Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1)
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“Mine,” I growl, feeling like a fucking caveman, but not about to change. Tess’s feet press down into the mattress, and she groans, pushing up against my hand. I increase the pressure of my hold by letting my fingers dig into the bend between her stomach and her pussy. Instantly the proof of her desire intensifies against my hand. So fucking wet. I control her pussy. Even after all this time, it’s me who can make her crazy with just a touch.

“Max, oh God!” she cries out, her voice shuddering with need.

“Look at me, Tess,” I command, refusing to do anything else until I have her complete attention. She lifts her eyes to me, and the doubt is gone. Now, she is just a creature filled with desire. “Watch me,” I tell her while stroking my cock and squeezing it tightly. I watch as a thread of pre-cum slips off the head of my dick and travels down against the pale white skin of her stomach.

“Max, please.” Her voice is hoarse with need.

I wrap her hand around the base of my cock and then cover it with my own. Together we stroke my dick, using enough pressure that this alone could make me shoot my load.

“Does this feel like I want you less, Kitten? Can you feel how hard I’m throbbing for you?” I grunt, as our hands slide back down and complete another thrust.

“Jesus, Max please,” she whimpers. Tilting her legs further apart, her whole upper body lifts off the bed straining towards my cock. She’s propping herself up on one elbow, trying to get closer. Her face is glowing, her hair mussed, and her tongue keeps darting out to lick her lip like the greedy, hungry woman she is. Mine.

“Answer me, Tess! Do you think I want you less than I have in the past?” I demand yet again, taking my hands away. I thrust two fingers in her without warning. I thought since having the baby, she’d be looser somehow. That’s not the way it worked out. Maybe it’s because it’s been over a year since she’s had the baby or maybe it’s because we haven’t been together in so long. Whatever it is, she takes my fingers, but it feels like just the invasion of the two of them stretch her beyond her limits. I press my thumb against her clit, hard. Letting it rub and tease the slickened nub. I pull my fingers apart inside her, stretching her further. With the attention on her clit, her body nearly bends in half as she thrusts up from the bed. “Answer me, damn it!” I growl, thrusting harder and using one hand to bite down on her hip, pushing her back down against the bed. My hand covers my name and again, one word repeats in my brain. Mine.

I thrust in and out of her, fucking her with my fingers harder than I ever have with my cock. I punish and pleasure her body simultaneously. Tess takes it all, and when I curve my fingers up to hit that spot that’s sure to send her over the edge, while my thumb bites into her clit, she lets out a keening cry that echoes in the whole damn house.

“Mine!” I tell her, like the caveman she turns me into. On cue, Tess erupts around my fingers. Her orgasm, crashing with the force of a hurricane.

“Max!” She cries out, helpless to do anything but go wherever her body takes her. I remove my hands and poise my cock at her entrance, desperate to join her.

“Tess, condom?” I ask the poorly worded question. I couldn’t make sense right now if I tried, I’m just trying to hold on to my sanity long enough to protect her.

Her hands grasp my ass, her nails biting into me as she tries to pull me into her.

“I’m on the pill,” she gasps.

Her words bring disappointment, but I don’t delay another minute. I thrust and bury myself inside her warm, wet depths. Once I’ve fed her my entire cock, I stop and just take in the moment, taking in the memory, and rejoicing that I’m finally inside my woman again. God, I’ve missed her.

The tremors inside her pussy fluctuate against my cock and remind me that she’s already over the edge. I can’t allow her to land. I position one of her legs over my shoulder and sink deeper inside of her. My cock rakes her walls and she cries out. I lift her ass up with my hold on her hip. Leaving her helpless. She has no control. I’m in charge. I’m in charge. She will take what I give her. Then, I do what I’ve been dying to do for way too long. I fuck her hard. Each thrust is powerful enough that the headboard pushes against the wall. Her body rocks with the force of it and my balls slap against her. I wrap my hand so that I’m hugging her leg, tighter. I brace her with my body, while using my other hand to squeeze and pet her hard clit.

I feel heat zap up my spine, signaling my impending release. Tess’s head thrashes against the pillow, and she cries out. Her body clamps down on my cock and her second orgasm rakes through her. This one powerful enough to take me with her. We come together in a series of cries and animalistic noises, my cum shooting inside of her so powerful, it feels as if my cock vibrates from it.

When it’s done, we’re nothing but grunting animals, breathing hard, and covered in perspiration. The scent of sex is heavy in the air. My moans join her whimpers as I leave her body. I land to the side of her, making the mattress bounce slightly. I take her in my arms, needing her as close as I can since I’m not inside of her anymore.

“Holy hell. That was…wow.”

I smile at her softly spoken affirmation.

“I love you, Kitten.”

She hugs me tight for a second and then eases the pressure while still keeping her arms around me.

“I love you too, Max. I love you so much.”

“No more doubts or hiding, Tess.” When her body tenses up, and it feels like she might argue, I stop her with a kiss on her forehead. “For either of us, Kitten. This is it. We’ll weather whatever comes our way, together.”

“No more decisions alone, Max. We’re a team now.”

“No more decisions alone,” I agree.

My fingers thread through hers, and I raise our hands so I can see them together…joined.

“Why are you on birth control, Tess?”

“The doctor asked after my last checkup if I wanted to go on it. I wasn’t sure where we stood, but Marcum said you’d be coming home soon. It seemed like the thing to do,” she yawns, curling deeper into my hold.

“You wanted me, even with all of the fuck-ups I kept making?”

“I’ll always want you, Max. Always,” she says kissing my shoulder. “You’re what I’ve wanted my entire life. You and Maddie are my family. You’re where I belong.”

I close my eyes and let her words wash over me. Emotion nearly chokes me and I can feel moisture gather.

“Same goes for me, Kitten,” I tell her, my voice thick.

“Good, because I’m not letting you go.”

“Never give up on me, Kitten.”

“I never have. Even when you were an ass,” she says, and I can’t help but laugh because she’s right. I was an ass. “I’m sleepy, Max. I think you zapped me,” she says, yawning again.

“Nonsense, you just need your stamina built up. I’ll make that my life’s mission.”

“Ut oh.”

I bury my head in the side of her neck and nibble on the flesh there. She purrs and shifts against me, her body already searching for more.

“I want another baby with you, Tess,” I tell her licking the skin I’ve been torturing and trying to pretend my statement isn’t worrying me. She has every reason to say no.


“I’d be here every step of the way this time, Kitten.”

“Max…” I hear the hesitation in her voice, and I tap down my disappointment. If all we have, is each other and Maddie, I’m okay with that.

“It’s okay, Tess. We don’t have to …”

Her fingers cover my lips, and I look down at her. Her eyes are bright again, with happiness.

“I want another baby with you, Max. It’s just; I was kind of thinking about going to law school.”

“Law school?” I ask her, unable to resist kissing her lips again.

“I do most of the work now, but I’m useless when it comes to going in front of the court to fight for my clients. I want to be on the frontline, so that when people like you go to trial, you have someone who cares about what happens. When a person who has served their time comes up for parole, there should be someone with them who cares about their case. I want to do that.”

“So go to law school,” I tell her, feeling at peace with the world. I lay on my back and pull her over my body, so she straddles me.

“But if we have a baby…”

“We can do both. My hours are flexible at the shop. In fact, the boys can pretty much handle it without me. I might even bring Lenny in as a partner. He’s been doing it all since I’ve been gone anyways. I can stay home and take care of Maddie and any other baby we’re lucky enough to have.”

“Seems like you have this all worked out,” she says, and her smile speaks volumes, but it’s the tears in her eyes that tell me she’s happy.

“Pretty much. Now if you’d just get busy and do what you need to do.”

“Throw away my birth control?”

“Well that too, but I meant ride your man.”

“You’re not too tired?” She asks with a saucy grin.

“I’ve got a lot to make up for,” I tell her, groaning as she lifts up and wraps her hand around the base of my cock.

“We have time now, Max.” She says sliding down on my shaft.

“That we do, Kitten. That we do,” I agree, taking her mouth with mine.

As she starts riding me, I realize that Tess has done the impossible. She’s made me believe in fairytales.


And They Lived

Happily Ever After


Turn the Page for a sample of Book Two:

Unjustified Demands


Unjustified Demands






“Boss, we got a problem.”

I’m looking out, over the one-way window of my upstairs office that shows the bar and dance floor below. Here I was, thinking it was going to be a slow night. I own one of the premiere nightclubs in Miami and for the most part, things run smoothly. I have my fingers in a lot of pots though, so I can’t help but worry about what Joe deems a problem.

“What’s up, Joe?” Big Joe is my right-hand man and my number one bouncer. He can usually handle anything, so for him to come to me is enough to set off warning bells. I swivel my chair around to look at him.

“That kid you caught trying to sell his shit in the club last week?”


“He’s got family.”

“I fail to see why this concerns me, Joe.”

It sounds cold. Then again, I am fucking cold. I gave the kid two chances after pushing his crap in my club. He didn’t listen. The way I see it, three strikes, and you’re out. I’d already been more lenient with him than I would be others. He was so fucking young. Twenty-one. Young, dumb and full of cum. Hell at forty-two I’m starting to think I’m too damned old to be doing this job anymore. I have money—more than enough money. Maybe I should just seek out some sandy beach, and call it a day. Greece, maybe. My mother’s family was from there. Even if my mother was a fucking bitch, maybe I’ll have an affinity for the country.

“His sister has been making waves,” he says.

“Again, why do I care?” I ask, taking a drink of my Scotch. It’s aged perfectly and the burn, going down, soothes me.

“She’s been talking to the cops.”

“Fucking hell. What does she know?”

“Not a lot. But you know the badges. They hear your name, and they’re going to come running.”

I sigh. He’s not wrong. They just hear the name Roman Anthes, and they descend on my club, my company and any holdings I have; poking around. Since I’m trying to broker a deal to get into bed with the Russians that could be disastrous right now.

“Where is this sister?”

“That’s just it, boss. You just hired her.”

“I haven’t hired anyone here at the club in months,” I argue. I’m very careful about the workers I hire. I make sure I have them all vetted out carefully and meticulously.

“Not here. She started work at The Dive.”

“Waitress?” The Dive is a strip joint on the edge of the low-rent side of town. I won the fucking thing in a card game. Had plans for selling it off, just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

“Dancer. You gave Yoly the okay to hire her a couple of weeks ago. She’s starting to get pretty popular. Yo says business has tripled since she started.”

“Does she have any idea who she works for?”

“Don’t see how she could boss. No one knows you won the place, and those papers are buried and tangled so deep, even the feds couldn’t find them.”

“Do you have her file?”

“Sure thing,” he says, passing a plain manila folder to me.

“What do we have on her?” I ask, opening the folder and moving my fingers over the glossy 5”x7” picture stapled to the application. It’s a blonde with medium length hair that is cut to curl toward her face and accent her strong cheekbones. Her eyes are blue and the color of the sky. I have all my dancers photographed in nothing but their underwear, and she’s definitely got the body to make men beg. I thumb through the rest of it quickly.

“Just what’s in the file, boss. Well, that and obviously her affection for her brother.”

“What did we do with the little fucker?” I ask him, my eyes keep going back to the photo of the blonde.

“He’s at the warehouse. You have him in one of the containers.”

“So, not yet, dead.”

“No, but only because Bruno has been out for his kid’s surgery.”

“How is Thomas?”

“It was a success, thanks to your generosity. Thomas may even be able to walk after some therapy.”

“Good, good. Tell Bruno to hold off.”

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking the asshole might yet prove of use to me,” I tell him without expanding. He knows me well enough that he just closes the door leaving me to my thoughts.

Ana Stevens. The pretty blonde dancer has no idea what trouble she just landed into. I reach down and adjust my cock because the son of a bitch has been rock hard since looking at Ana’s picture. Why does it suddenly feel like my day is looking up?

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