Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance) (38 page)

BOOK: Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)
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Chapter 3


“Well, I have to admit that was a really nice dinner… err date, did you call it?” I grinned as I pushed myself to my feet.”

“Are you leaving?”

Did he sound disappointed or was that just me? I felt guilt tug at me.

“Yea, I have a busy week ahead of me.” There was supposed to be a dragon I was catching, but you know first I needed to take it up with my bosses why they wanted him.

John raised an eyebrow. “Really? What’s so pressing?”

“Some questions that need to be answered.” He let out a deep breath; clearly he didn’t realize what I was saying. He opened his mouth but I cut him off. “I’m not going to try to take you in with me; I’m going to try to figure out why they want you.”

“Natalie, you’re going to get yourself in trouble if you go asking those kinds of questions.”

“Do you think trouble scares me?” I raised an eyebrow. I knew it was a stupid move and I knew I could be risking a lot but that didn’t take away from the fact that I had to do it. I wasn’t sure why really… there was just… something. I couldn’t bring him into danger.

Not him.

I wasn’t sure why but guilt overwhelmed me whenever I thought about it. I easily could have caught him off guard so many times tonight. I easily could have drugged him and called in backup. But I hadn’t. Because there was something about him that I couldn’t shake; and I don’t like being lied to. But I didn’t add that part out loud.

“Natalie, the people you work for… they are dangerous.”

that.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to run away and hide.”

“I never said you would.” He stepped towards me. “But you can’t do it alone.”

“What, you’re going to help?”


I stared at him in shock for a couple seconds, then a snide laugh escaped me. “How are you going to help? I’m supposed to be bringing you in but I’m not until I get the answers I need, so tell me- how are you going to help?”

“I can protect you.”

“No. No, no, no. I don’t need you to protect me.” I shook my head. “Thank you but no.”

“God dammit, Natalie. You’re a pack animal.” My mouth fell open as he called me an animal. “You understand the value of having a pack, having someone to help keep you safe. Let me help.”

My eyes narrowed. Animal. How dare he call me an animal?

“You’re such a god damn drama queen.” I hadn’t actually planned on going
the office to talk to them. I shook my head. “Fine, you want to protect me you can stand outside the door while I make a phone call.”

I’d just said those things so he’d leave me alone; let me do it on my own. I may be a ‘pack animal’ but I wasn’t interested in being taken care of. I didn’t need help and I didn’t want it. Having help made things complicated. As nice as it was he was trying to help me, as cool as it was he wanted to…. From my experience more than one person trying to solve an issue just made it worse.

I bit my lip trying not to let my emotions get take a hold of me. The wolf screamed to get out, to let the emotions take control.

John reached out and grabbed my hand. I stared at him, wondering if I should pull away. Half of me said yes, no
yes. The other half… well the other half wanted him closer. I bit my lip.

He stepped towards me and reached for my hip. “Natalie…” He trailed off as his green eyes locked on mine.

Oh god this wasn’t good. My entire body flushed. I bit my lip knowing I should look away; but the wolf in me wouldn’t let it happen. So I just stared at him.

He closed the distance between us. I was so close I could smell the pizza and beer on his breath. With a shaky hand I reached out and touched his chest. I could feel his heart racing under my palm.  

Our lips were inches away. It took me a couple seconds to realize it had been my doing that brought our lips so close. Before I could think about it I kissed him.

Warm, soft, and full of life. His lips didn’t move at first, my eyes fluttered shut for a second.
What the hell was I doing? Even if I wasn’t going to kill him I couldn’t get involved with a mark. Even if the S.I.B was lying to me. I pulled away.

He grabbed me, pulling me back into his arms, his lips crashing against mine. A soft moan escaped me before I even realized it.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to me as our kiss deepened. His teeth grazed my lower lip gently. My moan deepened as his hands traced their way lower and lower, over the covers of my body and down my hips. He grabbed my legs and pulled me up into his arms.

My dress lifted above my hips.

I gasped trying to pull away. It was too late. I was in the air and in his arms. My instincts kicked in. I was weak here and for once I wasn’t stronger than the man I was sleeping with.

His eyes locked on mine. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered as if he completely understood what I was feeling. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the wolf that wanted to get out and forced myself to nod.

“Can I kiss you now?” He gave me a soft smile.

My brain said yes, my instinct wouldn’t relax. It wanted to bite him so hard he let me go and then run away. No, I wasn’t running. I never had and I wasn’t about to start now.

Again I forced myself to nod.

I was the one in control of my body, not my wolf.

My lips lowered to his.

Warm, hot, and soft. His lips touched mine gently, letting me control the kiss this time. The wolf inside me settled a little, thankful to have some amount of control.

My fingers tangled into his hair. He gasped softly as my teeth grazed his lower lip. I felt my back hit the something as John moved, pressing me up against the wall. He pulled away, nipping my neck gently. My eyes rolled back as I arched. He pressed himself against me. My hips pressed deeper into him, trying anything I could to itch the part of my body that needed it. No, needed
All of a sudden nothing else mattered.

All of a sudden getting his clothes off was all that I cared about.

He pulled away from me, his eyes sparkling with lust. He stared at me, reached for my wrists and pinned them above my head. My legs wrapped around his hips, holding me in place.

“I want you.” His voice was thick with lust.  Oh god I wanted him too. “I want you right here, right now.”

“Let go of me.”

He stared at me, for a split second I was sure he looked hurt but he let go of my wrists. I adjusted myself, pulling my panties to the side. My eyes locked on him. “Have me.” I held my hands back out to him.

He looked from them, to my pussy, then into my eyes as he took my wrists and pinned them above my head.

I grinned as his teeth traced over my skin gently. He let go of my one hand and reached for his pants. I watched his every move as he unzipped his fly. Before he could reach for his cock I slipped my hand down his pants, my fingers curling around his thick member.

His eyes rolled back gently as I pulled his cock out, rubbing him gently as I guided his thick cock towards my pussy. I bit back a moan as I felt his head touch me.

He pushed into me without warning. I gasped, my eyes rolled back and I arched towards him. Pleasure and pain overwhelmed me. I bit back my cry.

He didn’t move until I’d relaxed. His eyes locked on mine. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. I was sure I’d never had someone his size in me, and I’d never had unprotected sex before- but I guess with both of us having a 2% chance of being able to spawn children condoms weren’t much safer.  He slipped out of me gently, his lips touching mine as he pushed back into me.

I moaned, this time it was more pleasure than pain.

Each one got more pleasurable and less painful than the last, each one made me cry out in joy and each thrust sent me closer to the edge- an edge I wasn’t ready to jump off of yet.

“Oh John.” I moaned his name, and honestly it felt right.

John thrust in and out of me, slowly getting faster and harder with every thrust; still careful with me. He thrust. Faster. Faster. His lips touched my cheek, then my ear lobe. His teeth nibbled gently. A shiver ran down my spine. My eyes rolled back.

“Oh god, yes.”

I moaned.

John pushed into me faster, faster and faster. I moaned louder.

I was so close I could hardly fight it. No. I didn’t want it yet.

“I’m so close.” I confessed.

“Come for me wolf.” He rasped, pushing into me faster and faster.

His words were enough to send me over the edge. He thrust faster and faster, his body tensing as he slammed into me, letting out something that resembled a growl.

I gasped and let out a scream as my body arched. Pleasure so intense shot through my body. Everything went a fuzzy white as my hips buckled as he thrust into me again. More pleasure flooded my body. I moaned; my breath getting caught in my lungs as I tried to tell him how good it felt. He pushed into me again, pinning me against the wall. Another surge of pleasure, this time smaller; then another and another. Each time smaller and smaller.

Finally my body relaxed, finally I forced my eyes open. I blinked twice to readjust myself to the lighting and found him staring at me, a grin spread across his face. I returned it.

He let go of my wrists and pulled out of me before his arms slipped around my hips and he began to move.


“I’m taking you to bed.” He said before letting me finish my sentence.

I was too tired to fight with him about it. My head rested against his shoulders. He carried me into the room and lay me down on the bed.

I watched as he unbuttoned his shirt. My eyes widened as I watched him slide it over his shoulders. Not because of his abs or his muscular chest but because of the scar running from his shoulder to his pec. He caught me looking, a sad smile spread across his face. “SIBs are the first ones to try and ask me questions.” Was all he said, but it explained everything.

I reached out and touched his shoulder. Was this really what they wanted? I bit my lip. How could I turn him over to them if they would do this to him?

I tried to look away but couldn’t. I just stared at the thick, white scar. I felt like I wanted to puke. 

He pushed himself off the bed. “But that’s long in the past.”

I couldn’t do it to him. I couldn’t turn him in. Not after seeing that. I knew I should still confront my agency about it. I would, but today wasn’t the day.

“So what are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?” He turned to stare at me.

“Well you can’t stay here. I’ll need to make something up, tell them you caught on to me and left. That I went to search your house and there was no sign of you. You’ll have to give your business up. You’ll have to give everything up; you know that right?”

“But at least we’ll be alive.”

Yes. Alive and that will be it, I’ll never see him again, I’ll never touch him again. I swallowed dryly. It was stupid how much that depressed me.

“And even if it means we have to leave the country it’s not a big deal; after all it’s not like I have anyone keeping me here.”

We? What did he mean by we? I opened my mouth to ask, then it sank in.

“You… you expect me to go with you?”

“Well I thought you would. It’s not like you can go back to the S.I.B. and tell them you failed.”

Why not? I’d done it before.

I was about to protest but then I realized maybe he was right. I’d failed before, but never on anything this important.

“So, where do you want to go?” He asked, a grin spreading over his face.

“Well, I’ve always wanted to see Ireland.”

“A lovely place.” He nodded. “I’ll pack now; we’ll leave in three hours.”

“Three hours?!” How was I supposed to be packed by then? I had a life to take care of. I paused. On the other hand, it’s not like I had that many clothes to pack, or things, except my books and I kept most of them in the storage locker I borrowed from a friend.

I closed my eyes. “Alright fine, but we gotta make a stop at my hotel room before we leave.” There we had it.

I was ready to go.




All in all I had to admit it wasn’t bad.

I pushed myself up from the makeshift bed and wrapped the thin sheet around me as I walked out to the entrance of the cave. Yes, we’d gone with a cave.  John had seemed to think it would be funny, considering our animal forms.

John was nowhere to be seen, which was common these days. It had been 75 years since he was in his dragon form so he was glad to be able to get out and stretch his wings. Of course Ireland wasn’t a bad place to do it either; as long as we stayed in the less populated parts.

It had been three months since we left and so far no one had come after us. We didn’t head into town very often; and in all honesty I was beginning to get sick of being here all the time but John promised me in a year we’d start getting out more. We’d let them try to track us and give up; then we’d start getting out more and after a ‘few years’ as he put it, we’d be able to live our lives normally. I just couldn’t help but wonder how we were going to be able to afford a place in those few years.

True, I was standing behind a pile of gold and gems but something told me John wouldn’t be parting with them.


The End

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