Read UnexpectedFind Online

Authors: Nancy Corrigan

UnexpectedFind (21 page)

BOOK: UnexpectedFind
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Chapter Twenty-Three


Jazz stood at the bedroom window and looked at the sky. Gray
clouds hung over them, threatening to ruin yet another day. For three days they’d
been inundated with drenching downpours. It was great for the dry spell the
area suffered from. The weatherman claimed they were no longer in a drought
warning. He’d delivered the week’s weather forecast with a smile while every
single person staying under her roof—shifter and human alike—grumbled.

Her house was too small for the number of people calling it
home. Josh’s parents were sleeping on an air mattress in the dining room
because they couldn’t climb the steps. Mira was bunking with the kids. Josh and
surprisingly Devin had the spare bedroom next to hers. And the tiny room smack-dab
in the middle became Kade and Xander’s when they weren’t out in the rain
patrolling the grounds. The other shifters—and she hated to admit she couldn’t
remember all their names—had confiscated the living room.

The place smelled perpetually like a wet dog and tempers
were flying. So many fistfights had broken out that even Josh’s mom didn’t bat
an eye anymore. Everyone was miserable—except for her and Rafe. They’d loved
each other more times than she could count. Their nights consisted of hot and
sweaty sex, sleep, gentle loving that brought tears to her eyes then more
sleep. Throw in a good dose of oral sex and she was sated, achy and happier
than she’d thought possible.

She loved him. No doubt. No questions. After only a few
days, she shouldn’t feel so sure, so confident in her choice but she was. Rafe
was the man she wanted to spend her life with…her immortal life. That she’d
learned over the course of the last few days but the actual mating process was
still a gray area.

She was hesitant to ask about it. Mira had said the bite
would hurt. So had Rafe. And yes, she was willing to suffer a little pain if it
meant keeping Rafe forever, but she wasn’t thrilled about it. She also didn’t
want to think about it. She viewed it the same way as ripping off a bandage.
Just do it. If you took it slow, thought about it and tried to ease the sting,
it hurt worse.

Her decision was made. She was mating Rafe. Whenever he
asked, she’d say yes. It would be fine. And if she kept repeating that she
might just believe it but the conversation she’d walked in on this morning made
her doubts flare. Not about Rafe or her love for him but in her ability to deal
with the pain.

Xander had come right out and asked Rafe if he thought she
was strong enough to handle it. And Rafe had only grunted. Not the vote of
confidence she’d been hoping for.

Jesus, how bad was the bite?

The door clicked behind her, announcing Rafe’s presence, but
she didn’t hear him approach. He shared many of the same traits his animal
spirits did. Stealth and stubbornness being the biggest ones. Both had helped
him capture her. He hadn’t given up until he’d gotten exactly what he wanted.
Not that she minded, at least not anymore.

He linked his arms around her waist and pressed the body she
knew better than her own against her back. He nuzzled her neck, pressing kisses
to the spot the dreaded bite would be made. She relaxed into his arms, let him
take her weight and support her.

“My Jasmine, I missed you,” he purred.

She laughed softly. “How did you ever survive? You haven’t
seen me for what…ten minutes?”

“Fifteen. Too long, baby.” He nipped her shoulder then
licked the sting away. “My cats were beginning to whine. They don’t like going
so long without hearing your voice. They worry because they’re not close enough
to protect you.”

She stroked the arms holding her and savored those words.
They supported what Mira had said about shifter males needing to be close to
their mates.

“The minute I met you, I knew you were a sweet-talker. You
always know exactly what to say to make me feel special.”

Rafe growled but it didn’t frighten her. The primitive
sounds aroused her. She loved him a little wild, especially when they fucked.

“You are special. No other female can take your place.”

He hadn’t told her he loved her but she hadn’t said the
words either. She felt them, though, and hoped he understood her. Those three
words sat on the tip of her tongue. There was no reason not to say them, but
she held them close. She wanted the declaration to be as special as he made her
feel. When they mated, she’d tell him.

They stood in silence for a few minutes but there was a
subtle tensing in his muscles that worried her. She waited for him to say
whatever it was bothering him. He didn’t.

“What’s wrong?” she finally asked.

“Devin found evidence of where we think Calum has been

She turned in his arms and took in the careful mask he wore.
“That’s good. Isn’t it?”

“Yes. Considering he hasn’t investigated any of the times we
used your blood to bait him, this might be our best chance to grab him. I’m
going out there with Devin and Xander. We’ll wait for Calum to return, then
take him out once and for all.”

Something about the situation bothered her but she couldn’t
figure out what. Dread landed hard in her belly. “But why do you have to go?
Send Kade.”

Rafe snapped his teeth together and ground out, “He touched
you, threatened you. I won’t let that insult go.”

She sighed. It was the response she expected. Since learning
that Calum had not only kidnapped his sister but mated her, Rafe’s hatred had
grown. But after hearing about how Calum had touched her in the hotel, Rafe had
been determined to be the one to kill him. She regretted telling him about
Calum’s groping, but Rafe had asked what he’d said to her and she hadn’t wanted
to lie to him.

Rafe strode to their room, kicked off his shoes and yanked
off his shirt. He picked up the syringe from the nightstand, the one filled
with the chemical to mask his scent, and jabbed it into his arm, depressing the
plunger. He put the cap back on and tossed it in the wastebasket.

“Rafe, wait,” she said. He stopped with his hand on the
button of his jeans. “Are you going out now?”

“Of course. Why wait?”

He unzipped his jeans, pulled them off and walked naked back
out into the hallway. She followed him. “What if it’s a trap?”

He shrugged. “It probably is, but if he wants to play, I’m

She snapped her teeth together. “Dammit, I know you’re
immortal but—”

He glanced over his shoulder and leveled her with a hard
look. “This is not up for discussion, Jasmine. I’m going and you will stay here
where Kade can keep an eye on you.”

She stared at him wide-eyed. “Excuse me?” His mouth parted
slightly on an inhale. She glared at him. “You don’t need to scent my emotions,
Rafe. I’m pissed. That shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.”

Head tilted to the side, he studied her with feline eyes. “Why?
Because Calum is likely baiting me?” He nodded as if he’d pinpointed the
trigger for her bad mood. “I told you—”

“Exactly. You told me.” Her temper flared, heating her skin
and speeding her pulse. She fisted her hands to hide the slight tremble in
them. “Don’t my concerns matter? Or aren’t women allowed to have opinions in

He released a shuddered breath. “Of course your opinion
matters. I’m sorry.” He opened his arms to her. “Please come here and tell me
what’s bothering you.”

She stepped back into his embrace. “I’m worried about you,
Rafe. If Calum hates you as much as you say he does, this might be a way to
kill you. Behead you like he did Nina. He’s obviously not stable. Why else kill
his own mate, sell his kids? Please can’t you let—”

Rafe silenced her protest with a scorching kiss. He wrapped
his arms tighter around her. “Thank you for worrying about me, but I’ll be
fine. Have a little faith in your male.”

“I do, Rafe.” She pushed against his chest until he leaned
back. “But I don’t want to lose you.”

“Your concern warms my heart, but I won’t miss this chance
nor will I allow another male to kill him.”

The man was so damn stubborn. He wasn’t going to change his
mind, but she had to stop him from leaving. She couldn’t shake the feeling that
if he walked away from her today, she’d never see him again.

“Mate me now,” she blurted. He blinked at her but didn’t say
anything. Self-doubt crept into her mind. “Or did you change your mind?”

He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. “I didn’t
change my mind. You are my one, the female I want to spend my eternity with.
This world and the next. I don’t want to spend a day without you.”

Her heart swelled and tears pooled in her eyes. Those still
weren’t the words she longed to hear, but it was enough. She saw his love for
her in his golden eyes. “And that’s how I feel, Rafe. If the unthinkable
happens and you’re killed, I don’t want to lose my chance to be with you, even
if it means I have to spend it in your heaven.”

He kissed her hard. She opened to him, followed his lead.
They explored each other—give and take. She poured her feelings into the raw
kiss, tried to express how much she loved him without actually saying it. He
finally pulled back, leaving her panting and hungry for more.

“You are amazing, my Jasmine, but you’re worrying over
nothing. I am a royal. Strong. Calum is nothing to me. He can’t hurt me.”

She ground her teeth. “And what if he has a bomb set there?
Being immortal won’t save you if you’re blown apart.” She tugged at her shirt,
exposing her shoulder. “Just do it quick. Bite me then go after Calum.”

Rafe stepped back and ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t.
I won’t want to leave your side while your body is dying. You’ll be in pain for
days until the bond is complete.”

She dropped her hand. Her chest squeezed tight. “Dying?”

His eyes widened. He strode to her side but she backed up.

“You didn’t know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed.
“In order for our souls to be joined, you have to be near death. After I bite
you, I have to inflict a mortal wound.”

She reached out to brace her suddenly shaky legs but Rafe
got to her first. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her

“And when exactly were you going to share that little

He sighed, his warm breath stirring her hair. “I thought
Mira told you.”

“She didn’t mention specifics.” She paused as she thought
about what he’d told her. Realization dawned. She shoved away from and landed
on her ass. With a hand up to warn him off, she pushed to her feet. “That’s why
you waited, isn’t it? You didn’t want to miss your chance to get Calum because
you were with me.”

He rubbed at the back of his neck but didn’t say anything.

Silence stretched. Her anger returned. “Dammit, answer me,

“There’s no reason to rush our mating. We have plenty of

His pacifying tone pissed her off more. She glared at him. “Not
if you get yourself killed today.”

“For the last time—”

“You cannot guarantee you’ll be safe. You admitted you
thought it was a trap too. I don’t want you to go.” She closed the distance
between them and laid a hand over his heart. “Stay here. Mate me and let
someone else take care of Calum.”

He stepped away. Her hand slid down his abs. “No. I will
kill him. No one else.”

She wrapped her arms around her chest. The pain cut deep. It
wasn’t real but it sure felt as if Rafe had inflicted a mortal wound already. “So
that’s it. No discussion. Your mind is made up.”

He tipped his head back and groaned. “Dammit, woman. Stop
being so stubborn.”

“Stubborn,” she squeaked. “Me? You’re the one who is acting
like a pompous ass.”

He narrowed feline eyes on her. “You’re being ridiculous. I
will be fine.” He yanked her against him and captured her gaze with his intense
stare. “I will mate you as soon as this is over. I promise you.”

She swallowed hard. “Well, you better ask me first. I’m not
so sure I want to be with a man who cares more for revenge than the woman he
supposedly can’t live without.”

She turned on her heel and ran back into the bedroom. Rafe’s
curse rang out but she slammed the door and locked it before he could follow
her inside. He yanked on the handle.

“Open the door.”

She fisted her hands to stop herself from doing as he
ordered. “Only if you plan on coming in here and mating me.”

She heard the snap of his teeth. The low growl that followed
raised the hair on her arms. She took a backward step.

“We can argue about our mating later, Jasmine. I’ve wasted
enough time already.”

She waited a few moments but when he didn’t say anything
else, she rushed to the door. Her hands shook as she turned the lock and flung
it open. The hallway was empty. He left. She ran down the stairs after him.

The entryway stood empty too. She scanned the living room,
hoping to see Rafe, but only Josh and Kade stood there, both looking as pissed
off as she felt. “Did Rafe leave?”

Kade nodded. Going by the sympathetic expression he wore, he’d
heard the fight she just had with Rafe. Great. Embarrassment rose. Now he too
knew Rafe didn’t love her enough to listen to her concerns. When faced with the
choice, he turned his back on her. God, it hurt but at least she learned before
she mated him. She would’ve hated to spend eternity with a man who only
pacified her, didn’t treat her as an equal.

She pushed the heartache away. No way would she give in to
it here. She did not want Kade’s or anyone else’s pity. She pressed against her
pounding temples. “How did you get stuck with babysitting duty?”

Kade huffed and shoved his hands in his front pockets. “Your
male doesn’t trust me not to rip Calum’s throat out.”

Her male? She snorted at the descriptive but didn’t comment.
What was the point? Rafe left, made his choice. He might consider himself her
male. She knew the truth. He was her owner, plain and simple.

BOOK: UnexpectedFind
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