Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series)
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I was compromising because I was willing to take her body, if she was still in love with Carter. Besides, if she wasn’t in love with him anymore, well, I wanted all of her. For now, though, we could start with the physical relationship. The rest as they say, would fall into place.

Openly staring at her, my eyes flicked back and forth, hoping to catch something in her depths. “Be with me, Emma,” I managed to rasp out, putting myself on the line again.

Her eyes froze, darkening at my words. The massive hesitation was now in full force. Her body stilled, as did her breathing. Emma looked away, not wanting for me to see what her eyes were hiding away. “I…”

Fuck, please… don’t do this again, Emma
, I silently pleaded. My heart gripped tighter inside my chest, holding my breath in. She knew how she affected me. She knew how much I’d wanted her.
She knew
—and yet what? She still didn’t know where I stood?

“Yes?” I waited.

In vain.

In agony.

“I don’t have an answer.” She finally finished without even bothering to look at me.

When she said that, I literally could hear my heart crack a little. She was never going to be mine, was she? What the fuck was I doing then?

With a quick nod, I directed a straight look towards her. “Right, of course.” I couldn’t for the life of me look at her, so I up and left my bedroom.

I strode towards the open patio doors and strolled towards the shore. The sand dipped from my steps, the fine grains cool between my toes.

The moon was high, its reflection glistened and mirrored along the still sea. Soft, calming waves whispered into my ears.

Pausing, I took a moment and studied the scenery before me at the same time my cellphone started ringing. Pulling it out of my pocket, I answered the call without looking at the caller.



, I mouthed my hiss as I gripped the phone tighter into my ear. “What do you want?” My voice was cold, uninviting.

“We’re checking in, is all. How are things?” the man kept on rambling. The urge to cut the call was profound, but my curiosity was getting to me, so I held on for a few more minutes.

My parents weren’t really parental. They were two beings who thrived on each other with constant splurges of money to fund their gambling addiction and my mother’s extravagant lifestyle.

“Get to the point. I don’t have time to spare for nonsense.”

My father snorted, as if my words didn’t hold meaning. “I’m sure you’ve spent all the nonsense with your ever evolving need for exotic varieties.” He gave another snorting sound again, grating me further, before he spoke his intent. “I’m calling to see if you could spare us half of your inheritance. You’re young and you don’t have the need of it. You’re making your own money, so there’s no need to hang on to the sum that was supposed to be all mine in the first place.”

Ah, there it was. Always… it was forever about money. “Guess Grandmother didn’t deem you worthy of it all. Besides, it’s never too late to start working, you know.”

“You ungrateful child! You would be nothing without us!”

Here we go again. “
got here because of hard
worked countless hours to gain experience.
succeeded because I didn’t give up. There was never
here. It was all fucking
. So, don’t take credit for something you didn’t even lift a finger towards. And as for the inheritance, you got the same amount I did. The large sum should tide you two over until you’re buried six feet under.”

“Without us, you wouldn’t even be born. Just because you’re all great now doesn’t mean shit to me, you hear? As for money, we have enough to tide us over for the next few months. If you’re unwilling to give us a portion of yours, I’m going to take you to court and contest that will. If I win, I get it all.”

“If—that’s a big
.” I pulled my hair out, laughing drily at the absurdity of my so-called father. “Do what you like. I don’t care.”

“I’m sure you will. Your mother is giving you a couple of months. If you won’t change your mind, you’ll be hearing from our lawyer.” He immediately cut off the call then, not willing to hear what I had to say.

I knew they meant the threats, which was why they weren’t a part of my life now. Once upon a time, they had a heart, but all of that changed when I was about four or five. I can’t remember properly, but I think it all shifted downhill when my grandmother started getting sick. That’s when my father had more access to her money.

My grandfather kept all of his stock money during The Great Depression. Most of those stocks were heavily invested in oil. Once the economy bounced back, their penny stocks became millions through the years. Half of my inheritance was still untouched, still invested in those companies.

I intended that money for my children, never for me. I could work for my own money. Yet, what irritated me was the fact that my parents thought they had the right to simply demand such things from me when they hadn’t done shit to earn it.

Money was a poison that ruled and crippled the world. People changed because of money. People killed to have money. People betrayed loved ones to gain more.

Money preached.

Even though I loved the lifestyle it gave me, I also resented how people saw me because I had it. That’s why it was hard to trust people because most of the folks you
met, needed and wanted something out of you.

Maybe that was why Emma appealed to me more, because she never mentioned the damn word. Maybe because when I looked at her, I saw her looking
me. Not the fame I came along with. Not the money attached to my name. Not the man on the tabloid, but at
—the man behind the glamour and glitz of Hollywood.

Pushing my parents aside, the question remained, where did I go from here?

It wasn’t until my legs felt weary that I decided to turn back and stroll towards the cottage.

Once I got inside, I quietly paced myself until I saw her sleeping form. Her nakedness was evident even if
her body was covered by a sheet. From the door, I studied her, yearning from afar.

Tomorrow was another day.

Who knew what would happen then? At this point, I was all tangled and twisted because of one woman. I was going to let fate take its form, guide me from here on out.

It was time she saw the real me. Not the man who was all considerate of her feelings and her love for another man. No. She was going to see the real Bass Cole.

The one I had been hiding from her because I wanted to lure her in with kindness and consideration—but that was out of the window now.

If she wanted to come play, she’d better make sure she could handle the ride.

It was all or nothing… from here on out.

A Kiss, That’s All It Took


“It’s my turn,” I furiously hissed at her the second I parted from her lips after they concluded the scene.

I didn’t know what had come over me, but I knew the second my lips touched hers, there was no going back. The scene was fake. It wasn’t about Emma or Bass; it was about Angela and Logan. Yet, it felt like the damn kiss had obliterated my ability to think straight. It consumed me—caught me on its hook and held onto me. There was no way I could brush it off.

. I didn’t care if we were going to have a yelling match, or some  gargantuan fight because, either way, this was going to end tonight.

I left the shooting location in a huff, not willing to look back at her shaken expression. For months, I’d kept all these volatile feelings I had for her hidden. Now they were about to emerge and I wanted her to witness what she had done to me.

As I walked, the loud rumbling of the dark clouds indicated that a thunderstorm was heading our way, but I was unruffled because my heart only had one goal, Emma. Once I got to the cottage, I didn’t even care about turning the lights on. Taking off my shirt, I strode towards the kitchen sink and splashed my heated face with cold water.

My entire body was burning; dying for a resolution.

Pulling a towel, I roughly wiped my face as I tried to calm myself down. She was coming back soon.

I anticipated her return.

So I waited, in the dark.

She took approximately ten minutes to get here.

I was leaning against the entrance wall of the kitchen, directly within view of the patio and the front door, whichever way she chose to make her entrance.

The first thing I saw was her blonde mane, curled from the humidity as she strolled towards the patio. With a deep frown on her face, she carefully took off her sandals, dusting her feet off as she did so. She glanced towards the angry, grumbling sky before she took hold of the sliding door and let herself inside the cottage.

Since my eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, it wasn’t hard for me to see that she was trying to look for the light switch.

Not wanting to prolong our impending confrontation, I took a step forward, towards unchartered territory. “What took you so long?”

Emma jumped from the unexpected sound of my voice. “

She seemed to have frozen on the spot as I strode towards her, wearing only my worn out jeans and nothing else. Even in the dark, her scent guided me towards her
; unmistakable and heady. My breathing became ragged and shallow as I came closer. My throat was parched as I closed in on her. My world was a breath away. One touch. One kiss.

My skin was prickling from apprehension while my senses roared high as I anticipated what was yet to come.

Since the day I’d met her, my fate had seemed to orbit around her. My life wasn’t going to be complete until I ventured out of this bubble and dove into this big uncertainty named Emma.

I was clinging onto the last straws. Even though my emotions were in turmoil, my body was saluting her. It knew her power. It knew what she was capable of making me feel and I had yet to wander towards that territory.

I had gotten a taste of the cream, but I wanted my entire dessert.

My eyes seemed to get lost in hers
; those big eyes, full of everything.

I wanted for us to stop thinking and to start feeling from here on. We were here for months, who knew what would happen by then?

As my eyes flickered back and forth, searching her face, I knew this moment had been inevitable. We could find our way later down the road, but for now, we were at a standstill, free to explore and get lost in each other. The world could easily ebb away and we would make our own.

It was as if my hand was magnetized towards her body; I couldn’t hold back a single finger when I reached out to touch the curve of her cleavage. I watched her close her eyes, her body gravitating towards me.

Darkened with hungered desire, my finger traced the thin cotton strap of her dress, aching to touch her breasts. “It’s my turn, Emma,” I murmured.

With a forceful tug, the delicate strap broke on her right shoulder, making her dress hang loosely as she eyed me with shocked dismay. Her expression got me harder than I’d imagined possible. “My turn to claim this sinful body of yours,” I ground out the words before I ripped the strap from her other shoulder.

Beautiful didn’t even fit how she made me feel in this moment. I simply felt like a king, seeing that blasted dress pooling at her feet.

From the tip of her dainty toes, my eyes travelled north until they finally met hers again. When they did, I saw her face register the change in me. The man she once knew was gone and a primal, feral beast had now been unleashed.

My eyes sparked with electrifying lust as I took in her pebbled rosebuds. The more I scrutinized them, the harder they became. Still gazing at her perfect breasts, my fingers took hold of the side of her thong and roughly ripped the scrap off her body.

Her gasps fell on my deaf ears as I gathered the wetness the underwear had been soaked in. She was getting turned on by my rough handling, which excited me even more. I loved it rough and I knew I would enjoy it all the more with Emma.

Blue clashed on blue, each of our eyes unblinking as I took off my pants. Undisguised lust etched all over me as I watched the wanton woman bite the bottom of her lip at the sight of my now unraveled cock springing to life.

Her eyes said it all.

The more she perused it, the more furious her gaze became.

Gradually stroking my shaft, Emma was even more mesmerized as her eyes glued onto my length. Wetness slowly dripped from her thigh as she watched me touch myself with fervid arousal.

A moment later, Emma was caught unprepared when my fingers pinched one hard-budded nipple and twisted it. Upon releasing the tortured skin, I gently slapped her breast, bringing more awareness to her body.

Sex was, after all, all about senses, so why not make use of them all?

An impatient groan came from her as she tried to clench her thighs together, hoping for some relief.

“What are you waiting for, Bass?
Where do you want me?
” she demanded as gently as possible, yet the hint of desperation was unmistakable.

She was where I wanted her to be. Begging, emotionally and mentally, for me.

Letting go of my cock, I softly pressed my chest against hers, reveling in the naked feel of her against my bare skin. She felt as near to perfection as I had ever felt.

Gently, my hand caressed the side of her neck with soft, excruciatingly slow strokes. Once I reached her jaw, I paused around her lips, pondering, before I finally inched closer to her face, giving her a smile that meant it all. It was a smile that a person shouldn’t forget because it was one that meant you were going to get owned, possessed and ravished until you no longer knew who you were.

“Kiss me, Emma.”

Wetting her lips slowly, she forcefully pulled my arm away and pushed me hard against the wall. The rough impact on my back heightened my pleasure as I tried to contain my libido. I barely had time to think before Emma’s body rubbed against my own, pulling my face towards her.

My hands instantly wrapped around her while she cupped my jaw. Then, when our lips met again, her hunger was palpable as she devoured my lips whole. As much as I liked this to be rough and animalistic, I somehow urged the kiss to tone down.

Our kiss became slow, sweet, enrapturing as our tongues matched each other in hot passion.

Kissing Emma shifted me to a man I barely knew. The man now kissing her was full of need and packed with intentions that were probably too scary to even voice out loud.

It was fate that had led me here, not coincidence. It was embedded in my psyche. I just knew that Emma was meant to change my life; whether it was for the good or the bad, she was meant to be in it.

While I sucked on her tongue, she moaned as she ran her nails down my back, marking and grazing me with possession until I shifted positions and had her body against the wall instead of mine.

With our lips kissing and our tongues sparring, effortlessly I lifted her up and shoved her body hard, pressing it against the wall while her legs clutched around my hips. The position made it easy for my cock to connect to her heat. And when it did, it twitched against her parted pussy lips, coating it with her slickness.

Emma was past drunk from my kisses as she brazenly used her hips to ground against the mushroom tip of my length, guiding it towards her greedy opening.

Not yet
, I chanted in my head as I slowly shifted my dick away from her inviting pussy.

Emma wasn’t having it. “Bass… I can’t wait anymore,” she panted out, fingers digging into my skin as she pleaded for my cock.

Wall fucking was great, but not great enough for my first time with her. Quickly thinking, I gathered her in my arms and took her outdoors to the partially shielded canopy bed that was out on the patio.

Her naked body flushed before me as I hovered over her. We each absorbed the other’s need, communicating on a different level of ecstasy.

The loud clapping of thunder broke out in the background, but we were beyond caring about anything other than each other.

This—wrapped in each other and gravitating towards the fruit of life—was what I had been waiting for all along and I wasn’t going to let a damn thunderstorm steal my moment.

No, not a damn chance.

Lowering my body, I planted her legs so that both of her heels were on the bed. The tip of my cock nestled in the cushions while I used two fingers inside her wetness at the same time my tongue teased her sensitized nub and folds.

She whimpered when my ministrations became too fervent. Eager, she pulled herself halfway up and pushed her lips against mine while my fingers were busy melting her core, prepping for my domination.

Raindrops splattered my back; however it didn’t deter me from my mission.

If I was impassioned, Emma was licentious as she wantonly licked the raindrops that were coming down from the sides of my neck and my earlobe.

If I had been going crazy before, I was about to kill myself if I didn’t finish now. My thoughts were at a standstill when Emma started to slip down, kissing and nipping my skin, towards my nirvana.

“Emma, I want you
fucking much,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

She lowered her mouth to capture the thick, throbbing head of my cock, applying extremely hard suction, much to my delighted shock. I was past modesty—past any thinking—when her tongue passionately circled around the bottom of the mushroom head without ever letting off with the suctioned pressure that was about to blow my head. “Shit—Emma!” I bellowed loudly when she hollowed her cheeks and took me deeper into her mouth.

My dick was thick, not to mention my length was long, and women always had a hard time going all the way when they blew me off.
Skilled suckers
was what I called the ones who could manage to take me all the way in. Emma didn’t gag halfway in and the mere sight of her blowing me off made me ooze some liquid out of my small slit, depositing it on her tongue.

Relaxing her throat, she managed to take me deeper until the tip hit all the way back. “Fuck, Emma!” Grunting in between pants, I wasn’t sure if the sight of my cock disappearing in her mouth was more of a life changer or if it
was the knowledge that this woman had some mad skills that men would kill to have in a woman.

When her motions became fervent and relentless, I had to pull her off my shaft and kiss her into oblivion before I slowly made our way towards the cemented railing. “Spread your legs open, bend over and rest your elbows on the rail,” I commanded as I nipped her ear.

I didn’t even take a moment to admire her submissive posture before I got behind her, hands skimming all over her soft form. “You’re so beautiful, Emma. You’ve been my living nightmare,” I hissed in her ear at the same time I stuck my fingers into her.

Groaning, Emma pushed harder against my hand, demanding.

My eyes were closed as I lavished on her tightness around my fingers. “How does your pussy like to be fucked, Emma?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Her answer pleased me. We were both at the tipping point, so slow and sensual was fucking out of the equation. “You’re so tight, Emma. Do you think your pussy can handle my cock?”

She shook her head in response.

The thought of lodging my cock into her had already gotten me going. “Do you want me to rip you apart? Make this sweet, little pussy stretch while you wince in the pain and pleasure it will give you?”

She merely panted, “YES! PLEASE!”

The rain hadn’t stopped and we were both soaked. Another agonizing sound came from her when my other hand sought her anal entrance.

She was going to learn what pleasures her body could gift us and her untried hole was going to give me Heaven.

The thunder rumbled again, a little longer this time, just as my lips pressed against her arched back before I dropped one of my plans on her. “I will fuck you on one condition, Emma.”

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