Unforgiven (The Forbidden Bond 2) (30 page)

BOOK: Unforgiven (The Forbidden Bond 2)
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Looking back, he realized that all the little things she did in his home were quirks of her true personality. Her behavior when she was alone with Greyson was at total odds with the socialite persona she wore outside of his home. Brandi was giving him little pieces of herself when her guard was down. He was too self-absorbed to see it at the time. Those true glimpses into the real Brandi were the things he complained about and made fun of. Why was he so blind when it mattered most?

Greyson believed they could have gotten past anything, but the scene Brandi walked in on the other night. He would not have been able to forgive her if he caught her in bed with another man. The memory would have haunted him every time they were together until he could no longer look at her. Still, he wanted to search Brandi out and try to explain the extenuating circumstances of his infidelity, but he couldn’t. He was ordered by the chief to stay away from Brandi unless she came to him. Her father was aware of the situation and he had people hunting for her. Her new ability would make her a sure target. Griffin Vaughn made it clear that he would not tolerate his daughter being harassed while she worked on getting over him and concentrated on controlling her ability.

How the hell could he harass her if no one even knew where she had gone? For all they knew the Rogue had already heard of her amazing pyrokinetic ability and snatched her off the street. But that wasn’t supposed to matter to him because he made a mistake and fell into bed with the wrong woman? To hell with them! They could expel him if they didn’t like it. He could always go back to medicine if his career in the Wrath came to an end.

Greyson jumped up from his chair and began to gather his things. He was going to search until he found Brandi. Then he would find a safe place to keep her with him until she at least gave him the chance to explain things and give her his proof from the infirmary that he had been under the influence of the same drug that knocked her out for a day. What she did after that would be her decision, but at least he would know Brandi was safe and she would have all the facts before she condemned him.

Greyson was stuffing some things in a duffle bag when someone rapped on his front door. He ran for the door like the house was on fire and wrenched it open, praying that Brandi would be on his doorstep ready to give him another chance. But it wasn’t his blue-eyed pixie at the door. It was Garrett. And judging by the sympathetic look on his face, Garrett knew he wasn’t who Greyson was hoping to find.

“I’m sorry, man. I tried to call but your phone is going straight to voicemail.”

“It’s cool. I turned it off so Candice would stop calling. What’s up?” Greyson wished for news of Brandi. It would be easier if he didn’t have to search for her.

“We’ve been deployed, my friend. We leave in an hour. I hope you can get past your aversion to Candice quickly because she’s coming along.” Garrett patted him consolingly on the shoulder.

“You’ll be our driver this round. It will keep you busy and away from troublemaking redheads.”

Garrett walked down the front stairs before Greyson got up the nerve to ask.

“Has anyone heard from her?”

He didn’t need to specify which her he was asking about. It was a given.

“I asked Gage when he gave me the assignment. He said she had contacted someone to let them know she’s safe but she isn’t ready to come home. That’s all he could tell me.”



Her body felt heavy with sleep. The light of the midday sun seeping into the room through cracks in the drapes told Brandi that she had slept for quite some time. She stretched against the warm, firm body pressed to her back. His heated skin smelled clean and intoxicating. This close, he always made her drunk with hunger and need.

Derek. He made her feel small and protected. She felt sheltered from the world outside when she rested in his arms. Brandi arched her back to press against the erection prodding her bottom. Where had his shorts gone? Who cared? He felt hot and more than substantial. Kisses were pressed to her bare shoulder and climbed her neck to tease her earlobe with nibbling little bits and licks. She moaned. Chills chased each other down her body.

His arm pulled her more tightly to his body and wedged his length against her backside. Derek murmured his approval of the fit while gently kneading her breast and palming the ridged nipple, before gently tugging with his thumb and forefinger. Brandi slowly ground herself against him.

Lazily, he loved her. His hand made an unhurried path south until finally he cupped her wet heat. She waited in an agony of languid anticipation for the touch she needed. The touch he wanted to give her. Parting her curls with one long finger he began teasing and circling her flesh until she pressed into his hand needing more. Another finger joined the first and delved deeper, stroking and tormenting. Brandi tilted her hips backward, panting silently, begging to be filled. He chuckled and tsked.

Derek rolled until his back rested partially on the headboard and dragged Brandi with him so that her legs spread wide and rested over his thighs and he could watch his evil game over her shoulder in the mirror across the room. The blankets slid away and cool air teased her heated skin, tightening her nipples further.

The hand between her legs shifted, thrusting and messaging the spot where she needed him so badly. Her moan filled the room.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

“Yes. More please.”

He gave her three fingers. Stretching and probing deeper he hit that perfect spot with every pass and making her grind against his hand pleading and begging. His other hand continued to pinch and flick the taught peaks of her breasts. It felt so good. So close, but not quite what she wanted.

“Please, Derek. I… I need you. All of you. I’ve wanted you for so long.”

He froze and she feared she had said something wrong. Would he leave her when she needed him this way, this intensely?

Finally he moved his hands to her hips and lifted her onto his length. He entered her slowly so she felt every hard inch of him. It was tight and hot and her breath was stuck in her throat. He worked himself in slow circles until he was able to seat himself entirely. Brandi had been sure for a moment that it wouldn’t work. He petted her and whispered praise in her ear while he let her body adjust to the width of him.

“I love you, Brandi. Do you hear me?” He slowly moved out of her and steadily pushed back in.

“If you believe nothing else, believe in that. I love you and I’m about to show you the only way I know how.” He kissed her neck.

She wanted to answer but the slide of flesh against flesh stole her words. Derek guided her hips, setting up a steady rhythm. Before long his hips were slamming against hers and all Brandi could do was hold on for the ride.



She was so hot and so wet. Brandi’s body was milking him with little grasping ripples. Her head thrashed back and forth while she repeated his name over and over. She writhed in pleasure, egging Derek on. He wanted to go slower and savor this experience but the months of watching her and wondering what it be like to slide into her eager heat were nothing compared to the reality of being buried inside of her.

He was close. Too close. One hand slid down into her folds and circled the slickly sensitive nub. She gasped and struggled to escape the overwhelming sensation but he held her to the spot. Pounding and rubbing, he bit firmly into the spot where her shoulder flowed into her neck with his blunt teeth. Derek wanted nothing more at that moment than to let his fangs drop and sink them into the delicate column of her neck. Brandi cried out his name and shattered.

“Derek! So good! Can’t… It’s too much!”

Flying apart she took Derek with her. He held on tight, riding out the tsunami of heated waves that pulled him under and drained him. He knew then he’d never let her go. Not now. Not ever.

He rolled them to their sides and tucked her in next to him. Grateful he still had the strength to do so. Brandi purred and snuggled down until the little electric aftershocks faded into a sated sleep.

They drifted in and out of sleep, making love twice more during the early evening hours until they both knew it was time to leave their drowsy haven and face the world. Brandi ordered room service and they ate in companionable silence. Neither of them wanted to taint the reverent atmosphere created by their loving. It was Brandi who began.

“You should know what happened with Grey…”

“Don’t say his name.” Derek cut her off. He hated the sound of his name on her lips. Brandi smiled, likely remembering a similar argument in the woods.

“And I don’t need to know. We both have pasts. He who shall not be named is part of yours.” He smiled back at her.

“Did you seriously just quote Harry Potter?” She fell over laughing.

Derek soaked up the sight of a broad smile on her beautiful mouth. He could come up with tons of stupid pop culture references if it meant he got to watch her laugh like that again. He was glad to have released some of the tension in the air but he really did hate to hear her say that name. When her giggles finally wound down he spoke from the heart. Just like he promised himself he would if he had the chance when he was in that cell last night. Derek pulled Brandi onto his lap and held her.

“I don’t need to know what happened unless it will make you feel better to talk about it. All that matters to me is I love you and you now know it. I fought it so hard in the beginning. I have nothing to offer you and the fear of rejection still weighs heavily on me. But my fear is no match for the intense need I have to be near you.”

Brandi stroked his face and kissed his eyelids when they drifted shut under her caress.

“I know you are trying to understand the situation with my mom but that doesn’t undo all of the wrongs I’ve done. And there are so many things I just can’t tell you yet.”

They held each other and he knew Brandi was gathering her thoughts. He knew she wanted him too, but that didn’t mean he had it in the bag. There would be conditions to their starting a real life together. Conditions he couldn’t comply with until he played his part in the coming struggle, but how could he make her understand without breaking Tessa’s confidences? His gut said he had to keep the things he learned from Tessa a secret until he was free to be with Brandi.

“I guess we both have some things to work out, huh?” she asked.

“Yeah, I need some time to try to get my mom out. I don’t even know where he’s keeping her, but I have to try. I can’t just leave her behind. If I can find her I’ll walk away, Sparky. I’ll do anything to be like this with you forever.”

“Of course, I understand that.” She paused and looked away.

“What will you do when he sends you for me, Derek?”

“He doesn’t know who you are. He only knows there’s a female pyro on the Enclave.” He tried to reassure her. She smiled grimly.

“It’s only a matter of time and you know it.” Brandi rose from his lap to pace the floor in front of the coffee table.

“Your lack of an answer is answer enough for me. I understand. If it comes down to me or your mom, well, enough said.”

“I think you’re assuming too much. Did you know Nate left The Nest to be with Karrie?” She looked surprised. “He did. I saw them. I can’t be absolutely sure, but I think they’re already mated and keeping it a secret.” He smiled.

“I want that for us. Not the secret part but the mated part. I want to be with you, and share my life with you. I just don’t know what kind of life I can offer the daughter of a Councilman. Hell, I don’t know what I could offer the daughter of any man.”

He shook his head. Brandi crawled back into his lap.

“I’ll likely be disowned anyway.” She shrugged.

She rested her face against his chest. Derek hadn’t even considered the consequences Brandi would pay to be with him.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I have to go to the Council and admit to my power now that it’s out in the open. My parents are probably worried sick. They’re gonna want to lock me away for my own good.

“You can’t do anything but go along with things on your end until you find your mother. Then what?”

She was quiet for a minute, drawling circles on his chest while he stroked her hair.

“I have a question. Does he keep your mother drugged? Why doesn’t she leave on her own?”

This was not a conversation he could have without being partially dishonest. He hated giving her half-truths but Brandi deserved what he could give her.

“Mom is half-mated to the Master.”

Brandi’s head snapped up and she gasped.

“Yeah, I know. It’s screwed up. It’s a lot like the bonding between Darren and Dani. The Master’s ability to drain other vamp’s power by drinking from them has a downside. He can’t bond to anyone. It fades in a matter of hours. She is devoted to him, but to him she is no more than a tool. My mother swears he loves her and it’s not his fault he can’t be faithful. It’s disgusting.”

“So you’re telling me that not only do you need to break her out, but you need to convince her to leave with you? You have to convince her to leave her mate? Darren hasn’t given up on Dani yet and she’s bonded to another man. Why would your mom be any different?”

Brandi’s eyes were wide and sad. She didn’t believe he would ever get out and Derek couldn’t really blame her. She just shook her head and climbed off of his lap again.

“I’m not stupid, Derek. I know there’s a lot you’re not saying. I still haven’t figured out why I found you with Tessa and Debbie.” She looked defeated, “Secrets and lies. How do you build a life on secrets and lies? It’s the reason I was clinging to Greyson. You give me no reason to hope for a future. I didn’t love him but I wanted to. I cared very deeply for him but I really wanted to love him. He just wouldn’t let me. But, at least I knew where I stood with him, or at least I thought I did.” She laughed a little hysterically.

“He showed me, didn’t he? I got my feelings hurt and exposed myself in a fit of temper over embarrassment and lies.”

Derek growled. There was nothing he could do and only one more thing left to say.

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