Unexpected Ride (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Avery

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Unexpected Ride
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“How’s the baby and Lilly?” he asked.

“They’re both doing great… healthy and happy.  How were the boys?  Did they behave themselves for you?” she asked in return.

“Perfect angels,” he grinned and then picked up a piece of paper from the side table between the two chairs and handed it to her.  “Meet Ben’s new coach.”

“What?” she asked, taking the paper and scanning it briefly.  It was a notification that two additional coaches were needed for the football league as soon as possible.

“This is a pretty big commitment and for at least six weeks…” she started.

“I called Dickie and he’s in as well.  I figure I’ll call tomorrow and find out what’s required to sign us both up,” Greg interrupted.  “I mean, what else am I going to do with my time now that I’m retired?  I’m only forty five!”

“If you’re trying to impress me… you don’t need to do
,” she argued, waving the paper at him.

Frowning at her, he said, “I’m doing this because Chuck and Meredith don’t have the time right now and besides… Ben asked
… not

“I figured you would stay in New York after the premiere… how long are you planning on staying down here?” she asked.  Six weeks was a long time to be pelted with his good looks on a regular basis.

“I’m renting the beach house from Becca for a while.  With her down here now and me retired… there’s not much to keep me in New York,” he smiled. 
God that smile.
  “Matt’s going to be my assistant so I figure since I’ll have them both three nights a week for practice… it effectively takes care of your sitter needs.  How’s that for impressing you?”

For someone who had never wanted kids to sign up to be a football coach for six and seven year old boys was not only surprising but probably not a good idea.  Even Doug had never volunteered for those types of things, mostly because with his job there hadn’t been time, but also because he had known his limitations. 

Greg had no idea what he was in for.  He would figure that out much like he had while caring for baby Melody.

By the following Thursday evening before she left for class, Greg and Dickie were both signed up and would be working with Ben’s team.  Carla felt a little better knowing at least there would be the two of them to deal with all those little boys on the team, rather than just Greg having to adjust on his own.  After class she hurried home to find Greg and the boys eating grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob at the table while discussing the first football practice.  She was a little surprised that not only had he made it through meeting all the boys on the team but had managed to make dinner as well.

“Dana called and asked if the boys would be staying with them this weekend.  I told her I’d have you call her when you got home,” he said after she made herself a plate and sat down at the table with them.

Carla had expected there to be all sorts of issues with dinnertime, homework, showers or getting to bed on time but the boys seemed to adjust well to her being gone for class… even with football practice.  Though things were done differently than before she started school, the boys had adjusted in relatively little time and didn’t seem to be put out, at least not as much as she had anticipated. 

She had just started to think that Greg was a natural family man regardless of his comment about not wanting kids, when cleaning up after dinner she found a hand written note from Chuck in the trash that included a suggestion for grilling hamburgers for dinner.

After calling Dana back and setting up a time to drop the boys off the following evening, Carla went upstairs to tuck the boys in for the night.  She decided it was high time to ask what they really thought of Greg, since the two of them had been spending a large amount of time with him recently.  Entering Matt’s room first, she was surprised to find him holding a small video camera and watching the screen intently.

“Where did you get that, Matt?” she asked.

“Greg got it for me to use to record the practices with so we can study the plays and see how to help the team get better,” he explained.

“You should have given it back to him before he left,” she said.

“No, he said I should hang on to it and learn how to use it real good so I could make movies with it,” he replied.  “Don’t worry I’ll be really careful with it.”

Hearing the excitement in her middle son’s voice made her feel a little guilty.  Between Meredith’s injuries after the accident and Ben being the youngest, Matt often got squeezed out.  It wasn’t that Carla cared any more for the other kids or any less for Matt but he was less needy than the other two.  If not for Chuck and now Greg it would seem it was quite possible for Matt to simply get lost in the craziness of their lives. 

“Did you have fun at Ben’s practice this afternoon,” she coaxed.

“Yea, I showed Greg some videos on the computer of other little kids playing football yesterday and he said recording the practices and games would be a good idea.  So after school today we went to the store and he told me to pick a camera because he doesn’t know anything about them, so I picked this one and I taped the first practice already.  I helped Ben with his homework while Greg was making dinner so I didn’t get a chance to copy it on to the computer so he told me to just hang on to it since I’m better at operating it anyways,” Matt explained.

Sitting down on Matt’s bed, she watched the video on the tiny screen over his shoulder and was amazed at how clear it was and how well Matt had captured the events of practice.  While Ben might have a natural talent at football, obviously Matt’s gifts lay in the realm of technology.  He voluntarily put the camera away after they watched most of the video.

“Looks like Greg handled all the kids pretty well,” she again coaxed.

“They like him… Ben and I do too.  He’s fun and smart about boy stuff,” Matt supplied.

After tucking Matt in and turning off his light she headed down the hall to Ben’s room and found her youngest fast asleep.  Bending down, she kissed his little cheek and pulled the blanket out from around him in order to tuck him in more comfortably. 

Clutched in his little hands was the hard football that Greg had bought for him to replace the softer one they had been using.  The image brought home the idea that the boys needed a male figure in their lives.

While her father had been a huge help with the boys since Doug’s death, he wasn’t around them all the time.  Chuck, though equally helpful, was more like an older brother to them than any type of parental figure.  Greg recognized each of her boys’ strengths and weaknesses and tried to encourage the strengths and help them cope with the weaknesses…
like a parent.

Turning off Ben’s light, she headed back downstairs and stopped in the kitchen upon finding the crinkled up piece of paper that Chuck had written instructions on for Greg laying on the table.  It was turned over and a handwritten note on the backside caught her eye.  Picking up the note she read it to herself.

Not all of us have twenty years of experience at running a household but working as a team, I think we are doing just fine… so stop worrying. – Greg.   PS… If you’re free tomorrow night, how about that dinner that was part of your Christmas gift?  The beach house at seven… see you then.

She couldn’t help but smile.  While she had twenty years of experience at running a household… he had twenty years of experience at asking women out… and he was good at it. 

With the boys staying overnight with Gretchen… Carla would be alone with Greg for the first time since their night in New York.  Her stomach was literally doing flips at the memory of being in his arms.

The following evening when she arrived at the beach house for dinner, Greg invited her inside, handed her a glass of wine and directed her back outside to a small, private alcove along the beach. 

The little secluded area had a fallen log that looked as though it had been strategically placed there just so a person could sit on it and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the ocean.  It was beautiful and breathtaking.  She got lost in the serenity of the area and didn’t hear Greg approach until he stood right next to her.

“Such a beautiful day… warm for this time of year… this is just incredible,” she breathed, closing her eyes in enjoyment.

“Lean back against the branch,” he said.

She glanced back behind her and seeing a good sized branch angling upwards off of the fallen log she did as he suggested.  Before she knew what he was about he pulled the silk scarf from around her neck and tied it around her wrists.  Bringing her hands up above her head he tied the ends together around a smaller branch that stuck off the main branch.  Then as her heartbeat picked up speed he dropped to his knees in the sand in front of her and slid his hands up the outsides of her legs, bunching her sundress up around her waist.

As his hands found the sides of her panties and began to work them off with twenty years of experience she heard herself say, “Greg… what are you doing?”

Using his good arm he tilted her hips closer to the edge of the log and slid her panties all the way off at the same time.  Then leaning forward so that his perfect lips were right against her cleft he said, “Changing your mind about being retained by a cop.  And ensuring you don’t use those talented hands of yours against me.”

All protests escaped her mind when that
closed around the nub at the very center of her.  Creating an electrical shock that went straight down the insides of both thighs to pool at the back of her knees. 

Gasping in both shock and pleasure at the feel of him there, she was forced to use her hands to hold on to the each side of the smaller branch she was tied to in order to keep from falling off.  Her legs began to shake at the exquisite bliss building in the very core of her.

With both hands now effectively holding on to a branch over her head while her back arched against the base of the branch, she could not stop looking down at him.  Her legs were being held open wide by a sun kissed man with hazel eyes. 

She both watched and felt the pleasurable heat that his mouth was creating in her until absolute ecstasy spiraled out in an explosion.  As the intensity of the best orgasm she’d experienced in a long time began to fade he gently bit her bare thigh and whispered, “Dinner is ready.”

Dinner?  Not now!

After untying her and helping her up from the log he draped her scarf across one broad shoulder and stuffed her panties into the pocket of his jeans.  He led her back up to the house by one of the hands he’d tied to the branch.  After closing the door that led to the beach behind them she noticed the dinner table was already set. 

Her body was on fire for him and he expected her to eat dinner as though two minutes earlier her body hadn’t been skyrocketing towards heaven?

Turning toward him she wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed him with everything she had while guiding one of his hands under her shirt.  She needed more of him… more of his hands on her in the worst possible way.  Having enjoyed him in New York she had obviously missed being with him like this more than she was willing to admit… at least until now. 

His breathing changed as she continued to kiss him.  Begging him silently for what she needed as she helped him undress her and then himself.  They managed to make it to the cold marble floor amidst a scattered pile of clothing.  Just as he was about to claim her like she wanted him to, he stopped.

“I love you, Carla,” he gasped out between her kisses while brushing her hair back from her face.  “Say it back…
it to me, Carla.  Tell me I’m not the only one who feels this thing between us.”

“I know you do and I’m sorry I couldn’t say it before but you know that I love you too.  You have to know that…
that.  I didn’t think I
love again but I can’t help it anymore,” she whimpered into his mouth.

Saying the words out loud was like opening up not only her body to his invasion but her heart as well.  As he nudged between her legs trapping her against the hard floor and pushed himself within her, she heard herself say, “I do, Greg… I love you too.”

Freeing her heart and mind to the idea of both being loved by another man and loving him in return unleashed a torrent of emotions in her that had her clutching at his back and pulling his bottom to her as he moved within her. 

Again she broke apart crying out her love for him again and again until his own release had him doing the same.  It felt like a mating of souls as she held him to her. 
God she did love this man!
  She didn’t want to know the end before the beginning anymore.  She was finally ready for a new journey.


Chapter Thirteen


“Why do I let her talk me into this shit?” Chuck asked Greg while staring at himself in the full length mirror that was attached to the door of the guest bathroom in the beach house.

Unsure what to say to the young man who wore loose fitting khaki swim trunks, a white shirt and tan sandals, Greg instead remained quiet.  The young couple’s need to mess with each other was way too funny but sexy all at the same time.  From the look on Chuck’s face, Meredith had won this round.  Chuck actually looked really nice in a casual sort of way if not for the frown he wore.  Greg decided against mentioning that fact.

“Could’ve been a suit or a tux and tails,” he offered instead as an even worse alternative.

“Edith better be glad she’s so cute and shit,” Chuck continued.  “She’s got me on just as short a leash as Carla has you on, my man, so I guess we better get this show on the road.”

The door opened and Ben and Matt came in to the room wearing nearly identical outfits to the one Chuck wore.  Seeing the frown on Matt’s face, Chuck said, “This was your
idea so if you’ve got an issue with looking like cabana boys go take it up with her.”

“We’re not allowed in there,” Matt supplied.

“Yea… but I could get in there if I
to.  Gretchen isn’t strong enough to keep me out.  Is she, Matt?” Ben asked, appearing irritated at what Greg could only guess was yet another disagreement between the pack of kids.

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