Unknown (Unknown Identity #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Unknown (Unknown Identity #1)
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Chapter 9


The thirty minute timer went off and Jamie stopped typing long enough to turn it off and grab a piece of celery from the Mason jar on her desk. She took a bite of it as she reset the timer and went back to work. She never liked celery, but it was really just a lot of water in plant form and apparently people could burn more calories eating it than they really consumed. It met Alex’s silly requirement of eating something every half hour, and it gave Jamie a small hope of fitting into the maid of honor dress.

“Where’s Alex?” Annette’s voice pierced Jamie’s train of thought and she turned away from her computer screen, doing her best to not look like she was ready to murder someone.

Jamie saved what she was working on. “He’s in his office right now.”

“Good!” Annette barged through Jamie’s office and paused before she stepped through Alex’s door. “Oh, could you run down and get me a coffee? Three cream and two sugars. Make sure you get it at Starbucks, and not some other place.”

Jamie blinked in surprise. She set down the rest of her celery. “Okay,” she said slowly.

Annette wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Make sure you wash your hands before you get it. I don’t want my coffee cup to smell like celery pieces.”

The office door opened and Alex stepped through, bumping into Annette and sending her crashing to the floor. “Annette! Sorry, I didn’t see you!” He bent down to help her up.

She rubbed her ankle still inside her long four-inch heels. “I don’t think I can walk.”

Alex slipped his arms around her and picked her up. He carried her into his office.

Annette wrapped her arms dramatically around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. “Alex, I’m so glad you’re in,” she whimpered. “It’s been forever since we’ve talked and I wanted to see you.”

“Let’s make sure that ankle of yours is all right. I’ve got ice in my office.” Alex walked back to the door he’d just come through. “I’m extremely busy.”

“I’ll take what I can get, even at the risk of getting hurt.” Annette pointed to her ankle. She turned and smiled at Jamie. “Thank you
much for getting me coffee.”

“You’re getting her coffee?” Alex asked.

“She was kind enough to offer it to me,” Annette said.

Please, bitch, like I don’t see through you.
Jamie smiled back politely.

Alex looked at her for a long time. “I see,” he said finally. “Actually, this is perfect, Jamie. I have a few things for you to pick up. Hold on a minute.” He carried Annette into his office and set her down on the couch before heading to his desk and grabbing a pen and notepad. He scribbled something down before wrapping it in a one hundred dollar bill. “Thank you,” he said to her and then closed the door.

Jamie nodded and stared blankly at the wooden door. How could he not see through Annette’s act? She sighed and moved to her desk to switch her snack alarm off and head for the stairs. As she stepped outside she checked his note, hoping whatever Mr. Reid wanted was close to a Starbucks.




Grab a coffee for yourself too, and keep the change.

For the record, you’re my assistant, not Annette’s.



Jamie smiled and then quickly squashed it. Alex had been unusually nice since she fainted and he had stopped addressing her so formally. He probably loved saving a damsel in distress. Annette had just been perfectly set up.

Jamie sighed. He pitied her. Mr. Reid felt sorry Jamie was so insecure. If she could change it, she would. It was just the way she was. She didn’t want his pity, and even though the extra money could be put toward her sister’s wedding gift, she wouldn’t take it.

She walked to the closest Starbucks, even though it was a block farther than a perfectly delicious coffee shop. Inside she ordered two coffees. Someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned to see Gina.

Gina smiled. “Hey,” she said. “On a coffee run as well?” They hadn’t seen each other much the past few days with the business of work, Jamie following Alex to meetings, and spending more time in his office than her own.

Jamie shook her head. “Annette came into the office and asked for coffee.”

Gina rolled her eyes. “I’ll deny it if you ever tell anyone, but I hate that bitch.”

Jamie ordered the specialty coffee and just a decaf for herself. She grinned at Gina. “She told me to wash my hands so her cup wouldn’t smell like celery. She came through my office to get to Mr. Reid’s office.”

“Why would she do that? She can go through the main office entrance.”

“Maybe no one was there,” Jamie suggested.

Gina shook her head. “There’s always someone there. If I’m not, Sarah from downstairs comes up to cover for me. That desk is never left unattended. She did it just so she could bug you.”

“Well, Mr. Reid came through our inner office entrance and bumped into her. She fell and he had to carry her to his office to check her ankle.”

“She’s ridiculously high maintenance. Alex should just dump her. He doesn’t even like her anymore.”

Jamie raised her eyebrows. It was not any of her business whether or not Alex’s relationship was on the rocks, but she was interested all the same.
Just because I hate Annette. Not for any other reason.
“Why did they start dating in the first place? They seem like complete opposites.” Great, now she was gossiping, the one thing she hated.

Gina looked at her strangely. “Actually, I think they’re pretty similar,” she said. “They started dating about a year ago, but both are so career oriented they never had the time to get serious. I’m pretty sure they use each other for fucking and for dates when they’re lonely, or they’re going to some work event and that’s it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I think Annette wants more. Alex is so focused on work he doesn’t even see how annoyed he is every time she walks into the room.”

It seemed pretty obvious to Jamie, but she wasn’t about to admit it out loud. Her job did not include talking about the boss and she had a pretty good idea Alex wouldn’t appreciate it. Her coffee order came up and she walked to pick the two cups up.

Gina followed her and then looked around as if there were possible eavesdropping employees around every corner. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but is there something going on between you and Alex?”

“What?” Jamie felt her cheeks heat up. “Of course not!”

“Good,” Gina said. “Just making sure. There are some rumors going around the office.”

“Why would anyone think that?” Jamie kept everything completely professional, except mentioning her sister, and maybe the time she passed out. But that didn’t give cause for people to start jumping to conclusions. Plus, she was completely not his type.

“Well, the two of you have been staying late at the office just about every night, you leave at the same time, and he does call you by your first name.”

“I’m sure he calls many people by their first name.” She was glad Gina didn’t know she lived in Alex’s apartment, connected to his house.

Gina shook her head. “Not his employees he doesn’t. Mr. Reid always addresses them formally. Everyone but you. Why are you guys always the last to leave the building?”

“Working! Al—Mr. Reid always works as long as he can.” She shook her head, mad she was even defending herself to Gina. “I’m his PA. He expects me to work with him for the work to go as efficiently as possible. Why is that so hard to believe?”
Hell, he chose me to work for him because I’m the last person he wants to fuck.
“What goes on in Mr. Reid’s personal life, is none of my, or your, business.” She turned to go.

Gina shrugged. “Last time I checked, Mr. Reid didn’t have a type. I’ve seen a lot more significant others than Annette walk through his office doors, and they look nothing alike. Just saying.”

Yeah, and I’m sure all of them were a size two, model and rich.
“We are nothing more than boss and employee. It’s my job to manage the boss, that’s it.”

“You’re sure?” Gina pushed as the barista called her name for her order.

“Not now. Not ever.” She left the coffee shop and turned to go back to the office, angry and confused. She was sure of all the rumors that would be said about her, that
would never be among them. The very idea that she and Alex were sleeping together was absurd when he had Annette at his disposal. She couldn’t believe Gina would think that. She thought the two of them were kind of becoming friends. What had her dad once told her? Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. That about fit the bill right here.

“Wait!” Gina called, sprinting up the street with her coffee in hand. She stopped running, catching her breath as soon as she was even with Jamie.

Jamie continued walking, ignoring her.

“I’m sorry,” Gina said. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was accusing you. You say it’s not true then I believe you.”

“Look,” Jamie said as she continued her breakneck walking pace, taking a little pleasure as Gina hurried to keep up. “I got hired to work with Mr. Reid because I’m professional and I work my butt off. I don’t appreciate the office gossip, nor will I ever partake.”

“Again, sorry.” Gina huffed, her breath coming in small gasps. “Can you slow down a bit? This isn’t a race.”

Jamie made an effort to move at a decent pace.

“I’m glad you’re keeping it professional. You seem really sweet, Jamie. Too sweet.”

“What the heck is that supposed to mean?” She was glad the office was forty feet away.

“Mr. Reid only breaks hearts,” Gina said. “He’s not romantic. He’ll never tear himself away from his work enough to actually care about anyone else.”

Jamie nodded. Even though she wanted to believe that he wasn’t at all like that, she knew better.
You need to get over your damn physical crush on the guy and listen to Gina. She’s noticed your lingering looks. That’s why there’s gossip.
It was a shame. He was just too good looking to be wasted in the work world. Not that she planned on telling Gina that. “Mr. Reid loves his company. He works hard to make it a success so people like you, and me, have a paycheck every week. You’re hired to work. Not spread gossip.” She pushed through the doors and headed straight for the stairs, leaving Gina standing open-mouthed just outside the building.

Who was working for who now?

Chapter 10


Annette stepped out of Alex’s office via the main waiting area as Jamie stepped out from the stairs and Gina exited the elevator. She stomped across the lobby, her ankle in perfect working condition. Bewildered, Jamie wasn’t sure what to do except watch her pass. Annette grabbed her coffee without looking at Jamie or thanking her.

She made it to the elevator just before the door closed, leaving Jamie and Gina standing there in awkward silence.

“Told you,” Gina whispered.

“None of our business.” Jamie turned and headed back to her office. She pulled out the change from the coffee and set it on her desk. No need to bug Alex now about it.

Just as she sat down, Alex came out. “I’m going home early,” he told her. “Have that report on my desk tomorrow, as well as the notes from the meeting with the shareholders earlier today.”

“Yes, Mr. Reid.” She reached across the desk and grabbed the change from the coffee. “Here’s your change, sir. From the errands.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I told you to keep it.”

She gave him her best cool stare. “I don’t want it, Mr. Reid. It’s your money.”

He huffed, clearly annoyed. “What is it, Jamie?” His stare was just as cool as hers.

“Nothing.” She handed him the money again.

“Whatever you have to say to me, just say it.” His voice was hard, like the voice he used during meetings with big execs.

“Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’d appreciate it if you called me Ms. Connors.”

He stared at her a moment. “Why’s that,

“I’m not comfortable with you calling me by my first name. I feel like I’m treated differently and I don’t like that. I don’t need the company gossip having me center stage.” She kept her eyes on his, refusing to back down.

“You are different!” he shouted. He closed his eyes and sighed. It looked like he was counting to ten and Jamie was sure she was now out of a job. “What I meant,” he said slowly, “is that you’re my personal assistant. I work closer with you than anybody else. Naturally I’ll treat you differently. You can call me Alex when we’re not in meetings or around other people.”

She nearly scoffed out loud, just catching herself in time. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t,” she said, turning back to her work. “Have a good afternoon, Mr. Reid.”

“Thank you, Ms. Connors. I hope the same for you.” He gave her an icy stare and then stormed out of the office.

Jamie went back to work.
It has nothing to do with you. He just broke up with his girlfriend. He’s been working late and in the gym early.
She knew because she’d been trying to get in a couple of times a week before he showed up and it always felt like he had just been there, like she could still smell his cologne in the gym at the house.

She sighed. She felt horrible, nonetheless, and incredibly humiliated. She could just imagine how Gina and the others would talk now.
Mr. Reid broke up with Annette because of Jamie—sorry, Ms. Connors. It looks like that affair is over now. Another heart broken by the wonderful Mr. Reid. Poor Ms. Connors didn’t stand a chance. She should have known better with looks like hers.
“Shit, shit, motherfreakin’ shit,” she muttered.

“Glad to know you’re so happy to see me.”

Jamie stiffened and looked up as Stephen stood in her door from the main office smirking down at her.

“Mr. Reid’s not in right now,” she said. “Didn’t Gina tell you at the front desk?”

He shook his head.

Jamie sighed and grabbed the tablet with Alex’s planner now synced to it. “Would you like to schedule an appointment or leave a message for him?”

“I saw Mr. Reid in the elevator,” Stephen said. “I didn’t come to see Alex.”

She had no desire to see her ex-boyfriend, soon-to-be brother-in-law. “What do you want Stephen?”

“Now, is that how you should treat your future brother-in-law?” He smiled, clearly mocking her. He closed the door behind him and stepped into her office. “Nice pad.”

“No,” Jamie said.
Great, more gossip for Gina to start spreading.
“But it’s how I should treat my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me by sleeping with my sister.”

He glared at her. “You’re such a bitch. I have no idea how we ever liked each other.”

“What do you want, Stephen? I’ve got work to do.”

“Your father had a heart attack. He’s in the hospital right now.”

Jamie stared at him, shock running through her body. She stood up and grabbed her purse. “Why couldn’t you have led with that?” She pushed past him and opened the door. “How is he?”

“He’s stable. But they’re keeping him overnight for observation anyway and to do some blood work.”

“What hospital?”

“The Scott Thompson Hospital.”

“I have to go see him right now,” she said, walking past Stephen to the elevators. She called out quickly to Gina to tell her that she was leaving and she would be back later. She headed for the stairs.

“What’re you doing?” Stephen asked as he pushed the elevator button. “I’m not going down that way.”

“It’s quicker.”

He shrugged. “I’m taking the elevator. I’ll tell you what happened on the way down.”

“Fine.” She marched over to him and stepped through as soon as the door slid open. She could smell Alex’s cologne inside the small compartment box. “What happened?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know,” he said, checking his phone. “You can find your own way there, right? I’ve got to get back to work.”

“You’re such a bastard,” Jamie said. “Everything’s a game to you, isn’t it?”

“Hey, he’s not my dad,” Stephen said. “He’s been nothing but rude to me since he’s met me. Why should I care?”

“He hasn’t been rude to you. He’s been a father! You slept with one of his daughters and then hopped to the next.” Jamie couldn’t believe she was even having this conversation. “You were rude to all of my family when you were dating me. You didn’t even try and get in their good graces until you started dating my sister.”

“Get real, Jamie,” he said. “I was rude to them because I already knew you didn’t like them. It wasn’t because I didn’t care enough or whatever you’re accusing me of. I didn’t think you would want me to get along with them. Why else would you tell me all of that shit about them to begin with?”

“Bull,” she snapped. “That isn’t what happened and you know it.”

The elevator opened and Jamie stormed out before Stephen could reply. She raced outside and called a cab as quickly as possible.

Once inside the taxi she called Christine. She hoped her dad was all right. She could just imagine how her mother and Christine were right now.
Probably blaming Dad’s heart attack on me
, she thought sarcastically.

Christine was sobbing when she answered. “Jamie, you need to get to the hospital right now. Dad’s had a heart attack.”

“I know,” she said. “Stephen just filled me in.”

“He called you?” She sounded surprised.

“No, he came to see me.”


Jamie shook her head. “How’s dad?”

“I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything. Mom’s a mess. She keeps crying and wailing. It’s so embarrassing.”

“I’m on my way. I’ll be there as quick as I can.”

The cab got her to Scott Thompson Hospital in less than ten minutes. In that time Jamie had calmed herself and gone over the scenarios. Stephen had said her dad was going to be fine. It must have been a minor attack or maybe an angina something or other. She paid the cab and hurried inside, checking with the front desk for her dad’s room number. She raced to the room where her mother and Christine were already waiting just outside.

Her mom glared at her. “You finally got here,” she said. “It took you long enough. You just had to be selfish and get a job, didn’t you?”

“For Pete’s sake, Maggie,” her father said from the room. “I can hear you.”

Jamie ignored her mom and stepped into the room. “Hey, Dad. How are you doing?” She smiled.

Her dad looked past her as her mom followed her in. “Will you lay off of Jamie about the job? She couldn’t live in the basement forever.” He smiled weakly at Jamie. “Hey, kiddo,” he whispered. “I’m fine. Really. Just a little shaken up. They won’t let me have my laptop or cell phone, though.”

Jamie laughed at the disgruntled look on his face. She sat down beside him and tapped her heart. “Hey, if they put a pacemaker in there, you don’t want the electronics messing up with the ticker.”

He smiled and closed his eyes. “Good point.”

“The last thing you need to be doing is working right now.” She squeezed his hand. “That’s probably what caused the heart attack in the first place. You need anything? Water? Another pillow?”

“I’m good,” he whispered, smiling at her. “Never better.”

“Jamie, did you order the ring bearer pillows and flower girl baskets already?” Christine asked. “Some people are saying they didn’t receive their invitations yet. You told me you’d mailed everything.”

? Her sister hadn’t said one thing since Jamie walked in and the first thing she said was about her own wedding? Did she even care about dad at all? “I’ll get to it soon,” she murmured, her eyes focussed on her dad.

“Well, you had better get on it fast,” she said. “I don’t have the time to go out and get them myself.”

What’re you so busy doing? Cake testing. More like wine testing, I bet.
Jamie glared at her sister as she stood on the other side of their dad’s bed, her arms crossed and her face tight. “Why don’t you get your backup maid of honor to do it?”

“Jamie!” her mother said sharply. “You’re going to start that now? Just after your father’s heart attack?” She shook her head. “Girls, in the hall. Now.”

Jamie leaned over and kissed her dad’s forehead. He seemed already asleep. “I’ll be right back, Dad.”

In the hall, Jamie met her mom and sister, both standing with their arms crossed over their chests and glares on their faces. They could be twins. Or Cinderella’s sisters.

Her mom started in on her first. “Are you really saying you won’t lose weight for your sister’s wedding? She means that little to you?”

Sure. It’s not like I mean that much to her.
“No, Mom,” she said, trying to stay calm. She wanted to get back into the room to sit with her dad. “I’m not saying that at all. I don’t have the time for it. Scarlet does. So she might as well be the maid of honor because I’m clearly doing a terrible job at it.”

“You would be doing just fine if you hadn’t made other commitments,” Christine said through gritted teeth. “Commitments to your hot new boss, for instance.”

“What’s this about a
boss?” Her mom looked at Jamie sternly. “Are you working for the guy for sexual favors?”

Jamie’s heart sank. What had Stephen been saying to them?

Christine laughed. “She wants to sleep with him.” She gave her sister the once over. “But that’s never going to happen.”

“No,” Jamie glared at Christine. “That’s not the case at all.”

“I thought I had raised you better than that,” her mom said. “It is incredibly unprofessional to sleep with the boss or have any feelings for him that are not platonic. Don’t mess up your career for your love life. It will not go well.”

“I’m not sleeping—” Jamie lowered her voice when a nurse looked up from across the hall. “My job is completely professional.”

“I’ve seen Alex Reid, Mom,” Christine said. “He’s never going to sleep with Jamie.”

“I wouldn’t do it anyways!” Jamie hated that she felt the need to defend herself.

“You wouldn’t?” Christine smirked and Jamie knew she was up to something. She always got the look before she blasted Jamie against their mom. “She’s already slept with her boss’s son,” Christine crowed. “Don’t you remember when Stephen pity-dated her?”

“He was your boss’s son?” Her mother paled and grabbed at the wall for support.

“Now look what you’re doing, Jamie,” Christine shrilled. “You’re going to give mom a heart attack now.”

“I am not!” Jamie shouted. “I can’t believe you guys! Dad’s in there,” she pointed to the room, “and you guys are trying to blame me for his heart attack and now mom’s? Unfreakinbelievable!”

“It’s always you, Jamie.” Christine glared and glanced behind Jamie. She smirked. “Your fat ass just has to try and tap anything with a dick, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t mean to interrupt,” a quiet male voice said.

A shiver went down Jamie’s spine and she stiffened.

Everyone stopped talking and stared as Alex came up behind Jamie. He held a large, fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand. He looked so out of place, well dressed and incredibly gorgeous. Part of Jamie wanted to laugh. Another part of her wanted to smack him.

“Not at all,” Christine said sweetly, looking Alex up and down with a gleam in her eye. She took the flowers he held. “These must be for my dad. How thoughtful. You must be the Alex Reid I’ve been hearing so much about.”

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