Under His Control (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

BOOK: Under His Control (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Under His Series Book #1

Alexa Davis


book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


© 2015 Alexa Davis




I felt terribly self-conscious as I walked into the
Trendy night clubs had never been
my style and neither had provocative clothes; but as my best friend Alyssa
reminded me, I was going to have to be willing to get out of my comfort zone if
I ever wanted to get anywhere as a reporter.
Tonight, I was as far as my comfort zone as possible!

I usually wore my auburn hair pulled back in a
conservative ponytail, but tonight I had left it loose and it hung down my back
in soft wavy curls.
Alyssa had done my
make-up, painting my pouty lips bright red, covering my peaches and cream
complexion with blush, and lining my green eyes with heavy mascara and smoky
eye shadow.

“I’m going to look like a tramp in all that goop!” I
had tried to resist, but she ignored my complaints and covered me with the make-up

“Don’t be ridiculous, Natalie!
The makeup won’t make look slutty, this dress
Alyssa teased and handed me the designer
dress she was letting me borrow from her closet.
“Everything you have makes you look like a
high-school principal or librarian.
want to attract this guy; not repel him.”

Sighing heavily, I slipped on the dress by Dior and
gasped at the image I saw reflected back at me in her full-length mirror.
The little black dress was extremely low cut,
with a plunging V cut neckline that showed more of my ample tits than it
The expensive and supple fabric
clung to me like a second skin, revealing every curve of my body in more detail
than I wanted, amplifying my cleavage and clearly showing my nipples protruding
The hemline of the dress was
dangerously short, barely covering my ass; although, I did like the way it made
my tan legs look long and lean, especially with the addition of her five-inch
Jimmy Choo shoes.
I looked like sex on
stilts, and the mere thought made me blush.

“How do I look?” I asked Alyssa, needing the opinion
of another girl and the support of my best friend.

Her hazel eyes narrowed as she appraised me, and her
blonde curls bobbed as she shook her head.
Crossing her arms across her chest, she frowned with disapproval and
said, “You’re going to have to take them off.”

“What?” I asked, feeling totally confused and more
than a little hurt.

She pointed at my panty line, which was clearly
visible through the clingy fabric of the dress, and said unabashedly, “The
granny panties.
They ruin the look of
the outfit. You’re going to have to take them off.”

I blushed bright pink and shook my head
“I can’t go out in public
with no underwear on!
Especially in a
dress this short!
The moment I sit down,
everyone will see my

“It’s called a
how are you going to use it to seduce this guy if you can’t even say it?”
Alyssa rolled her eyes at me in disgust.
She looked sexy as hell with her body squeezed
into a bright blue halter dress.
I knew
the club was going to be packed with women just as hot and experienced as she
was, and if I wanted a chance at getting near my target, I was going to have to
go prepared to play.

“Okay, they’re coming off,” I said and reluctantly
stripped off my favorite pair of cotton panties.
When I looked in the mirror at the smooth
curves of my firm buttocks, I had to admit that she was right, it did look a
lot sexier now.
Still, I knew I would be
more nervous than ever walking into the bar
Looking at Alyssa with my
green eyes begging, I said, “Don’t you have anything I can wear that will be
more appropriate?”

“Here, they still have the tag on them; never been worn.”
Alyssa tossed me what looked like a
headband, but turned out to be a black lace thong.
Grateful for even the most minimal coverage,
I snipped off the tag and pulled on the tiny garment.
It wasn’t much, but it did give me the comfort
of knowing that if I tried to sit on a barstool, no one would be able to give
me a gynecological exam.

“Thanks,” I sighed with relief.
Then I looked at her clock on the wall and
saw it was time to go.
“It’s eleven
He should just be arriving at Club
Let’s go.”

“Do you have everything?” Alyssa asked me, knowing how
forgetful I got when I was nervous.
peeked in my little black beaded handbag and saw I had my cell phone, rubber
gloves, and the usb port I needed to get the evidence that would make my career.

I’d been hired as a reporter for a prominent New York
newspaper, but for the past two years all anybody would ever let me do was
serve as a fact-checker and errand girl.
Every now and then my supervisor would let me write some stupid puff
piece about the latest baby elephant born at the zoo or something equally
frivolous, but I wanted to write hard news stories about the things that
I wanted to write about
politics, the economy, and things that affected the world and our daily
Unfortunately, nobody would take
me seriously until I got my first real story printed, but all the good stories
were given to proven reporters and I was stuck with the leftovers that nobody
It was infuriating, and I
complained to Alyssa that one day I would strike out on my own and get the news
story no one else could get; then they’d have to take me seriously as a
journalist and I’d finally get to report on the stories that mattered.

Well, after months of searching, I finally found
His name was Dante
He ran a
securities and surveillance company that was basically hired by executives to
protect their computers from hackers, but I’d discovered that he used his
business to secretly steal private information from foreign leaders and sell
the data to other governments, including our own.
It was a privacy violation of the worst kind,
not to mention treachery of our allies, and possibly even treason against our
own government.
I was shocked and
horrified, and I knew the American public would feel the same way.
This would be the story that could make my
career, but I couldn’t print it without hard evidence against Dante’s company and
to get it, I decided to go right to head of the snake, Dante himself.

With a little research, I found that he ran the whole
company right out his home, a penthouse apartment in Manhattan.
Unfortunately, it was a guarded fortress and
there was absolutely no way I was ever getting in unless he invited me
Well, I could think of only one
way of getting him to do that, and that meant going to the trendy night club
where he hung out every weekend, Club Raw
Weeks of surveillance had confirmed that he
went there every Friday night at eleven o’clock and left by midnight with a
different girl.
He took her home to his
apartment and she didn’t leave until the next morning.
I just had to make sure that this time I was
that girl.

My best friend Alyssa offered to do all the
surveillance inside the club for me for a couple of weeks, making friends with
the employees and learning everything she could about Dante, including what
kind of women he liked.
I was really
hoping she would say he tended towards quiet, conservative, hard-working women
like myself, but unfortunately, his preference seemed to be the sluttier the better.

“I don’t think I can go through with this.” I said to
Alyssa as we arrived at
where she had bribed one of the cocktail waitresses to let us in the back door.

“Yes you can.
just have to make him think you want him like you want this story.
Guys can’t resist a woman who makes them feel
desired; now go get him!
Your career
depends on it!”

Alyssa gave me a shove through the door and next thing
I knew, I was in a crowded nightclub surrounded by handsome men and sexy women,
all drinking, talking, and dancing to the pulsing beat of the music.
I felt awkward and out of place, but Alyssa’s
outfit must have done the trick of transforming me because no one looked at me
like I didn’t fit in.
In fact, all the
glances I got were clearly looks of lust and appreciation from the men and
jealousy from the women.
It helped boost
my confidence and gave me the courage I needed to follow through with my plan.

I spotted Dante easily.
His dark wavy hair was combed back in a sexy
style, and the gray suit he was wearing by Dolce and Gabbana was tailored to
show off his tall, muscular physique.
small cluster of women were fawning all over him by the bar, and I knew I’d
have to do something to stand out if I wanted him to notice me.
The question was what?

As I was standing at the edge of the bar trying to work
up the courage to get his attention, a guy with short cropped hair and bulging
muscles came up to me.
“Hey baby, I’m
What’s a fine thing like you
doing all alone?
What do you say I buy you
a drink and we go back to my place?”

“No thanks,” I smiled politely, but he ignored me and
ordered a couple of drinks from the bartender.
He handed one to me, clinked my glass with his in a toast and said, “To you
and me and one night stands.”

“No thanks,” I said again, this time without the smile
and set the glass pointedly onto the bar without taking a sip.

“That drink wasn’t cheap, and I don’t want it to go to
I suggest you drink it down and
then you and I can have a little fun on the dance floor before heading back to
my place.
What do you say?”

The beefy brute grabbed my arm with a painfully strong
grip, and I felt my heart start to pound.
Picking up my glass, I said, “I’m not cheap, either, and I don’t think I
should go to waste with an asshole like you.”

I threw the drink towards his face, but Craig was
surprising agile for a man of his size, and he dodged to the side, causing the
drink to splash all over the back of the customer behind him.

“You stupid bitch!
You’re not worth the hassle.”
glared and stalked away to harass some other poor girl.

Blushing furiously, I turned to the innocent man whose
suit jacket I had just ruined with my drink, crying out,

so sorry!
I was aiming for that guy next
to you!”

When he turned around, I realized with horror that it
was none other than Dante himself.
took off his wet jacket, then grinned at me and said, “That’s alright.
Usually a woman has to get to know me first
before she throws a drink in my face, but in your case, I guess I can make an
exception and do it the other way around.
I’m Dante

“I’m Natalie Jacobs.”
I held out my hand to him.
I could still feel my cheeks flushing bright
This night was already a
How could I seduce a guy by
pretending to be sexy and confident, when I’d already proven to him that I was
a spastic klutz?
I decided I’d be better
off just being myself.
Smiling at him
apologetically, I said, “I can pay to have that jacket dry-cleaned.
Well, actually the entire suit or the slacks
will fade at a different rate than the jacket.”

“Why, Miss Jacobs, are you trying to get me out of
We just met!” Dante said in mock
offense, clearly teasing me.
The joke
made me giggle and he grinned congenially and said, “I knew I could make you
Have a seat and I’ll buy you a
drink to replace the one you didn’t seem to like.
Then you tell me what happened that caused
you to give me a shower.”

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