Unconquered Sun (64 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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- A kitten, you what, absolutely went mad? Well, it is impossible to be upset so from the fact that I found you! Eventually, it is necessary to be able to lose adequately! - with insult the Puppy exclaimed, rubbing the hurt head.

The kitten jumped also the wild mad eyes which are brightly burning in darkness with green fire, not knowingly looked at the Puppy and took to the heels further along a corridor.

- Stand, the fool, well where you so run as if the bucket to boiled water to you on a tail was poured out, and well stop! - the Puppy cried.

But where there! The kitten already was behind turn. It was necessary to remember to the Puppy cheerful times when they with the Kitten ran vzapusk on a bet or just played dogonyashka.

- Well, the Kitten if I do not catch up with you, I will be unworthy a high rank of a dog! - the Puppy told about himself and jerked that was forces for the Kitten.

Of course, as quickly the Kitten ran, he was only a cat, and a cat for anything not to overtake a dog! The puppy caught up with the Kitten soon and, having jumped to it directly on a back, knocked down him on a floor, strong pressed plush pads to a floor and cried:

- Regain consciousness, the Kitten! It I, your friend, the Puppy, tell what happened to you?! You what, a henbane ate too much perhaps?!

Kitten, having been unable to escape from strong paws of the Puppy, several times vainly moved, suddenly wildly looked at the Puppy and cried out:

- Fairy!. Danger!. Will die!. To rescue!. Meow-at-at-at!!! Release me!

This only thing that the Puppy managed to get at the Kitten, but it was enough to estimate all importance of the data which are available for the Kitten. The puppy right there released him, and the Kitten jerked again that was forces to feiny rooms, and the Puppy ran afterwards, any more without disturbing it.

So they ran out from a cave and rushed on a gold garden. Dwarfs and golems did not even pay attention to their bustle - they got used long ago that these mischievous persons constantly rush one after another for days on end without a break.

So friends unnoticed reached the room of the Fairy. But what expected them disappointment when they saw that its room is empty. The fairy already somewhere left. And the Kitten who is weakened from long run and from disappointment fell to a fluffy carpet at its bed.

- Everything was gone, meow! - with the squeezed groan the Kitten said.

- Do not get into the head, buddy! - the Puppy tapped of him on the shoulder. - Look at the watch - now dinner time. Probably, our Hostess went to a meal to the Emerald hall. If we hurry, then and to us will get - perhaps will not still eat! - having playfully winked, the Puppy told.

But to the Kitten had no time for jokes.

- Let's go, and that our absence will be suspicious there …

And having taken each other for pads, Animals went to eat, previously having agreed to behave there, as usual, not to give a cause to think that plans of the Invincible Sun are known to them.


And the Fairy really was on a meal which was made at the scheduled time, at seven o'clock in the evening.

Meals were strange this! Only the Fairy and Animals ate - the Invincible Sun and Prinze did not even touch food. Sometimes the Fairy thought why they in general here sit? To it it was even inconvenient at them is - when watch at you how you eat, couple of penetrating views, anyone will be embarrassed.

The benefit, Animals fine relieved the tension. They so appetizingly ate, smearing the plush muzzles with honey, cream and tomato juice that without laughter it was just impossible to look at them. The fairy heartily laughed and, having wiped their muzzles a napkin, itself with pleasure was accepted to food. Especially it was amused that she should have turned away as Animals right there threw on a table of a spoon, forks, table knives, and were accepted to food directly by pads! When the Fairy suddenly saw it, she did "terrible eyes" and threatened them with the thin finger and falsely strictly spoke:

- Well that you, Zveryatki mine, dishonor me before her Perfection! Where your etiquette? Where good manners? As if you came not from the noble house of the fairy here, and from a predatory brothel!

Animals then were confused, having bent plush heads, and pressed ears - well, just as the real played mean tricks kittens and puppies! But the Fairy could not become angry about them long. It carefully wiped them pad napkins, and they again, having taken forks and knives, were accepted to awfully inconvenient procedure of cutting of some tomato or a cucumber.

All similar scenes, appear, did not make any impression on Prinze. The fan before to joke and laugh at tricks of Animals, he silently looked towards an empty throne of the solar ghost and was silent, and the gold mask which he took off less frequently (to have an opportunity incessantly to see the Invincible Sun) made it similar to one of uncountable heartless golems.

But the Invincible Sun behaved absolutely differently. It continually laughed at tricks of Animals (though it is not clear, how sincerely), constantly protected them before the Fairy ("expensive, do not abuse them so strongly, they are almost like children …", "let eat as it is pleasant to them …", "nothing terrible, it is trifles, the darling") and constantly conducted a polite high-small talk with the Fairy - exactly same what usually and are conducted among themselves by fairies in Skies - trying not to leave for a minute it alone with the thoughts.

Here and now in the Emerald Hall there was the same strange dinner, especially strange that as Animals on it is mute not was, is it it was necessary to one Fairy, and Prinze and the Invincible Sun sat next and looked at it unblinking eyes. However, and now the Invincible Sun did not allow awkward pauses.

- Well, how, expensive, is to you here? Whether everything suits you here?

- Yes, your Perfection, all is good. I still did not get such magnificent rooms and such hearty welcome anywhere. And here it is pleasant to Animals - after all burdens of our way they just are blissfully happy, playing in your fine gold gardens … - is held a little down the Fairy answered, without deciding to be accepted to food without Animals - unwinking gazes of both "messmates" beat off any appetite.

- Well and it is remarkable, expensive … You eat, eat, do not hesitate, you need forces. Tomorrow at dawn I would like to you as to the skilled magician to show one invention, the analog which is not present in all Tselestiya. I invented it long ago, but to estimate it so far there were nobody - fairies all of a sudden declared to me war. About what to admit, I constantly regret …

- And why at dawn? - with anxiety the Fairy asked, having smelled something rat. Gloomy preventions of Azail instantly emerged before its mind's eye.

- Nothing strange, - the ring of gold hand bells was heard again. - Just my device works at dawn. I would like that you, my dear, saw it in operation …

The fairy attentively looked at Prinze, about herself slowly including, 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 10 … 20 …, calming thoughts, and saw how Prinze at these words of the Invincible Sun slightly pulled, almost absolutely imperceptibly, the head. But it to the Fairy there was enough to be convinced of WHAT this Yellow Witch is going to show her. Perhaps, it also was that what already Azail hinted it twice at. But the counting rhyme helped the Fairy not to find the thoughts.

Instead she smiled and, having made the interested person and having tried to open more widely eyes, having represented sincere surprise and admiration, told:

- Oh, your Perfection, I am so grateful that you put in me such trust! It would be very interesting to me to look at your invention, I always so like to learn something new! - and delighted clapped the hands. - But I am not sure that I will be able to appreciate your opening, I am a malosposobna, simple mediocrity. I as the handicraftsman, it is only capable to reproduce ready samples, am not able to create anything new …

- Well you, well you! - hasty interrupted its Voice. - Be not over-modest, expensive, you
are very talented
, I see! To overcome the Desert of Desires in such a way what you made it … And it is so dexterous to gain the confidence to Flying Monkeys and to use their help in the purposes … I do not speak about this very interesting fight at the Coast … To admit, you struck me with the resourcefulness! - told the Invincible Sun, again finding out that all memory of the Fairy long ago and carefully is studied by it. - You very much, very creative young magician. And I think that under my management, you will reach still big heights …

The fairy with order was bothered by this chatter of high society. She already understood what the Invincible Sun drives at, and now to postpone implementation of its plan of death was similar. It will have no other chance any more. It is also that course which the Fairy so waited for all these days. And she decided to go for broke (as whether its plan will work - it had no slightest confidence) and began to act. Just as the card player driven that is called into the corner by the courses of the strong opponent in despair spreads on a table only available for it, a trump carefully sberegayemy "for rainy day", and the Fairy took the last, desperate offensive.

- Your Perfection, you are so informed on life of the country of fairies that sometimes it seems so to me that you also have relation to it, maybe, I am mistaken? - the same tone of high society the Fairy said, efficiently cutting a knife big fragrant bright red exotic fruit, at the same time internally shuddering from the fact that at any moment of her intention can be opened.

There came the awkward pause. Usually garrulous Invincible Sun suddenly became silent. Whether deciding how to answer, whether words of the Fairy awakened in her some memoirs.

The pause was interrupted by Prinze.

- Darling well you? Unless its Perfection can concern to fairies? It, undoubtedly, the being of the highest order … - passionless and some sleepy voice was said by Prinze.

Prinze's intervention for the Fairy was obvious not by the way, and she from disappointment wanted to whack it properly a leg under a table, but restrained. Conversation can not be struck up again as
that time
. But absolutely unexpectedly for the Fairy the Invincible Sun answered.

- No, why, your guess is right. I really once was among fairies of Community. It was so long ago that it is difficult for me even to remember when it was …

- I and knew, your perfection that it so! - very much trying to represent delight, the Fairy exclaimed and clapped the hands. - It was so pleasant to me to learn that we are sisters! But tell, please, your Perfection in what rank you served in the country of fairies?

This time the pause lasted much longer. And again this nasty Prinze interfered when nobody about it asked him!

- Darling well, of course, its Perfection was a fairy of the highest rank, unless it is not obvious? - he spoke by the same dozing lifeless voice again.

"Oh, as it wants to be whacked, oh, the Creator! Well, why it climbs where it is not asked!?"

But the Invincible Sun answered, though reluctantly.

- Is not present … - the Voice hardly considerably trembled. - I was a fairy of the third rank … not the highest … However, it was so long ago!

- Oh, your Perfection, - pretending to be the perfect little fool delighted the Fairy cried out, having clapped the hands, - as it is great that we had very much the general! To me it is so pleasant to know that such powerful magician left fairies of my rank! And tell, please, and what is your name, well, what is your name, which you had in the country of fairies, to
sacrament of renunciation
, a name which you were called by mother, you remember?

This time silence was the answer it only. In reflection in a mirror it was possible to see how the Invincible Sun looked away from the Fairy and from Prinze, and looked down, having entirely retired into oneself. And here Prinze did not sustain:

- Darling you see that its Perfection does not want to speak on these subjects! What difference whom She was earlier? Who needs this past, after fairies defiantly attacked her Perfection, there is no return to it any more!

And then, having a little reduced turns, already quietly continued:

- You, I see, have already supper, it is time for you to have a rest, to you to get up early tomorrow. Give, I lead you to your rooms and I will wish you kind dreams … - With these words the Prince got up and took was the Fairy by a hand …

As suddenly in the hall the Kitten and the Puppy and, as always directly rushed, jumped on the places and indifferently at once began to eat greedily the viands which are spread out on a table, as if ate nothing week, and besides again naked pads!

In other time the Fairy from shame would die of such brazen violation of etiquette, but this time she with relief sighed - unexpected arrival of Animals gave a reason to remain it at a table for some time. But after all externally the Fairy pretended "terrible" and, having reddened, strictly told:

- Zveryatki my dear what you afford it, a-a-a?! How many you will dishonor me before our Hostess?! The creator, well when you learn rules of conduct in decent houses?!

- More quietly, more quietly, expensive, - unexpectedly soft voice of the Invincible Sun was distributed. - Let eat as they got used, it is not necessary to lecture them. In their spontaneity there is something amusing, children's …

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