United States Invaded (46 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: United States Invaded
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“Do you think the meeting tomorrow will yield anything significant?”

“If Reid was still in power no, with Brownie yes, there’s a chance.”

“Let’s hope so.”




The LSA national police announce that President Reid has been found guilty of position of child pornography. He has been formally removed from office; he will never be allowed to hold any office in the LSA again. He is stripped of his pension and all of his personal assets, plus he has been sentenced to twenty years of hard labor in the LSA national jail in Spokane Washington.

Rash calls President Brownstone, “Sir, have you seen the press release on President Reid?”

“Not yet, is it good news?”

“He’s never getting out of jail; he’s finished.”

“Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Nanny is quickly learning that she and a small number of others are going to be held personally liable for the defrauding of America. Her personal millions will be taken from her. Rash, I’m thinking of issuing an executive order whereby the personal assets of the criminals who defrauded America will be taken and refunded to the citizens of America in the form of a check. Not a credit on their tax forms, but a real check. I think the check will help the country’s moral and also show those who commit crimes against the country that they will pay. What do you think?”

“Mr. President, how much are we talking about? At most, I think every American will get a check for one dollar that may upset them more than they are now. If we’re going to issue them a check, it has to be a meaningful one.”

“I agree, let me get with Steve than I’ll get back with you.”

Hanging up the phone, President Brownstone calls Steve Forbas, “Steve, can you join me?”

“Yes sir. Be right there.”

“Steve, thank you for coming right over. How are you feeling?”

“Mr. President, the pacemaker saved my life, my heart, the electrical system that controls my heart went haywire and failed. A few more minutes and I would have been dead. The pacemaker is keeping me alive. It’s telling my heart when to beat. The downside is I have to get a new one every few years, so there’s no risk of the battery running down and my heart stopping.”

“Does it limit you in any way?”

“Not that I’ve discovered. Now what can the Treasury Department do for you?”

“Steve, I want to take the money from those who will be convicted of defrauding America with agreeing to allow Mr. Osbma run for President to be refunded directly to the adult population.”

“Sir, adult population or citizens?”

“Steve, good catch, adult citizens who can vote.”

“After the split with the LSA there are around 95 million legal adult citizens in the USA, to make the checks meaning full, I think they checks are going to have to be around $100 each. Remember when Obsma cut the payroll tax by an average of $5 a week, no one noticed. It was a nice talking point, however, in the end it mattered not. In order to matter and make them remember the check, it has to be enough that they can do something with it. I’d like to see a couple of hundred dollars per check. If we assume each check is $100, then the total needed to fund, the operation is $9.5 billion. Those accused don’t have anywhere near enough to fund a program of this size.”

“How much do you think they do have?”

“I asked the director of the IRS to check, his best estimate is they have combined assets valued in cash of $800 million. That only works out to $8.00 per check. In my opinion, not worth the cost of cutting the checks.”

“Steve how can we use the $800 million to help offset the pain and suffering the public endured?”

“Sir, I need a little time to review our options. $800 million sounds like a lot, however divided up among 95 million adults it isn’t very much.”

“Thank you Steve.”




“Major, the teams are in position for target one, orders?”

“Are you sure no one has seen you and the team hasn’t been discovered?”

“Yes, we’re dressed in their security uniforms; we have the proper ID cards, no one gives us a second look.”

“Does the target stick to the previously mapped route and routine?”

“Yes, like clockwork.”

“Tonight, two hours after he falls asleep. Remember leave nothing behind, I don’t want a single dead skin flake found. It has to appear in the morning natural.”

“Yes sir.”

At one o’clock in the morning, three members of Major Grover’s special team slip into the luxurious apartment on the upper west side of New York City. Having already copied the key and hacking the security system, they quietly enter the apartment, turning off the alarm system. Two slip into the bedroom where they find their target peacefully sleeping. One takes out a small spray bottle. He positions it under the targets nose; he presses the trigger three times. The chemical is quickly absorbed into the target’s bloodstream. Satisfied the chemical has been inhaled they meet their partner whose task was to open the target’s safe. He nods yes. The three of them slip out of the apartment. When they’re four blocks away, they remove their disguises. They place them a bag, which is placed into a city furnace where they are burned to ashes.  The three men separate each going to a different exit location. The leader of the group who used the spray on the target pulls out a disposable phone, he dials a number, speaking into a voice recorder at the other end of the phone, a number that will be disconnected after it receives this one call, he says, “mission accomplished.”

The number dialed sends a single letter text to Major Grover; the message is “A." The Major smiles, the letter A means the first mission was successful. The second part of his mission is the most difficult which is why he’s leading it himself. He destroys the phone that received the text message. He spreads the parts of the broken phone in trash bins and the river spread out over a four mile area. He takes a second disposable phone out of his pocket; he dials a number saying, “Team members of group two, condition bravo, repeat condition bravo.”

The Major continues to work not giving the message any thought. His message bravo set in action many parts of the plan.




“Nanny Polsi, you stand before the Supreme Court of the United States today because you have been found guilty of defrauding the people and government of the United States of America. Do you have anything to say before judgment is passed?”

“Yes I do. This court has no jurisdiction to hear this case. As such I demanded to be freed and returned to the LSA.”

“Mrs. Polsi, this court has jurisdiction because your crime was committed against both the citizens and government of the United States. As this court is the highest in the country, it was decided by the Federal and State governments to hold your trial here.  You decided not to speak in your own behalf; you have refused to offer any defense. As such, we have found you guilty. Your punishment is the loss of your personal fortune, the loss of your United States House of Representative's pension and jail sentence of not less than fifty years to be served in solitary confinement. We considered death, as we considered your crime high treason, however three members of the court refused to vote for the death penalty. Your sentence is to start now, bailiff, please remove the prisoner.”

“Wait! You can’t do this. I’m the Vice President of the LSA. I’m no longer a citizen of the United States you can’t imprison me if I’m not a citizen.” 

“Mrs. Polsi, whatever gave you that idea?”

“Bailiff, please take the prisoner away.”

“NOOOO, you can’t do this. Can’t we trade something?”

The justices had already left the bench when Nanny was begging. She couldn’t believe they found her guilty and sentenced her to life.




“President Brownie, welcome to the new Oval Office.”

“Thank you President Brownstone. I appreciate you're being so accommodating. The rebuilding looks very good. It's impossible to tell most of the wall was destroyed. Is it strengthened over the last wall?”

“That information is as I sure understand, secured.”

“President Brownstone, I understand, shall we get right down to business?”

“Yes, I’d like that, I wasn’t a politician and never did learn to like the initial thirty minutes of small talk.”

Laughing, President Brownie says, “One would never know you hadn’t spent your entire life in politics, you’ve gotten very good at it. Mr. President I’d like to bury the hatchet between our two countries. There’s no reason for us to fight each other. We used to be the same.”

“President Brownie, the LSA started this war against the United States. You invited the United Nations to stage combat operations from LSA soil, when you did this; you became our enemy. If we have to result to attacking the rest of the world, you have my word; the LSA won’t be spared.”

“Sir, how can you do this? We were all brothers and sisters months ago.”

“Yes, the key word is was. We aren’t any longer. If the war continues, we will strike you. In fact, I can tell you sections of the LSA will be so radioactive no one will be able to set foot on the land for over one hundred years. You and your party committed fraud against the people of the United States. You and your party planned harm to the United States. I won’t ever forget, nor do I think most of the citizens of the United States will ever forget the damage you did to the country.”

“Mr. President, I was a state governor. I wasn’t a part of the fraud; I wasn’t a member of Congress or the Senate. I had nothing to do with the fraud.”

“Please don’t think me a fool. I have the complete file on the fraud. We hacked your party’s central servers; you really should have learned from the IRS scandal how to better delete data. We know who had a hand in it, and to what extend every member of the party did or didn’t play a role in the fraud.”

“You hacked our computers? Who do you think you are?”

“The Commander In Chief of the most-powerful military on the planet. Since you don’t have a military, and I’m not double parked so your national police can give me a parking ticket. I suggest you sit down and shut up.”

“There’s no reason to talk to me like that.”

“No? Here’s a list of the laws, rules and executive branch rulings your President Obsma signed into law, attached to the list is the cost of those programs, not just the cost of the laws, but the cost to the average American. Your fraud almost collapsed the country and turned the world into one world government.”

“There’s nothing wrong with a single world government; it should have been done a long time ago. If it had been, there would be no more wars, or suffering.”

“Your kind always thinks so. America wasn’t founded to be rolled into a one world government. Our people value their freedoms. America was founded to be a country where everyone is equal at the starting line, not the finish line. Everyone has an equal opportunity.”

“President Brownstone, we both know that’s bullshit. Not everyone is equal at the starting line, many are disadvantaged, or came from a broken home, or a one parent home or didn’t get the best education or lack self-esteem.”

“President Brownie, that’s because progressives like you wrote the laws and bent the rules so that there would always be a class of people dependent on the government. This isn’t how the founding fathers viewed their future America.”

“With all due respect, that was almost 240 years ago, little of what did is relevant today.”

“Actually, I think all of what they did is relevant today. However, you didn’t travel here to debate history. I assume you’re interested in coming to some sort of truce, so we don’t nuke you.”

“That’s correct. By the way, I’m sure you know the United Nations’ Secretary-General is going to have you named an international war criminal for using poison gas.”

Laughing, President Brownstone replies, “It wasn’t poison, it was a knock out gas. Something is similar to what your dentist may give you. If I’m a war criminal so is your dentist.”

“Sir, the facts are you gassed thousands of United Nations’ troops and even some of your own people. You used gas against your own people. The Secretary-General offered me this meeting so that we might come to an agreement, and I’m to offer you the chance to turn yourself over to the Secretary-General for trial in the World Court.”

“I didn’t like the first time someone tried to have me convicted in the World Court, what makes you think I’ll be willing turn myself in? We are holding fifty-eight thousand United Nations’ troops in camps. I think one day the Secretary-General would like them returned.”

“He would like them released when you turn yourself in; he said to tell you it will go much easier on you at trial if you release the United Nations’ troops.”

“Please don’t make me laugh anymore. Look, I’m deadly serious - either the war ends and ends now, or I will start dropping nukes all over the world. When I’m done the United States will be mostly disarmed so in a way, you’ll get what you want. However, the question is, is this how you want it to end? We have proof the Russian Federation set off the nuke in Minot. The entire situation was a setup. Someone in Reid’s administration gave the PAL codes to the Russians. Hence, the LSA caused the United States billions of dollars in damages. It was strongly suggested to me I attack a city in the LSA to equal the stakes. As you know I didn’t do that, however, all it takes for one or all of your major cities to disappear in a mushroom cloud is me picking up that red phone on my desk and saying one word.”

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