Unfaithful Ties (25 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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chapter 16

Brandi & Trae...San Antonio Texas

Brandi was startled when
Trae stormed into her bedroom awakening her out of a deep sleep. She could tell by his fierce actions that he was in a sour mood. Cold air swept her skin as he snatched the warm comforter off of her body.

“Brandi where is my car?”

She eased up against the upholstery, and yawned sleepily. “Trae it’s 1 o’clock in the morning. Couldn’t this have waited until daylight?”

“I know what time it is. And
no this couldn’t have waited until daylight. What did you do to my goddamn car?”

“I drove it into the lake” She mumbled lowering her head.

“You did what?” Trae snapped. He pulled Brandi from the bed by her shirt. “You stupid bitch. What makes you think that you can do something like this and get away with it?” A loud thud sounded when he slammed Brandi into the bedroom wall. “Huh?”

Once he wrapped his massive hands around her neck and started choking her Brandi thought sure he was going to kill her. She thought sure she was breathing her final moment. She could feel her consciousness slipping away as she begged him to spare her life. Her voice was raspy and timid as she pleaded for him to let her go. “
Trae please let me go. You’re scaring me...please, I’m sorry”

“You wasn’t sorry when you fucked up my car, were you?” He asked, squeezing her neck even harder.  “I bet you got a real laugh out of that” He said and slung her to the bed by her neck, and then he climbed on top of her and started chocking her again.

As her eyes rolled back, and her life started to slip away from she remembered what her mother had always said to her.

I didn’t raise you to be weak.

For the first time in a long time she wanted to fight for the chance at finding her own identity. She believed in herself. And she wanted to be there for her children. Her family. Friends. During one of the weakest moments of her life she realized her strength.

With everything in her she used her free hand and squeezed Trae’s testicles as hard as she could, for as long as she could. He rolled over to the side of her, hollering in pain.

“You stupid bitch” He yelled.

Brandi pulled to her knees crying and screaming. “I hate you.” And landed her fist in side, his face, his chest, and arms. “This is for all the hell you put me and my children through”

Trae’ could finally take his mind from the pulsating pain throbbing in his pants he punched Brandi so hard in the jaw she felt for her teeth. Shockingly they were still intact. Holding her jaw she kneed him between his legs again.

Shit..shit..shit” He cried, holding himself.

On top of him, Brandi bit, punched and kicked him all over.
Trae did his best to wrestle her off. For some reason she was stronger than an ox.  It was the rage. She felt powered. Like she was finally in control. Rapidly she dashed over to the nightstand, pulled out the pistil and pointed it. She wanted to kill him. And if it weren’t for her children she probably would’ve”

“Oh so you’re going to shoot me now?”

“No, I’m not going to shoot you. But you have ten seconds to get the hell out of this house before I change my mind.”

After he left Brandi popped two aspirin and fell asleep with the pistil underneath her pillow just in case
Trae decided that he wanted to come back.


Malik...Jacksonville Florida


It was Tuesday and Malik was packing the rest of his belongings in his suitcase because his flight to New York was scheduled for six AM that following morning. When he was finished, he dragged the luggage into the living room and did a little cleaning. By the time he was finished he could really use a good workout and decided to go to the gym.

He was coasting down the road when he felt his tires wobbling. He pulled his SUV over to the side of the road, hopped out and observed each tire. Every single one of his lug nuts was loose and the back tire on the passenger side was flat.

Malik was addled, how in the world could the service technician not have noticed that the lugs weren’t tight enough? It never crosses his mind that someone could have possibly done it purposely.  He grabbed the spare tire out of the trunk, let it drop to the ground and then walked back to the trunk and grabbed the jack. He slid the jack underneath the truck and got to work.

As he pulled off the flattened tire he whistled a cheerful tune to himself because although Stacy hadn’t returned any of his calls he was sure that she’d be coming to New York to visit Vanessa and he was ready to see her.

In no time he was finished putting the spare on. He tightened all of the lug nuts and was just about to put the jack back in the trunk when he noticed something hanging from underneath the muffler. He lay down underneath the car and pulled and pulled trying to yank it out.

Regina came out of nowhere. She got down on her knees and whispered. “I should lower this truck and let it crush your bones”

Malik was shocked and aghast
, because of
Regina’s insane actions. Hurriedly he slid from underneath the vehicle, bumping his head during the process. “Did you do this to my car?”

Regina could tell that Malik was petrified. “What do you think? I guess you didn’t listen when I told you that some women just might end up becoming your worst nightmare.” She was about to walk off when she remembered there was something that she wanted to give Malik  “Oh yeah I almost forgot something” She handed Malik his pocketknife. “Here’s your knife back. Don’t bother calling the police it’s just going to look like you’re trying to make a false insurance claim. And believe me when I tell you that I’m not going to hesitate to tell them that you asked me to do it so that you can get a few extra grand to help you take care of a few bills. Trust me they’re going to believe this cute face” She smiled. “Tootles”

Malik climbed back in his Suv and drove to the nearest mechanic shop, paying close attention to his surroundings. He didn’t trust that Regina wouldn’t pop up out of nowhere again. She had him spooked.

When the mechanic was done putting on the new tire Malik headed back home. Going to the gym was the last thing on his mind.

It was 2 AM that following morning when Malik’s phone rang. He blinked away the exhaustion, yawned, then looked at the screen on his phone.

God I hope McKenzie is okay

“Hello” he answered.

He heard sobbing. “Daddy”

“Baby what’s wrong?”

“I want to come home”

“Sweetie it’s 2 o’clock in the morning. Where is your mother?”

“She’s asleep. Kharl just left out of my room. He tried to touch me daddy”

Malik jumped up from the bed. “He tried to touch you where?”

“In my private places.” She sniffed.  “Daddy I hate it here, will you come and get me?” She cried. “Please daddy, I want to come home”

Within a split second Malik’s was wrathful. His anger was extremely intense and the piercing look in his eyes was fierce. He dashed to the closet, snatched down a pair of jeans and slid them on. “Mac do you know your address?”

“Yes” Mackenzie sniffed.

“Text it to me” Malik said “I’m on my way”

Malik ran out the front door, not realizing that he didn’t lock up the house. He’d have to get a refund on his plane tickets to New York because nothing and no one meant more to him than his baby girl.


Malik pulled into the circular driveway of a beautiful abundant home located in a prestigious neighborhood on the North side of Chicago. According to Mackenzie’s text and the built in navigation system he was at the right place. He’d driven non-stop all night long to get there. Luckily the long drive had helped calm him down. Because when he left Jacksonville his intention was to kill Karl.  Now, his intention was only to kick his ass. Trust and believe he was going to do just that.

Jennifer didn’t ask who was pounding on the other side of the door before she opened it. She was shocked to see Malik standing there. “Malik? She puzzled and stepped outside the door, shutting it behind her. “What are you doing here? How’d you find my address?”

She took a good look at Malik. His body was trembling all over. Violence drowned his eyes. She could tell that he was enraged but she didn’t know why “What’s your problem?”

“Our daughter called me at 2 o’clock in the morning crying.  Scared. Apparently Karl thinks that it’s okay to touch little girls.”

“What are you talking about? Karl wouldn’t do that”

“So you’re telling me that you are going to listen to that perverted ass hole over your own daughter?”

“Mackenzie will say anything. Especially if she thinks it’ll get her back to Florida.”

“You sound so stupid.”

When Jennifer heard the door pull open her heart damn near ran down the street. She turned to Karl “Sweetie who is it?” he asked her,
then paused. “Oh...you must be Mackenzie’s dad? She looks just like you” He said stepping out the door.

Malik shoved Jennifer out of the way. “Yeah motherfucker I’m Mackenzie’s dad”

“Malik, don’t hurt him,” Jennifer screamed as Malik pushed Karl back through the doorframe. Where he fell back first on the wood floor.

opp-pp” Jennifer yelled. “You’re going to hurt him” She was pulling at Malik’s clothes. Clearly he’d snapped into an entirely different person. One she couldn’t identify.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Karl yelled, trying to escape Malik’s tight grip.

A violent rage rushed through Malik as he punched Karl so hard he lost his balance again. Instantly he fell back to the floor. Malik hovered over him giving him blow after blow. “You like to touch little girls huh? I wonder how much you like getting your ass kicked.”

“Please Malik. I’m begging you.” Jennifer begged, as blood poured from Karl’s face. “Please you’re going to kill him”

“What’s all the...” Mackenzie gasped, jogging down the steps. “Daddy. Stop.” She cried. “I don’t want you to go jail. You’re going to kill him dad. Stop. Please”

“Sorry ass excuse for a man” Malik said as he got up. He kicked him one last time. “This is the kind of man you want. A coward that likes to touch little girls” He shouted to Jennifer.  He was pissed and if it weren’t for Mackenzie begging him to stop he probably would’ve beaten Karl to death. “Baby girl go and get your things you’re coming with me.”

“I’m going to press charges. As a matter of fact I’m going to call the police right now.” Karl said staggering from the floor.

“Go ahead so that I can tell them the reason I kicked your ass. Yeah, let’s see how you’re going to explain your attempt to have sex with a minor”

“What in the hell are you talking about man?”

“Mackenzie did Karl try and touch you last night?”

“Yes” She answered sadly, hugging herself tight as tears filled her eyes.

“I don’t believe you” Jennifer said. “I don’t believe Karl is capable of doing something like that. Mackenzie you stop it. Just stop lying right this second”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Malik shouted. “She’s a kid. What reason does she have to lie about something like this?”

“Mom I swear. It was last night after you’d gone to sleep. I swear” Mackenzie pleaded.

“Karl is this true?”

“Jen, baby you know me. You know I wouldn’t do something like this.”

Malik wanted to throw another punch at him. “Are you’re calling my daughter a liar?”  He roared, curling both of his hands into a fist.

Jennifer quickly grabbed Malik by his forearm. “Malik let me handle this.” She pleaded. “Mac are you sure you’re not confused?”

“Of course she’s not confused” Malik yelled.

“I’m not confused mom. I know what he tried to do. He did it and he knows that he did it
” She cried.

“I can’t believe you’re doubting your own daughter” Malik said. “Mackenzie let’s go. Don’t worry about your things. We’ll get you some new clothes. Go wait for me in the car”

“She’s not going with you” Jennifer argued. “

“You and what army is going to stop me.” Malik roared. “I hope you don’t think that your punk ass fiancé is going to stop me.”

Karl acted as though he didn’t hear Malik’s remarks and didn’t say one word.

“I didn’t think so
” Malik said

Mackenzie headed outside.

Jennifer tried to run after her but Karl grabbed her by the arm and mumbled, “Let the little lying spoiled brat go”

“What did you just say
” Malik said, rushing over to Karl. Karl was now sitting on a recliner. Malik’s old recliner. Malik grew more upset and without hesitation he’d jabbed Karl on the side of his face. Karl landed on the floor again. Malik hurdled over the recliner like he was in a track meet and stood over him “Say something else about my daughter and you’re going to hate the fact that you have a tongue.”

Karl was curled into a fetal position, scared.

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