Unjustly Destroyed (Incapable Part Two) (12 page)

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Chapter Twelve



It’d been a week since my last contact with Carson. I hadn’t decided if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I raised my shirt and looked at the bruising that was now a disgusting faded yellow in the mirror. I dropped it as Grayson walked into the bathroom. He’d been acting different. Going off to ‘meetings’, as he put it, but I had a feeling it had to do with Carson.

“You look better today.” He kissed the base of my neck, which sent chills through me.

“I feel better.” I followed him to the kitchen, and he made a cup of coffee. “I’m going to meet Tyler today. I think it’s time. I haven’t talked to him since I was at his house, and I feel like I owe him an explanation about everything.”

Grayson nodded. “I think that’s fair. He’s your friend. He’s worried about you. I haven’t said anything because you didn’t want me to.” He leaned over and grabbed my hand. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“No. I think it’ll be fine.”


“I’ve been dying to come to Sable forever but reservations are almost impossible. You mention Grayson fucking Mandrake, and lo and behold, they open up a whole hour early for you.” Tyler shook his head as he looked around the establishment.

“Well, I honestly wasn’t trying to name drop.” I started to frown as I stared down at my drink menu. I could feel the apple from earlier trying to make its way back up. I took a sip of water, hoping the feeling would go away.

“So, I can’t ignore the elephant in the room. You brought along two extra guests. Are we going to talk about that, or pretend a little bit longer as they fail at blending into the wall décor?” Tyler jerked his chin toward Hawkins and some new guy that was bigger and bulkier.

Before I could speak, we were interrupted by our server. “Have you had a chance to look over the menu?”

“Um yeah, I’ll take the beef sliders and war of the roses.”

I flipped my menu over, suddenly not that hungry. “Just some ice water with lemon and broth.”

Tyler smirked. “Wild woman.”

I was glad the bar wasn’t opened to the public yet. It gave us some quiet time to talk amongst ourselves. “How are things with you and Molly?”

He shrugged, then let out a small smile. “They’re good. She kind of reminds me of you a little. Hard worker. Always on my ass, but other than that, things are going well.” He leaned back in his chair as he looked me over. It was quiet for a few moments as I looked around the place. “So. You wanna tell me about the two hounds hoovering over your shoulder over there? You’ve never been this nervous to tell me something, or avoid me for over a week. You’ve been doing that a lot lately. Avoiding me. I thought we were better than that.”

I cringed. I deserved that. He was right.

I took a deep breath, and spent the next twenty minutes telling Tyler everything about Carson. From seeing him In Florida at check-in, to meeting up with him and him attacking me then. To him weaseling his way into Mandrake Enterprise and getting a tour of the building, then at the club. Finally, to him breaking into my office. At some point, the server placed our food and drinks down, but neither one of us noticed. When I was finished, we just stared at each other. 

“Say something.” He blinked. “Say something, dammit!” I raised my voice. He finally reached for his drink and downed all of it. He grimaced as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, then signaled to our server.

“Can I get a beer? I don’t care what. Whatever you have on tap. And a shot. Two. Patron.” She nodded as she made her way to the bar, returning within a few minutes with a frosted glass of beer, and he drank half of it within seconds. He picked up his slider and began eating in earnest. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t say anything. Just sat there and ate as if I wasn’t even there.

I picked up my spoon and slowly stirred my broth, not taking my eyes off him. I glanced over at Hawkins. He was sitting about five booths away, facing us, but not watching. I wasn’t sure where the new guy was. Our server was filling salt shakers, getting ready for the lunch crowd that was about to enter in a few minutes. I cleared my throat.


He continued to eat, and reached for the salt for his house fries. I laid my hand gently on his arm and he immediately tensed, then banged his other hand down on the table, creating a loud boom.

“What, Emmalin!”

I looked up, startled. He’s never raised his voice at me before. He was always my protector. Out of my periphery, I saw Hawkins rise and immediately start for our table, with his hand going for his holster. My eyes grew wide as I shook my head no for him to stay back. The other guy had already arrived at our table.

“Is there a problem, sir?”

I quickly stood up. “No. Everything is fine.”

Tyler stood also, sizing the guy up. “No, everything is not fine.” He pulled out his wallet and laid down a fifty. I then watched as he took both of his tequila shots, back to back. He leaned in and said in a low voice, “Make that the last time you lie to me.” He stormed past me, out the door. My chin started to quiver. I just stood there, staring at the door, because I betrayed my best friend.

I finally turned to Hawkins and whispered, “He shouldn’t be driving.” Hawkins nodded as he jogged to the door.

Hawkins came back ten minutes later, and I looked at him, hopeful that Tyler was with him. He just looked at me and shrugged. I couldn’t help the tears that fell as they drove me home. I sent several text messages to Tyler, and all my calls went straight to voice mail. By the time I got home, his mail box was full.

I finally called Molly and told her that if she heard from him to please call me, no matter what. I laid down and cried myself to sleep, clutching my phone.




“What do you mean, it’s not Dale? Where the fuck is he?” I was pacing Ruska’s office. I was sure it was Dale. This had to be some kind of a joke. This was my reason to finally kill the asshole.

“We’ve tracked his whereabouts; he’s been in London. There’s surveillance that proves it, Grayson. There’s a hospital he goes to three times a week.”

I stopped pacing. I didn’t even need to hear why he was there, or why he went to that hospital three times a week. He was there for Lydia. He fucking moved Lydia. The one time he decided to be fucking family. It still didn’t add up. Why now all of a sudden?

“Grayson, are you listening to me? You’re the only target. No other files have been touched. I had the crew scan and rescan everything a million times. Only yours. If you’re still thinking Dale, I’ll have him brought in. I haven’t cut off anyone’s fingers recently. I’ve been dying to use my new knives.”

There was no point in laughing, because if I knew Ruska, he wasn’t kidding. My thoughts were jarred to an incoming text.

Hawkins: I think you need to be here.

Me: Why? What’s wrong?

Hawkins: She’s upset

I glanced back up at Ruska. “I need to go. I’ll keep in touch.” He nodded, not looking up from the woman in his lap giving him a blow job. I almost forgot she was there.

I got home twenty minutes later, and Hawkins was in the living room looking tense. “What happened; where is she?”

“She met with Langer. It didn’t look good.”

I stepped closer. “Did he hurt her?” I knew that question was pointless, but it was a gut reaction.

“No, sir, but we did intervene.”

I turned and headed for the bedroom. Emmalin was in bed, crying. She looked at me as fresh tears came pouring down her cheeks, and I went to her. “He hates me,” she managed to choke out.

I stroked her back and hugged her tight. “He doesn’t hate you, baby. He just needs a little time.”

“No. He should hate me. He should. Everything he’s done, he’s done for me. He got sent away because of me, Grayson. Because of me! And this is how I repay him. By lying to him, and keeping things from him, when I should’ve been honest with him from the beginning. That’s all he’s ever wanted from me, and I didn’t give him that.”

She started hyperventilating. “I need to find him; he has to know he means something to me.

I grabbed her and pinned her down. “Listen to me. Listen to me, Emmalin. Let me go find him. Let me go talk to him. You’re too upset.” She looked at me with red eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so emotional. I leaned my head down against her and whispered, “Let me talk to him, okay? I need you to calm down. Can you do that for me?” She turned her head, and I kissed the tears that were falling. “Please?” She finally looked back at me, and reluctantly nodded.


Tyler wasn’t hard to find. He was sitting alone at a bar counter. I slid in next to him.

“I hear this place is known for their wings.” I looked him over as he stared into his empty glass. He grunted in response before turning to me.

“I wouldn’t know.”

I signaled to the bartender. “I’ll have whatever he’s having, and bring him a water.”

We sat in silence. I then realized I’d never actually spent any time with Tyler. I didn’t know where to start, or what to talk about. The weather? Football? I didn’t even know if he liked football. I didn’t know anything about him, other than the fact that he saved Emmalin’s life. I knew nothing about Emmalin’s best friend, yet she knew all about mine. Hell, I was still pissed that he knew where she was for those five days. They’d bonded after that. They had a connection that I didn’t understand, and was fucking jealous about.

“Why are you here, Grayson?”

I sighed. “You know why I’m here, Tyler. She loves you, and can’t stand the fact that you’re mad at her. It’s killing her.”

“Is that so?”

“The fuck do you mean, is that so? You didn’t see her. She’s flipped the fuck out, Tyler. That asshole Carson has gotten into her head and fucked her up. She’s scared. It kills me that he’s gotten to her, and I wasn’t there to protect her. She kept it from all of us, and I hate that she did that. But he’s warped her somehow. She’s so fucking scared. She’s too busy trying to be brave, but she’s hurting. You running out on her isn’t helping.”

He was silent as he toyed with his glass. “I’m not mad at her. I was disappointed. I’m losing her. I lost her to you. I already can’t stand you, even though I like you. And now this. She’s changed. I'm not mad at her,” he spoke quietly.

"You stormed out on her. Ignored her phone calls, and I'm sitting here playing mediator with a party of one. What are you calling this?" He picked up a peanut and cracked its shell before answering me.

"She's changed. She's different now. It wasn't the fact that she lied. It was the fact that she lied to me. It's everything. You. Her. She doesn't need me anymore and I accept that. I just don't want her pushed too far. You and I both know that she hasn't been the same for a while. I didn't know about Carson, yet he somehow found her, and I feel helpless. I don't have any regrets in life, but I also don't want her to end up doing something she'll regret or have any guilt over."

I nodded. I knew exactly what he was getting at. "I'll have it handled."

And just like that, the decision was made. We sat there another hour talking, like we just didn't make plans to end someone else's life.

I finally saw it was getting close to 1 a.m. "Come on, I'll take you home."


"Holy shit! Tell me that’s not a Bugatti?"

I nodded, giving Tyler a smile. "My newest baby."

"Can I drive?"

I hesitated, then realized Emmalin would like that we bonded. I tossed him the keys. "Be fucking careful, Langer."

He started touching the interior. "Has Emmalin driven it? Does she like it?"

"She said it rides smoothly." I smiled, not mentioning that I fucked her on the hood of the car the moment I brought it home, and then she rode me, like the dirty vixen she was, in the driver’s seat. “She definitely liked it.” I felt myself getting hard, thinking about how hard she came that night.
Fuck, I needed to get home.

He started the car and leaned his head back. “Listen to that purr. She’s nice. I have to get me one of these.” He pulled out, and I relaxed and started enjoying the ride. Not too soon after, I turned on the station for music.

“That guy must like your car, too. He’s been tailing my ass for the last five minutes.”

I looked in my side view mirror. There was a truck tailing us, with black tinted windows. “How fast are you going?”

“About 50, we’re heading toward a really hilly area.”

I checked my side view again. “Speed up again. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Probably just an asshole.” Tyler accelerated. So did the truck. “Maybe he’ll pass.” I looked behind me. The truck was so close, all I could see were headlights. Before I could completely turn around, the truck hit us from behind and we jerked forward.

“What the fuck!” Tyler swerved, almost hitting the ramp.

“Fuck, Tyler, stay steady! You’re in a Bugatti, just go!”

“I’m fucking trying! I think something’s wrong with the brakes!” Before he could gain control, we were hit again, this time from the side. Tyler swerved to miss an oncoming car.

I managed to grab my phone to call Benny. “We’re being hit!” All of a sudden, there was a loud crash, and the car swerved, before barreling into the concrete wall.


Do you ever imagine what your life would’ve been like if you hadn’t come back from Paris early? If you had come back even one day later than planned, how different your life would’ve been? You could’ve chosen to stay one more night, and fucked a French woman one more night. But you chose another route. You got on that plane, went to that party you weren’t looking forward to going to, spent most of the time plotting your escape. Then you happened to glance up, and the love of your life walked into the room. I always found shit like that unreal. When you see the love of your life, you’ll know. I always thought that was the biggest bullshit ever. I could sit here and say, guess what everyone, it’s fucking true, because it happened to me. But what they don’t tell you is that it doesn’t always last forever. One of you will always find a way to fuck it up, whether that person cheats, falls out of love, or fucking dies. I’m probably going to die right now.



I opened my eyes. Glass was strewn around me. I wiggled my toes and moved my body. Miraculously nothing seemed broken, just sore.


I tried turning toward Tyler, but something was blocking us. I heard sirens in the distance. Thank God. Someone was coming to get us.


This time, his voice came out wheezing. “Tyler?” I managed to move away the debris that was separating us and my heart stopped. Tyler took the brunt of the crash. He looked over at me as best he could. Blood was seeping out of his mouth.

“Pu... pppocket.”

I was too stunned to move at first before realizing he was talking about his pocket. I reached over into his jacket, and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I opened it, and glanced at it only briefly before quickly folding it back up and stuffing it into my pocket. I grabbed onto his hand, and he tried giving me a small smile as he held onto me tightly.

“Hello, can you hear me?!”

Not taking my eyes off Tyler, I answered, “We’re in here. Tyler’s severely hurt.”

“We’re going to get you out, okay? I need you both to stay calm.”

I nodded as a single tear fell down my own face.

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