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Authors: Shantel Tessier

Uncontrollable (17 page)

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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“I want to buy a sexy dress,” she says surprising

 I look over at her. “Sexy?” I’m pretty sure that
the only kind of clothes Missy owns is jeans, t-shirts, and Nikes. More
comfortable than sexy.

 “Oh yeah. Like Vegas sexy.” She wiggles her
eyebrows making me laugh.

 I remember back to us in my guest bathroom as she
told me she wanted to feel pretty, and I can’t help but smile.

 “Alright then. Let’s find you a sexy dress,” I say
wrapping my arm around her.

 I look over my shoulder as we walk out of the
front doors of the hotel. The guys are trailing behind us as they talk about
our plans for tonight. Slade gives me a little wink before he turns his
attention over to Parker.


I look at the cards that are
laid out in front of me. A ten and a five. Fifteen. I tap the green felt
deciding to go for it.

I see Angel shake her head from beside me as if she
wouldn’t have not done that.

 “Bust,” the dealer calls out as he lays a seven
down. What the fuck? I’m not doing well at all.

After we had finished up shopping we all decided to
do some gambling before getting ready to go out tonight. Too bad I’m losing my

 Angel, on the other hand, is kicking ass. Missy is
still trying to understand how to play the game. Tate finally threw his cards
down in frustration and gave up trying to explain to her how to play; now he’s
just helping her out. I’m pretty sure he felt sorry for her, losing every
single hand. And Parker is doing about as well as I am.

But the losing part is not what has my anger
rising—it’s the older man who is sitting to the left of Angel. I keep catching
him staring at her. Well, more like staring at her breasts. Every time I catch
him he just gives me a smile showing me his nasty-ass rotten teeth.

 The guy is really starting to piss me off. Every
time she wins a hand he says something to her. Keeps asking her questions like
where she learned to play and shit. She keeps her answers short and sweet.

If he says one more thing I’m going to punch him in
the face. I reach down and finish off my rum and Coke. I look over at Parker,
and his eyes move back and forth from me and the fucker who keeps eyeing Angel.
He knows shit is about to go down. I don’t even think Tate realizes what’s
going on. He’s too busy arguing with Missy about the ace of spades.

 The dealer deals another hand, and this time I
wave him off when I see I’m sitting at twelve. My luck, I will get the one and
only card that will take me over twenty-one.

Angel smiles over at me as if she’s proud I decided
to stay. She then taps the felt for another card and sure enough gets the queen
of hearts.

Thank God I didn’t hit again.

This girl can play blackjack, I’ll give her that.
Parker opens his mouth and shuts it a few times as if he wants to comment on
her good luck, but decides against it. It’s obviously not beginner’s luck,
considering we have been sitting here for over three hours now, and she’s up by
thousands of dollars.

My back stiffens as the nasty toothy guy leans over
on his elbows to speak to Angel. “Damn girl, you’re good.”

 She places her hand on my knee and gives it a
little pat, silently telling me to not say a fucking word. “Thank you,” she
replies sweetly.

“Is that how you paid for those big tits?” His eyes
drop to her chest as he wiggles his eyebrows, making her gasp. “Or do you get
them for her?” His eyes meet mine, and I don’t even think about what I do next.
It just happens.

I am out of my chair and punching the fuck out of
him before he even sees it coming.


Slade throws the guy up
against the table, knocking chips everywhere as cards go flying. The dealer
tosses his hands up into the air and starts yelling for security as a man
behind him gets on his phone. The drink gets knocked out of my hand and spills
all over my chest and down onto my lap as Slade wrestles with the older guy.

 Before I can even get out of my chair I’m shoved
out of it and land flat on the floor. Parker jumps up and helps me stand as
Tate leaps from his chair as well. Parker tries to pull my shirt down that has
been pushed up from my fall. If it were other circumstances, I would be batting
his hand away, but I’m too busy watching my fiancé punch what looks to be a
homeless man in the face.

Some random idiot from the table next to us jumps
on Parker’s back, shoving us both forward when they run into me. Parker takes
the guy down to the ground as I watch Slade throw another punch. I throw my
hands up in the air.

What the fuck is he doing?

 I look over his shoulder behind him and see a slew
of men dressed in dark uniforms running toward us to break it up. Tate grabs a
hold of the guy who is on Parker’s back to pull him off.

 I stand back not wanting to get trampled. These
guys look like they are on a mission as they come racing toward us. They look
like rent-a-cops to me, but I don’t wanna push my luck.

Two of them grab Slade by the shoulders and pull
him off as he yells at the homeless guy who is smiling through the blood
covering his face. I just shake my head.
What an idiot.
All of them.

“Are you okay?” Missy asks wide eyed.

“Yes.” I cross my hands over my wet chest as they
place Slade in handcuffs. Thank God he’s not trying to fight them, it would
just make it worse for him.

“Angel,” he calls. I walk over to him with my eyes
narrowed. “Grab my wallet out of my pocket.” He takes in a deep breath. “If
there’s not enough cash in there you know my pin number for the ATM.”

I nod as I reach into his back pocket and pull it
out without speaking to him. I feel the need to punch him as well. We are
supposed to be having fun on our bachelor/bachelorette party weekend and
instead he’s getting arrested. In Vegas, of all places.

 Just fucking great.

 They jerk him by his arms and start to walk off
with him. I look at Parker who has been pushed face down onto the blackjack
table by two other guys. He, on the other hand, is not going quietly.

“You can’t arrest us. Do you know who I am?” He
continues to go on and on about himself.

I release a sigh. I knew he wasn’t smart.

I go to follow Slade but another man comes to stand
in front of me and speaks.

 “You can’t come miss.”

“I’m his fiancée,” I say irritated. “I need to bail
him out.”

 He shakes his head. Before I can get more pissed,
the other two pull Parker up to stand, with his hands now cuffed behind his
back. “I will take care of it,” he assures me with confidence.

 I roll my eyes. “What are you going to do?” I ask
arching an eyebrow.
Tell them more about yourself?

 “I’m a cop, sweetheart.” He smiles as I think my
jaw hits the floor. “You and Missy go up to your room and just wait. Like I
said, I’ll take care of it,” he repeats as they start to pull him off after

You can hear him rambling off his name and his
father’s name as they drag him away. I look up to see people staring at me with
wide eyes, and I lower my head in embarrassment.

 I turn around and see Micah approaching with Josh.
Courtney and Holly are running in front of them.

 “Are you girls okay?” Courtney asks, looking me up
and down before turning her head to Missy.

“Yes.” I bend over picking up my purse. “They
wouldn’t let me follow to bail him out. Parker said he would take care of it.”

“How’s he going to do that?” Courtney asks

 “Parker is a cop,” Josh answers.

“With him being a cop and Slade being an attorney,
they will be out within an hour,” Micah assures me.

 I nod as I open my purse and pull out my phone.
“Shit,” I cuss as the alcoholic drink runs off of it onto the floor.

 “Come on,” Micah says to all of us. “Let’s go find
you some rice and a bag to put that in.”

 Slade is so dead.

“Are you sure you girls are okay?” Tate asks
breathing heavily. His shirt has some sort of liquid splattered on it along
with his jeans.

“Where the hell were you?” I snap. I saw him jump
in, but why didn’t he get arrested?

His eyes narrow on me. “I was trying to talk them
out of getting arrested,” he shoots back.

 “Well it obviously didn’t work,” I mumble.

 He wraps an arm around me and sighs. “They will
get out of it.”

 “How can you be so sure?” How long will it take
them to release them? Can they keep him the rest of the weekend?

 “Did you hear Parker? They will be throwing him
back out into the streets in no time,” he jokes, making me laugh.


I’m sitting next to Parker
on a bench downstairs in the casino as their wanna-be cops are on the phone. I
pulled my attorney card and Parker pulled his cop card. They said they are
holding us until the Las Vegas police come to pick us up. Something about how
they don’t have the ability to transport criminals. I rolled my eyes at that
one while Parker told them to ‘fuck off’.

I look over at the door when I hear it open,
thinking it will be Angel.

“She’s not coming,” Parker says looking from the
door to me.


“The cops wouldn’t allow her down here. Especially
since they can’t keep us here. She would have to go to the county jail to bail
you out.” He smiles. “I thought she was going to punch him.”

I lay my head back against the concrete wall. “She
has my wallet.” I close my eyes.

“You don’t need your fucking wallet. We are not
giving them a fucking penny.” His voice rises as he spits the words out to the
cops sitting behind their desks while on the phone.

 I sigh. If we end up in Las Vegas county lock-up,
I won’t be surprised.

“Just shut up,” I growl harshly.

 His head snaps over to look at me. “They can’t
touch us.”

We sit side by side not speaking as the minutes
pass by. I rest my head against the wall once again and close my eyes when
Parker’s laughter gets my attention.

 “You think this is funny?” I ask with no humor in
my voice.

“I think it’s funny that at thirty years old we
finally get arrested for a fight that wasn’t even that rewarding. How many times
have we beat the fuck out of someone for pissing us off? This one time, we are
the ones to get in trouble.”

been in countless fights throughout
our days.

 “Oh and the fact that you’re in trouble.” He
smiles at me.

I frown. “Why am I in trouble?”

“Your woman was pissed. You were too busy to see
it. Once I helped her up off the floor, she was drilling holes into your head.”

“Fuck,” I curse lightly. “She is going to kill me.”
My jaw clenches.

 He nods with a smile on his face. “Maybe she will
leave you and date me.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

“You are lucky my hands are cuffed behind my back
because I would break your fucking nose right now,” I growl. “That would be
rewarding,” I mumble.

 He just chuckles shaking his head. I close my eyes
and sigh. I can’t believe it. In all of my life I have never been in handcuffs,
yet this is the second day in a row I have ended up with my hands cuffed behind
my back.
Last night was much more enjoyable.

 He chuckles again, and if I was one of those cops,
I would think Parker’s drunk. We have drank quite a bit today. “You know I’m
just joking. I think she’s good for you.”

“Really?” I say dryly. “How so?” I probably don’t
want to hear his bullshit answer, but it’s not like I’m going anywhere.

He shrugs. “You seem happy.”

 “That’s because I am,” I respond flatly.

 He goes to speak but one of the rent-a-cops walks
up to us and looks down at us sitting on the bench.

 “Okay boys, you’re free.” He jiggles the key in
front of my face. “But one more fight, and you’re spending the night in a Las
Vegas jail.”

I stand up and look down at him, my eyes narrowed.
I turn facing the wall letting him remove the cuffs.

 Once undone, I pull my cell out of the bag they
had put it in and call Angel. Straight to voicemail.

 I run a hand through my hair placing my phone back
in my pocket. Yep. She’s pissed.

“Did she push the fuck you button?” Parker asks as
we walk through the doors.


“You know, the fuck you button.” I look over at him
with an eyebrow raised. “The ignore button,” he says rolling his eyes. “Don’t
you keep up with the lingo?”

 “No. I don’t hang out with teenagers anymore to
keep up with the
. And no, it went straight to voicemail.”

He laughs. “Even better. No worries, though. I told
her I was going to get you out. It’s not like she planned on leaving you down
here. She was going to follow to pay your bail.”

Yeah, probably so she could beat me herself.

We get off the elevator and walk to my room. I open
the door with my card and see everyone sitting around in the living room.
Everyone except Angel. “Where is she?” I ask looking to Micah.

 “She’s in the bedroom,” he says with a look of
pity on his face.

 I nod my head and leave everyone talking to Parker
as I go to face her and apologize, once again.

 I step through the bedroom door and see her. She
has her back toward me, and she is throwing stuff into a suitcase.

“What are you doing?”

“Do you ever think before you act?” she demands
keeping her back to me.

 “Not really.” I shrug, answering honestly.

She turns around, and I see her shirt and jeans are
wet. I sigh. “I’m sorry,” I say hanging my head. “I tried calling you,” I say

“Well the fucking drink that landed on me drenched
my purse, which is where my phone was,” she snaps.

“I’ll buy you another one.” There, that was simple.

 “That’s not the point,” she yells at me. “You
can’t just throw money at shit, Slade.”

 I rock back on my heels placing my hands in my
pockets. “So, what is the point exactly?” I ask cautiously.

 Her mouth falls open. “Really?” She turns back
around giving me her back and continues throwing clothes into her bag.


 She spins around and throws a shirt at me. I pick
it up off my shoulder as she starts to scream at me. “The point is that you
have to start shit everywhere we go.”

 “I started shit?” I take a step toward her.
“You’re blaming me?” I demand.

“Yes,” she snaps. “You just had to jump on that man
and start a fight.”

“He was looking down at your tits.” I gesture to
her massive cleavage with my hands.

“Oh, so it’s my fault?” She places her hands on her

“Well…” My eyes look down to her now soaked white
shirt, and I can’t help but think of the time I spilled my beer all over her at
Larry’s. “They are hanging out,” I point out the obvious.

She gasps, and her eyes widen. “You bought me this
shirt, Slade.” She points to it. “Don’t want men looking at my tits? Then buy
me a fucking knitted sweater that comes up to my neck,” she yells.

This is ridiculous. “I will always defend you,” I
shoot back.

“He was a homeless man.” She throws her arms out to
her side.

I snort. “A homeless man does not have the funds to
sit and play blackjack for hours. He was a shark.”

“Argh,” she growls, grabbing her bag, and starts
walking to the bedroom door. “This is pointless,” she spits out.

 “Just where do you think you’re going?” I demand

 “To stay in Missy’s room.”

 I grab her arm. She spins around and pulls out of
my grasp. “The hell you are,” I say looking down at her with narrowed eyes.

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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