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Authors: Shantel Tessier

Uncontrollable (22 page)

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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“Stop,” she cries and pulls him to stand. A sense
of panic flashes across his face. “Stop talking and just ask me to marry you,”
she says wiping the tears off of her face with a big smile on her lips.

We all laugh, and he smiles. “Will you marry me,

 “Yes,” she says wrapping her hands around him and
kissing him.

 Angel spins around and looks up at me with tears
in her eyes. “Did you know he was going to do this?”

I shake my head. “I had no idea.”

 “No one did,” Josh says with a grin on his face.
“I wanted everyone to be surprised.”

“Best surprise ever,” Courtney says not letting go
of him.



“Can you believe Courtney
and Josh are engaged?” I ask lying down on the hotel bed as Slade undresses.
The clock on the nightstand reads a little past three in the morning. We spent
all night walking the strip. I’m worn out and glad to have my heels off.

 “No.” He kicks off of his shoes.

 I prop myself up on my elbows. “I can’t believe
how much everything has changed over the last four months.”

 Slade walks over to his side of the bed and crawls
in after plugging his cell in to charge. He pulls my back into his front and
then places his fingers against my stomach. “Since I met you, I believe
anything is possible,” he whispers in my ear.

I smile.

 “I believe in love,” he says softly. “I believe
there is more to life than getting what you want.”

 “What do you mean by that?” I ask turning in his
arms to face him.

 He reaches up pushing a piece of hair off of my
face. “It means all I ever cared about was myself until you came along. But
once I got with you, I wanted to give you everything. I still do.” He smiles.
“You made me a better person, Angel. All I want to do is make you happy. And I
would do anything for that to happen. Give up anything to see that beautiful
smile on your face.”

I place a soft kiss on his lips. He opens his
mouth, and I push my tongue in to meet his. It’s a soft and slow kiss as his
hand slides down my stomach and between my legs.

 I lift my leg and place it over his hip to give
him better access.

 His kiss gets more demanding as he slides a finger
into me. I rock my hips up as he withdraws it.

He rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him.
I smile down at him as I run the palm of my hands up his hard and sculptured
chest. His muscles contract as he reaches up and pushes the hair off of my

 “I love you, Angel,” he whispers as his eyes look
into mine.

 “I love you, baby.”

 He licks his lips and lifts his hips below mine.
He lets go of my hair, and I lift up, as his hand finds its way between my
thighs again. He holds himself still as I slide down onto him, slowly letting
him stretch me.

 He moans when he’s buried deep inside of me. I
lean down and place my lips on his. His kiss is tender yet demanding.

I pull away and take in a deep breath as his lips
make their way to my neck. “What do you want, Angel?” he breathes.

I smile. “I want you to make love to me,” I


“What the hell?” Angel
mumbles into her pillow.

 I growl when I hear the pounding on our hotel door
again. “It must be Parker.” That fucker never sleeps.

“You go get it. I just can’t deal with him this
early,” she complains, turning her back to me.

 With a sigh I throw the covers off me and get out
of bed. I throw on my boxers that lay on the floor by the bed but don’t bother
with anything else. I’m not going to let him come in. I’m just gonna tell him
to fuck off and then go back to bed.

 “What?” I bark pulling the door open.

“Slade,” Courtney screeches. “Put some clothes on,”
she requests, covering her eyes.

“What are you doing?” Josh asks me with a smile on
his face.

I growl too tired for this shit. “You’re the one at
my door. What do you want?”

 “For you to put some clothes on,” Courtney says

I stand back and allow them in before I slam the
door. “I thought you were Parker.”

 “What’s going on?” Angel asks walking into the
living room as she tightens the silk tie to her robe.

Courtney claps her hands together. “We’re getting

 “I know. We were there last night,” I say pulling
Angel against me.

 “No, we are getting married today,” she exclaims,
grabbing Angel’s hands as she practically jumps up and down.

The room fills with silence as I try to process
their words.

 “Today?” Angel asks wide-eyed with a smile on her

“Yes. Get dressed and let’s go. We want you two to
be our witnesses,” Courtney announces excitedly.

We just stand there somewhat dazed before Courtney
pulls her away from me and takes her into our bedroom to get ready. “You’re
getting married today?” I ask Josh as I shake my head.

 He nods. “I had it all planned. I had hoped that
she would say yes. I brought her everything we would both need to get married
here.” He smiles as if proud of himself that his plan is working.

“What about a wedding dress?” Angel asks from the
other room.

“I don’t need a silly white dress,” she replies
sounding offended that Angel asked her.

 I hear the girls laughing before they shut the
door to the bedroom for Angel to get dressed.

“This is what you want?” I ask looking to Josh.
“You don’t want your dad at the wedding?” I can’t help but ask.

We all know that his dad doesn’t have much time
left. His mother died when he was younger, and he doesn’t speak to the rest of
his family much. But when it comes to his dad, they are very close.

He plops down on the couch and rubs his palms on
his jeans. “My dad knows what my plan was.” He smiles. “You know my mom and dad
eloped to Vegas when they were younger?”

“I didn’t know that,” I say sitting down next to

 He nods. “My grandfather didn’t approve of my dad
marrying my mother, so they eloped. He once told me it was the best decision he
ever made. My dad loves Courtney, and he’s excited to be a grandfather, but
this is what I felt was best for us.” He turns to face me. “You have always
been my brother, and Courtney sees Sam as her sister. When we got back to our
room last night, I asked her if she would marry me today because I couldn’t
wait any longer to have her as my wife. You know what she said to me?”

“I’m guessing she said yes.” I laugh.

 He smiles. “As long as her sister gives her away.
And I knew I wanted my brother beside me as well.”

I feel so proud to be considered his brother. For
him to want me present at one of the most important events of his life over
everyone else.

“You two are the only ones who we need there.”

“Thanks Josh. You know I wouldn’t miss it. I’m so
happy for you guys.”

The bedroom door swings open and Angel comes out
with a big grin on her face dressed in a pair of jeans, a pink lace top, and
high heels. No makeup and her hair up in a pretty twist, looking just as
beautiful as always with her best friend by her side.

“Get ready.” She comes and takes my hand. “We don’t
have all day. Our plane leaves in four hours.” Angel grabs my hand and pulls me
toward our bedroom with a huge grin on her face.


Josh and Courtney’s wedding
is beautiful. No hassle, just two people getting married with their best
friends by their side. The wedding doesn’t take more than a few minutes; they
repeat a few things and then sign a paper. They only needed one witness, and I
let Slade sign.

We walk out of the courthouse and hail a cab. “You
did it,” I say throwing my hands up before hugging her.

“I know.” Courtney smiles.

 “Does anyone else know you guys were getting
married?” I ask.

 She shakes her head. “Only you guys. Now we can go
break it to everyone else.”



We’ve been back from Vegas
for almost a week now and have been crazy busy. If it’s not one thing, it’s
another. Work has been hectic, and I’ve had to go to the police station twice.
Apparently the restraining order has not been in effect because they cannot
find Jax. So he has not been served. And they have more important things to do
then ‘go around town looking for my ex’, as an officer so nicely put it.

Every evening I’ve been over at the Long’s putting
together Holly’s wedding. I must say she is making awesome progress with her

Last night as I was leaving the Long’s, Slade
messaged me to meet him at home as soon as I could. He surprised me with a date
night, just the two of us. He took me to a nice restaurant and then to the
movies. He even took me to a chick flick, which I rewarded him for when we got

Now as I cuddle up to his warm body as the sun
rises on this Saturday morning, I let out a sigh. I could stay in bed with him
all day.

 “Good morning, Angel.” His chest vibrates against mine
as he wraps his arms tighter around me.

“Morning,” I whisper into his chest.

 “Mmmmm.” He hums softly as his hand makes its way
up my thigh to the small of my back.

I spread my legs placing one of mine over his.

“Want some attention do you?” He gives a soft

“Yes, please.” I pull my head back enough to place
my lips on his chest.

I smile as I feel his dick harden against my belly.
I reach down between our bodies and wrap my hand around it.

 Then a faint buzzing sound fills the room.

I push my head further into his chest. “Make it
stop,” I mumble.

“What is it?” he questions.

 “My phone.” As soon as we got back from Vegas,
Slade bought me a brand new phone and changed my number. When we found out that
the restraining order was not valid, Slade went a little overboard with ideas
of how to keep Jax from contacting me. Plus, my phone was starting to act weird
from the soaking it got at the casino. Only about ten people have this new

I feel him pull away from me, and he looks over at
it on my nightstand. “It’s Holly,” he says before he falls back down beside me.

 “I better see what she wants.” It’s probably
wedding related.

 I roll away from him and reach for the phone.
“Hello?” I ask.

 “Oh thank God. I’ve called you three times,” she
says in a rush.

I sit up and push my wild hair off of my face.
“What’s wrong?” I didn’t hear my phone ring. Oh yeah, it was on vibrate from
the movies last night.

“Oh, Sam.” She starts to cry. “It’s awful.”

“What is it Holly?” I start to panic. I turn my
head and look down at Slade as he takes up half my pillow. He gives me a slow
and sexy smile that makes me wish I hadn’t answered my phone.

“I’ve told her ‘no’ so many times. But she just
won’t listen,” she says now in an angry tone.

 “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s
going on,” I say pleading with her.

 Slade eyebrows shoot up as he wonders what’s going
on. He sits up running a hand through his disheveled hair as his eyes stray
from mine down to my uncovered chest. He licks his lips.

“My mother. Ordered my wedding cake,” she says
crying again. “It’s hideous, Sam. Just hideous. I don’t know how many times I
told her no, but she called me this morning saying she has already paid for it.
Two weeks ago. Can you believe that? She’s just now telling me,” she shouts

 I release a long sigh, and my body falls down to
the bed. “So she bought a cake you didn’t want,” I say more for Slade’s
benefit, letting him know there wasn’t a medical emergency.

He rolls his eyes and relaxes back on the bed.

“Yes.” She sniffs now. “I don’t know what to do.”

 “I’ll get up and get ready. We will just go up
there and cancel the order.” Slade places an arm over my stomach and pulls me
closer into his warm body.

 “I can’t do that. They would call her to verify
the cancellation.”

 Would they do that?
I let out a long
breath. “What do you want to do then?”

 Slade leans over to whisper seductively, “I want
to fuck.” He nibbles on my ear.

 I pull away trying to shoo him off, but he reaches
up and pulls me back down.

“Remember that white cake that had the pink and
light brown floral design on it?” she asks softly.

 “Yes.” I remember looking at that cake on the
internet over at Vivian’s house this week.

“I want that cake.”

“No,” I say grabbing a hold of Slade’s hand as it
travels down my stomach.

“No?” Holly questions. “I thought you liked that
cake?” she says sounding hurt.

“Not you, Holly.” I glare over at Slade, and he

“Oh,” she responds sounding confused.

“Why don’t you call your mother and tell her you
want that cake?” I ask giving up trying to fight Slade and his wandering hands.

“I did. The beginning of this week,” she says
sounding frustrated.

“Uh huh,” I mumble as Slade’s hand has now reached
my inner thigh. “Go on.” I don’t know if I meant that for Slade or to Holly.

“She said it was too simple,” she says sadly. “The
other cake is like six tiers and has more of a fancy look to it. Her words, not

I bite my bottom lip as Slade’s fingers spread my
lips open. He slides one finger into my pussy, and I hold in a moan.

 “That is my dream cake, Sam. It’s not simple, it’s
beautiful. It…just fits Micah and me,” she says, and I can tell she is tearing
up again.

“I’ll buy it for you,” I announce breathlessly.

“That’s not why I called you, Sam”

 I nod my head as Slade props up on his elbow
beside me and adds another finger inside of me. He presses them in deeply, and
it has my hips lifting up off the bed.

“No biggie,” I say trying not to breathe heavily
into the phone.

Slade leans his face down to the crook of my neck
and starts to suck on it.

 “I can’t have you doing that. But I do have an
idea,” she says slowly.

“Hmm?” I ask lifting my hips to match his fingers
sliding in and out of me.

“You are amazing when it comes to the kitchen. I
have total faith in you, Sam,” she says quickly.

 I bite down on my lip as I grip my phone tighter
when his thumb starts to rub on my clit.

Thankfully, she continues, “I want you to make my
wedding cake. Just like the one in the picture. The cake you made for Slade’s
birthday was amazing. I know this cake will be just as great. Will you do that
for me?”

“Yes,” I say as I feel that sensation start to
build deep in my stomach.

“Oh my God. I knew you would. You are the best
friend. Thanks so much girl.”

 “Uh huh.” I close my eyes tightly trying to hold
back the sensation. Slade grabs the phone from and my hand and puts it up to
his ear. “She’ll call you back.” Then I hear her laughter before the phone hits
the floor.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as the wave
runs through my body. “Oh, God. Slade…” I pant.



“What did you agree to?” he
asks once he removes his finger with a satisfied smirk on his face.

I smile just enjoying the shaking of my body. Then
my eyes spring open when his question registers. “Oh, shit,” I say sitting up
quickly. I turn to face him. “I told her I would make her wedding cake,” I say
in horror.

He smiles proudly. “That’s great, Angel.”

I start shaking my head quickly. “I can’t make a
wedding cake, Slade.”

 He chuckles. “Lay down.” He reaches up pulling me
down. “You can too. That cake you made me for my birthday.” He moans, “It was
delicious.” He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.

I let out a puff of air. “That was a birthday cake
for you and the family. She wants me to make a wedding cake for over a hundred
people.” I remember seeing the picture. “It has like four tiers.” I run a hand
down my face. “And decorations that I could never do.” I close my eyes.

I feel him smile against my neck. “It will be

“Since when do you use the word
?” I
frown. “And I blame you,” I accuse.

He pulls back and looks down at me with a small
smile on his face. “Me?” He tries to sound innocent.

 “Yes, you. If you would have kept your hands to
yourself, I could have paid more attention to what she was asking of me,” I say
in all seriousness.
What have I done?

 He rolls his eyes. I push him off me and jump out
of bed trying to ignore the small shaking of my legs. I walk over to the closet
and grab a shirt along with a pair of jeans.

 “What are you doing?” he asks propping himself up
on his elbows.

“I’m going over there.”

“I’ll go with you,” he mumbles, getting out of bed.



“Holly, this is your
wedding. You want it to be perfect,” I say trying to plead with her as I stand
in her living room.

 She just looks up at me with those big brown eyes
from her couch and smiles.

“I have total faith in you,” she says with more
confidence then I deserve.

 “That’s what I said,” Slade says with total pride.

I give him a death glare that he brushes off with a

 She stands and walks up to me. “I know you can do
it.” She looks down to the floor. “You already said you would do it,” she

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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