Under a Wild Sky (67 page)

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Authors: William Souder

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But the outbreak of the Civil War

Exhausted, his fragile nerves in ruins
Ibid., page 297.

In 1863, awash in debt
Lucy Audubon
, page 227.

That same year she also sold
Blaugrund and Stebbins (eds.),
John James Audubon
, page viii.

The committee organized for this purpose
Ibid. The exact purchase price was $4,230, or about $9 a drawing.

Two years after the purchase

For a time, Lucy lived by herself
Lucy Audubon
, page 227.

Spending most of her time alone
The Life and Adventures of John James Audubon
, page v. In his preface, Robert Buchanan states that the manuscript was delivered to him in 1867, and that it consisted “chiefly of extracts” from Audubon's journals. He said Lucy had had some help with the text—Herrick states that it was from a friend, the Reverend Charles Coffin Adams—but that it was overlong and in desperate need of revision.

She said she seemed to herself
Lucy Audubon to an unnamed relative, July 11, 1865. Quoted in Herrick,
Audubon the Naturalist
, vol. II, pages 301–2.

“It does seem to me”

She went by train, sitting and watching
Lucy Audubon
, page 229.

She thought rail travel pleasant enough

Feeble and nearly blind

Lucy's ashes were buried
From a transcript of Lucy Audubon's eulogy. (John James Audubon State Park Museum, Henderson, Kentucky.)

In 1839, just a year after completing
Williams, “Robert Havell, Junior.”

Before leaving England
The Double Elephant Folio
, page 390.

According to one story
Ibid., pages 390–91.

Somewhat corroded, they were recovered
Ibid. The part about the fire, at least, was true. (Herrick,
Audubon the Naturalist
, vol. II, page 267.)

Audubon had the surviving coppers removed
Audubon the Naturalist
, vol. II, page 268. Herrick's photograph of John Woodhouse's home on the Minnie's Land compound shows the shed where the coppers were stored.

The coppers ended up at
Ibid., pages 307–8.

Fewer than eighty of the original coppers
The Double Elephant Folio
, page 394.

As the prints were lifted
Personal observation.

It was almost surely fewer than two hundred
The Double Elephant Folio
, page 140.

Victor maintained that there were

The new owner was
From my friend Don Boarman, curator of the John James Audubon State Park Museum in Henderson, Kentucky.



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Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary at Mill Grove, Audubon, Pennsylvania

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

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Filson Club Historical Society, Louisville

Free Library of Philadelphia

Guildhall Library, London

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge

John James Audubon State Park and Museum, Henderson, Kentucky

Linnaean Society, Archives, London

Museum of Arts and Sciences, Center for Florida History, Daytona Beach

New-York Historical Society, New York City

Princeton University Library, Rare Books and Special Collections Department, Princeton

Royal Society Library, London

St. Paul Public Library, St. Paul, Minnesota


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