled up as the line moved forward and tried to erase the image of Nick
naked next to me with Sylvia stroking my breasts. Why couldn’t I just be
satisfied fantasizing about him?

“And he’s
totally into you,” she said.

“What about you
and Ben?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I was genuinely curious. I
never really understood the reason they’d broken up in the first place. It was
clear by the way that they looked at each other that they both still harbored
feelings of some sort. I found it hard to believe that it was all about the sex
like Sylvia wanted me to believe.

“Oh, don’t you
worry about Ben,” she said and I am pretty sure that I saw the hint of a blush
in her cheeks when she said his name, “He will give me a night I won’t soon

“Does this mean
that you two are back together?”

“Back together?”
She looked at me as if I’d suddenly sprouted a second head. Why was it such an
unlikely possibility?

“You two seem to
get along so well,” I said trying to justify what she clearly considered an
insane question, “I just thought that you would want to spend more time
together, that’s all.”

“It’s not going
to happen. I’m here for you and you alone.”

“It didn’t have
anything to do with sleeping with Ben again then?”

She laughed.
“Well, there are perks to this arrangement.”

“So, will you
see him again?” I persisted, knowing that I was treading a fine line with Sylvia.

“Well that all
depends,” she said moving up so that she was next in line.

“On what?”

“On whether or
not you need another night or two like this one,” she said looking back at me
with a wink as she took the abandoned stall.

Another night
like this
I repeated out loud to myself. I still didn’t know that I would
survive tonight but one thing I did know as I took the next abandoned stall, I
would definitely need another drink.

Eventually we
found our way to the dance floor. Nick made his intentions toward me very clear
by the fact that he left little space between us as we moved to the music. The
constant bumping and grinding should have excited me, especially with the
erotic thoughts from my earlier dream still floating around my head, but
instead they only seemed to irritate me. I was relieved when he and Ben took a
break to go to the bar to leave me with Sylvia on the dance floor for a chance
to breathe.

Sylvia was
having a good time. I could see the lust in her eyes as she watched Ben walk
away and I knew that she was counting down the minutes until she could get him
alone. She wrapped her arms around me as we danced and absently ran her hands
up my bare arms. I was thankful for the loud music so she couldn’t hear the way
I moaned at her touch. She’d achieved with one touch what Nick had already
spent half the night trying to do to me. I inhaled the vanilla scent of her
hair and let my lips linger only inches from her neck. What would she do if I
kissed her? Tasted her? I slipped my arms around her waist and rested my hands
on the small of her back. She felt warm.

I closed my eyes
and moved with her. I let her lift my arms over my head as she spun me to face
outward but I didn’t dare open my eyes to break the spell. She ran her hands
along my sides and back upward until she squeezed my breasts. I opened my mouth
and leaned my head back against her shoulder. Could she feel it too? I felt her
breath hot against my ear telling me to open my eyes.

I lifted my head
and at first I didn’t see anything but then I realized that we had Nick and Ben’s
undivided attention as she continued to caress me. She put her lips against my
neck and kissed and licked me. She was doing it for show but it affected me. I
could barely stand on my own two legs. The alcohol clouded my thoughts and I
gave in to her touch even though I knew now that she was doing it for their
benefit rather than mine. At that moment I didn’t care. I’d never been this
close to Sylvia before, or any other woman and I was too confused and curious
to make her stop. I closed my eyes again, determined to revel in the sensation
and forget about our audience. Sylvia reached down to stroke my thighs, lifting
my skirt with her hands so that my black panties were exposed to the club. I
wanted her to put her hands down there and touch me to feel how turned on she’d
made me but before I could encourage her, a new presence brought me back to

I opened my eyes
as Nick enveloped me in his arms and kissed the side of my neck and my
shoulder. His hands caressed my back and my behind and pressed me into the
bulge at the front of his pants. I struggled to turn and find Sylvia but she
was already lost to me, letting Ben handle her in a similar manner and clearly
enjoying the experience, probably a lot more than she had enjoyed our little
show. She was satisfied that she’d driven the guys wild. My heart sank a
little. It had been her only goal. I felt Nick’s hand stroking my thigh, his
fingers working their way under my skirt and tracing a line along my inner
thigh. He put his lips close to my ear and whispered how much he couldn’t wait
to get me out of my black panties. My face flushed. I let out a light squeal as
he pushed away the lacey fabric and felt the slickness of my sex against his

I pulled away
but before I could voice my concerns, Sylvia interrupted by suggesting that we
go back to her place. I tried to tell her that I wanted to go home but knew
that she didn’t want to hear it. She waved me away and ushered us all outside
and toward the cars in the parking lot. We all climbed into Ben’s car, our
designated driver of the evening. Sylvia sat in the front next to him forcing
me to slide into the back with Nick. She turned around to me and winked but I
pretended not to notice. I turned my attention to the world outside my window
as Ben pulled out onto the highway. Nick leaned over and took my face in his
hands to kiss me, almost forcing his tongue inside my mouth. I pushed him away
and even though he stopped the assault, he only smiled at me in a way that
suggested I’d get more of that soon enough. I sighed inwardly and went back to
watching the world pass outside my window.

I tried to get Sylvia
alone, to tell her I was tired, that I really just wanted to go home but no
matter which tactic I chose, she wouldn’t hear me. The fact that she and Ben
could barely keep their hands off each other didn’t help. For better or for
worse, Nick and I were left alone on the living room couch as Sylvia and Ben
disappeared into her bedroom. We didn’t have to wonder what was going on behind
the closed door.

I looked at Nick
and he looked at me. We both looked in the direction of the hallway where we
could see the open door of the guest room beckoning us. I looked back at him
and shrugged. All the forwardness of the man in the car had vanished. All of a
sudden, he didn’t seem to know how to approach me. It wasn’t the first time a
man seemed bewildered with what to do with me. It didn’t leave me feeling very
self-confident in my abilities to seduce but I figured we were here, we should
do something. I inched closer so that I could invite Nick to kiss me. His lips
brushed against mine lightly and we pulled away and looked at each other again.
I needed another drink and suggested as much. He agreed immediately and went in
search of something suitable from Sylvia’s liquor cabinet. He returned with two
glasses and a bottle of spiced rum but nothing to mix it with.

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