Read Under the Midnight Stars Online

Authors: Shawna Gautier

Under the Midnight Stars (30 page)

BOOK: Under the Midnight Stars
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“It’s beautiful, Colt,” she said softly. “It’s all so beautiful.”

He gently placed both hands on either sides of her face. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he lowered his lips toward hers. He lingered just shy of touching them.

She stared deeply into his eyes, anticipating what was to come. “I’ve missed you today,” she whispered.

“I know,” he whispered back. “As you can see … I’ve been thinking about you all day too.” He lowered his hands to her waist, drew her close, and kissed her passionately.

Brielle’s mind swirled pleasurably as their tongues danced tenderly.

Swiftly Colt unzipped the back of her dress and slid the short sleeves from her shoulders.

Brielle felt the soft fabric slip down her body to puddle about her feet. Breathlessly, with an aching anticipation tingling deep inside, she eased off each shoe while simultaneously unbuttoning Colt’s white shirt. After the last button, she pulled it free from his jeans and slid it off his broad shoulders. It fluttered down to rest next to her dress.

Wasting no time, Colt quickly worked his way out of his boots and jeans and boxer briefs.

Together they stood, admiring each other’s naked beauty, their skin illuminated by candlelight, their eyes reflecting their love.

Colt encircled his arms about her waist and drew her close. He lowered his lips to hers and hovered just beyond touch. “I love you, Brielle,” he whispered huskily.

Her heart melted as the heartfelt words warmed her lips. She gently rubbed the tip of her nose across his. “I love you too, Colt.”

With that, he guided her to the soft quilt and covered her bare body with his. Together, they loved like they had never loved before … kissing passionately … caressing sensually … And when they could stand it no longer, Colt thrust himself deep into Brielle’s womanhood, satiating their innermost desires, again and again, grunting, moaning, writhing, both bucking their hips together in ecstasy, until their minds, bodies, and souls were screaming for release … Finally, their inner cores exploded with pleasure, causing them both to clutch each other tightly as Colt emptied himself completely within the woman he loved, and Brielle shook with rhythmic waves … Breathlessly, love spent, they lay together, enjoying each other’s closeness, enjoying each other’s heart…

Colt rolled to his side and pulled Brielle to his chest. He gently stroked her silky hair as they stared at the night sky.

She smiled and snuggled closer to his chest. Billions of bright twinkling stars were raining their magnificence upon them. She’d seen this very sky at least a hundred times before, but it had never been as glorious as it had been tonight. It was as if she had just discovered this vast marvelous universe for the very first time.

“I feel so beautiful right now, Colt,” she whispered.

“I know exactly what you mean. I couldn’t be happier right now, Brielle,” he said huskily. “I’ve never been this happy. I love you, with all my heart and soul, and I wanna love you forever.”

Her heart filled with awe. She lifted her gaze to his golden eyes. “Then I’ll just have to let you love me forever,” she whispered as she leaned her lips toward his.

He obliged her with a long, loving kiss before he turned his gaze back to the stars. “Look at that star right there,” he urged gently.

Eager to see what had caught his eye, she turned her attention back to the night sky. In the middle of the sky, in the palm of Colt’s extended hand, was a black velvet box housing a sparkling half-carat diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds on either side, each one growing smaller than the next, until they disappeared along the backside of the white-gold band. She gasped at the unexpected surprise.

“Marry me, Brielle,” he whispered huskily, nervously, holding the twinkling sign of his love above her as the candlelight reflected each cut of diamond brilliantly.

At that moment her heart filled with more love than she had ever thought possible. Tears filled her eyes. She’d wished hundreds of times over and over, under the same night sky, that her hero would swoop down from the heavens and whisk her away to the most magical place on earth. And now her wish had finally come true.

“Oh Colt,” she whispered shakily, placing a hand over her heart, “yes … yes, I’ll marry you.”

He exhaled a light sigh of relief before he pulled the ring from the box and set the empty container aside.

Brielle bit her lower lip and held up her trembling hand.

Gently, he grabbed her hand to steady it and slid the ring over her finger. It fit perfectly. Then he cupped her chin and led her sweet soft lips back to his, to seal their loving commitment with another deep, yet gentle kiss … But that was hardly enough for him. In one swift move he rolled on top of her, and together they shared their true feelings of love for one another once more…

Exhausted, happy, fulfilled, Brielle snuggled into Colt’s chest. She held her left hand up against the universe, admiring the stars of her own that she could now keep with her day and night, forever.

Colt chuckled slightly and pulled her close. He kissed the top of her head. “I take it you approve of the ring I picked out for you?”

“Oh, I approve very much.” She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “All I need is your love, and you go and give me the universe.”

“You deserve it, and so much more.” He let his hand slide over her abdomen. “Plus, you’re giving me a baby, and the universe is all I could think of to top that.”

She giggled softly and rested her chin on his chest to gaze into his eyes. “I love you so much, Colton Tayler … so much so that it aches when we’re apart.”

He grinned and tucked a loose wisp of hair behind her ear. “I know, baby. I know.”

Sighing contently, she snuggled back into the crook of his arm. “So how long did it take you to place all of these candles anyway? It must’ve taken you all day.”

“Well, lucky for me, your brother has connections.” He smiled smugly.

Though she appreciated the effort, as generous as the gesture was, she couldn’t help but be slightly humiliated. “So, you mean the entire fire department and Jack knows what we’re up to here tonight?”

He chuckled and held her tighter in an attempt to ease her insecurities. He grabbed the hand donning her ring and held it up to the universe. “You see, you just have to look at the bigger picture here, and be happy that I didn’t have to place all of these candles by myself.”

She giggled. “I suppose you’re right. But how are we gonna gather them all back up?”

“We’ll worry about that later. But in the meantime—” He stood and helped her to her feet. “—let’s go home and get some sleep.” He gathered her shoes and slid them over her feet. Then he quickly donned his boots, followed by his hat.

Watching as Colt stood before her wearing nothing but his boots and his hat, she couldn’t help but giggle. Then she looked down the length of her own naked body. “We’re walking back as naked as jay birds?”

He grinned and gathered their clothing and the discarded ring box. “We sure are. I like you better with no clothes on.”

She winked. “Right back at ya, sweetheart.”

Together, hand in hand, they moseyed home.


Brielle’s eyes fluttered open at the crack of dawn, when the familiar calling of a rooster woke her. For a moment she expected her father to knock on her bedroom door to tell her that breakfast was ready.

Groggily, she yawned and stretched, staring out of the window at the dimly lit horizon. Realizing she was in Colt’s room, and that her father would never call her for breakfast again, her heart grew heavy. But as she recalled last night’s events, a smile quickly replaced her heartache. It wasn’t a dream. It was real. She was getting married to the man who held her heart.

She gazed dreamily at her engagement ring, and then reached beside her to touch Colt. He wasn’t there. Disappointed, she climbed out of bed and donned his white shirt draped over the bench at the foot of the bed. She buttoned most of the buttons on the oversized shirt, leaving the top two provocatively undone, before she made her way downstairs.

Smelling the sweet aroma of pancakes, she hurried to the kitchen, delighted to see Colt setting a platter of pancakes down at the dining table. “Good morning.” She beamed merrily.

“It is a good morning.” Colt grinned devilishly, running his eyes over her sparse attire. He pulled her close and hungrily planted his lips on hers. He slid his hands under her shirt and across her creamy bare buttocks.

“Mmm,” he groaned. “You’re completely naked under there. I was hoping to feed you first, but now I can’t wait.” He lifted her and set her on the countertop.

She tensed and gasped at the icy jolt. Then she giggled.

“Sorry about that.” He grinned, then kissed her hungrily as he fumbled with his belt buckle and jeans.

Brielle’s desire awakened immediately. Kissing him fervently, she unbuttoned his shirt and eagerly slid it from his body. She relished the feel of his taut muscular chest under her roaming fingertips.

Quickly, he slid his jeans and underwear to his knees and positioned her silky moist womanhood over his stout erection.

She tensed at the tingly anticipation of his tip touching her opening. He continued to kiss her hungrily and carefully pushed his manhood into her.

They both moaned at the intense erotic pleasure.

Then he thrust himself into her over and over, again and again.

Clinging to him, Brielle tipped her head back in the throes of passion, moaning at the mounting pleasure overtaking her being.

Colt kissed her neck, leaving a wet trail down her cleavage. And with one swipe of his fingers, he unbuttoned the top button of her shirt and slid it off her shoulders, letting her creamy supple breasts reveal themselves before him. Closing his mouth over one pink nipple, he flicked it unmercifully with his tongue before tending equally to the other.

She moaned at the heightened sensation of electric current that seemed to connect her tingling nipples straight to the core of her womanhood. Crying aloud, she shuddered as she peaked into explosive spasms, satiating the wanton desire deep within.

Colt groaned and gritted his teeth as he spilled into the contracting waves of her silken walls.

Breathlessly, they held each other until they both regained their senses…

Colt chuckled slightly and kissed the crook of her neck. “Are you ready for breakfast now?”

A satisfied smile crossed her face. After taking in a deep breath and exhaling, she nodded. “Sure, we’ll take a little break over breakfast before I let you ravish me again.”

Grinning, he opened the top drawer next to him and grabbed a cotton dish towel. “I would love nothing more than to make love to you all day, baby, but—” He paused momentarily as he eased her feet to the floor and carefully slid out of her, wiping her gently with the cloth before tending to himself. “—we have a busy day ahead of us.”

She frowned. “What? What is there that’s more important than celebrating our engagement?”

“Planning our wedding tonight.” He winked casually.

She gasped, wide-eyed. “What?
” She assumed she’d have at least a couple of months to prepare for their wedding. It took careful planning. And what about a cake and her dress? And the food and decorations? And the marriage license and the pastor? And the invitations? Her mouth hung open in utter silence as her thoughts continued to reel out of control.

Colt kissed her on the forehead and eased her into a chair at the dining table. “Now, I know what you’re thinking.” He stuck a fork into the stack of pancakes, catching two, and flopped them on the plate in front of her. “But just hear me out. I figured that with all of the stress you’ve been under with everything that’s happened” — he slathered her pancakes in syrup and handed her a fork — “and since we have to think about what’s best for the baby too, I took it upon myself and Jack to plan it.”

Famished, Brielle dug into her pancakes. She ate heartily while she waited patiently for a detailed explanation of his plans.

Colt sat adjacent to her at the head of the table and dished himself a stack of pancakes. “I thought that maybe we could get married tonight. Jack talked to the pastor that spoke at your father’s funeral, and he’s free to marry us tonight at the creek. And I thought if we just kept it small, you know, Jack will be there, of course, and other folks we know. Jack invited Amy and Richard Collins. He said you wouldn’t mind.”

She noticed Colt’s uncertainty. “It’s all right, Colt. Mr. Collins isn’t to blame for anything. He’s just as hurt as we are. I think it’s a nice gesture.”

He exhaled with relief. “Good. Jack was sure you wouldn’t mind. Anyway, of course the fire department wants to be there since they set up all the candles. Along with their families. Plus, they see you and Jack as family. And I invited Zeke and his wife. Jack already notified Mimi and Emmit. And if there’s anyone else you can think of?”

Her heart melted. She had always dreamed of planning her own wedding, but she had never imagined in a million years that she would be happier having it planned for her. Colton Tayler was the most handsome, manly, caring, and romantic man she had ever met. And after tonight, he would be a part of her forever … and she couldn’t wait.

He studied her expression before digging into his breakfast. “Oh, and I know you’re worried about all the details. Jack went into town and ordered a cake already. He says you’ll like what he picked out. And the firefighters are taking care of the reception dinner. You know how they like to barbecue. Amy and Richard said they’d come over today and help decorate the backyard a little. You know, string some lights. Set up a few tables and chairs and what not. And I called the florist. She’ll be bringing out a few different bouquets of flowers for you to choose from this afternoon. Oh, and I know you’re probably thinking about a dress. But I thought…”

He stood and disappeared into the laundry room off the back wall of the kitchen and returned within seconds holding her mother’s white summer dress. “I love you in this dress, Brielle. It fit you perfectly in every way possible. You looked like an angel descending from heaven last night when you walked down that hill, and I can’t imagine seeing you any other way tonight.”

BOOK: Under the Midnight Stars
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