Unexpected Ride (23 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Avery

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Unexpected Ride
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“Just ignore her, Ben.  If you let her know that what she does and says makes you mad, she’ll just keep doing it,” Matt advised.

After a few last minute checks that everybody was ready they all headed downstairs and out the back door toward the beach.  Seeing Tommy and Bobby dressed much the same as Chuck and the boys plus wearing equally grim expressions made Greg smile.  Bobby passed off the infant in his arms to Sherri Simons after she handed Greg a packet of tissues.  Sherri then went and found a seat.  Tommy handed Melody off to Becca and then joined them as well. 

“Enjoy it while you can, buddy… soon enough Carla will have you doing shit you would never dreamed of too… mark my words,” Bobby said to Greg.  “Though I doubt anyone is quite as whipped as

Though they didn’t know it, Carla already had Greg eating out of her hand.  Since the weekend they’d spent in this very house, when she had finally said the three words he had wanted to hear so badly, everything between them had changed.  Most of the changes were for the better. 

The only part that hadn’t changed was that while all the other guys in this group were in committed relationships with the woman they loved, he was reduced to scheduling time with Carla.  Each time he tried to bring up the subject of taking their relationship to the next level… be that moving in together or even
… she always said the same thing.

“It’s just not a good time right now.”

Greg could only hope that once this wedding was over maybe it
would be
a better time and he could get what
heart desired most…
Carla by his side.

“Hey, man, this was the better of the two outfits she picked out!” Chuck said in his own defense to the other guys.

“You need to grow a set, man… Bobby’s right… she’s got you by the short hairs,” Tommy laughed at Chuck just before Gretchen made it to the sand and reached Chuck’s side.

The little girl was cute wearing a one piece swimsuit with a tiny floral wrap around her waist that acted as a skirt of sorts and flip flops with a big flower on each one.  Her hair was braided down the back and hung to one side of her neck with a flower matching the ones on her flip flops on the other side of her head just above her ear.  Aside from the dirty looks she was giving Matt and Ben she was absolutely adorable.

The guys had made a wooden boardwalk aisle and platform of sorts that would make it easier for Meredith to get to the decorated canopy that had been set up on the beach to house the young couple during the ceremony.  White wicker chairs had been placed on each side of the aisle.  Matt would unroll a runner down the boardwalk and Ben would follow after with a large open clam shell that held a small pillow containing the rings.

After winning the staring contest with the boys, Gretchen finally looked away from the two of them and up at Chuck and said, “Are you ready to promise to love and obey Ms. Meredith now, my Chuckie?”

This brought forth howls of laughter from Tommy and Bobby.  Attempting to ignore them, Chuck took Gretchen’s hand and headed up the boardwalk with the tiny girl trailing behind him staring at the rows of people on either side until they stopped underneath the canopy. 

The wedding was a small, private affair with only close friends and family.  Greg knew most of the guests there except for people from Doug’s family and a few of Meredith and Carla’s friends. 

The crowd quieted down when Tommy and Bobby followed Chuck under the canopy and then stood next to Gretchen.  When all of the guests figured out that the little girl who stood holding the groom’s hand was acting as his best man rather than a flower girl, a collective sigh of adoration was followed by whispering. 

Greg paused to look at the image the guys made.  Even in the completely uncharacteristic outfits they wore there was no mistaking either their masculinity or the deep friendship they all shared.

He made his way to the front row to sit next to Carla.  Upon seeing the tears swimming in her eyes already, he pulled the small pack of tissues out of his pants pocket that Sherri Simons had given him and offered her one.  She smiled at him and took his offering just as Lilly Jackson made it down to the sand. 

She was dressed in similar fashion to Gretchen, though her wrap was decorated with a different kind of flowers.  She looked amazing for having given birth only five weeks prior.  She walked down the aisle and winked at Bobby before taking her place on the opposing side of where the guys stood.

Dana Atkinson was next.  She was dressed the same with yet another type of flower on her wrap and she took her place next to Lilly.  Next to join the group was a friend of Meredith’s from college named Ashley that came by the house from time to time to hang out. 

A disgruntled noise escaped both Tommy and Bobby followed by snickers from Lilly and Dana as Meredith finally exited the house on Dickie’s arm.  Unlike themselves, Dickie wore jeans and a button up shirt.

Their displeasure at having to wear the outfits Meredith had chosen when Dickie did not have to was quickly replaced with a smile upon seeing the glowing woman on the older man’s arm.  Meredith had talked often about an idea she had that by getting married on the beach her father’s presence would be there. 

If that was in anyway true, then Greg knew that Doug Johnson must be a proud man right about now.  Meredith was beautiful and wore a smile that was only outdone by the sun that chose that moment to shine through the clouds.

Meredith looked up at the sun and then at Dickie and said something that caused the older man to put an arm around her shoulders. The bride to be rested her head on his shoulder briefly before the two of them started toward the beach. 

From an outsider looking in, the whole scene might seem weird but to Greg he understood the whole story and was happy that Dickie could be there for the young woman on her special day.

Unafraid and glowing like the beacon from a lighthouse, Meredith stepped onto the boardwalk in a light crème colored sleeveless gown that looked like it might have been made from some type of crinkled linen fabric that hit her just below the knee. 

It was unusual and stunning against her sun bronzed skin.  Looking back quickly Greg watched as a grin broke out on Chuck’s face when his gaze met Meredith’s.

Love, happiness and forever were etched on the faces of the young couple and as Meredith made her way down the aisle Greg looked down at Carla standing next to him.  On Carla’s face shown pride and a bittersweet smile.  So Greg gently placed his hand on her shoulder to support her as she watched her only daughter be given away.  She glanced at him again with a question in her eyes.

Leaning down Greg said quietly against her hair, “I have no doubt he sees her… she was right.” 

With that Greg handed the soft hearted woman he loved another tissue.  He no longer felt like he was competing with a dead man’s memory but instead hoped to win the same affection from Carla that she’d held for her first husband. 

The fact of the matter was for the first time he felt how much the man had lost that day in addition to his life.  This was one of those irreplaceable moments but if he were in Doug Johnson’s place, he’d be here.  So there was no doubt in Greg’s mind that the man was here, in spirit if not in body.

The ceremony went off without a hitch and neither the bride nor the groom promised to obey the other.  This caused several snickers including one from Carla who at some point during the ceremony had slipped her small hand into his. 

When Nathan Patterson proudly announced the newly wedded couple the cheers from the crowd were heartfelt, loud and followed by laughter at Gretchen who was dancing around in her excitement.

Tables had been set up underneath a single large awning further down the beach.  After congratulating the happy couple the guests walked along the beach and found a table to sit at for the reception.  It was a slightly informal affair but beautiful and definitely represented the couple well.  As evening fell paper lantern globes were lit which added to the romantic feel of the night.

Chuck and Meredith were all smiles and laughter as they made their way from table to table visiting with guests and family.  After sharing a dance together on a makeshift dance floor that the guys had also put together because sand was a little tricky for Meredith to maneuver around on, Chuck danced with Gretchen while Meredith showed off her dancing skills with Tommy.  Soon enough, the entire wedding party was up dancing.  It was hard not to be taken in by the happy couple until you forgot yourself and joined right in on the fun.

Greg was able to get Carla to dance with him after she introduced him to her former in-laws who smiled approvingly at him.  While he had hoped to hear from Sergeant Miller before the couple left for their honeymoon, it wasn’t looking like that was going to happen.  Now that the money had been found and Jarrod had pled guilty to a lesser charge to avoid potentially doing even more time, Greg had hoped to get the funds released so he could present it to Chuck and Meredith as a wedding present. 

Knowing that the majority of the funds were there would be a real relief to them both but knowing how the law worked Greg didn’t want to open his mouth until he had the money in his hands.

Though Carla refused to ride with him, Greg rode his new custom motorcycle with the group when they left the beach house to take the newly wedded couple to the airport.  Carla instead drove her car that was loaded up with the luggage along with Gretchen and the boys who insisted on coming along to watch the airplanes. 

Tommy had taught Dana to ride and she would be bringing Tommy’s bike back from the airport while he rode Chuck’s bike.  Sherri had offered to keep both Melody and the newest addition to the clan while they were gone. 

By the time the airplane actually taxied out for takeoff all three kids had to be woken up to watch.  This resulted in Gretchen having to be carried out of the airport by her dad after insisting she was too tired to walk.  Ben was also looking like he was about to fall over but Greg knew his shoulder couldn’t handle the stout little guy. 

Saving him from having to admit that fact or even say anything, Bobby stepped up instead and hefted Ben over his shoulder.  Matt had insisted on walking and by the time the group made it back to the beach house Greg insisted that the boys and Carla stay there with him for the night.

The boys were asleep in the spare room before the last car pulled out of the driveway.  It had been a great day and he knew that Carla was tired so he offered her one of his t-shirts and she was also asleep within minutes. 

He lay awake for a few moments enjoying the feeling of her leg draped over his and her slender arm across his chest.  To have this every night was just a dream up to this point because it had never been the right time. 
Would it be the right time now?

When he awoke to the feel of her in his arms, it was even better than having fallen asleep with her.  She had felt good in his arms even back in New York the first time she’d spent the night with him.  This third time had him realizing that he couldn’t let her leave again with shoes in hand.

“Are you awake, beautiful?” he asked quietly.

“Yes… I was just lying here enjoying you before I get the boys up for breakfast,” she whispered against his chest.  “You feel amazing… so warm.”

“You could have this every morning… all you have to do is say the word,” he replied.  “Marry me, Carla.  Give me a chance to make you happy.”

Sighing heavily she said, “If only it were that easy.”

“Why isn’t it that easy?” he asked.

Looking up at him she said, “Becca didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” he replied.

“Chuck used the money from the sale of his first two paintings to pay off the mortgage on the house.  I can’t just move them out and you in.  The original lease on his apartment is up now and the landlord wants him out.  Even Becca’s continued threats to take that judgmental bastard to court can’t buy Chuck more time now that the lease is up.  I feel like I need to let them stay at the house as long as they want or need to after they spent every dime they had to help me out.  Do you understand that?” she said.  “It has nothing to do with not loving you and not wanting to be with you but I feel like I should either give them the house and find a place of my own first or… something.”

“Is that why you keep turning me down?” he asked in disbelief.

“That and…” she said and then quit talking and instead snuggled up closer to him.

“Tell me, Carla.  Whatever it is I’ll do what I have to in order to be with you,” he persuaded.

“I know you’re not in law enforcement anymore but you’ve simply replaced one danger with another one and I can’t bear to lose another husband… I just can’t,” she explained in a rush.

“Hey… hey… what makes you think I’m in any danger?” he asked.

“Your motorcycle!  You ride it really well, I can see that… but other drivers…” she said.  “I saw that guy pull out in front of Bobby yesterday and I… if something happened to you,” she finished in a whisper.

“Life is one big game of chance, Carla. 
There are no guarantees.
  The only thing I can promise you is that as long as I’m on this earth and you want me… my heart is yours.  How long I’ve got on this earth isn’t up to me.  I have to believe that because there is no other explanation on why instead of killing me that bullet only messed up my shoulder and forced me out of a job.  I should have died that night… you heard the doctor before they took me back to surgery,” he said.  “That motorcycle… those guys at the shop… they have given me another option besides carrying a gun and a badge.  I like working at the shop and I love my bike.  If you love me then you have to love my hopes, dreams and goals too… even if they change from time to time.  I love you because you’re a middle aged mother of three…
… going to college for the first time.”

Even though Carla didn’t reply her heart was listening… he could
it.  He only hoped that for once instead of busting his balls in court, his sister’s chosen profession would

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