Uncontrollable (11 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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I swallow nervously. I know Slade has had women in
his bed but I also know that he has never loved any of them. It must be hard
for him to think about the fact that I once loved Jax how I love him now. “I
I once loved him.” It’s true. I was blinded when it came to Jax. I really
didn’t know any better.

“Don’t give me that bullshit,” he says softly. “We
both know what kind of person you are.”

I bite my bottom lip nervously. “Can you enlighten

He smiles, and it eases my nerves.
A little.
“You would never fuck around with someone, let alone move out of state with
someone, unless you loved them.”

“If I wouldn’t have followed him to St. Louis, then
I would have never met you,” I say placing my hands on his chest.

He picks up my left hand and lifts it to his lips
giving it a soft kiss. “I know but back to the reason why I lied to him.” He
wraps his arms around me and pulls my body to his. I’m guessing so I can’t run
away. “I will never let someone break your heart, baby. I will never let him
have the satisfaction of knowing what he did to you. Does it really bother you
that much what he thinks of you?” His dark eyebrows pull together as his baby
blue eyes roam my face.

“That wasn’t the point.”

“Then what was the point? Tell me what you want me
to say because honestly I’m at a loss,” he pleads.

“I want to know why you didn’t tell me that he
showed up at your work. You are correct, I could care less what he thinks, but
why didn’t you tell me?”

He pulls back and runs his hand through his hair.
It’s standing up and in different directions as if he has been messing with it
all day. “We already had one fight over him, and that’s one too many if you ask
me. I felt it was pointless. There was nothing that you could do, and I didn’t
want to upset you.”

I walk over to the tub and sit down on the edge,
needing the space for a few seconds.

He very slowly makes his way over to me. Kneeling
down in front of me, he takes my hands in his. “Will you forgive me?”

I nod my head. He’s right, what Jax thinks of me is
not important.

“So, can we please just drop this issue?” he asks
softly. “We are throwing a party for Missy tomorrow night and leaving for Vegas
the day after that. Let’s just forget about Jax.”

I release a long sigh. Can I really be mad at him
for something he can’t control? If his exes come and get in my face, I would
say anything to hurt them, and I know that was his intention with Jax.

I nod my head. “Deal.” I reach out my hand for him
to shake. He smirks and grabs my hand. He stands and pulls me up as well, and I
fall into him. Leaning down he places a rough kiss on my lips.

When he finally pulls away I’m panting. I expect
him to strip my clothes off and take me right here in the bathroom but instead
he turns around and starts to undress before stepping into the shower. I take a
few deep breaths and walk out of the bathroom to make my way back to the


To be completely honest, I
don’t even remember much of my twenty-first birthday. I was attending the
University of Missouri and some of my buddies took me out. We ended up partying
nonstop for a solid week. That’s all I remember. There was a ton of alcohol and
women. At times there were multiples. There were several fights, and I was
banned from a couple of bars, but I expected it to go down that way.

I have a feeling that Missy isn’t going to remember
much of hers either.

I smile as I watch Angel talk and laugh with Missy.
She spent all last night and some of this evening decorating our house for her,
and it looks great. I know growing up that Missy lived a pretty sheltered life.
Her parents were very strict with her and her brother. As far back as I can
remember in school, Missy’s family was very religious. They considered a
twenty-first birthday celebration at Olive Garden last night to be party
enough. Last night, after Angel and Courtney had finished decorating, Missy had
called her upset. She said her parents wouldn’t even let her order an alcoholic
drink to celebrate. Missy is their baby, and I think they want to shelter her
as long as possible. After that call, Angel started adding more alcohol to her

Missy has always seemed so reserved and sweet, but
I can tell there’s a part of her that wants to let loose. Go wild, even. Just
to say she did. Even if the alcohol she consumes makes her memories foggy.

I have a feeling my little Angel may show her the
crazier side of life, at least the alcohol-induced side, tonight.

“I think she’s had enough,” Tate growls to Angel.

I smirk when she gives him a go to hell look and
places the full shot in Missy’s hand.

“Think I need cut off, Tate?” Missy slurs, and I
can’t help but laugh. This brings back memories of the first night I met Angel,
and she got drunk off tequila shots.
Women can be so stubborn.

“Yes,” he says looking down at her with narrowed
eyes. “I don’t want to have to hold your hair back later when you’re puking,”
he growls.

She gives him a sloppy smile as she sways on her
feet. Her black rimmed glasses are sliding farther down her nose. “I have
girlfriends for that.” Then she brings the shot glass to her lips and tosses it

I tilt my beer bottle back to hide my smile from
the couch across the room. I knew the girls would get drunk tonight. I saw how
much alcohol Angel had purchased for this party. She wanted to throw Missy a
party, and I know exactly what the word ‘party’ means to her.

“What are they drinking?” Braxton, Parker’s little
brother, asks me as he plops down beside me. Micah invited him, said we need to
hang out with him more. He’s actually a pretty good kid.

“Those are wet pussy shots,” I answer with a smile.

His brown eyes go big, and his cheeks flush. He’s
nothing like Parker and I were when we were his age. We spent our days thinking
about women and our evenings getting between their legs. He, on the other hand,
did not. I can tell he spent his days and nights with his face stuck in a book,
doing nothing but studying. Probably picked up more classes than he needed. That’s
how he graduated early.

“Ever had one?” Tate asks coming up to us.

“No. What’s in it?” he asks excitedly.

Tate lets out a little laugh, and I have a feeling
he was asking about the one between a woman’s legs, not in a shot glass.

“I don’t know really,” he admits, “but they are
good.” He tilts his beer back before sitting down with us.

“Will she be able to go to school tomorrow?”
Braxton asks as he watches Missy and the girls tip back another shot.

“She’ll be fine,” I say brushing off his concern.

“Slade,” Josh calls from the pool table. “It’s your

I get up off of the couch and walk over to the pool
table. I set my beer on the end as I pick up a pool stick. Just as I go to hit
the cue ball someone bumps my stick, making me miss the shot. “Hey,” I say
turning around to see who it is.

The most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen are
staring up at me. Angel giggles before she says, “I’m sorry. Did I make you

“I bet money on this game,” I say pulling her into
me. “And if I lose I’m going to make you pay.” I give her a threatening smile.

“What if I refuse to pay up?” she asks as she
places her arms around my neck.

I grab a hold of her wrists and place them behind
her back. I lean down and place my lips to her ear. “I have my ways,” I murmur.

She sucks in a breath and tries to wiggle her hands
out of my grasp but I hold them tightly. “I know you do.” She breathes heavily.

I let go of her quickly, spin her around, and then
swat her ass before she walks off. She turns to face me as she walks away. “Sorry
that you missed. Maybe next time you will be a better shot,” she taunts.

“Keep asking for it,” I warn her, but she just
laughs it off.

I turn my attention back to the game and pick up my
beer that I had left on the pool table, trying to think of anything except for
the hard on in my pants. How am I going to win when I keep imagining her lying
naked on this pool table every five seconds?

“So, is Missy seeing anyone?” Braxton asks, and I
smile at the growl that comes from Tate.

“Not that I know of,” I reply.

“Why? Do you want to date her?” Tate asks Braxton,
but his eyes stay trained on Missy as she laughs loudly at something Courtney

“She’s really pretty,” he says with a dreamy smile
on his face.

I wave my hand in front of his face. “Hey,” I say
getting his attention before Tate knocks the shit out of him. I don’t know what
his deal is with her, but he is very protective. “Do not hit on her tonight,” I

“I wasn’t…I wouldn’t…” He shakes his head quickly
before he takes a gulp of his beer and makes a sour face. The kid must not ever

Tate laughs at his rambling. It’s very clear he has
no experience with women. I know Tate likes Missy, and I don’t think he has
anything to worry about when it comes to Braxton taking her off the market.

I don’t know why—I just don’t see Missy with a guy
who wears penny loafers and a colored button-down shirt with slicked back hair.


I hold Missy’s blond hair
back as she once again vomits into the toilet in our guest bathroom.

“It’s okay. Let it out,” I say softly as I rub my
hand up and down her back over her light green top.

“I should have never drank that much,” she cries
before getting sick once again.

I continue to rub her back with one hand as I reach
up to the counter and grab a washcloth. “Everyone gets sick on their
twenty-first birthday,” I say. “It’s like a rite of passage.”

She coughs a bit and then leans back on her heels.
I get up off the floor and wet the washcloth before handing it to her.
“Thanks,” she says before wiping her face.

“I should have cut you off.” I sigh.

She looks up at me. “Those shots didn’t event taste
like alcohol,” she says wide-eyed. “I remember the one I took at Larry’s the
night we got Jeremy arrested and that shot tasted awful. The ones tonight were
so good,” she exclaims with a smile on her face.

I give a little laugh knowing she is still drunk
and going to be hung over tomorrow.

“That’s how alcohol usually works. One minute
you’re fine and then the next you’re lying face down on the floor.” I make my way
back down on the floor to sit beside her.

“You should go back down to the party,” she says
through a yawn.

I snort. “You’re the birthday girl. I wouldn’t
leave you.”

“You don’t need to hold my hair. I can put it up.”

I ignore her, place my back against the cold tub
and stretch my legs out in front of me. She lays her head down on my legs and
closes her eyes. I smile as I start to run my hands through her pretty blond

“Sam?” She speaks quietly.


“Thanks for such a great party.”

I smile then whisper, “Anytime.”

I lay my head back and close my eyes enjoying the
cool tub against my neck. I can still hear the laughs and hollers from everyone
downstairs. They have been playing drinking games for the last two hours. I
think that was what did Missy in. Beer pong is just not her game, especially
when she was taking shots instead of drinking beer.


I open my eyes and look down at her head lying on
my lap. “Yes?”

She takes a deep breath. “Do you think Tate likes

My hand pauses in her hair.

She gives a drunken laugh. “That was a stupid

“No it wasn’t.” I go back to running my hand
through her soft blond hair. “I think he likes you,” I say wondering if I
should have said that. Does he? I’m pretty sure he does. But do I think he will
act on that feeling? No.

“I feel like sometimes he does. I catch him staring
at me a lot but as soon as I do he looks away.” She sighs.

“Maybe he’s not ready. Maybe he just needs some
time. You know?” I try to offer some advice on something that I have no clue

“Maybe,” she contemplates. “Will you help me?”

“Help you what?”

“Make me pretty.”

“Missy. You are beautiful,” I say with a frown.

She shakes her head against my legs. “Not enough
for him.”

I feel sorry for her. She really likes him, and I
hate that she feels inadequate for Tate.

“I just want you to show me how to curl my hair and
help me with my makeup. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to wear that kind of
stuff,” she says yawning again. “I want to look different in Vegas. I want to
different in Vegas,” she says barely over a whisper.

I smile down at her. “Absolutely,” I answer
quietly. I’m pretty sure she has already fallen asleep, and I’m feeling pretty
tired myself. I drank a couple shots and some beer, but I’m nowhere near drunk.
I wanted to stay sober because I knew it wouldn’t take Missy long to head down
the drunken road.

I lean my head back once again and close my heavy
eyes. A little rest won’t hurt.



I wake when I feel
something hit my leg. Sitting up quickly I see Slade standing in the bathroom
staring down at me. “Sorry,” he says leaning down and picking me up in his
arms. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Where is Missy?” I ask looking back down to the
bathroom floor where we had passed out.

“Tate already carried her to bed,” he says walking
me through the spare bedroom and down the hall.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place my face in
his shirt, inhaling his scent. I could never get tired of his masculine smell.

We enter our bedroom, and he lays me on the bed.
“Do you feel okay?” he asks sitting down beside me and pushing hair from my

I nod my head. “I feel fine. Missy was the one who
was sick. I was just tired.”

He smiles. “I figured. Tate spent twenty minutes
looking for you guys before we decided to check the bathrooms.”

“Is the party over?” I ask when I hear the house is

“Josh and Micah are still playing pool. Courtney is
passed out on the couch downstairs, and I’m pretty sure Holly is passed out
with her. Braxton went home about an hour ago.”

“What time is it?” I ask stretching my tight
muscles out. This bed is much more comfortable than the bathroom floor.

He looks down at his watch. “A quarter past three.”

My eyes widen. “How long were we in the bathroom?”

“I’m guessing a couple of hours.”

I reach up and rub the back of my neck.

“Crick in your neck?” he asks.


He chuckles. “Falling asleep on the bathroom floor
will do that to you.” He reaches down and grabs the hem of my shirt. I lean up
off the bed to allow him to pull it up over my head. He then goes to work on my
jeans. I lift up once again for him to pull them down my legs. I kick them off
along with my underwear. He gets up off the bed and heads to the bathroom as I
remove my bra.

He comes out of the bathroom with a bottle of
lotion in his hands. “Roll over.”

I do as I’m told and close my eyes as the bed dips
and I feel him straddle me.

A moan escapes my lips when I feel the cold lotion
on his hands start to massage my neck.

“Feel good?” he asks.

“Uh huh,” I mumble as he digs his strong fingers
deeper into my neck. I sigh when he moves his hands out to my shoulders and
upper back. “God,” I moan as I feel my body turn to jelly. “Please. Don’t
stop,” I say when his hands ease up.

“You’re making me hard, baby. You need to stop
saying things like that,” he warns.

I sigh. “It feels too good to shut up.” My words
sound mumbled as I speak into the pillow.

I laugh when I hear him growl. He pulls his hands
off of my body, and I almost whimper from them no longer massaging my soreness.

“Is this funny, Angel?” he asks before I feel his
hardness now pressing between my legs.

“No,” I say with a smile.

He places his hands on my hips, and he starts to
lift them up off the bed. I prop myself up on my forearms to help lift my hips.

“No,” he says as a hand lands on my upper back
pushing on me. “I want you face down.”

My heart rate picks up, and I start to breathe
heavily as I do what he says. I shift uncomfortably with my ass up in the air,
knowing he can see all of me. Even after all this time I still get nervous

I hear a rustling of clothing and then feel him
readjusting on the bed. I jump when I feel his tongue run across my pussy.

“Slade,” I pant trying to tighten my legs but he
places his hands on my thighs keeping them open.

“Hmm?” he mumbles against my clit.

“Oh God,” I say making my voice rise.

He pulls away. “You gotta be quiet, baby.”

I place my face into the pillow, and my hands grab
a hold of it as he goes back to pleasuring me with his tongue. It doesn’t take
long before I’m screaming into said pillow.

Once he pulls away I fall onto my stomach
stretching out my legs as I lie panting, body shaking when I hear something
like the sound of metal rattling. “Behind your back,” he orders, and I do as he

I feel the cold steel wrap around my wrists. He
then places his hands on my waist and pulls me up to where I’m on my shaky
knees once again.

He lies down and looks up at me with a smile on his
face. “What are you doing?” I ask moving my wrists around feeling them dig into
my skin. I swear he makes them tighter every time.

“Something new. Sit up.” I do and he places his
hand on my hips and lifts me to where I’m straddling his hips.

I smile, I’ve never been on top before with my
hands cuffed behind my back.

He runs his palms up and down my shaking thighs. “I
love it when you’re like this,” he says with his eyes following the movement of
his hands. “Knowing I did this to you.” He licks his already wet lips, and I
tighten my legs against his hips. “Body shaking...” His hands slide up my stomach
to my chest. “Heart pounding…” I let out a heavy breath.

“If I could, I would leave you like this.” He looks
me in the eyes. “Breathless and shaking.” I believe every word he says. “I
would keep you restrained…” He pauses. “Gagged.”

My eyebrows shoot up, and my legs automatically
tighten on their own. He smiles.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” he asks already
knowing I would. “Not able to tell me to stop. That your body has had enough.
All you could do was take every fucking orgasm I give you.”

I moan, and he pinches my already hard nipples. He
likes to push my body to the point where I feel like it’s going to break, and I
like that. Makes me feel alive.

“Maybe someday I’ll do that to you,” he says
getting my attention. “How’s that sound?” he asks.

I nod my head somewhat in a daze. “I’d like that,”
I whisper.

“I know,” he says with a cocky smile.

His hands move from my breasts to either side of my
face. He pulls me down toward him, my chest resting on top of his. He kisses me
roughly, and I can still taste the liquor on his breath.

He reaches between our bodies, and he pulls his
mouth away from mine. “Lift up,” he demands roughly.

I lift my hips, and he slowly guides himself into
me. I hiss in a breath as he stretches my already sensitive pussy.

Once he’s all the way in he brings his hands back
to my face. He pushes the hair from the sides of my face and looks up into my
eyes. “Fuck me,” he demands.

I lay back down placing my chest on top of his as I
start to lift my hips up and down. It’s hard to do it without the use of my
hands, but he helps me out by placing his hands on my hips. They move me up and
down in a fast pace.

In seconds I’m panting and start to sweat. The
sound of our bodies slapping together are heard over our heavy breathing.

I rise up, straddling him, and start to rock back
and forth. His hands slide up my sides, and he brings them to cup my breasts.
He pinches my nipples, and I throw my head back letting out a moan.

I reach down and grab a hold of his balls.

 “Oh, no,” he hisses, and I smile.

Before I know it he grabs my hips and throws me
down onto the bed beside him. He jumps on top of me, pinning my hands between
my back and the sheets. I cry out as the metal digs into my back.

He places his large hand over my mouth. “Shh,
baby,” he whispers. “We’re not alone, remember?”

I nod my head quickly, and he smiles down at me.
Then he leans down and speaks. “But I’m not going to remove my hand.”

What? I shake my head quickly trying to throw his
hand off.

“Stop,” he orders, and I obey. “I don’t wanna hear
you tonight. I just wanna feel you,” he says as he reaches under my left leg
and pushes it up onto his shoulder. He all of a sudden pushes into me hard. I
cry out into his hand, and I try sucking in a breath but it just suction cups
his hand to my mouth, leaving me with nothing.

“Breathe through your nose,” he growls before
pulling out and doing it again.

He leans more into me, allowing him to go deeper,
and it pushes my legs further apart.

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