Unfaithful Ties (22 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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“Would it help if she sees a specialist

“Honestly, based on my experience with head trauma’s I haven’t had one case where seeing a specialist has helped. I believe what’s going to help her is pictures, videos, letters, lifelong friends, things of that nature”

“I just want my wife back”

“I understand exactly what you’re going through. A year ago there was a blood aneurysm growing on my wife’s brain and she had to have a micro vascular occlusion to remove the clot. The surgery went well but when she awoke from the anesthesia she didn’t remember
me, our kids, grandkids or nothing pertaining to our lives together. Today through the grace of God and with help from our kids she remembers something new about our lives every day.”

“Thanks for sharing that. If feels good talking to someone that has gone through this. Thanks for giving me hope.”

“Glad I could help”. Doctor Buchanan said. “I’ll get a nurse down here to give her something for the pain.”

chapter 11

Malik...Jacksonville Florida

The shower continued to run as Malik stepped out of the hot drizzle and tucked a plush towel around his waist, so that he could answer his mobile that was vibrating on the sink counter. Regina, the incredibly beautiful woman that he’d spent his entire morning with was disappointed that their unfinished sexual feast had come to an end. “Let it ring” She whined, pulling back the shower curtain. Malik couldn’t risk missing Mackenzie’s call. “This might be my baby girl
” He explained. He hadn’t heard from her since she and Jennifer had moved to Chicago.

But it wasn’t her instead it was one of the many women he’d had interactions with since Jennifer had left him for another man.

“Well hello Mr. Big Dick”

“Hey can I call you back?” He asked, walking into the bedroom.

“I was in your area just wanted to know if I could stop by and get some more of that loving that you gave me earlier this week”

“Now is not a good time I’m kind of in the middle of something”

“Something or Someone” She said jokingly.

laughed “I’ll call you back”

“Don’t make me wait too long my pussy is screaming for you to do something toe curling to it”

“I’ll see what I can do?” He chuckled.

“I’m serious! I’ve
gotta’ get some good dick before my no fucking ass husband comes back into town”

“Friday’s cool”

“Can’t wait Mr. big dick”

Malik chuckled. “Women are worse than men” He mumbled then clicked over because he had another call coming through the line. It was Jason.

“Hey man” Malik said. “How is she?”

“Well the doctor said I’ll be able to bring her home in a few days. I’m hoping very soon.”

“That’s good, extremely good. I told you that she’d be okay”

“She’s had some memory loss. She doesn’t remember anything that has happened during her adult life”

“Is it reversible? Hold on for a second Jason I gotta’ another call coming through” Malik said, then clicked over.

Kimberlyyyyy” He said, like he was happy to hear from her.

“Are you busy right now.”

“I’ll never be too busy for you but I am on an important phone call, can I call you back in a few minutes?”

“Oh, I just wanted you to text me your address.”

“I will send it as soon as I’m done with the call.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you tonight”

“Can’t wait” He said and clicked back over to Jason “So, I was asking. Is it reversible?”

“The doctor says in most cases it’s irreversible
but  pictures, videos, letters, things like that might help.” Jason said. “I think that a visit from you, Kenneth and Lena, Brandi and Trae, and Stacy would really be substantial to my wife getting her memory back. Will you call up everyone and see if there is any way possible that it could be arranged for you guys to visit for Thanksgiving?”

Malik was caught in a quandary. He knew that he was the last person that Stacy would want to hear from. But due to the given situation he wasn’t going to put up an argument, so “Sure” he said, doubtfully.

“Alright, thanks man! Hope to see you guys soon.”

Malik tossed his cellular onto the bed. All of a sudden he was hot. Nervousness bounced around in his stomach with just the thought of dialing Stacy. The woman who’s heart he scarred.
The woman who hated him with passion. The woman he hadn’t talked to nor heard from in years.

The water had stopped, and Regina was humming
Anita Bakers Sweet Love
, blotting her wet hair with a towel as she walked into the bedroom.             

“You know, I’ve never had a guy to run out on me in the middle of steamy hot extra good sex.” She teased, in a seductive way. Although her naked frame was intriguing, it wasn’t appealing enough to inveigle Malik into bed with her and finish their sexual feast.
At least not at the moment.

Now don’t be confused, Regina was beyond attractive and he’d enjoyed her company last night, this morning, and in the shower. Just moments ago he’d agreed to a movie Matinee once the furniture company had delivered his new living room and dinette set, and now he was ready for her to leave. She’d been great company until now. It may sound harsh, mean, and downright cruel but right now she was simply defined as an inconvenience to him.  Sex, a movie matinee, conversation, or engaging in any type of
activity  with her or any other woman was the last thing on his mind.

Malik flopped down onto the bed, dug his huge feet into the plush carpet. He was quiet, trying to get his thoughts together. After a short while he said, “Something that I really need to take care of has come up
” He said. “I’ll call a cab to take you home”

Regina was beset this was clearly a change from what they’d just discussed in the shower. She didn’t know who was on the other end of the phone but clearly they had the power to alter his mood. “Don’t you want to finish what we started in the shower?” She asked in the best come-hither voice that she could as she sat down on the bed.

When she started to nibble on Malik’s earlobe and circle her fire red nail tips down his bare back, he got up. “Right now is just not a good time” He proclaimed, and then headed towards the cheap plastic storage cart, he’d bought from Wal-Mart earlier that week. The towel he wore somehow unraveled and floated to the floor. “You need to get dressed.” His back was to her, his toned buttocks being showcased as he fished around in the top drawer. That’s where his drawers were. “You should probably start getting dressed”

“You’re serious?” She asked with a nasty tone and rolled her neck. “You don’t even have the decency to take me home?” She grabbed her robe from the bed, tied it tightly around her naked body then stumped into the bathroom. “Thanks for ruining my day”

“Regina I really do wish I could take you home. But like I said something has come up.” He yelled from the bedroom.

Her sulk lips proved that that she wasn’t happy. Anger outlined her. “Well thanks” She smiled sneeringly as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was applying some type of moisturizer to her face. “Your
response just made me feel so much better.”

Malik knew that she was scathing. Frankly, he could care less but he’d feel like a complete asshole if he didn’t at least pretend to care. “Look I’ll make it up to you. Just not right now” He yelled back Sliding on his denim shorts.

Now, Regina was walking back into the bedroom, carrying a bottle of lotion. “Not even twenty minutes ago you agreed to a movie Matinee” She explained and fell down onto the bed, then started angrily smoothing lotion down her legs “And just like that you change your mind? What bitch was it?”

Malik was zipping his shorts. “Not that I owe you some type of explanation but it’s family stuff okay. And I need to take care of it as soon as possible.” He was aggravated.  “I’m sorry that I ruined your day but we just met, and family is more important than you
,  sex,  and a goddamn movie matinee.”

Regina felt bad that she was making such a big deal out of the current situation. Why didn’t he say that it was family related in the first place? Ran through her mind. “I’m sorry” She said and headed his way. “Let me make it up to you tonight. My place”

He remembered that Kim, the fine stallion that he’d met at the gym a few days ago was supposed to be stopping by tonight. “Not tonight. But soon” He said pulling her hands from his chest and holding them.

Regina’s eyes narrowed and Malik knew that she was royally pissed. He lowered his head to her five two frame and kissed her forehead. Only because he knew that he was being a dick about the whole thing. All because he couldn’t think straight whenever it came to Stacy. Hopefully the touch of his lips helped loosen some of her anger. But if it didn’t he wouldn’t care one way or the other. Malik knew that he wasn’t special and that Regina would just hire someone else to temporarily fill his position whenever he was unavailable. That was something he knew would happen for sure and it didn’t concern him one bit. He’d just met her and had banged her already. He knew that she probably had plenty of male friends that were doing the same exact thing.

Malik had hired a lawyer and was seeking full custody of Mackenzie and he knew that his new lifestyle would have to change if  he was awarded guardianship but until then  he was enjoying life as a single man. Besides the fact that he could no longer see his daughter everyday he liked the way things were now. He no longer had to bare the aggravation of an irritating voice nagging in his ear as soon as he walked through the door. Or pretend that he wasn’t miserable. He did what he wanted to do whenever he wanted to do it. Now, he lived like a straight-up bachelor. Had sex with random women because he felt like it. Malik even liked the fact that he could walk around the house with his nuts swinging left to right if he wanted to. And the most important factor about his new lifestyle, the one that flattered him the most, was the fact that he didn’t have to answer to a woman and he planned on keeping it that way. With the exception of Stacy. He’d still give both of his arms to have another shot with her. Only her! Otherwise from here on out, the only thing that Regina or any other woman would ever amount to in his mind was a piece of ass. If they were interested in anything other than SEX they might as well keep it moving. That is of course if they didn’t want to get their heart broken. He was a bachelor now and he was living his single life to the fullest.

Malik dialed Kenneth. When he didn’t answer he left a message on his voicemail, and gave
Trae, who also didn’t answer a ring.

He was leaving
Trae a priority voicemail when his number flashed across the caller ID. He clicked over.

“I was just leaving you a voicemail on the other line” Malik said.

“What’s going  on Big Tymer?”

“Nothing man just the same
ol’ same ol’. Just trying to make it, that’s all.”

Rigghhht, rigghhht” Trae sang, stretching every syllable of the word. “Same here…same here”

are the kids man?”

“They’re doing pretty good. How’s Mac?”

“Probably not doing so good”

“What’s wrong?”

“Jennifer just up and decided that she wanted to move to Chicago and took MacKenzie with her.”

“And you didn’t do anything to stop her?”

“I’ve hired myself an attorney. I’m seeking full custody of Mac. Jennifer claims she’s engaged and I don’t want another man around my daughter. Not one I haven’t even met yet”

“What’s Jennifer trying to do become a bigamist?”
Trae joked. “You guys are still married right?”

“I haven’t even told you the fucked up part. How about this? Apparently there is some type of abandonment law here in the state of Florida. The woman managed to divorce me without me knowing a goddamn thing about it.”

“You’ve got to be bullshitting me”

Yo’, I’m as serious as back to back heart attacks. I came home from work and all my shit was gone. If I didn’t have that secret stash I don’t know how I would have bought new furniture”

“ She took everything?”

“Every fucking thing”

“Now that’s fucked up. If I say it’s fucked up, it’s fucked up. Because we both know that I’ve done some pretty fucked up shit when it comes to women. Damn!”

“I’m glad it’s over. But I do miss my baby girl.”

Trae said again, because he couldn’t believe the way Jennifer handled the situation.

“I know that you probably haven’t talked to Jason lately because he’s been at the hospital day in and day out”

Trae grew concerned “What’s wrong with Jason?”

“It’s not Jason. It’s Vanessa. She was in a car accident”

“Was it a bad one?”

“It was. She woke up from the coma today. Seems to have some memory loss.”

“How’s Jason handling it?”

“He’s handling things the way anyone would. He wants all of us to try and come to New York. He thinks it’ll be good for Vanessa. I’m going to be heading that way for Thanksgiving. Think you and Brandi could come?”

“I’m not going to be able to make it.”

“Don’t tell me you’re moving again.”

“No, me and my fiancé are going to be traveling around the world.”

“You finally asked Brandi to marry you! Congratulations”

“Hell nah, I didn’t ask Brandi to marry me. I’m engaged to Cassy”

“Who in the hell is

“Our next door neighbor. She’s about nine years older than me. Dude I am not exaggerating when I say that this woman gives me everything I want. Let’s just say I’ve hit the jackpot. But I’ll fill you in later. Tell Jason I said that I’m sorry about Vanessa and I’ll call him soon.”

Malik had always thought that Trae was the most heartless person in the world but this was just downright cruel. The lowest blow. He felt sorry for Brandi and could only imagine how she must’ve been feeling

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