Read Uncovering Annabelle Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #sexy, #small town, #librarian, #sexual fantasies, #handyman

Uncovering Annabelle (20 page)

BOOK: Uncovering Annabelle
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She didn’t know how much time had passed
before he roused her. “We better get out of here before someone
sees the lights on and decides to investigate.” He sat up, taking
her with him. He cajoled her off his lap and leaned her against a
shelf so she wouldn’t slide back to the floor.

He pushed to his feet and zipped his jeans.
He looked hot wearing nothing but jeans and his steel-toed boots.
He caught her staring and grinned. “You’re a dangerous woman, Mrs.

“And don’t you forget it.”

“Never,” he promised. He snatched up his
T-shirt, pulled it over his head and tucked it into his jeans. He
ran his hands through his hair, which had come loose during their
vigorous lovemaking.

Annabelle was content to simply sit there
and watch him. She could only imagine the picture she made, sitting
in only a thong with her hair falling down around her.

Mike grabbed her hands. “Up you go.” He
helped her to her feet and made sure she was steady before picking
up her dress. It looked delicate in his large, masculine hands. He
shook it out and brought it to her.

“My bra?”

He shook his head, snagged it from the floor
and stuffed it into his back pocket. “You don’t need it. We’re
going straight home.”

She slipped on her dress. It felt strange to
not be wearing her bra beneath it. She couldn’t seem to make the
buttons go into the holes, not with him watching her so

“Need some help?” Before she could answer,
he was already there, pushing her hands to one side and taking over
the task. He did up all the buttons on her dress. When that was
done, he went down on one knee and, one at a time, slipped her
shoes on her feet.

He stood and eyed her hair, clearly at a
loss. “I can’t do anything about your hair, sweetheart.”

Annabelle scooped her pins off the shelf and
handed them to Mike. “Just hold these.” This she could handle with
her eyes closed.

Bending at the waist, she combed her fingers
through her hair and then expertly twisted it. In seconds, her
familiar bun was in place on her head and she reached out and
plucked the pins from Mike’s hands and poked them into place.

Mike canted his head to one side. “I still
don’t know how you can to that.”

She slipped on her glasses and gave him a
coy smile. “A woman has to have some secrets.”

“I don’t know about most women, but you
continually surprise me.” Clasping her hand in his, he started to
lead her down the aisle. “Let’s go home.”

“The books.” Annabelle left him long enough
to scoop up the books that had fallen to the floor during their
lovemaking and put them back in their proper places. Satisfied
everything was in order, she took her husband’s hand and smiled.
“Now we can go home.”

They turned off the lights and locked the
door behind them, leaving the library dark and empty. The only sign
that they’d been there was a single hairpin that lay on the floor,

from Enticing Emma


Keep reading for an excerpt from

the next book in the

Summersville Secrets series,

Enticing Emma

coming soon!





Chapter One


As soon as the door shut behind them, he
kissed her. His lips barely grazed hers as he moved from side to
side. Unconsciously, she leaned forward, wanting to deepen his
touch. A whimper of need escaped her when he pulled just out of her

She opened her eyes to find him smiling down
at her. Well, maybe not a real smile, more of a slight upturn of
the corners of his mouth. It was the expression of male
satisfaction on his face that set off the first warning signal. But
it was faint, and before it could take hold, he slowly leaned down
and covered her mouth again.

Sighing, she parted her lips and invited him
in. The man certainly knew how to kiss. Taking his time, he lazily
tasted her lips, nibbling on the bottom one. Her purse fell to the
floor with a thud when she raised her hands to his broad shoulders.
Thick muscles rippled beneath her fingertips.

When he finally slipped his tongue inside
her mouth, she sighed with relief. Still, he took his time, slowly
stroking her tongue with his before exploring every crevice of her
mouth. He didn’t challenge or try to overpower her. It was more an
invitation to share with him.

Emma Howard couldn’t resist.

Her hands crept up the side of his neck and
tunneled through his short, spiky black hair. She gripped the back
of his head and angled his face so she could deepen their kiss. She
felt a heady surge of power when he moved as she wished. Then she
was lost in the erotic sensations assaulting her. She couldn’t get
enough. Coffee, peppermint and Tucker.

Her brain barely registered the fact that
she was moving. She was so wrapped up in their kiss she didn’t care
where he took her. Nothing mattered except for the fact she was
kissing him. The door pressed against her spine, stopping her
backward momentum. He loomed over her, surrounding her with his
sheer size and bulk.

Tucker Martin was six feet tall, but seemed
much larger towering over her five-foot-five frame. His shoulders
and chest were wide, his waist lean. His legs were long, his thighs
thick with muscle.

Usually, large men made her uncomfortable,
but somehow Tucker had managed not to intimidate her with his size.
Until now. Now, she was very aware of the difference between them.
But instead of alarming her, it only served to send a torrent of
sexual awareness zinging through her.

Moisture pooled between her thighs. She
fought the urge to rub her crotch against the bulge in the front of
Tucker’s jeans, but it wasn’t easy. She knew it would feel so
damned good and help ease the throbbing ache.

Tucker still hadn’t touched her except for
where their mouths were joined. His hands were flat on the door on
either side of her head. She was the one who had moved closer to
him, so their bodies were barely touching. She couldn’t stand it
any longer. She needed his hands on her.

“Touch me.” Her voice sounded strange to her
own ears. Breathy and low, not the usual no-nonsense,
well-modulated tone that she’d cultivated over the years.

His lips left hers and he nuzzled the
sensitive skin around her ear. “Are you sure?”

If she was any surer, she’d explode with the
amount of heat her body was generating. Instead of answering, she
leaned forward and rubbed her breasts across the broad planes of
his chest. Even through the fabric of her blouse and his shirt, the
pressure of his hard, muscled pecs against her swollen nipples made
her moan with pleasure.

Tucker cupped her face in his large hands,
swooped down and recaptured her lips. She’d thought his earlier
kisses were devastating, but they’d only been an appetizer, a small
taste of the real thing.

This time, he took total control and staked
his claim. He drove his tongue deep, demanding a response. Helpless
beneath the onslaught of his passion, she gave him what he wanted.
She rubbed her tongue over his before she sucked it deeper into her

He groaned, slid his hands down her neck and
used his thumbs to tip her chin higher. When Emma arched her neck,
ceding to his unspoken demand, his hands continued their descent.
He lightly traced his fingers over her collarbone before moving on
to the top button of her blouse.

She sucked in a breath when his nimble
fingers slipped the first button free. Then the next. He never
stopped kissing her while he finished unbuttoning the garment. The
man certainly knew how to multitask.

He traced his forefinger over the lacy edge
of her bra. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen. She wanted him to
touch them but couldn’t stop kissing him long enough to tell

Tucker groaned and slid his strong hands
down to cup her lace-covered breasts. He weighed both mounds in his
palms before running his thumbs over her distended nipples. Need
rushed through her like a river raging out of control. She dug her
fingers into his shoulders for support, angled her lower body
toward his and rubbed her mound against his hard erection,
struggling to get closer.

Tucker traced the outline of her swollen
nipples through the soft, lacy fabric, keeping his touch light and
undemanding, until she thought she might go mad. She craved more of
his touch. “Harder. Touch me harder,” she managed to gasp out.

She fought to keep him close when she felt
him pulling away, not wanting to lose her grip on him.

“I want to see you.” His voice was rough,
his demand one she was totally willing to fulfill. She shrugged out
of her blouse, not caring when the expensive silk hit the floor.
Tucker had already reached behind her and unhooked her bra. He
dragged the straps down her arms and tossed the lacy covering
aside, leaving her naked from the waist up.

The cool air pumping out from the air
conditioner wafted across her nipples, making the tips pucker even
tighter. Goose bumps skittered down her arms. Tucker’s eyes were
filled with pure unadulterated lust as he stared at her breasts.
His obvious enjoyment made her feel sexy and she arched her back
slightly, the small movement thrusting her chest toward him.

“I’ve got to get you naked.” His words, so
blunt and unadorned, thrilled her. So did his impatience. She
obviously wasn’t stripping fast enough to suit him.

Tucker already had the button of her slacks
undone and the zipper open. She didn’t utter a word of protest when
he shoved her pants down her hips, taking her lace underwear with
them. Going down on one knee in front of her, he lifted her feet,
one at a time, removing her shoes and sliding her clothing off.

Emma could barely breathe as she looked down
at the man kneeling at her feet. The hum of the air conditioner and
Tucker’s heavy breathing were the only sounds she could hear over
the pounding of her own heart.

As she watched, he undid several buttons on
his shirt before just giving up and yanking it over his head and
tossing it aside. His chest was magnificent. Bronzed and heavily
muscled, it had a light sprinkling of hair that spread from nipple
to nipple before angling downward and disappearing into the
waistband of his jeans. Her fingers curled into her palm, longing
to stroke him.

“You are so beautiful.” His words were low,
his voice thick with need as he reached out and wrapped his fingers
around her ankles, encircling them both in his grip. Inch by inch,
he slid his hands over her shins, past her knees, finally coming to
rest on her thighs. He slipped his hands to the inside, his touch
featherlight as he silently encouraged her to spread her legs

Emma couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as
he watched her, his green eyes glowing with desire. She’d never
seen anything so erotic or beautiful in her life as the sight of
him sitting between her thighs, his mouth just inches from her sex.
She spread her legs wider, inviting him to taste her.

Lowering his gaze, he brushed his thumbs
over the swollen folds of her labia. She was wet and slick with a
need unlike any other she’d ever known. She’d had lovers before,
not many, but enough to recognize that this was something far
outside her experience.

He dipped his head between her thighs, his
breath hot on her sensitive flesh. He flicked out his tongue,
rasping the small nub of desire. Her entire body clenched and her
breath caught in her throat as he continued to stroke her with his
fingers and tongue. All her concentration focused on the wondrous
sensations he was stirring to life within her.

She unconsciously moved her hips, undulating
them toward him, urging him to deepen his caress. She gasped when
he picked up one of her feet and draped her leg over his shoulder.
It opened her wider to him and he slipped his tongue inside her

Emma clutched his hair with both hands and
pulled him closer. There was no way she was letting him stop now.
He laughed and the low, sensual sound vibrated through her sex,
sending shivers of desire racing through her.

He suddenly grasped her other leg and lifted
it over his shoulder. Totally off balance, she felt herself
starting to fall. “Tucker,” she cried as she dug her fingers into
his back for support, her fingernails lightly scoring his

“I’ve got you.” His strong hands gripped her
hips, holding her steady, as he buried his face between her thighs
and devoured her.

With her legs spread wide and draped over
his shoulders, Emma had no control over what he did. And she no
longer cared. Nothing mattered but reaching completion. She bucked
her hips against his face as he licked and sucked at her. She was
so close. She thumped her feet against his back, closed her eyes
and held on tight.

Tucker released her hips and slid his hands
over her rib cage, not stopping until they covered her breasts. He
kneaded the full mounds, plumping them in his palms before gently
rolling the tight buds between his thumbs and forefingers. At that
exact moment, he sucked her clit into his mouth and lapped at it
with his tongue.

Emma screamed, her orgasm exploding like
fireworks. Heat shot through her, spreading to every part of her
body. Tremors shook her. She dug her heels into his back,
desperately trying to get closer, even though she knew it was
physically impossible. She wanted to take him inside her and never
let him go.

When she finally recovered her senses, she
was slumped against the door and her feet were flat on the floor.
She had no memory of him moving them off his shoulders. The sound
of something tearing caught her attention and she blinked, trying
to bring the world back into focus.

Tucker had his pants undone and shoved
partially down his hips. He’d pushed aside his underwear as well
and released his swollen cock from its confinement. He was big,
much bigger than any other lover she’d ever had. Fascinated, she
watched as he sheathed himself in a condom.

BOOK: Uncovering Annabelle
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