Unknown (12 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Vampire, #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Paranormal Romance, #Vampire Ballet, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Unknown
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“Wh-what did I do?” I asked in confusion, he turned suddenly and shook his head.

.” He soothed. “Nothing. You didn’t do anything.” His lips curled into a million dollar smile. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close, and I turned into soft, malleable putty.

Those lips of his skimmed their way down my throat, coaxing a muted moan from me. My moan was echoed by him in a soft throaty noise that made my body twist in delight. While I blinked in confusion he stepped behind me; his hands sliding down the corset, his fingers pressing teasingly on the stays. I arched back against him and found him hard and willing at the small of my back. My body absolutely buzzed with pleasure, and as his teeth teased at my throat while those long pale fingers slipped under the band of those bright red panties. He stilled his hand then letting it rest over my sex, but not providing any of the delicious friction that the salivating mouth between my thighs longed for.

“Beg me.” He panted into my ear. I flushed and swallowed, part of me wanted to protest. But at that moment as I rode the high of his pleasure mixing with mine I didn’t care. I also didn’t care about the slumbering Uniter whose body was feet from me.
Really? Are you sure about that?

“Please.” The simple word caused him to purr and I could feel the warmth of his pleasure spiral through me. My knees grew weak.

“Please what?” He whispered against my pulse, those razor sharp fangs teased against the tender flesh of his bite from the night before. That subtle pain was exhilarating and my body bowed against him, pressing the curve of my bottom against his all too willing flesh. However, answering him was suddenly difficult—all words failed me as my brain turned to goo. I didn’t know what I wanted other than to have him inside of me.
You’re being a slu—
he nipped at my throat again—
oh, fuck it. Beg for him
Even Miss Manner’s impeccable judgment had been clouded and compromised by his playfully ardent assault on my throat.

“P-please, M-master.” I begged pressing my body against him as he continued those torturous nips and nibbles upon my throat. I could feel the surge of pleasure that simple word caused in him. Even if I hadn’t been able to feel what he felt, the growl of delight that sprung from his lips was enough to tell me what such a simple thing did to him. The sensation was intense enough that I wasn’t sure which one of us enjoyed that simple phrase more.

“No.” He purred in a soft little sing-song voice. “No.” He hushed out nuzzling against my cheek, his fingers slipping along my cleft. “Because all I want right now… is to take you on top of his sleeping body.”
In a public place? This is already too much! What if he wakes? Pull away!
I swallowed and attempted to step away from him. He wouldn’t let me go. His arms were like a vice around me, those fingers of his continued to tease and torment me; my pulse seemed to throb distinctly at the tips of my nipples, between my legs and in my ears.
“Do you really want to leave my arms now?”

As his voice caressed my ears one of those teasing fingers slipped inside of me, my body arched back against him and my eyes rolled back into my head. The answer was a big fat resounding no. Miss Manners even set to rationalizing it all away as my hips rose and fell greedily to meet his probing fingers and my toes curled on the cold marble floor.
Well, it’s been hours and no one has stopped by. Crimson Hill looks like it has thousands of rooms, people probably go days without heading down here.
But as always, things with him were cut short. He withdrew his fingers from me and slid his palms up over my body before stepping away from me. My knees gave out without his body to support me and I tumbled to the ground in a boneless, panting heap.

“Turn the Progeny…Keep Safe… Trust No One.”
That voice hissed out, causing a shiver to break through my body. I glanced up at the figure on the altar, he was smiling. My blood ran cold and washed all of that hot ardor right from me. His lips were almost frowning when Elizabeta sat beside him, but now, now he was clearly smiling. The corners of those full lips curled up and even those little creases in the corners of his eyes wrinkled slightly. I looked around, could everyone hear it? Did I just hear thoughts meant for Aleksi?

I backed up franticly, crawling backward away from the altar, not looking where I was going I hit Aleksi’s shins and looked up at him. He was sucking on his fingers, but his face looked far from pleased. Those bright cerulean eyes were focused on that smiling form on the altar.

“D-d…did you h-hear….” I stammered, eloquent speech escaping me entirely.

“Yes.” Aleksi clipped out.

“I..i-is he… i-i-is he

“I think its bes
t not to even ask.” He sighed out as he bent down and helped me stand.

“A-are you going to…t-tur—“

“I don’t know.” He answered. “I will have three months of hell to decide.” I nodded as he wrapped that robe tighter around me and pulled that fur collar up to my ears. Without another word he started walking towards the doors and I followed, I couldn’t help but to notice that his back was pristine again—it was like last night never happened.

We went back to the room I woke up in, and Aleksi ushered me into the bathroom before closing the door to give me privacy. We both changed in silence, I found my clothes from the night before neatly folded next to the sink. I left the robe, and collar in their place. I was a fan of moderately clean undies and with my bra in ruins I needed something to wear in its place—I was too… gifted to not wear a bra. So I decided to keep the corset and boyshorts. However, I loved the way I looked in the dress with the corset underneath. My breasts were offered up like they were on the menu for dinner, but the way it cinched in my waist really accentuated my hips. I posed in the mirror like a crazy for a few moments.

“Oh Autumn, look at you, you naughty girl.” I giggled at myself as I posed seductively.
Stop it! Stop primping you have to leave.
I smoothed that dress over my cinched waist and nodded slowly as if answering Miss Manners.

Outside of the bathroom Aleksi was already dressed. He however, wasn’t wearing the suit from the night before but rather dark jeans, black converse sneakers, hooded sweatshirt and on top of that a leather jacket. Peeking out from the layers was a red shirt. A small smirk slipped over my lips, it thrilled me to no end that under my dress was something that same fuck-me shade of red. That bright gaze darkened as his eyes fell on me—he knew. Knowing that he knew made me sway my hips like Jessica Rabbit as we left the room.
Stop it, walk like a normal person
As we turned down the corridor, I slipped back into my normal gait.

When we got outside the sky was so covered in dark clouds it looked like night. Those ominous clouds were so thick there was no way to ferret out the sun amongst them. Not even that telltale glowing circle existed in the celestial sphere. We stayed in silence, even as we walked to his car, which was conveniently parked in the courtyard beside a handful of other vehicles that weren’t there last night. We stayed in still silence even as he raced along the tree lined road away from Crimson Hill. We turned from a private drive onto a highway, but it wasn’t until we reached I-5 that the silence broke.

“I’m so sorry about last night, Autumn. If I had
thought there was even the remotest chance of that happening I wouldn’t have asked you to meet me.” He glanced from the road to me and offered a small smile.

“I forgive
you.”—I bit my lip—“ I-i-i-it was your pain I was feeling a-after all, though…” I trailed off and shook my head turning my attention to the passing cars.


“What does it mean...this mark?” My question made him suck in a sharp little breath.
It means you’re his personal, walking, talking, piece of steak.

“It’s a double edged sword. For the next six months if I’m near you’ll be able to feel any extreme physical sensations I experience—mostly just pleasure and pain—and I’ll be able to feel yours. Which means…unfortunately, when I fuck Kendra—which I am resigned to do—if it’s at her place you’ll be able to feel everything.” We both fell silent with that little gem of information shared. Ten minutes passed before anything was said, surprisingly enough he broke the silence. “It’s a high price to pay for your safety. But, I would rather walk naked into the noonday sun than put you at risk again.”—He took a slow, ragged breath—“Especially now.” I opened my mouth to speak, but my lips just stayed parted for a few moments—nothing came out.
Don’t tell him about what you saw, or what The Uniter whispered to you. And close your mouth you look like a trout
I closed my mouth and smoothed my skirt and let my hands trace over the corset—the longer I sat, the more I could feel the stays biting into my waist. He shifted uncomfortably—he could feel it too.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized as my gaze fell to my hands.

“Don’t be, I’ll suffer gladly knowing that you’re wear
ing my color under your clothes.” He smirked triumphantly as we pulled off of the interstate and onto Barnard Street. My heart sunk a little, he was taking me home.

“So we can’t see each other for three months?”
My voice came out as a small little whisper as we headed down my street.

“No, Elizabeta does
n’t want us to have any contact.” He groused out pulling into a parking spot in front of my building. “You can’t tell anyone about what you saw and heard happen in the Throne room. If anyone asks, he didn’t pull you in; he didn’t smile and he certainly did not speak to either of us.”

“I’m sure Elizabeta would want to know he’s…quickening. She seemed so devoted to him, I saw h—
” He cut me off with a look. My gaze went to his eyes and back to my hands. With a little frustrated noise he reached out and tipped my chin up, my eyes trailed up his form to his face and he smiled weakly.

“Promise me you’ll say nothing. Promise me you won’t even think it if she’s around, Autumn.”

“I promise.”

“Good. She gets pissy when he responds to anyone but her. She beat me half to death one day because his lips twitched when I came into the room. I don’t want to think what she’d do to you if she found out about you kissing him or the smile on his lips.” I flushed scarlet.


“Autumn, when I said your name you were leaning in to kiss him.” I opened my mouth to respond, to say that I wasn’t, but the truth was I lost a lot of time when he pulled me in.

“Oh.” I swallowed and shifted uncomfortably.

“It’s why I didn’t take you back to my room. I meant what I said, I wanted to fuck you on top of his torpid body. I wanted to rub it in that you were mine and he’d never have you.” He smiled sweetly and let out a
soft sigh. “Part of me wishes I hadn’t backed down. But, he’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father figure that didn’t try to stick his dick in me or sell me for sponsor money. Respect is a tricky thing for me.” He chuckled and leaned forward placing a soft kiss on my forehead. “Waiting will make it sweeter, as will knowing how easily I can torment you.” He trailed kisses down my cheek to the corner of my mouth and then leaned back in his seat, leaving me panting again.

“Three months?”

“Mhm, three months.” I stared at him and nodded.
I didn’t know what to do and Miss Manners was quiet. That little voice was probably busy wrapping her head around the whole issue of him wanting to have sex with me for the first time on top of what was essentially his great-grandfather.

Even after everything that had happened I didn’t want to stop seeing Aleksi. I wanted the orders, I wanted that lithe, strong body against mine. I even wanted his odd obsession with me to continue, to be the very center of his word. I could almost feel Miss Manners running down the stairs of my mind to the microphone that spoke directly to whatever made me, me.
Obsessions aren’t good things, Autumn
I couldn’t stop the smile from creeping over my lips. I would walk to hell and back for him, and even endure feeling him whipped again just because of that creepy stalker level of devotion.
That’s not very healthy.

“I don’t want to go

“I know, but
I—” He stopped as Kendra walked out of the door of the building and right up to my car door. It was like the changing of the guard. My heart dropped to my toes. “Elizabeta, called Kendra last night and explained everything. This was a small concession because you were so well behaved.” He spoke slowly, his words were measured carefully and his expression unreadable—the smiles fell from both of our lips. “She told me that if not for your impressive performance last night, she would have sent you away without seeing me.”

“So this is it.” I blinked and I felt my face grow hot. I was going to cry.
Don’t cry! Seriously what is wrong with you?

“For three months. But you’ll
see me around, we just can’t…” He trailed off.

“She’s going to take you with her when she hangs out with Leslie and me, isn’t she?”

“I don’t know, Autumn.” He frowned a little and shook his head.
Kendra knocked on the glass, and I could feel my eye twitch. He grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “I would kiss you…but I’m going to follow orders this time.” He smirked. “I have someone very important to me to keep safe.” He kissed my knuckles and released my hand.
Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink.
More knocking—more eye twitching.

“I’ll miss you, Aleksi.

l miss you more, Autumn Darling.” His smirk slipped into a smile as he purred my last name like the term of endearment it aped. I reached for the door handle and paused.

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