United Service (31 page)

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Authors: Regina Morris

BOOK: United Service
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“I finished inside you, so I’m not as big.” It surprised him that he could ejaculate at all with the intense pain he had experienced. Yet the searing pain lasted only for a second. He suspected he hadn’t felt the pain the same way as she did, but he was sure he had felt the same intensity. At least he hoped her pain wasn’t worse than the pain he experienced. He knew women could endure greater pain than men, and that’s why they survived childbirth. He made a mental note not to touch Kate if she ever gave birth to his child. She may survive the pain, but he was sure the pain would kill him if he was touching her at the time.

During this moment, he realized it wasn’t just that he didn’t want to live without her in his life, but he couldn’t live without her. He wanted to spend his life with her and wanted her to be the mother of his children. He loved her more than life itself.

He pushed up on his elbows so his weight lifted off her. He caressed her hair with his hand and looked into her beautiful eyes. “I love you, Kate.”

“I love you, too.”

This was the first time a woman had ever said those words to him, and meant them. And didn’t that just warm his cold, lonely, little half–breed heart.


They lay entwined together in the big bed, looking deep into each other’s eyes. Sterling’s pain had left his body. By his touch, he knew Kate’s pain was gone as well. “God, you’re so beautiful. I want to make love to you every day, for the rest of our lives.” He kissed a path back towards her lips and claimed her mouth with his own. Her mouth opened to him and the kiss became deeper and more intense. He closed his eyes and allowed the kiss to be his whole world, consuming him with renewed passion.

Her hands cupped and caressed his backside. “You’re the one who is so beautiful. Well, handsome. I can’t tell you how many times I stared at your magnificent ass over the last few days while you weren’t looking.” She squeezed and molded his backside with her hands. “Now I get to touch it.”

“I like you touching me.” He kissed her neck and breathed in the heavenly peach fragrance. Instinctively he licked her neck and reached down to bite her, which meant his eyes were blackening once again.

Sterling reveled in the moment of that bite and realized two things. One, his length now grew within her. Unfortunately, he would have to leave before he caused her any more pain. Secondly, he had no wish to leave her body. He lingered within her as the two of them lay together. He had never lingered inside a woman before. He normally bid a hasty retreat after having sex, but this felt so much better to him, it was more than sex.

His body wanted her again; right here and right now. He retreated slowly from her body, and heard her catch her breath. When she slightly shifted her hips under him he read pleasure from her skin.

He tested her soreness by slowly retreating from her body and then rocking back into her. With the movement, he grew even more. Sterling expected Kate to be tight, and was surprised by how quickly her body molded around him as he stretched her out. He sensed no true pain from her skin, only excitement, and her passionate kisses encouraged him to continue. He ebbed back out and rocked back in again and again, his length stretching her out and her body hugging him in return.

Her body responded with passion with her hips rocking in an even motion with his. In this one perfect moment, he wanted time to stand still for all of eternity. He wondered if every man knew about slow lovemaking. It was a first for him, but then this was his first time to make love.

Her moans grew in intensity and loudness as her body enjoyed his now full–length and size within her. He moved past the gentle rocking back in and out and decided to extend the slide of his length within her. Remaining as gentle as he could, he slid himself out and pushed back into her so she enjoyed his fullness within her. This also gave him more pleasure as he slowly and gently thrust into her over and over again.

When she arched her back and moaned loudly, he sped up the pace of their lovemaking. He held his body just far enough back so he could watch her face as she came. Her blackened eyes gazed into his. She had never looked more beautiful.

Nothing in the world was sexier to him than her body’s reaction to his touch. His touch on her skin allowed him to feel the pleasure she experienced. Her heart rate sped up, her body glistened with perspiration, and her breathing became moans of pleasure. The tips of her fangs slightly bit her lower lip as she climaxed. Her body gripped his manhood even tighter and milked him in a loving rhythm which pushed his response. He growled her name as he released into her.

As the two of them lay there in bed, looking into each others’ eyes and breathing heavily, Sterling realized that this was the first time in his life that he truly made love to a woman.



He drew Kate a hot bubble bath. The tub easily held two people and he wanted to wash her and take care of her. He knew he had made the right decision to take Kate to the Plaza. The room was a beautiful atmosphere for her to lose her virginity, plus it had one other benefit. The walls of Fang Manor were thin. If they had been at the mansion when she screamed in agony when he had first entered her, his father would think the worst and probably barge in on the two of them. Sterling cringed in disgust as that thought crossed his mind.

As the water filled the tub and the bubbles grew, he looked down at his own sex. It never occurred to him that he’d be covered in so much of her blood. His member resembled a bloody stump and he was so grateful he had the strength to do what needed to be done. He took in a deep breath as reality hit him. She was no longer a virgin, because of him. But she loved him, and he loved her.

As he glanced down at his sex and found a shocking discovery. He didn’t protect them by wearing a condom. He always wore one when he was with a woman. Heck, by the sheer number he used he should buy stock in the condom companies. He didn’t wear one with Kate because he wasn’t the one who removed his pants. He got lost in the moment and forgot.

What surprised him more, was his lack of panic. He remained calm about the situation. This was the first time he even had to consider the possibility of pregnancy, but he wasn’t worried. She was at the base age of her Jahrling year and her body had been sated with blood before he took her. If this were her fertile time, she could become pregnant. Of course, they had talked briefly of having children together. Well, sort of.

He sat at the edge of the extra large Jacuzzi tub. She was the one; it would always only be her. He loved her, and she loved him. It wouldn’t matter if she were pregnant. He wasn’t going anywhere.

The tub busted with bubbles, filling the room with the scent of vanilla sugar. He used extremely hot water for a reason, and hoped Kate would enjoy the bursting bubbles on her skin the same way he did. He knew it was kind of silly, but he did take a lot of bubble baths because of how they made his skin tingle. The light was turned down and around the tub he lit two candles he had found in the room. He walked into the other room where Kate lay on the bed. “You ready for our bath?”


Sterling parked his Ferrari in its usual spot in the garage at Fang Manor. Judging by all the cars, the house was full tonight. Since the time was already 2am, he was confident most, if not all, were asleep.

“We’re out in the middle of nowhere,” Kate commented. “I thought you lived in the city, not a good hour outside it. This house is huge. How many people live here?”

“It’s a twelve bedroom home, and most of the rooms are taken,” he said about the red–bricked stately manor. “The apartment above the garage is full as well.” He helped her out of the car and the two held hands as they walked past the garden. “My room is on the third floor,” he pointed upward. “The top floor is for me and my father.” He walked her towards the back door of the mansion, which led into the kitchen. With as physically close as they had been, for as long as they had been close, Kate could walk without any help, but he still asked to hold her hand.

Sterling disabled the alarms to the house. He knew the beeping noise would wake at least one of the dogs of the house, if not all three of them. The dogs slept in his father’s room, so if he didn’t hear him enter the house, the dogs would let him know. Damn. There would be no escaping his father tonight.

“What’s that humming noise,” she asked as they entered the kitchen.

Walking to the corner of the room, Sterling said, “Air purifier. My father keeps several around the house for me.” He began removing his shoes and setting them on the tiny bookshelf. “We also remove our shoes so we don’t track pollutants into the house.”

Pulling off her shoes, Kate asked, “You all do this?”

“My aunt came up with the idea. The machines help with my skin issues and allergies.”

He led Kate from the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air and he heard Kate inhale deeply. They exited the kitchen and walked through the living room, to the staircase. “I’ll give you a tour of the place tomorrow.” He let Kate walk ahead of him on the stairs so he could catch her if she fell. An unnecessary precaution judging by the grace of her walk, but he enjoyed the view nonetheless.

As soon as they started up the second flight of stairs, Sterling saw his father. He did not want to talk to the man tonight. “Kate. You remember my father, Raymond.” Kate nodded and smiled at Raymond. Sterling sensed the man wasn’t happy, but at least he politely said hello to her. There were only two rooms on the third floor; it didn’t take a genius to figure out where Sterling was taking the woman.

“Kate. Please go lay down. I’ll join you in a minute.” He opened his bedroom door and allowed her in.

“Unless you were married today, you can’t bring a guest into this house,” Raymond said once the door was closed. “Our government contract on this house is explicit about no guests.”

“Don’t you remember? I declared her as my mate.”

Raymond barked, “I don’t recall signing a mating document between the two of you.”

“Technicality. But I’ll make sure you sign that document. Plus, she’s not leaving my side.” Sterling narrowed his eyes and got into his father’s face. “I need to protect my mate from you and your mind zapping abilities. At least if she’s under me I’ll know she’s safe.”

Sterling turned and walked through his bedroom door. He was tempted to slam it, but didn’t. His eyes immediately glanced over at Kate. She was right, he should be the bigger man when it came to his father, but the man pushed every one of Sterling’s buttons.

He felt as if he should have told his father his true feelings for Kate. Why had he held back? Would the old man even be happy for him for finding his true love? Sterling thought of going back into the hallway to talk with his father, but then he heard Raymond’s bedroom door close.

Kate reclined on the bed, her feet already numb and her hands quickly fading. He joined her on the bed and touched her hands to give them sensation once again. He then removed her shoes and massaged her feet. “Your father seemed upset, Sterling.”

“He’s just being a dick. Forget him.”

“Is my staying here a problem? Because we could go to your apartment instead.”

He felt the emotions off her skin as he massaged her feet and ankles. She was genuinely concerned for him, and the sentiment melted his heart even more. He smiled at her and tried his best to put the argument with his father aside. “No. I live here and this is my bedroom. This is where I want you. But don’t ever let him touch you.”

She sat up in the bed. “What? You said he was happily married.”

“Oh, not like that. He would never touch you in such a way. Even if he was attracted to you, his marriage vow is like a brick wall, he’d never break his vows. Just never let him touch your skin.”

“Because of my barrier?”

“I suspect he can’t break the barrier,” Sterling said. “However, he has an ability to read a human’s mind just by being near them. He can read a vampire’s mind as well. Sometimes he has to touch the vampire, sometimes he doesn’t.”

She eyed him with disbelief. “Wow. He got the coolest gift, didn’t he?”

A slight grin formed on Sterling’s face. “He also can compel a vampire when he touches them.”

“Compel as in like how we can compel humans?”

“I doubt he will even try. But yes. Compel as in he’ll erase your memory of me if that’s what he wants to do.”

She looked at the door, her mouth falling open. “Holy shit! Why would he do that? Is he always upset when you bring women home?”

“I’ve never brought a woman to my bedroom before. We’re not allowed to bring guests into the house.”

“Really? I’m the first one in your bedroom?” she asked looking back at him.

“And the only one.” He switched so he now rubbed her other foot. “It’s why I kept an apartment in the city.”

She gave him a puzzled look. “If you can’t bring guests into the house, how come I can stay?”

Talk about a segway presenting itself. He cleared his throat. “The reason my father is allowing this indiscretion, and probably won’t try to erase your memory, is because I claimed you as my mate.”

Kate smiled at him. “I don’t think your father is going to hold you to that. You needed that kid to back down …”

“No,” Sterling said, interrupting her. “I declared you officially as my mate to my father. When he,” Sterling paused, “when he tested my resolve and I punched him.”

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