Unfaithful Ties (32 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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“Mama I’m not like you. I’m not strong. I’ve never had to be. I’ve never had to worry about anything. Financially
Trae’s always taken care of everything. And before I moved away with him I was a kid and you and dad took care of everything.”

“Baby you are strong. You just don’t know it yet. Soon you’ll find out just how strong you are. You really
ain’ gotta’ choice. When your life has suddenly been turned upside down there are only two things that you can do. You can either learn how to stand on your own two feet and survive, or continue struggling sitting round’ waiting on somebody to be your feet for ya’. I know you and I know you  gon’ be just fine. You just need to get down on your knees and pray. You need to pray hard sugga’. And join somebody’s church. You going through a lot and God is your only source.” Mrs. Betty said.

“Oh mama” Brandi sighed. “ I just wish that you were here to hold me. I could really use a hug.”

“I wish I could be there sweetie. If the gout wouldn’t have your father down so much I’d be on the first plane to San Antonio.”

“I know you would mama. Tell daddy I said hey and I’ll talk to you later”

“Okay sweetie. If you need anything don’t you be scared to pick up the phone and call. I wish you’d just pack up and come back to Alabama”

“Mama I can’t do that. That would mean the boys would have to transfer schools again. And like you said it’s time I learn to stand on my own two feet. I
gotta’ go now mama I have a weight watchers meeting in a bit”

“Weight watchers?”

“Chile’ I tell you the truth. One minute you want to take your life and the next minute you trying to lose weight. You young folks now and days. Back in my-”

“Okay mama” Brandi interjected. “I have to get going if I want to be on time.”

“Well okay, I love you baby”

“I love you too ma”


She was back sooner than she’d expected because the Weight Watchers meeting had been canceled, which by the way didn’t bother her at all. She stepped out of her vehicle feeling exasperated and walked slowly towards the front door. After the day she’d had all she wanted to do was soak in a hot bath and lay down. The music was so loud when she entered the front door her eardrums started ringing. She stalked up the staircase. A pungent smell greeted her as soon as she reached the top. “I know that’s not marijuana I smell.” She mumbled, heading straight for
Tremaine’s room. She didn’t knock; she slung the door open and barged in. “Turn that damn music down” She yelled. Nothing Tremaine did shocked Brandi anymore. Including him and two more of his buddies smoking marijuana in his bedroom. The skunky smell was unbearable and her words choked in her throat when she yelled “You two get the hell out of my house”

The two young men accompanying
Tremaine both dressed in dark baggy clothes, a ball cap with what looked like dreadlocks hanging from underneath and dark sneakers whisked by her with the quickness of lighting.

turned down the volume on his stereo and eased down onto the bed. “What ever happened to privacy? Don’t you know how to knock?”  He snapped, hiding the cigar, blunt, or whatever it is they call it underneath his pillow.

Brandi just looked at him. She was so pissed she could’ve strangled him. “The last time I checked you’re not the one paying the bills around here so I don’t want to hear anything about privacy.” She walked closer to where he was sitting and snatched up the pillow. “
Tremaine where did you get this weed from?” She asked holding the evidence in her hand.

“I got it from some kids at school? What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is, you’re too young to be smoking anything, let alone weed. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. You’re getting suspended from school. You got some little girl claiming she’s pregnant by you. Now you’re smoking weed. What’s next? Am I going to find out that you’re gang banging and robbing to?”

Ain’ no body gang banging and robbing?”

“No matter how much I try to lead you down the right path you always seem to make the wrong turn, and go the way you want to go. Why are you smoking that stuff? You think it makes you look cool? You trying to impress your little friends?”

“I ain’ gotta’ impress nobody. I do it cause’ I wanna’ do it.”

Tremaine I’m near the point of washing my hands with you and if you keep giving me a hard time I’m sending you to live with your daddy.”

“You always talking about daddy-daddy-daddy. I need to talk to dad about sex and talk to dad about this.” He mimicked. “
Tremaine Sr.  doesn’t give damn about me, Trevon, Trent, or you! If he did he wouldn’t have left us.”

Tremaine Jr.” Brandi snapped. “You watch your mouth and don’t you ever curse at me again or it will be the last time your tongue works.” She could feel the tears pooling in her eyes. “You got that?” Her feelings were hurt and she rushed out of the room, ran into the hall bathroom and flushed the brown cigarette down the toilet.

A knock sounded on the door. “Mom...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Tremaine said. “I just get so upset when you mention dad. I hate the way he treats you. I’ve always hated the way he treats you.”

Brandi opened the door and stepped out. “Baby I’m okay.” She said pulling him closer and hugging him. “I know you’re hurt and upset about the way your dad handled things but God will handle him. As his child you still have to respect him. Even if you hate some of the things that he’s done.”

“I’ll try”

“And what are you going to do about your grades, and your behavior at school, and your little weed habit?” She asked pulling away.

“I’m going to do better mom, I promise. And if this baby is mines I’m going to be a much better father to my child than my father ever was to me.”

She wrapped her arm around his waist and they walked down the hall. “I like the sound of that. I still don’t like the fact that there’s a possibility that you may be a teenage father but I’m glad to know that you’re going to stand up to your responsibility if you are”


The following day Brandi was a mad woman. She’d just walked into the house, paused at the light switch in the kitchen and flicked it on. When it didn’t come on she thought that the bulb must’ve blown. She changed the bulb and the light still didn’t come on. After opening the panel box and realizing that all the breakers were still in the ON position, it hit her. That bastard had called to have the electricity disconnected.

As she stormed out of the house and marched across the pretty green grass, she silently prayed that he was next door.  She pounded the door like she was a US marshal in search of a much-wanted criminal. Like she’d hoped, Trae opened the door.

“Even with a broken heart I loved you.
And for what? For you to treat me like this! You are one heartless, insensitive bastard. Did you forget about your kids when you had the electricity disconnected?”

“No I didn’t. But you should have really thought hard before you drove my car in the lake. You
wanna’ play childish games? Well I’m the one for it. I’ll play right along with you.”

“I can’t believe that you’ll do this to your children. What are they supposed to do
in a house with no electricity? How am I going to explain this to them?”

“You are a single mother now. Do what single mothers do all the time” He smirked. “Figure it out”

“What did I do huh? What did I do to you to deserve this kind of treatment? Tell me. What did I do?” She cried.

“Look at you out here crying your eyes out. I bet you got a real kick out of what you did to my car. It’s too bad I got the last laugh.”

“You think that you’re winning don’t you? You think that you can get away with all the horrible things that you’ve taken your family through?

“Let me think about what you just asked me. You drove my car into the lake and my fiancé bought me a new one…soon you’ll be homeless and I live in this extravagant home. I left you and now I’m about to marry one sexy ass woman. I’d say that I’m definitely winning.”

“You’re going to have to pay for your devilish ways one day. And when you do I hope God has mercy on your soul” Brandi said, “I hope you’re ready to pay child support because when I leave here I’m headed straight to child support services. You know what, I’m not going to make you take care of your children God is going to handle you ”

She marched off of the porch and when she made it home she called Texas Electric and switched the power into her name then called her mother on three way so she could pay the deposit. The consultant explained that the power wouldn’t be restored until the following day so Mrs.
Bette sent her a few hundred dollars through Western Union. After she picked up the money she pulled over into a parking space at the park and cried for hours.


Another long exhausting day had flown by before she knew it and it was time for her to pick up Trent from daycare. As usual Trent fell asleep on the way home. The twins were sitting on the porch when she whipped the van in the driveway.

“Mom what’s wrong with the electricity?”
Trevon questioned as Brandi got out of the car.

Yeh nothing is working” Tremaine cosigned.

“I can’t deal with questions right now
” She said. “Just go in the house and grab some clothes for tomorrow. Make sure you get your toothbrush because we want be staying here tonight.”

“Where are we going?”
Trevon wanted to know.

“Just do as I say and don’t ask questions” She told him pushing the front door open.

She grabbed some clothes for Trent and herself and told the boys that she’d be waiting outside. That night she and her children stayed the night at a cheap hotel.

chapter 23

Jason & Vanessa...NYC, New York

“Look at us.” Jason smiled. “This was the day I married my best friend. The happiest day of my life” He and Vanessa were sitting closely on the love seat in their Living Room flipping through the pages of an old photo album. “Do you remember anything about this day?”

“No. I don’t” Vanessa said uncaringly.

“I’m sure if we keep looking you’ll start to remember at least bits and pieces of our past” He assured her and flipped the page. He chuckled. “This was us right after we graduated col
lege. What in the world did I…”

“I don’t remember any of this” Vanessa interjected and got up and headed to the kitchen. “And I’m sick of trying to remember”

Jason ran after her. “Baby, don’t worry your memory will come back”

She grabbed a glass out of the cabinet. “There are no guarantees. So let’s just drop the subject okay.”

Jason inched closer to Vanessa and laid his hands on her shoulders. She was standing in front of the kitchen sink, filling the glass with tap water. “Sweetness I’m sorry. I just want to help. I’m not trying to upset you”

She shrugged away.

“Am I doing something wrong? You seem really upset”

“It’s everything Jason. I feel like you’re trying to force memories that are just not there. I don’t remember a damn thing. Looking at pictures isn’t helping. Nothing is helping. I feel like I’m looking at photos of someone else’s life. It just makes me feel worse. So just stop. Stop everything, okay?”

“Sweetness I’m sorry. I’m just trying to help.”

Vanessa sipped from the glass. “By doing what? Inviting our friends along with their personal issues and unstable lives to our home a week after I’m released from the hospital?” She snapped sketching her face with a plastered smile “Good job”

“I thought a visit from our friends would help you, that’s all” Jason snapped back. “Forgive me for trying.”

“The only person you’re trying to help is yourself. You want my memory to suddenly reappear so that you can get back to your normal life and not have to babysit me.” She set the glass on the table and flopped down into the chair. “I wish I would have just died in that accident.”

“How can you say that? I hate the thought of losing you. I have no life without you. I was miserable when I didn’t know whether or not you’d survive. When I thought that I would get a phone call from some doctor saying that you’d died. I want your memory to come back because I love you. Don’t you see how much I need you?”

“Jason my life is spiraling out of control. Why do you want me like this? I have no memories of our married life together
.. I don’t know what I like to do for fun. I have a career that I’m probably never going to be able to return to. Who wants to be taught by woman that doesn’t remember important details of her own life. I’m ugly now. One side of my head is shaved, and it’s probably not going to grow back. I have permanent scars that are visible”

“Baby you’ve always been beautiful to me. A few scars and little less hair can’t change that.”

“Stop it. Just stop it. You say all the right things. I know that you don’t mean it. You can’t possibly mean any of it. You don’t love me. I don’t even love me right now” She cried and crossed her arms across the table then buried her head on top of them. “I just want to be left alone”



“Baby I think you just need to…”

 “Now” She screamed.

“Vanessa you’re not the only one whose life has changed. My life has changed too okay.” Jason roared. “I’m doing all I can to make you remember our life together and it just seems like you don’t want to remember it. I’m sorry that you feel like I’m trying to force you to remember our past but I’m not. I don’t know what else to do. I just want my wife back
” He explained.

Vanessa lifted her head. “And what if you never get your wife back? What if my memory never comes back?”

Tears glided down her face.

Jason sat down at the table. “Sweetness when I married you. I vowed for better or for worse. Through thick and thin till death do us part and I meant every word. Even if your memory doesn’t come back I’m still your husband and I’m here for the long haul.”

“Jason just go okay! Just go away! I want to be alone right now. So just go.” She screamed.

He slowly pulled himself up from the table, kneeled down and kissed her shoulder. “I’ll give you time if that’s what you need” He said. “I’m going to go shoot some hoops. I love you Sweetness” And he left her sitting there, alone.


Jason grabbed the black gym bag from the empty seat beside him and hopped out of his SUV, feeling like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Carrying the bag low, he trekked exhaustively towards the doors of the Recreational Center. Hopefully, a little exercise would smooth his frustration.

A young man headed in his direction as he set his gym bag on the bleacher. “What’s up man?” He smiled, extending his hand. “I’m Deon”

Jason shook his hand firmly. “Jason”

“Listen man, we’re short a guy. Want to shoot some hoops?”

“Yeah, I hope you young guys can ball. I’m from the
ol’ school”

“Well let’s see what you got”

Jason’s lips curled into a smile as he kneeled to tie his shoelaces. “Alright let’s go” He insisted, getting from the floor.

“This is the first time I’ve seen you around here” Deon said as the two of them headed towards the court.

“I don’t get out that often”

A few other guys were stretching when they approached the center of the floor. They quickly huddled. “This is
ahh?” Deon said, looking back at Jason.


“He’s going to play with us today” He smiled. “Don’t hurt him too bad he claims he’s from the ol’ school”

They all laughed. “I’ll try to remember that” A tall slender young man blurted out.

“Let’s ball” Deon declared taking the ball out....


 “That was a good game man”

“Yeah I needed that.” Jason said, stretching. “I’m going to pay for it in the morning though” He chuckled. “My bones are getting old.”

Deon giggled. “Alright. I’m out of here. It was good meeting you”

“Good meeting you too young fella.” Jason said, and they slapped their hands together. “I think I’m going to start coming here more often.”

“Cool. We’re here every Tuesday” He assured Jason and walked away.

It wasn’t until Jason heard something vibrating that he noticed Deon had forgotten his phone. He grabbed the phone from the bleacher and sprinted out of the gym. Deon was clear out of site.  He put the phone in his pocket and made a mental note to return it to him the next day.

Driving, he pulled his cellular out of his pocket. He didn’t remember changing the picture of Vanessa that was now on his screen saver. In fact, it was the first time he’d ever saw the picture. His mind had to be playing tricks on him. He pulled the other mobile from his pocket. Weaving and wobbling down the street, he compared the two iPhones, nearly running off the road. Why did that kid at the gym have his wife’s picture saved as his screensaver?

He Pulled into his garage, barely put the gear in the park and got out.

“Vanessa” He shouted, walking through the front door of his home. The television in the family room was powered on, but she wasn’t sitting in front of it.

“Vanessa” He shouted again, growing angrier as he jogged up the stairs and headed towards their bedroom. She wasn’t there either.

After he’d scanned their entire house screaming Vanessa’s name he realized she wasn’t home. Where? He didn’t know.

He needed answers. Was
Trae telling him the truth? Was Vanessa having an affair? He didn’t know but he was going to find out.  He walked into Vanessa’s office, logged onto her laptop and hacked into her Facebook account.




Conversation started September 20, 2009


Deon Hart 

Didn’t want to text you on your cell.

Can you get out tonight? I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!


Vanessa Duncan

As much as I would love to be in your

arms right now. I can’t get out tonight.

Maybe tomorrow?




November 01, 2009

Vanessa Duncan


What are you still doing up?


Deon Hart


I was actually sitting up thinking about you





Oh really!!!!!!!

How about I come over? I could

be back before he even realizes

I’m gone.





I’m waiting! Go ahead and take

Off your panties...no need to waste

Unnecessary time.


November 05, 2009

Deon Hart


Good morning Beautiful



Vanessa Duncan


Hey sexy!



Deon Hart


Can we do lunch today?



Vanessa Duncan


Sure what do you have a taste for?



Deon Hart




Vanessa Duncan


Lol...I’ve gotta’ finished getting

I’ll call you when I get

the car....I love you!


Deon Hart


I Love you too!



January 1, 2010


Deon Hart


I hope you decide to keep our

. We will make

parents. Please baby,

I’m begging you.

We can

together. I know that’s what you want.

You’re just concerned about my age.

I can be a great father I know I can.

Please think about it.



Vanessa Duncan


I’ve dreamed about being

my entire life.

And now that it’s happened

I don’t know what to do.

I’m torn between you and my

husband. I love you both. That is why

I cannot keep this child.  If my

husband were to ever find out

I’ve cheated and that I’m

another man’s baby it will

destroy him. I don’t

to hurt him that way.

I hope you understand.



Deon Hart



I can’t keep being your

little doormat! I’m done!




January 15, 2010


Vanessa Duncan


I haven’t heard from you in days.

I went to sleep last night wishing

that I was in your arms instead of his.

I want so badly to be with you.

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