Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series)
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Just maybe

“Do you want to drive somewhere, Em? We can go wherever you like,” I asked softly.

She quickly declined it, which pleased me to no end. “It’s okay. I kind of like it here; it’s very peaceful. I’d like to stay here, if you don’t mind?”

It was a good sign indeed.

Maybe if I stayed put and waited patiently, I might get a shot at getting to know her better. Because I knew that, with every ounce in me, Emma Anderson had truly made a lasting impression on me.














Staring Into The Sun


I immediately woke up when I felt Emma trying to pull her hand away. Glancing her way, she looked half asleep, although even with a light smudge of eyeliner on the bottom of her lids, she still affected me greatly.

It was the morning after the “beer goggles” and, usually, I was over it the next day. Yet alas, I had been proven wrong. Emma seemed to be an exception to a lot of things…

“Good morning, sunshine.”

“Good morning…” she said in between yawns then stilled, as if remembering something. “Oh my God, I have to get back!” She scrambled away and hunted down her purse. Fishing her phone out, she went over her messages with a frown.

“Is everything all right, Em?” I asked, getting up from the lounger and going over to where she was at, worried and curious at the same time. I hid another yawn behind my right hand, stretching my body away before I cracked my neck from side to side.

“I, um…” She trailed off as her gaze landed on me, greedily eyeing me. I stretched my body, knowing how my shirt lifted upwards to showcase my flat, chiseled abdomen. She then licked her lips, her desires clearly matching my own.

” I teased, hoping to lighten the heavily electrified, sexual blanket that seemed to be engulfing us, yet again.

Her cheeks reddened, making her look even more enticing to me, before she excused herself to go inside to use the restroom.

Amused, I counted down from ten and then strode indoors, knowing quite well she didn’t know where the bathroom was located. Just as I’d guessed, she was standing in the middle of the black marbled hallway, deciding which route to take. Stealthily, I stood a foot behind her, waiting for the moment when she’d need me.

For a good while, I had an excellent view of her nice, curvy behind. I couldn’t help it when my tongue snaked out and played with my bottom lip, salivating at the sight of her ass. Her small waist and amazing cleavage emphasized her gorgeous pin-up type of body.

Sexy didn’t even cut it.

My heavy perusal of her toned body halted when she quickly spun around, almost bumping into my chest. With a wicked grin in place, I
stared into her face. My stupid smile could possibly be because I was almost caught fantasizing about what I could do with that nice bottom of hers ever so vividly in my mind.

“Where is
the bathroom?” Emma reddened a little more.

“Come here.” Pulling her against my chest, I gave her a hug, enveloping her in my large frame.

My breathing became ragged when the tip of her nose brushed against my neck and I heard her inhale the scent of me, loudly and deeply. I pulled back a little and peered at her, our faces mere inches away from each other. Up this close and during daytime, her eyes had even more power over me. I felt stripped. Exposed. Yet, ready for it.

For this…
strange feeling…

“You know you look even more beautiful when you blush like that?” My voice was raspy, heavy with the unfulfilled fantasy of kissing her.

Could I break my promise and kiss her anyway? Would she protest me if I did? Maybe, maybe not.

The main question was
, could I stop myself with merely a kiss? Gazing down at her silent form, she stared back with lust-filled eyes, mirroring my own hunger. When her tongue wet her bottom lip, my eyes immediately darted towards it, zeroing in on that tiny piece of sweetness.

I swallowed, hard.

Reaching out, I pulled her face closer to mine before she closed her eyes, readying for a kiss.

My kiss

Her lips held me in a trance while I contemplated what to do. A kiss could be harmless, but if I wanted her trust and wanted this connection between us to last for more than a few months, I needed to step back and let her breathe awhile. After all,
broke up with her boyfriend
two days
ago. For both our sakes, I had to harness any urges I had for her.

Instead—hoping I could lure her in closer to me—I kissed the other places that I could to still maintain the need and want while continuing to gain her trust.

My lips landed on her jaw, pausing ever so slowly before the tip of my nose traced the delicate outline, gliding across her soft skin all the way to her sensitive ear. My tongue badly wanted to come out and play, to taste her earlobe, but I knew I couldn’t. Not yet.

“You’re not ready for my kiss yet, my darling Emma.
When I do kiss you
, I will be the
only one
you can think of, the
only one
that can possess you and no one else. You, madam, are certainly
ready for that kind of possession.”

She made a sharp, panting gasp.

Sometimes the best things in life were the ones worth waiting for and I believed I had just found that with Emma. I wasn’t going to treat her as I had the others. I was going to take this slow even if it killed me. I was going to earn her trust. Patience was what I needed. Her gullibility was shown in those saddened, blue glass orbs. She needed time.

I respected that.

Holding her close, I kissed her forehead and squeezed her tightly against my chest.
Yeah, she was definitely going to be worth it.
I simply felt it all the way down in my gut.

“Go freshen up while I make us some breakfast. Take two lefts and the bathroom is on the right. See you in a bit.” With another kiss on her head, I let go of her and strolled towards the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, I gathered what I could to form a light brunch. Knowing how women were, Emma was probably going to take another ten minutes in the bathroom, checking if each eyelash was in place; I hated how some women put fifty layers of mascara and ended up looking like a raccoon by the end of the day.

Emma strode in five minutes later, make-up free with only a hint of shiny, girly gloss that smelled of strawberries.

Fuck, I love strawberries…

Shaking my head, I directed Emma, who was leaning against the counterpane. “Come sit and talk to me while I cook. Which hotel are you and your friends staying at again? I’ll drive you there myself,” I offered as I focused on chopping the onions.

She took her time before she decided to sit on the stools and watched me with great intensity. As much as I wanted to look up and study her watching me, I decided to play it like I was too engrossed in the damn onion.

“That might be a problem. It seems that they all left already and I’m stuck alone in Los Angeles.”

I gave her a quick glance before I took out the newly rinsed mushrooms. “No problem. I can take you back to campus.” I shrugged, thinking that she shouldn’t be shy about asking me anything; especially after last night.

Nothing happened, physically, although something existed between us; we shared it, even if we didn’t openly talk about it. It hung over us, even now.

“Where did you learn how to cook?”

“I was a chef in one of my movies and I had to train with this five-star chef for three months before shooting.”

“Wow, three months? What movie was it?”

Pausing, I studied her clean, beautiful face. It made her eyes stand out more; eyes that were starting to become my weakness, which was, as I stated a million times,

Was Emma a fan of my films? She didn’t seem to look it. Smirking, I directed her a question. “How many films of mine have you
, Emma?” While waiting for her to respond, I cracked four eggs in a bowl, peppered them, added a dash of salt and rapidly scrambled them all together.

Knights of Cimmerian

“Did you like it?” I asked without looking at her as I drizzled olive oil into the heated pan.

“Sure, it was great!” she lied.

This woman couldn’t lie if her life depended on it. “What did you like about it?”

A big, fat silence came before she dug herself further. “Everything… it was… great.”

She was biting her lip, looking at me through her lashes, while probably hoping I’d buy her one, little, white lie.

Silly, Emma
, I thought as I barked out a loud, deep laugh. “It’s either you didn’t like it
you weren’t paying attention. So which is which?”

“I wasn’t paying attention. Sorry. When you asked, I didn’t know what to tell you to be honest.”

“Don’t worry, babe, I’m not offended.” I winked at her as I prepared our breakfast.

Emma was in charge of making the toast, coffee and cutting up some grapefruits, melons and some pineapples while I cooked.

It was past noon when we left the house and drove towards Santa Barbara. My blue Lamborghini Gallardo weaved through the traffic, taking note how much the woman beside me kept her eyes on me during the whole journey towards Ventura county.


Honesty Is Always The Best Policy


Exiting the freeway, Emma immediately gave directions to her place. As we drove there, my mind was going through a lot of things, hoping that she was willing to continue seeing me after today. The thought of not seeing her again suddenly got me edgy. Parking the car on the curb, I glanced at her before I decided to kill the engine.

We shared one of those
. A look that held confusion, wonder and uncertainty. The silence stretched for a good minute before Emma decided to break the ice. “It was nice to meet you, Bass. It really was. I had a great time; bizarre, but enjoyable nonetheless.” She was grinning at me, however her shaky, high-pitched voice got me worried once again. Her smile faltered when I didn’t reciprocate her smile.

Blue met blue, drawing into each other, and I thought then, this was as good a moment as any. “I have this dinner thing on Tuesday night for a film I just signed up to shoot this summer in Greece. Would you come with me and be my date?”

“Oh, don’t you all discuss work details? I don’t want to intrude on that.” She suddenly seemed all self-conscious.

Was that just an excuse to put me down lightly or did she really mean it? “You won’t. It’ll be fun. The director is my godfather, actually. So it’s going to be laidback
; don’t worry. You’re going to have a blast. Say you’ll go with me?”

“Do people ever tell you
?” she cocked a brow at me, eyes twinkling.

She looked kissable right now… damn.

A lazy, gorgeous smile etched on my face as I responded back, “Well, there’s this girl… she’s stunning and funny and she has these beautiful blue eyes and golden hair and she doesn’t seem to be interested in me, not one bit. I, on the other hand, feel compelled to be with her and to see more of her.”

She nudged my arm, matching my stupid grin. “Now you’re just being silly, Bass.”

“I’ll pick you up at five, Tuesday afternoon?” I couldn’t help it, I had to reach out and touch her face with my thumb, grazing that enticing bottom lip of hers that made me hard each time I gazed at it. When her lips softly parted, my eyes darkened with desire as I tried to control myself again.

Fucking shit. I hated this. I wanted her so bad, yet I had to hold back. I had never wanted a woman like this… and I couldn’t have her… not even a taste. Double damn.


Crap, even her voice was so darn sexy.

Slowly lifting my eyes away from her lips, our eyes locked again before I went for the kill. “Did you love that guy you were with, Em?”

She looked nervous as she nodded. “Unfortunately, yes.”

I knew she had, but it was good to hear her say it to me. That way we didn’t mis-communicate. “I knew you did. I just needed confirmation. Thank you for your honesty.”

With a heavy sigh, I got out of the car and rounded towards her side of the door, opening it for her. She instantly took my outstretched hand and allowed me to help her out of the car.

She was staring at me like she was… fascinated. “Bass, I think you’re great, but I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for. Everything’s complicated with me right now.”

I did know and I greatly appreciated her candidness, again. She didn’t cower behind the fact that I could simply decide to walk away the second she told me that she wasn’t over her ex. Women chased me, so liars were always bountiful and I’d had more than my fill.

Emma Anderson, on the other hand, simply couldn’t care less that I was Bass Cole. My admiration grew. Holding up her chin, I forced her to look deeply into my eyes, hoping she’d see the truth in them. “Aren’t we starting out as friends as we agreed upon? Don’t worry, Em.” I gently kissed her forehead, breathing in her scent for a little bit. “Be ready by five come Tuesday afternoon. I’ll see you then.” With a quick nod, I slid back inside my car and raced into traffic.

I basically had over forty-eight hours left, more or less, until I could see her again.

But who’s counting the hours?
I thought, grinning as I stepped on the gas pedal and shifted gears, using the full capacity of the car.

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