Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1)
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Jessica settles into a plush chair. “How about some tequila with a few wedges of crushed orange and cinnamon sprinkled in it?”

Rachel gives Jess a funny look and says, “Very well. Is Patron okay with you, Ms. Silva?”

Jessica nods. “Yes, that will be fine. And please, call me Jessica.”

“Okay, Jessica,” Rachel says with a smile, “I’ll have that ready for you momentarily.” She turns and heads back toward the stewardess station.

Sean sits in a chair slightly diagonally from Jess and says, “I forgot to ask if you were allergic to any foods or what your food preferences were, I’m sorry. I have requested two light snacks to be served immediately. The first is a Capresé salad, which consists of mozzarella cheese, Roma tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar dressing. The second is French brie with cold smoked salmon from Nova Scotia. Will that be fine with you? Otherwise, I’m sure we can have something else prepared for you.”

Jess is practically drooling. “That actually sounds delicious. There is no need to prepare anything else for me.”

Rachel places Jess’s drink on the side table next to Jessica. Sean nods to her and Rachel says, “It sounds like everything is in order. The food will be served as soon as we reach cruising altitude. About that time, Mr. Green always has a second scotch. Would you like another drink as well, Jessica?”

Jess nods gratefully. “Thank you, very much.”

As Rachel departs, Sean says, “I haven’t planned for an in-flight movie, so I don’t know what is available right now, but—”

Jessica interrupts, “Perhaps we could just talk and get to know a little bit more about each other.”

Sean considers and then replies, “That would actually be lovely and quite relaxing.”

The doors close on the jet, and they begin to push off from the gate. Jessica says, “I really must admit, I have never travelled in such style and comfort.”

Sean laughs, “Then you should enjoy this trip. It’s one of the luxuries I allow myself these days. Besides, this is all deductible for me.”

“Well, it may be deductible, but you still have to pay the bill every month,” Jess counters, taking a sip of her drink.

He just smiles, raises his glass, and nods.

As they reach cruising altitude, the stewardess returns with the Capresé salad and the brie and salmon with capers and red onion. She also brings their second round of cocktails. Jessica surveys the snacks placed before them.

“This looks absolutely wonderful,” she comments, scooping some brie onto a baguette crisp. “So, tell me about yourself as a kid, what you truly enjoy in life, and what makes you tick.” Sean starts to interrupt, but Jess holds up a hand. “Wait, the one condition I have with these questions is that you can’t talk about your work. I want to know about the boy who grew into the man you have become.” For the very first time since she met him, Jessica sees Sean Green squirm uncomfortably.

He looks down at his feet, then around the plane, and finally back at her. “It’s not at all very interesting. How about you? Where did you grow up?”

She smiles at him. “Oh no, you don’t. You first. Then I’ll tell you about myself. I don’t usually go away for a weekend with a man I know absolutely nothing about, so I need something to justify doing this.”

Sean laughs out loud. “Well, I can assure you, I’m absolutely safe, but fair enough. Let’s see, I was born in Ohio, and my parents moved to San Francisco when I was ten. We lived in an apartment on Fifteenth Avenue and Geary Boulevard until my parents moved to the family home on Forty-First Avenue and Fulton. I spent most of my evenings and weekends at Ocean Beach, drinking beer, smoking dope, and bodysurfing. I graduated from George Washington High School, received a full-ride academic and athletic scholarship to Stanford, and there I earned a bachelor’s in business and an MBA in marketing. I started SGM in 1990—”

Jessica interrupts, “Uh-uh! I’m not interested in your career, remember?”

He clears his throat. “Sorry, I forgot. I was the middle child of three. I have an older sister, who is a nurse, and a younger brother, who is a certified public accountant for Pacific Gas and Electric. My father was in law enforcement, and my mother worked for an insurance company in San Francisco. My childhood was good for a middle-class kid. Dad died young from a heart attack, and Mom died seventeen years later. I enjoy photography, swimming, camping, hiking, fly-fishing, and traveling. I usually vacation in McCall, Idaho, every summer to get my outdoor fix for the year.”

He pauses, and Jessica asks, “Where the hell is McCall, Idaho?”

“It’s about one hundred miles north of Boise, in the mountains. It’s a quaint little town nestled on lower Payette Lake. The local Native American Indian tribe, the Nez Perce, believe the area has an oppressive evil spirit surrounding the town, which makes perfect sense if you passively observe the petty political drama that occurs in the city. It really is a Peyton Place, where if there isn’t any drama occurring, the city’s residents or leaders create some. Anyway, it’s a beautiful area if you don’t consider the antigrowth tree huggers or the town’s local leadership. I own a home on the lake off of Warren Wagon Road, where Mark, Bonnie, and I often spend time together. It’s not as nice as the villa we’re going to stay at this weekend, but it’s comfortable.”

He takes a sip of his scotch, and Jessica thinks,
if it’s anything like this plane, I’m sure it’s absolutely beautiful

“Enough about me, Jessica. Now it’s your turn to share.”

She takes a contemplative breath and asks, “What type of athletic scholarship?”

Sean eyes her for a moment, then replies, “Swimming. I was a competitive swimmer in high school and college. Your turn.”

She nods. “Well, I grew up in Los Altos, attended private schools throughout high school and then Dartmouth in Boston. I earned a business degree, then moved to London and received my graduate degree in fashion entrepreneurship and innovation from the London College of Fashion – University of Arts. Growing up, I ran track, and I still love running even now. Mom and Dad still live in Los Altos, and I visit them at least once a month for a weekend or so. Both of them were big corporate attorneys and still maintain a small practice for a select group of clients. Bonnie and I have been best friends since first grade, even though she is so different than me in her worldview and personal relationships. I know she can be aggravating with her ideology and very narrow in her views, but she means well. She has such a great heart and kind soul, and I love her to death. Mark spoils her completely, which has only cemented her beliefs into her psyche.”

Sean chuckles, then asks, “Has Bonnie always been so flighty?”

Jess smiles, remembering. “Ever since we were fifteen years old. She discovered the manipulative power of her sex appeal and pretended helplessness on people, especially powerful men like Mark. But I do truly think she loves him.”

“Well, sex sells in marketing, and in life. That’s why it’s used so effectively. Bonnie just markets her attributes well, and it’s been very beneficial to her most of her life.”

Jessica shakes her head. “That may be true, but her looks will eventually fade, and then where will she be? It worries me sometimes.”

Sean smiles reassuringly. “Don’t worry. She really is a kind woman, and Mark is batshit crazy over her, so things seem to have worked out well for the both of them.”

“But what if Mark decides he wants a younger, firmer model one of these days?”

“I don’t see that happening, but even if it did, Bonnie would be set for life,” Sean answers.

“I suppose she would, but her sense of self-worth would be absolutely destroyed. That’s why it’s such a slippery slope to rely on one’s physical beauty.” Jess catches herself and stifles a yawn as best she can. Sean looks at his watch.

“Maybe we should try to get some sleep. Tomorrow’s schedule is extremely full.”

Jess nods. “You really should take the bedroom—”

Sean shakes his head. “No, really. You’re my guest, and it’s all set up for you anyway.”

She finally relents, thanks him, and heads for the bedroom.

When she enters the sleeping berth, she just smiles. She walks over to the bed and picks up an Italian chocolate mint that, evidently, Sean had the stewardess place on the pillow. The covers are turned down, and a vase of roses sits on the headboard shelf. Jess thinks,
I know those roses weren’t placed there for Sean’s benefit. That was very thoughtful of him, and they made the entire sleeping quarter smell marvelous.

It seems like she has just fallen asleep when Rachel places a tray containing a pot of French press coffee, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a large wine glass filled with organic granola and Greek yogurt next to the bed. Softly, she says, “Good morning, Jessica. We will be landing in about an hour. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get you.”

Jess rubs the sleep from her eyes. “Thank you, this looks wonderful. I need to freshen up a bit, and then I’ll be right out.”

“No hurry. Mr. Green is working on some project deadline.”

Jessica raises an eyebrow. “Does he ever slow down?”

Rachel smiles, “If he does, I’ve never seen that side of him. Enjoy your breakfast.”

The sleeping berth door opens and Jess pads out softly, carrying her heels for the day instead of wearing them. Sean closes his computer, smiles at her, and asks, “How did you sleep?”

“I slept great. How about you?”

Sean, still smiling, replies, “Fine. I really don’t sleep much at all. If I get four or five hours a night, I’m terrific.”

Jess shakes her head, sitting in one of the plush leather chairs and placing her shoes on the floor next to her. “Wow, not me. I need at least six hours of sleep, or I turn into a raging bitch.”

Sean chuckles. “I’m glad you let me know. I will certainly keep that in mind, for my own personal health. Have you ever been to Mark and Bonnie’s villa?”

She shakes her head. “Not this new one, but I visited the previous one a few times.”

“Well, you’re going to be amazed. There is absolutely no comparison to the new one. Bonnie, of course, insisted that Mark buy this estate, and it is truly magnificent. She has a good eye. Now, here is our itinerary for today.” He passes her a folder.

Jessica gives it a quick glance and thinks,
Holy shit, it’s packed with meetings. How are we going to get to all of these?

Sean studies Jessica’s reaction, noting that her eyes widen slightly, and then offers, “I know it looks crazy, but it’s really not that bad. With the exception of the factory tour, all of the meetings will be at the villa in a very relaxed setting.”

She passes the folder back to him and says, “Well, that’s good to know, because it looks totally crazy to me.”

“We do have a lot to accomplish in a very short time frame. Both Mark and Bonnie insisted on me promising to give you Sunday off so you can sightsee and enjoy Brazil. It seems you are in need of some quality time off, to soak up rays, read, or do whatever you wish, even if it’s only for one day. I promised, and I intend to keep my promise,” he says, sliding the folder back into his briefcase and grinning at her.

Jess simply sits back and nods, slightly perturbed that her friends would make such a request on her behalf.

The jet lands smoothly and as soon as it has come to a complete stop on the tarmac, the door opens, and Brazilian customs agents board. They check the plane’s paperwork; shake Sean’s hand, and say, “Everything looks to be in order, as usual. Welcome back to Brazil, Mr. Green.” Sean nods his thanks and introduces Jessica to the agents, who are charming and cordial to her.

They welcome them both once again and depart. Rachel appears to help them with their carry-on luggage and says to Sean, “Mr. Montes will be awaiting your arrival at the factory, and your limousine is already here for you.” Everything is loaded into the limousine by the time they deplane, and the driver asks if they want something to drink before they begin their drive to the factory.

Jessica shakes her head and says, “Not for me, thanks. It’s still morning.”

Sean laughs and declines a drink as well. During the drive, he briefs Jessica on some of the local customs and Mr. Ricardo Montes. He advises her to be reserved in her reactions to the factory and to appear only mildly interested, even if it is perfect. She shoots him a look for questioning her ability to play it cool.

He shrugs and explains, “The culture in Brazil is different than America, and if Mr. Montes thinks you are excited about the possibilities, he’ll raise the price and try to squeeze us both.”

Again, Jessica shoots him a sardonic look. “How is that different from America?” she asks, and doesn’t wait for an answer, “Who is Lidia Espinoza, on the schedule?” She points to the name on the itinerary.

“She is the appointed spokeswoman for the displaced Nike workers and has the best handle on the workers’ knowledge, skills, and abilities. She will be sizing you up, as well as trying to sell you on the factory and workers. I believe her primary objective is to convince you to invest in Brazil, especially in the factory, so everything she says must be weighed carefully.” Sean looks out the window and says, “We’re almost there. Remember, Mr. Montes is charming. He fancies himself a ladies’ man, so stay alert with him, because he’s really good at reading people, especially women.”

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