Uncontrollable (36 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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People say you have last minute jitters that make
you want to run off and do something stupid before you get married. Before you
‘sign your life away’ as Parker puts it. I have none of that. I can’t wait to
see her tomorrow dressed in her wedding gown and ready to take what I’ve wanted
to give her since I first realizedI was in love with her.

 My last name.


Hey baby. How are things going
with the guys? I can’t wait for tomorrow. I love you, Slade. Xoxo


Everything is going great. I hate not
being able to see you. Love you too.


Whoever invented this ‘can’t see your bride before
the wedding’ is for the fucking birds. Who cares if I see her? I want to see
her beautiful face when I wake up in the morning. I want to run my hands over
her perfect body and soft skin.


It’s just one night, then we have
the rest of our lives.


 “What the fuck are you doing?” Parker asks from
behind me.

I turn around, and he sighs once he reads the
messages on my phone.

“Fuck, I swear there is something in the water in
this town. These chicks have poisoned it.” He shakes his head. “And all of you
sorry bastards have drank from it as if you’re in the middle of the Sahara

 “I haven’t.” Tate lifts his drink.

 “Thank God for that. Someone in this room besides
me still has his balls,” Parker quips. Then adds, “That brunette I was with
last night said her friend would like you.”

 Tate nods. “Call her up. I am free tomorrow night
after the wedding,” he says before taking a drink.

“Do you know her?” I ask curiously.

 “No.” He shakes his head “When has that ever

“I just…” I quit talking when I realize I sound
like an idiot.

 Parker looks at me as if I have two heads with his
drink paused midway to his mouth. “Who are you?” Parker asks as if I’m a
stranger, still staring at me.

Micah and Josh laugh. It is at that very moment I
realize just how much I have changed.

I shake my head at myself as I pocket my phone and
take a drink from my rum and Coke with a smile. Angel is right. It’s just one
night. After one o’clock tomorrow she is mine forever.

 Later that evening, after all of us had played
some pool, along with many drinking games, I crawl into our cold and lonely bed
and glance to her empty side when I hear Peaches whining. I turn and look over
my shoulder at our bedroom door and there she sits, giving me her sad puppy
eyes, and I crack.

“Come on.” I pat the covers over my leg.

 She comes running and jumps up in the bed and lies
down right in Angel’s spot. I close my eyes only to open them again when she

 I look up at her pretty blue eyes, and I sigh. “I
know.” I reach out and pet her. “I miss Mommy too.”

 She blinks a few times and then closes her eyes. I
let out long breath and try to get some sleep. It’s already way past midnight.
It is officially the day of our wedding. And sleep is the last thing on my mind
I can do.



“We have to go,” I say
kicking Parker as he lies sprawled out on my living room floor in his Batman
boxers. The drunk bastard didn’t even make it to one of the spare bedrooms.

He groans and rolls over before he scratches

“Get the fuck up Parker, or I’m leaving your ass

 He gives a little moan before rolling back over to
his side; eyes still closed.

“Okay. We will play this like we used to,” I say
running into the kitchen.

I fill a pitcher full of cold water as Micah walks
in. “What are you doing?”

 “Parker won’t wake the fuck up.” I smile holding
up the now filled pitcher.

“Oh please let me do it,” Micah begs like a little

I shrug and hand him the full pitcher. I could care
less who does it. As long as he wakes up. Micah walks out laughing, and I run
off to my room to make sure and grab my luggage. As soon as I enter the closet
I hear Parker scream like a little bitch and then laughter from the others.

“Where is my luggage?” I ask myself looking for my
bag. We are going from the church straight to the hotel. Our plane for the
honeymoon leaves first thing in the morning.

“Slade?” I hear Tate call out.

“In here,” I holler.

“What are you looking for?” he asks entering the

 “My luggage.” I look again as if it would just
appear in front of me. “I only have the one bag.”

“Sam has it.”

I turn to face him and frown. “How do you know

“She called me this morning and said that she had
texted you last night to remind you that she took everything with her yesterday
to your parents’ house. She didn’t want you to have to worry about anything.”
He frowns. “She said she texted you last night about it but you didn’t

I run out of the closet and grab my
phone off of the charger. I have two messages from her last night.


Love you. Have fun.


Don’t forget I took everything
with me. All you have to bring is yourself and the guys. The tuxes will be at
the church waiting for you. Xoxo


I smile. She just thought I was going to forget
something important. That’s why she has everything. Probably the smartest

I turn to walk away when Tate stops me. “Grab your
charger.” He points to it.

I nod and wad it up in my pocket. Yep. I would have
forgotten most of the stuff that I was going to need.

 An hour later we are in the room at the church,
after taking some pictures of all of us guys together as we wait for our
instructions to go stand at the front of the altar. We’re all dressed in our
tuxes, and I’m already starting to burn up when my dad clears his throat.

We all quietly turn to face him. “Since I’m not the
best man, I want to say my speech in front of you guys.” We all laugh.

 “Son…” He walks over and places an arm over my
shoulder. “You are very lucky to have found
the one
. I’m not going to
sugarcoat it or tell you that fairy tales do exist. Marriage is not easy. It’s
the toughest job you will ever have. Even though you have a baby on the way,
right now it’s just you and Samantha. Eventually you will be spending less time
with her alone, and you guys will spend all of your time with the kids and your
jobs.” He drops his head for a second. “I wasn’t always there, and I regret
that.” His eyes move from mine to Micah. “Be there.” They lock back on mine.
“Be there every moment that you can because before you know it, you will be
watching your child get married and start their own life with the one they
love.” He smiles. We all lift our drinks and take a big sip.

The door opens, and a man peeks his head in. “You
guys are on.”

 I finish off my drink, and we all make our way to
the altar. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. Not of nervousness, but of
what she’s going to look like.

 “Did you really film it?” I hear Tate asks Josh.

 “Yep,” he answers sounding proud of himself. “I’ll
show you and Slade after the wedding. Funniest shit ever.”

 “What are you guys talking about?” I ask.

“I taped Micah throwing water on Parker,” Josh

Now that I have to see.

Tate laughs and then goes to walk off. “Where are
you going? We are about to start.”

“I’ll be right back.” He throws over his shoulder.


I stand in front of the
floor length mirror as Holly quietly laces the back of my dress. Once she gets
to the bottom she ties it into a pretty bow and looks up at me in the mirror.
“You’re ready,” she says softly.

“Thanks, Holls.” I smile at her, and she returns it
before turning around and walking out the door.

I look at myself in my wedding gown, ready to walk
down the aisle to marry Slade. I have my hair in big curls down my back, just
like he likes it. I have my bangs pulled up and pinned, and a tiara placed
behind it that holds my veil. The dress is strapless and fitted all the way
down to my knees. It has a mermaid look to it with a small train. It has small
beadwork around the top and then the rest is plain white satin.

“Come in,” I call when I hear a knock at the door.

 I look up and catch sight of Tate standing in the
doorway looking at me. I turn and face him. “What are you doing?” Shouldn’t
they be lined up? I was just told I had five minutes.

He walks in and shuts the door behind him. I look
him over and smile. I’ve never seen him in anything besides his worn-out jeans,
tight t-shirt, and black leather jacket.

He’s dressed in a pair of black dress pants along
with a black long sleeve undershirt, with a dark blue vest that matches his
eyes perfectly. He looks handsome.

He rubs his palms together nervously as he steps
toward me. “I just wanted to see my…” He stops and shakes his head as if that
was not what he wanted to say. “I wanted to see the bride before you walked
down the aisle,” he says slowly as if thinking each word out before he speaks.

I smile and step up to him. “I’m so glad you’re
here, Tate.”

 He pulls me in for a hug, and I swear I feel his
body shake. He holds me longer than he ever has but I don’t give it much
thought. Today has been a very emotional day. Hell, I didn’t think I was ever
going to get Courtney to stop crying. I sent Missy with a makeup poof in her
bra so she could dab her cheeks when she needs to cover up the water streaks.

When he finally pulls away he has a frown on his
face but his eyes are smiling. “I wouldn’t miss this day for anything, Sam,” he
says looking down over my dress. “You look beautiful.” He then reaches into the
front pocket of his black pants and pulls out a blue sapphire ring that has a
silver band. “I found this and thought you should wear it today,” he says
nervously. “You know all that girl stuff. Something blue, and used…” He waves a
hand in the air,

I smile. “You mean something old, something new,
something borrowed, something blue,” I correct him.

 “That’s what I meant.”

“It’s beautiful. Where did you get it?”

“From your mother,” he whispers. My eyes snap up to
him, and my first thought is where did he get it? Had she given him this to
give me when he was helping her out? I decide that it doesn’t matter. The only
thing that matters is that he is here and giving me something blue that
belonged to her.

 I lift my right hand and let him slide it onto my
ring finger. He smiles when he sees it fits perfect.

“Thank you, Tate,” I say trying to keep the tears

He pulls me into another tight hug and then pulls
away before he walks out the door without saying another word.

I turn around one last time and look myself over in
the mirror. The door opens and in walks Mark. “Ready to go, princess?”

I momentarily freeze. He called me princess. My
father always called me princess.

“You look beautiful,” he says with a kind smile. It
drops off of his face when I don’t return it. “Everything okay?”

 “You called me princess.” He has never called me
anything but Samantha.

That kind smile returns. “That’s because today you
are. I don’t care how old you are. Every bride is a princess on her wedding

I smile up at him, and his smile brightens. It’s
like I’m looking at an older version of Slade—a glimpse of my future. He looks
just like his father.

 I grab a hold of my flowers and hold out my arm
for him to take. “Nervous?” he asks looking down at me when I hear the music
start to play for the bridesmaids.

“No,” and I’m being honest. “Thanks again for
giving me away.”

 He pats my arm. “It’s my pleasure. I’m sure if
Vivian could have had her way she would be on your other arm giving you away
with me.” He chuckles.

I laugh. “That’s the truth.”

 “Ready to go?” he asks when the music changes,
giving us our cue.

I nod my head. We take our first step, and I feel
the anklet dangle against my right ankle. I smile proudly knowing that my
parents are watching over me today.

 We make our way down the hallway and come to stop
in front of double doors. I take in a deep breath and nod my head to the two
men waiting to open them for us.

The doors open and I get a good look at the yellow
lilies that line the path to the altar. We kept the wedding small, only
inviting about thirty people.

We make our way down the aisle, and I finally get
my first look at Slade—and my heart stops. He has the biggest smile I have ever
seen on his face. I bite my bottom lip nervously when I see Parker lean over
and whisper in Micah’s ear. Micah slowly but quickly jams his elbow back
hitting Parker in the ribs to quiet him. I manage to hold in my laugh.

I hear people speaking softly, and I can even hear
a few sniffles. I already know they belong to Vivian and Courtney, but I ignore
everything around me. All I can do is look at the man who I’m about to marry.

 When we come to the end Mark turns me to face him.

“Who gives this woman away?” the preacher asks.

“My wife and I do.” He leans down and places a soft
kiss on my cheek. “Your parents would be proud to see the beautiful woman you
have grown up to be.” Then he pulls away and places my hands in Slade’s.

Crap. I’m totally going to pull a Courtney—who is
now completely losing it behind me.

 I look up at Slade, and he says quietly for just
me to hear. “You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.”

 I smile remembering him telling me that exact same
thing when he held me up outside the first night I met him at Larry’s. It’s
crazy how we went from that moment to standing here getting married and
starting a life together.

The preacher starts the ceremony and when we get to
the vows, Slade clears his throat. “I would like to say something.”

The preacher nods his head in acceptance.

He takes a deep breath and grabs my hands in his
and my heart rate starts to double. “It’s no secret that I call you Angel.” I
smile as I look up to his baby blue eyes. “I remember the first time you told
me you loved me.” He smiles, and I feel my eyes starting to well up with tears.
“I had been in love with you since day one. And knowing you finally felt the
same.” He sighs. “Nothing could compare to that. I told you I was going to give
you the world.” He takes a step closer to me. “But you were the one who gave me
the world.” His eyes drop down to my stomach and I try to keep the tears at
bay. “And I vow in front of God and our loved ones that I will show you my love
every day, more than I could ever put into words. You are my soul mate and our
forever starts today.” He lets go of my hands and places his hands on my face.
He slowly wipes the tears that run down my cheeks and says, “I love you,



We all stand outside the
church in the grass posing for pictures. It’s starting to get hot, and the sun
is beating down on us. Of course I pick a record-breaking hot day to get

“Man, what I wouldn’t give to have the bucket of
water now,” Parker says as he fans himself with a napkin.

Bucket of water?
I probably don’t want to

I look to my right and see Slade speaking to Tate
as he pulls on his jacket trying to get some air to his chest. “Take the
jackets off,” I say turning back to Parker.

I don’t have to tell him twice. He’s already
removed his jacket and is rolling up his sleeves to his dark gray dress shirt
when Slade speaks.

“Put that back on. We’re not finished.”

“I said it was okay.” I shrug. “It’s hot and you
guys are wearing like three layers of clothes.”

“Are you sure?” he asks frowning.

I nod. “Absolutely.”

 The photographer positions himself in front of us
as all the guys shed their jackets and roll up their sleeves. I go to take a
step forward and my heel sinks into the grass causing me to fall to the side.
Slade reaches out and catches me as I let out a squeal. He picks me up and
spins me around as I laugh out loud.

That’s how most of our pictures are going to be.
Parker throwing Holly over his shoulder. All of us girls having our hands on
Courtney’s growing belly, which by the way just popped out overnight. She already
looks like she has a basketball in her stomach.

After almost an hour of pictures we all make our
way inside for their reception. We get introduced as husband and wife before we
are seated at the long table at the end of the dance floor that holds all the
bridal party.

I opted out of doing the first dance with Slade; he
says he can’t dance, and I don’t want him to be uncomfortable. And it’s not
like my father’s here to dance with me as well. Mark already walked me down the
aisle. I won’t ask him to do anymore for me.

Once I’m seated I realize I should go to the
restroom before we do anything else. I look around to see who can help me when
I spot Missy over at the end of our table. She is looking down at it.

 I get up and walk down to her. “Hey, Missy?” She
looks up at me, and I frown when I see she’s crying. She wipes her eyes quickly
and stands.


“Will you help me to the bathroom?” I ask giving
her a smile.

She nods and follows me out of the reception hall.
“Is everything okay?” I ask as we enter the bathroom.

 She nods her head quickly and then let’s out a
small sob. I don’t waste another second. I pull her into my arms and hug her
tightly. “You can talk to me, Missy.”

 “Please forgive me,” she sobs into my shoulder.

 I pull her back for me to look at her. “Forgive
you? Missy you haven’t done anything,” I say softly.

She sobs once again before she wipes her face with
the back of her hands. “I haven’t been there for you.”

It’s true. She has been MIA since all that stuff
went down with Jax. She sent flowers to the hospital and then to the house. She
found out I was pregnant by a text message that Courtney sent her because she
wouldn’t answer our phone calls. She finally went and got fitted for her
bridesmaid dress, but I wasn’t able to meet her up there at the time.

“It’s okay. I understand.” I’m not sure what has
kept her from coming around. I guessed it was Tate and the girls that he has
been bringing around. That maybe it was hard for her to be around him. Or maybe
it’s Braxton, Slade told me they have been spending all of their time together,
and she brought him as her date for the wedding.

 “I’ve just needed some time alone,” she whispers.

 I pull her in for another hug. “I’m here, okay? If
you need to talk about anything at all. You can talk to me.”

She nods her head before she pulls away. “Thank

I grab her hand and pull her into the big stall at
the end. “Come on. Let’s see how complicated we can make this,” I say making
her let out a little laugh.

We get myself put back together and walk out of the
bathroom. Missy’s head is down, and I hate how helpless I feel. This is worse
than Vegas, it’s like she has had a major breakdown.

“Oh,” I squeal placing my hands up. “I’m so sorry,”
I ramble as I run straight into someone while I was too busy watching missy.

“Samantha.” A beautiful woman with jet black hair
that’s down past her shoulders greets me with a warm smile.

“Laura?” I ask placing my arms out to hug her. I
haven’t seen her since I was ten when she left Tulsa taking her son with her to
Alaska as she tried to disappear from Jonathan, Tate’s dad.

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