Uncontrollable (39 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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We pull up to the
Ritz-Carlton where we are staying at night. We have an early flight out in the
morning. To where, I don’t know. It’s still a surprise. Holly came over two
days ago and packed my bags for me. She said she knew exactly what I needed to

The elevator opens and I squeal as Slade picks me
up and cradles me in his arms. “What are you doing?”

“I’m carrying you over the threshold.”

“Isn’t that supposed to be at our house?” I ask.

He gives a little snort. “I’ll do it then too.” He
proceeds to walk us down the hallway to the very end. He stops at the last door
on the right.

 We stand there for a few seconds as he tilts his
head. “I should have thought this through better,” he mumbles.

 I giggle. “Where is your key?” I ask.

“In my left pocket.”

I push away just a little bit to reach around his
arm and down into his pocket. I pull out the key and place it in the door to
unlock it.

He kicks the door open and I gasp as I look over
the beautiful suite that we have. “It’s beautiful,” I say as he slowly sets me
down on my feet.

 I turn to face him. “Slade. You didn’t have to get

 Vivian and Mark offered to pay for everything, but
we refused. We are adults and have the funds to afford what we wanted. We
didn’t want them spending their money. But there were a few things that Slade
insisted on paying for himself. The entire honeymoon. He said it was a
surprise, and he didn’t want me to know anything about it. I didn’t have the
heart to tell him that I will find out when we get to the airport tomorrow. The
ticket will give it away.

He smiles as he looks around the room, then he looks
down to me. “Only the best for you, Angel.” He places his hands on my hips and
smiles. “Did I tell you that I love the dress?”

 I smirk. “No. You didn’t.” I shrug carelessly.

He brings his face down to mine. “Well, I do.” His
hands start to slide up my sides as he leans down and places his lips on mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his back
softly. I don’t want to scare him. I’ve been craving his touch, for his command
to drop to my knees. Or to lie face down. Anything that would tell me he wants
some of that control that I allow him to have. But one thing I don’t want
tonight is rejection. Not on our wedding night. So, I won’t push him. I’ll let
him keep things soft if that’s what he wants.

He pulls away and speaks, “Turn around.”

I do as he says and pull my hair up and out of his
way when I feel his hands go to work on untying my dress. Once he unties the
bow he very slowly pulls the long piece of fabric through the holes until it’s
completely removed from the dress. I then feel his hands back on me as he
releases the hooks that run up the inside of the dress.

 I let my hair down and grab a hold of my dress
before it falls off of me. I spin around and look up at him. “Thank you,” I say
and go to walk off but he grabs my arm and stops me.

“Come here,” he says pulling me into the bedroom of
our suite. The white fluffy comforter is covered with red rose petals and
there’s a silver bucket with ice and champagne in it along with two glasses.
Too bad I can’t have any of that.

He stops and stands at the end of the bed, and I
notice he still holds the satin tie to my dress in one hand. He places it on
the foot of the bed and then turns to me. He spins me around and helps me out
of my dress and then unclasps my strapless bra. He then grabs my panties and slowly
runs them down my legs.

Once naked I turn and face him wondering what he
plans on doing.

He smirks as if he knows what I’m thinking. He
slides his hands in my hair and lowers his lips to mine. “You’re mine,” he
whispers against my lips, and I shiver at his words. “I’m going to show you
exactly what that means, Angel.” He growls and his hands tighten in my hair.
“I’m gonna tie your hands with the strap from your dress. Then I’m gonna
blindfold you with my tie.”

I nod my head quickly and the corner of his lips
turn up. “I wasn’t asking for permission,” he says simply, and I suck in a deep

He pulls away and releases my hair. He runs his
thumb over my parted lips as I breathe heavily. “You can scream my name as loud
as you want tonight, baby. Do you know why?”

I shake my head quickly knowing he’s taking his
sweet time to get me worked up. “Because I want the entire fucking hotel to
know that you belong to me,” he growls.


We wake up already running
late for our flight. Angel runs around the room and digs deep into her suitcase
trying to find what all Holly has packed for her.

 “We gotta go, babe,” I holler as the bellhop
knocks on our door. I help him place our luggage onto the cart as she comes
running up to me while throwing her hair into a ponytail.

“I’ll finish getting ready on the plane,” she
announces making me smile. She looks beautiful, I don’t know what else she
needs to do to get ready.

We hop in the limo that awaits us and make our way
to the airport. She reaches over and holds out her hand to me. “What?” I ask.

“My ticket.” She shakes her hand that held out if
front of me.

 I smirk. “What ticket?”

 She huffs, “You can’t keep where we are going a
secret, Slade. I’ll have to show my ticket and ID for security.”

 I smile wider. Little does she know that I
chartered a private jet. There will be no security or checking of IDs. Well,
not hers anyways.

 I just shake my head. “I’m not telling you where
we are going. Just sit back and relax.”

 She huffs once again but I see the smile on her
face as she leans back in her seat.

 We pull up to the airport, and she frowns as we
pass all the different airline drop-offs. We come to the end and the limo slows
to a stop as a gate is opened for us.

 “Where are we going?” she asks looking around.

 “It’s a surprise.”

“You and your surprises,” she mumbles.

 The car starts to move forward, and she turns to
watch them close the gate behind us. We come to a stop in front of a private
hanger. Our plane sits out in front of it on the end of the runway.

 “We have our very own private jet, darling,” I say
sweetly. I laugh as I get out of the car, and she stares at me in total shock.

I hold out my hand, and she numbly takes it and
exits the cab behind me.

“Slade?” A man in his late sixties with silver hair
and a beer belly comes walking toward me with his hand stretched out to me.

 I grab it and shake it. “Bennie,” I say with a
smile. I’ve been speaking to this man for the last week trying to get
everything organized. He is a friend of my father’s and just happens to be a

 “This must be the wonderful Samantha, who I have
heard so much about.” He holds his hand out to her.

 She takes it in hers and shakes it slowly. “Yes,”
she whispers, and I hide my smile.

“I’m Bennie. I will be your pilot today. Are you
guys ready?” He faces me once again.

 “Yes, just need to load the luggage.” I start to
move toward it when he stops me.

 “Nonsense. Jordan will grab all of that for you.”
He gestures to the guy who is already pulling our luggage out of the trunk of
our limo.

I grab Angel’s hand and start to pull her away from
the limo. “Did you get your purse?” I ask her.

She nods. “Can you speak?” I ask with a smirk.

 “Not really.” Her voice comes out soft.

 I laugh as we start to walk up the steps to the
Falcon 2000EX EASy jet. It looks brand new, and that’s because it is. I was
told they are the best for long range flights overseas, which is what we need.

We walk into the plane, and I smile as I hear Angel
suck in a breath as she looks around at the aircraft. The walls and ceiling are
white. The chairs are a beautiful soft cream leather. The back door to the
bathroom is a pretty rich dark wood door, which matches the tables and trim.

“What do you think?” I ask turning to face her.

 “I think…” She swallows. “I think you outdid

I give her a proud smile.

“Everyone ready?” Bennie asks coming out of the

“Yes, Sir,” I say leading her to a seat.

 He nods his head, and I sit in the chair across
from her.

 “How many does this plane seat?” she asks rubbing
her hands on the armrests.


Her eyes finally land on mine, and she gives me a
slow smile. “You didn’t have to do all of this.”

 I didn’t have to. I
to. She deserved
something spectacular.

“Anything for you, Angel,” I say.

She smiles as she leans back into the seat. She
lays her head back and closes her eyes.

My eyes look down to the silver band that is
wrapped around my ring finger; her father’s wedding ring. I’ve never been the
type of guy to wear anything besides a watch. But I know I will never take this
ring off.

 I smile as I turn it around on my finger. She is
officially all mine. And I am all hers.

She sighs, and it pulls my eyes away from my ring
to look up at her sitting across from me. I allow my eyes to wander over my
wife. I start at her pink high heels and make my way up her tan legs. Then to
the white cotton dress she is wearing that stops a little above her knees. The
shoulder straps a small thin strap holding it up. I want to peel it off of her
slowly. And make love to her right here, right now. We have ten hours on this
plane, and I can think of several things to do to her to pass the time.

The engine comes to life, and she smiles as she
continues to lean her head back with her eyes closed.

 I continue to watch her as we make our way down
the runway. I slide my hand down over my erection as I try to readjust it
behind my zipper. I lean my body back into my seat as the plane tips up taking

Once it flattens out I can’t wait any longer. I
move out of my seat and kneel on my knees in front of her. I run my hands up
her soft legs. Once I reach her knees I give a little bit of force and push
them apart.

She sighs but doesn’t open her eyes.
Maybe she
fell asleep
. She has been very tired lately due to her pregnancy.

I run my hands up her thighs, lifting her dress in
the process. Once I make it to her lace thong, I grab a hold of it and gently
slide the nude panties down her legs. Pulling them over her heels, I throw them
behind me.

I grab her hips and pull her ass to the edge of the
chair. I lick my lips before placing them on her smooth pussy. I softly give
her a kiss before letting my tongue dart out and run over her lips.

 She shifts but I tighten my hands on her hips.

 “Slade?” she hisses.

 I look up to her and smile. “Yes, Angel?”

She tries to push her dress down and she looks
behind her to the wooden wall that separates us from the cockpit. “We can’t.
He’ll see us.”

“No he won’t. He’s flying.”

She shakes her head once again trying to push her
dress down. I remove a hand from her hip and place my thumb on her clit. I
press it into her as I start to make little circles with it.

“Slade,” she says my name once again but this time
it’s more breathless.

 She places her hands in my hair, and I take that
as a sure sign to have my way with her. I place my head back between her thighs
and this time use my thumb to separate her lips. Giving my tongue full access
to where I want to be.

“God,” she sighs, and her body slumps more into her
chair and I don’t stop until she’s biting her lip to keep quiet as she rides
her orgasm out.


A total of three naps, five
orgasms, and ten hours later I feel the plane start to descend. I look out my
window trying to catch a glimpse of anything but I don’t recognize where we

 Then I spot something in the distance that looks
familiar. “Paris?” I breathe as I stare at the Eiffel tower. I continue to look
at it as it gets bigger and bigger in my window.

I blink a few times. There’s no way. It can’t be.
Maybe we just need to refuel.

I’ve always wanted to go to Paris.

I look over at him when I realize he hasn’t said
anything. His baby blue eyes are trained on mine, and his face is
expressionless. He’s staring at me very intently and it’s already kind of
unsettling. What is he thinking?

 I swallow. “You brought me to Paris?” I ask again

 He gives me a quick nod. And I let out a breath.
We’re honeymooning in Paris.

 “Do you approve?”

 My head snaps back over to look at him. “Are you
serious?” I ask. “I’ve always wanted to come to Paris.”

 His serious face finally breaks into a slow grin
that makes him look like he’s keeping an evil secret.

 “Wait?” I point my finger at him. “Did you already
know that?”

 He holds his hands out to his side. “You got me.”

 I laugh. “How did you know?”

 “I have my ways.” He winks and then comes to sit
beside me as we look out the window as we fly over Paris.

 We land and exit our plane and make our way to the
limo that awaits us. It takes us about twenty minutes to get to our hotel. As
we walk into the hotel I see a woman smiling at me.

“Bonjour,” I say excitedly as we pass by her.

 Slade looks down at me. “You know French?”

I snort. “No. But everyone knows what bonjour

 We make our way to the registrations desk and I
speak. “Bonjour.” I smile brightly.

She smiles up at me. “Bienvenue. Comment puis-je
vous aider,” she says quickly.

Uh… “Si,” I respond making her frown.

Slade looks down at me with a smirk. “Si is
Spanish, Angel.”

 I shrug. “I know that.”

He gives me a look as if to ask ‘then why did you
say it’?

 “Actually,” the woman behind the counter gets our
attention with a thick accent, “si in French means ‘if’.”

 “Well there,” I say giving him a satisfied smile.
At least it means something.

 He shakes his head as he gives her his name and
confirmation number. I take a look around at the beautiful hotel.

Its high ceilings and beautiful paintings make it
look very historical. The walls are a dark brown with murals painted directly
onto them. The sitting area in the main lobby has high-back chairs that are the
color of liquid gold.

“Here you go,” she says getting my attention and
handing me a pamphlet. “This will help you with your French.”

 “Oh Lord help us,” Slade mumbles with a smirk.

I smile brightly ignoring him. “Thank you.”

 She nods her head, and he steers us toward the
direction of the elevators. I flip through the pamphlet and catch a few words
that I already know from watching the cooking channel.

 “Is that thing useful?” Slade asks as we make our
way up to our floor.

“Not for you it won’t be. The word
nowhere in here,” I say in all seriousness.

 “Cute,” he says dryly.

 The elevator dings, and I follow him out of it and
down the hallway. I run into his back not paying attention because my focus is
on the pamphlet.

 I giggle when he picks me up, cradling me in his
arms once again. “I could get use to this,” I say as we enter the suite.

 He sets me down and smacks my ass. “You have ten
minutes before we are heading back out,” he calls out as he retrieves our bags.



“Where we going?” I ask. We
are back downstairs standing in the lobby once again.

 He looks down at the map in his hands. “It’s
called Lover’s Bridge.”

“Hmm. Sounds sexy.”

“It’s supposed to be romantic,” he mumbles as he
tries to read the map. “Are you fluent in French yet?” he asks like that’s a

 “No.” I roll my eyes.

 “Where is your pamphlet?” He looks down to me.


 “Because this is all in French and I don’t know
French.” He says as he tilts the map to the side as if that’s going to help him
read it better.

I roll my eyes before I walk over to the front desk
and ask the nice lady for directions to Lover’s Bridge.

I thank her and go hand them to him.

He nods with a smile as he looks over it and starts
to read parts of it aloud. I pull my phone out and start snapping pictures of
the inside of the hotel Then I take a few steps back and snap some of him as he
looks down at the map.

 I turn around where my back is to him and snap a
picture of me smiling, while he continues to look over the map behind me. I
need to let our friends and family know we made it, so I shoot them a quick

 “Ah ha,” Slade says folding up the map. “I know
where we need to go.”

 I smile. “Okay. Lead the way.”

 He hails a carriage ride for us and tells the man
our destination. I cuddle up next to him as we take in our surroundings.

We make our way to the bridge, and I gasp when I
realize what it is. “Oh my God, I’ve heard of this,” I exclaim looking at all
the locks.

“You have?”

 I nod my head. “You’re supposed to place a lock in
the fence and then throw the key into the water.” I pick one up and see it
Jenni & Jacob 2009
. “They are beautiful.”

 I turn to face Slade. “We should go buy a lock and
do it.”

 He steps up placing his body against mine. He
smiles and then he places his hand into his front pocket of his jeans. He lifts
his hand up to me, and he’s holding a lock in it.

 I reach up and take it into my hands. I run my
thumb over the engraving on it.


Angel & Slade


I flip it over to read the back.


To our forever 2014


“Slade,” I whisper as tears fill my eyes. “You had
this done for us?” I ask.

 “I had it done for you.” He lifts my chin so I
look up at him. “I told you once I wanted to shout to the world how much I love
you.” He points down to the lock that sits in my hands. “This is just one more
chance I have to do that.”

 I smile through the tears and sniff. He takes my
hand. “Let’s place it on the fence somewhere.”

We walk a little ways until we are in the very
middle of the bridge. I point to an open spot, and he looks down to me. “You
sure that’s where you want it?”

 I nod. It’s perfect.

 He reaches in his back pocket pulling out his
phone. He starts to look around like he’s looking for someone particular.

 He stops an older woman as she walks by. “Will you
take a picture?” He reaches out his phone.

 I smile. He’s too cute.

 She frowns as she looks down at his phone;

“Bonjour,” I say happily, and Slade rolls his eyes.
“Allez-vous prendre une photo?”
Will you take a photo?
I ask.

 He then arches his eyebrows. “You said you weren’t

“I’m not,” I say taking his phone and handing it to
her. “It was in the pamphlet.”

 The woman happily takes a photo as we place our
lock into the fence and snap it shut. We turn to face her as I hold out our
lock, that way it stands out in the picture. After she nods I go to turn away
but Slade grabs me by the arms and leans down pressing his lips to mine. I lean
into him and wrap my arms around his neck as his tongue enters my mouth. It’s
soft and slow, his lips and tongue working with mine. I lift up to my tiptoes
and place my hands in his hair. He moans in my mouth as his hands wander up and
down my back, pulling me closer into him.

 He slows the kiss down and pulls away. I look over
to the woman to make sure she didn’t run off with his phone, only to catch her
staring at us wide-eyed. Her hand still holds his phone out pointed at us.

 I straighten my shirt. “Merci,”
Thank you.
say sweetly.

 She gets a shy smile on her face as she looks over
at Slade, and he chuckles.

“Merci,” she says back before handing the phone to me.

 “Did she just tell you thank you?” Slade asks

“Yep,” I say looking down at his phone.

“Why would she say ‘thank you’ and not ‘you’re
welcome’?” he wonders aloud.

“Probably because you made her horny,” I state.

He wraps an arm around me and smiles. “Possibly,”
he jokes. Then he pulls a set of keys out of his pocket. “Here.” He pulls one
of the keys off of the key ring and hands me the small key.

 “What about the other one? Are you going to throw

 He shakes his head. “I wanna keep the other one,”
he states. “You can throw that one.”

 I smile as I turn around and look out over the
bridge. I throw the key and then lean over the railing as I look down to the
water. I don’t even see where the key goes it’s so small.

“You’re stuck with me forever,” he says, and I
smile. “How does it feel?”

I push my hair off of my shoulder and look up to
the sky as if in thought. After a few seconds I look him straight in the eyes
and tell him the truth. “Like the best thing in the world.”


“Is it ready?” I ask,
talking on my phone quietly.

Tate sighs. “It will be by the time you get back.
You’ve only been gone three days.”

 “Why do you sound like I’m bothering you?” I ask
looking out our living room window at the Eiffel tower from our hotel suite. We
went there today but I must say it’s much more beautiful lit up at night.

“Because you are,” he states. “Do you even know
what time it is here?”

 “No. Now ask me if I care.”

He huffs, “Well I do. I’m in bed, and I’m not
alone. So don’t take any offense to this, but I’m hanging up.”

 The line goes dead, and I chuckle. I open up the
gallery to see the two pictures the lady took of us on the bridge our first day
here. After the second picture she somehow videotaped us kissing. And I’m not
gonna lie. It looks like it’s straight out of a movie. Angel looks beautiful,
and the way she touches me, the way her body reacts to mine, it’s

 “Baby?” I close the video and spin around to see
her standing right outside of the bedroom to our suite. Completely naked and
ready for her husband to make love to her again.

 “Yes, Angel?”

 She gives me a sleepy smile. “What are you doing
in here?”

 I hold up my phone. “I had to make a phone call.”

 Her brow scrunches. “This late?”

 I nod before tossing my phone down onto the chair
sitting next to the window. “Work related,” I say with a small smile. “Come
here.” I lift my left hand and motion for her to come to me.

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