Unknown (8 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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Breaking the kiss, he looked at her, lips plump and rosy from his kiss, her body shaking, her arousal evident in the flush of colour staining her cheeks, dark brown eyes almost black with passion.

'Perhaps we've both spent too long being serious and responsible,' he suggested, hearing the roughness in his own voice. With the fingertips of one hand, he explored the contours of her face, amazed anew at the softness of her skin. 'Together we will have some fun, yes? Take time to be carefree.'


His name whispered from her parted lips. He groaned, unable to help himself as he returned his mouth to hers, sparking off another storm of passion. Gina kissed like an angel. Or maybe that should be a sorceress, given the way she had bewitched and beguiled him. He had lost his head from their first meeting on the beach.


Sweet mercy, the man could kiss.

Gina was carried away by the rush of desire charging through her. Seb's slow, deep kisses were consuming and heart-stoppingly sexy. She met and matched every demand.. .every stroke and glide as their tongues teased and tasted. The magic of Seb was awakening her from her slumber, making her aware for the first time in years of her own body, stirring long-ignored needs inside her. It was four years since she had been kissed, but she didn't remember it ever being like this! Every particle of her skin tingled, her nerves hummed, the blood sped through her veins. Inhaling his masculine scent, she felt drunk on him. She couldn't get close enough, and was oblivious to everything, focused solely on Seb .and how incredible he made her feel.

When he drew back a second time they were both breathing raggedly, their hearts thudding in unison. She barely had time to think, much less gather her scattered senses, before he sank his hands in her hair, tilting her head so his mouth could trail a sensual path of fire down her throat and along her neck.

'Seb.' His name escaped on a whimper—appeal, not protest—and she tightened her hold on him, her legs like jelly, unable to support her much longer.

His breath was hot against her skin as his teeth nipped one earlobe before he salved the tiny sting with his tongue. 'You feel it too.'

'I do.' How could she deny his husky declaration? 'But I'm only here for a couple more days.'

'So were Maria and Matthew all those years ago. Don't you think we owe it to ourselves to see where this might go?'

Gina didn't know what to say. She had no idea what was happening between them, but meeting Seb had opened her eyes to the way she had disregarded her own wants. It had taken this man, in this place, to bring her back to life. No one else had ever affected her as Seb did, no one had kissed her as he did, or set her on fire with a single touch. Seb made her feel sensual, desirable, feminine, strong. She would never let anyone come between her and her grandmother, but Seb was no threat to her responsibilities at home. Here on this magical island, steeped in romance, could she indulge herself for a few days, free the woman within, the woman who had only come alive again for Seb?

'My grandmother...'

'I know. I want to spend time with you, but Maria is important, too,' he assured her, and his understanding, his care, his willingness to include her grandmother eased any lingering concern. 'Let me take you sightseeing tomorrow. Both of you. We can discuss with Maria how to put our plan into action.''

She felt overwhelmed, light-headed, wondering if she had the courage to take a risk and see where this mutual attraction took them. She looked into Seb's eyes, his intense expression almost melting her on the spot, and knew she had never wanted anyone or anything this much in her whole life.

'It would be a shame not to experience everything the island has to offer while you are here, Gina.'

She dragged in a steadying breath and tried not to get carried away by the sultry suggestion in his voice. 'I—'

'Tomorrow we will take Maria on a special outing, yes?'

'Yes.' The joy of being with him overrode any remaining fragment of common sense she still possessed. 'I'll talk to her in the morning.'

'I shall call for you after breakfast and learn of your decision.'

'Thank you. And for this evening,' she added, feeling melancholy at having to say goodnight. 'I've had a lovely time.'

'So have I.'

He took her hand, re-establishing the physical connection and re-stoking the passion inside her. That he felt it, too, was apparent by the heat burning in his eyes. A tremor rippled through her as he held her gaze, raising her hand to his mouth and pressing a tantalising kiss to the inside of her wrist, his tongue-tip stroking teasing circles on her skin. He only had to look at her, touch her, kiss her, and she was gone. Everything about him was so sensual, so intense, and yet he had a gentleness and inherent caring that made him even more appealing and impossible to resist.

His fingers combed through her hair again, as if he couldn't stop touching her, while under her own hands she felt the play of muscle across his back, firm, supple, exciting. It had been so long since she had felt wanted, desired...and she had
experienced this kind of physical and emotional connection with a man before.

'I should say goodnight,' he murmured, nibbling at her lower lip, which remained full and sensitised from his kisses.

'I suppose,' she whispered back, her fingertips skimming down his spine.

Neither of them let go. Neither moved back. Their gazes locked. Endless moments passed. Then Seb surrendered. Her lips parted in welcome, meeting his in another searing kiss. She had no idea what the future held, but she couldn't stop the onward rush of whatever was happening between them. Didn't
to stop it.

She moaned in protest when he began to pull back again. If only she never had to stop holding him, kissing him. 'Seb?'

'You must go indoors,
.' His voice was uneven, thick with desire. 'Now—while I can still let you.'

She wanted to step back into his arms and throw caution to the wind, but Seb was opening the front door and encouraging her inside.

'Until the morning, Gina.' His fingers whispered across her cheek and down her throat to the hollow where her pulse beat a crazy tattoo. 'Dream of me.. .as I will of you.'

Gina had no idea how she forced her legs to move, but she found herself inside...alone. She sagged back against the door that separated them, breathless and trembling, one hand pressed to her chest. There was a long silence before Seb's footsteps carried him away, and she had to fight the urge to run after him and stop him from leaving.

She couldn't imagine how she would ever sleep. She was buzzing. The feel and taste of Seb lingered.

When she could force herself to move, she tiptoed along to the ground-floor room she shared with her grandmother. She couldn't wait to tell her the good news—that Seb was making plans to help them scatter Nonno Matthew's ashes in the villa's private cove near Neptune's Spear. For now she was thankful to find the older woman asleep, although she was restless, her breathing less regular than normal, stirring concern that all was not well.

Careful not to make a sound, Gina readied for bed and slipped beneath the light duvet. Her gaze lingered on the beautiful white rose Seb had brought her, which now sat on the table beside her bed in a narrow vase, courtesy of Signora Mancini. She leaned across and inhaled the scent, a smile on her face, her fingertips brushing the silky softness of the petals. Worry for her grandmother took some of the gloss off her fairytale evening, but Seb continued to dominate her thoughts.
Dream of me,
he had said. Asleep or awake, she knew her mind would be full of red-blooded images of the man who stirred her as no one else ever had.

A cough and an incoherent murmur drew her attention to the figure in the other bed. Hugging her pillow, Gina frowned, lying so she was facing her grandmother, ready to go to her should she need anything. Listening for breathing problems and further coughing, she closed her eyes, reliving every moment with Seb. She might be the biggest fool imaginable, but she could not wait for the night hours to pass— because when the morning came she would be seeing him again.


Seb strode through Elba's hospital in Portoferraio, a mix of emotions churning inside him. When he had arrived at the bed and breakfast that morning, eager to see Gina, to spend the day with her and her grandmother, he had been shocked to be greeted by an anxious Signora Mancini with the news that Maria had been taken ill during the night. Gina, he'd been told, had taken the older woman to hospital in a taxi at dawn.

His first concern had been for Maria's health. Then, on his drive to the island's main town, he had worried for Gina, knowing how upset and alarmed she must be. Even though she was a nurse, when something happened to someone you loved it was hard to hold on to the professional balance. But he also couldn't help the sting of hurt that Gina had not turned to him for help—had not thought to ring him so he could drive them to the hospital. OK, she had no idea about his medical knowledge, but given everything that had passed between them, albeit in less than twenty-four hours, he would have liked her to trust him, to want him with her.

Leaving her the night before had been the most difficult thing he had ever done. Back at the villa, unable to settle, thinking about her, wanting her, needing her, he had discovered a message on the answer-machine from Rico. His cousin had informed him he had the information he wanted from Scotland. He had phoned back right away.

'Everything checked out,' Rico had confirmed. 'Nic knows them—something to do with their dog and Gina's new job. He says they are one hundred per cent genuine in every way.'

It hadn't been a surprise—not after meeting Maria and spending the evening with Gina—but the relief after his experience with Antonella had been huge. 'Thank you.' In his heart he had known, and he had felt guilty for doubting her, disgusted with himself for being so cynical, especially when Gina herself was so open, so giving.

'How was your evening?' Rico had asked, and Seb hadn't been able to halt the smile that had spread across his face.

'Great.' He'd filled his cousin in on Maria's mission to scatter Matthew's ashes. 'I thought Zio Roberto and Zia Sofia would have no problem with me helping her.'

'Count on it. Do what you think is right, Seb. No one but us will know if there isn't an official permit—and it's our private beach. It's a really touching story.'

He'd been glad to have Rico's backing and understanding. 'It is.'

'So, what's she like?'

'Frail, not in
health for seventy—although she has arthritis and a few niggling problems. Especially with her breathing. She didn't feel well enough to come to dinner.'

Rico had laughed. 'I meant the

'Oh.' Seb hadn't been able to make sense of his reaction to Gina himself, let alone try to explain them to his cousin. 'She's...'

'... got to you,' Rico had finished for him when he'd hesitated. 'If she's a tall curvy blonde I'll come over to Elba and check her out for myself.'

'Well, she's not. So you can keep away.'

Seb had cursed the tell-tale snap in his voice, the defensiveness he had been unable to mask. As much as he loved his cousin, he didn't want Rico here, exuding his renowned charm, good-looks and sex appeal on Gina!

'Message received. But now I am even more curious,' Rico had teased. 'Gina must be something else if she has you, always so cool and uninvolved, all possessive and tied in knots after a couple of hours!'

'I'm not possessive—or tied in knots,' he had lied.

'Right!' His half-hearted protest hadn't fooled Rico. 'I can hear it in your voice
And you had a cosy dinner for two! Tell me you told her the truth about your identity?'

'I'm not ready to say anything yet.'

'You mean you're worried how Gina will react if she finds out you have money and fame,' Rico had interjected, with alarming insight.

He hadn't known how to explain. 'Being with Gina today made me realise that I don't like what I've been the last few years. I'm not sure I'll ever come to terms with losing surgery, but I never should have moved so far from my roots.'

'It's clear she's made an impression on you.'

'I've only known her a few hours.'

'Sometimes these things happen that fast,' Rico had counselled. 'Just don't leave it too long to tell her, Seb. Not if you want to take things further with her. Or this is going to come back to bite you.'

There had been genuine worry in his cousin's voice, and Seb had experienced a few lingering doubts that he was doing the right thing. 'I'll think about it.' But he was scared that the truth would change Gina's view of him.

Now, at the hospital, as he found out where Maria had been taken and went in search of Gina, he knew he was walking a fine line. People here knew him, and it was a risk if he wanted to keep Gina from finding out. Of course he could tell her himself, but this was not the time or place— not while Gina was sidetracked and troubled about her grandmother's health. He
tell her.. .when they were both ready. For now he had to negotiate his way carefully through the minefield ahead, and his main focus was on how Gina was coping and on Maria's well-being.

Turning a corner, he spied Gina sitting alone in a stark corridor, wearing faded jeans and a short-sleeved, button-fronted red top. One trainer-clad foot was tapping in agitation and her hands were knotted together in her lap. A wave of tenderness overwhelmed him. She glanced up as he closed the gap between them, surprise in her anxious dark eyes, swiftly followed by a gratifying expression of welcome relief. With a tremulous smile, she rose to her feet and stepped into his waiting arms. Seb gathered her close, wanting to shield her, protect her, comfort her, grateful that she clung to him as if she trusted him and found solace with him.

He drew back a fraction to examine her face, finding her pale and strained. With the fingers of one hand he brushed away some stray strands of hair that had escaped her hurried ponytail.

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